Memorable Manitobans: Memorable Manitobans Index: H

Browse surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Browse deaths occurring in:
1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

Haas, Miroslawka “Maara” (1920-2012)

Habel, Ronald Thomas “Ron Able” (1951-2009)

Habing, Gerald Frederick (1908-1984)

Hacault, Antoine (1926-2000)

Hackett, John Alan (1920-2009)

Hackett, William Greenwell (1863-1930)

Hackland, Gilbert Spence (1828-1901)

Hackney, David M. (1884-1946)

Hadcock, Grace Laura Wikoff (1876-1947)

Hadcock, Herbert Ross (1877-1966)

Haddad, Joseph (1917-2010)

Haddad, Sherrold Jack “SJ” (1929-2020)

Hadden, Agnes Howland Conly (1886-1983)

Haddow, John (1855-1932)

Hadskis, George Hugh (1838-1915)

Haese, Philip Neal “Phil” (1932-2015)

Haffner, Ernest Forster (1876-1942)

Haffner, John (1848-1921)

Hafichuk, Ernest Joseph (1928-2016)

Hagel, Nathaniel Francis (1846-1915)

Hagen, Victor J. (1918-2001)

Haggart, Alexander (1848-1927)

Hague, Clifford Clarke (1853-1927)

Hague, Ernest William J. (1866-1948)

Haid, Marshall Ernest (1937-2012)

Haig, Graeme Thomson (1923-1993)

Haig, James Campbell (1909-1980)

Haig, John Thomas (1877-1962)

Haig, Joseph (1849-1942)

Haig, Kennethe McMahon (c1886-1977)

Haight, John Harrison (1858-1937)

Haight, Ellen Agar (1875-1947)

Haiko, William (1925-2014)

Haines, Howard Robert (1891-1974)

Halcrow, Gideon (1852-1920)

Halcrow, Horace (1882-1945)

Haldane, John (c1775-1857)

Haldor “Hallie” “Slim” Halderson (c1899-1965)

Haldorson, Haldor (1875-1951)

Hales, Benjamin Jones (1868-1945)

Hales, Robert Dorrell (1859-1929)

Hales, William Edward (1882-1960)

Halford, George Thomas Clark (1857-1933)

Halkett, John (1768-1852)

Hall, Abraham Leonard (1863-1927)

Hall, Agnes Margaret Rife (1924-2019)

Hall, Arthur Edmund “Bert” (1920-2014)

Hall, Charles Wesley (1866-1945)

Hall, Clifford Delbert “Bill” (1920-1995)

Hall, Doris May (1919-2006)

Hall, Elmer Elsworth (1865-1939)

Hall, Faron (1964-2014)

Hall, Francis Gardner “Frank” (1914-1977)

Hall, Frederick James (1892-1977)

Hall, Frederick William (1885-1915)

Hall, Gavin Allan (1898-1948)

Hall, Gertrude May “Gertie” (1897-1960)

Hall, Gordon Clarke (1921-1990)

Hall, Grant (1863-1934)

Hall, Henry Francis “Frank” (c1907-1990)

Hall, James Arthur (c1923-1994)

Hall, James Deakin (1854-1936)

Hall, James Wallace (1935-2007)

Hall, John (1862-1930)

Hall, John Henry (1881-1950)

Hall, John Thomas (1858-1911)

Hall, Joseph Henry (1881-1919)

Hall, Kathleen (1943-2002)

Hall, Lloyd Levan “Van” (1939-2007)

Hall, Norma Jane (1919-2007)

Hall, Robert (1849-1911)

Hall, Robert Hanley (1850-1924)

Hall, Victoria Olive Crealock (1901-1971)

Hall, Walter Henry (1858-1906)

Hall, William (1863-1935)

Hall, William Benjamin (1833-1902)

Hall, William Cyrenius (1862-1920)

Hall, William Walter (1879-1931)

Halladay, Lillian Gertrude “Lily” (1890-1969)

Halldorson, Christian (1891-1956)

Halldorson, Daniel Albert “Dan” (1948-2015)

Halldorson, Elin Salome (1888-1970)

Halldorson, Kenneth “Ken” (c1939-2024)

Hallen, Eleanora “Nora” (1887-1983)

Hallen, George St. John Van (1851-1921)

Hallett, Frank Taylor (1873-1941)

Hallett, William (1811-1873)

Hallgrimson, Leifur Julius (1928-1991)

Hallgrimson, Lindal Josafat (1882-1968)

Hallgrimsson, Fridrik (1872-c1925)

Halliday, Daniel Cameron (1882-1934)

Halligan, Thomas Walter (1875-1934)

Hall-Jones, Marshall (1865-1927)

Hallonquist, Andrew (1862-1937)

Hallonquist, Ernest Eskil (1899-1952)

Hallonquist, Lillian Margaret Travers (c1901-1985)

Hallonquist, William Andrew (1931-2002)

Halls, Frank Ernest (1872-1950)

Hallson, Kenneth Hallgrimur “Ken” (1923-2006)

Halpenny, Jasper (1869-1930)

Halpenny, Lillian Brown (1877-1956)

Halparin, Monte R. [Monty Hall] (1921-2017)

Halpin, Henry Ross (1854-1930)

Halprin, Joseph (1899-1980)

Halsall, Evelyn Beatrice (1919-2005)

Halstead, Barnard (1914-1995)

Halstead, Carl Nelson (1896-1957)

Halstead, William (1833-1905)

Halter, Aubrey Jay (1918-2008)

Halter, Gerald Sydney “Syd” (1905-1990)

Halter, Maurice (c1873-1962)

Ham, Alice Mary (1873-1936)

Ham, Arthur Egbert (1867-1931)

Ham, Catherine Penny (1946-1993)

Ham, George H. (1847-1926)

Ham, Ralph Carl (1902-1942)

Hamber, Frederick Edmund Marsh “Eric” (1853-1913)

Hambley, George Henry (1896-1983)

Hamblin, Kathleen Alice “Kay” (1923-2004)

Hamel, Gladys Mary (1911-2002)

Hamelin, Joseph (1873-1947)

Hamelin, Salomon (1810-1893)

Hamerton, John Laurence (1929-2006)

Hamerton, Robert William (1911-1990)

Hamilton, Adeline Elizabeth (1870-1940)

Hamilton, Alice Blanche Lewis (1913-1991)

Hamilton, Alvin Chown (1926-2014)

Hamilton, Belinda Elizabeth Johnston (1863-1930)

Hamilton, Charles Edward (1844-1919)

Hamilton, Daniel (1833-1899)

Hamilton, Daniel (1866-1935)

Hamilton, Daniel Roy (1892-1965)

Hamilton, Daniel Salmon (1864-1929)

Hamilton, Duncan McDonald (1874-1952)

Hamilton, Estelle Maud (1875-1946)

Hamilton, Ezra (1864-1931)

Hamilton, Frank Alvin Earnest (1881-1964)

Hamilton, Frederick Charles (1871-1949)

Hamilton, Frederick William (1910-1997)

Hamilton, Frederick Wilson Lewis (1879-1959)

Hamilton, George A. M. (1901-1976)

Hamilton, Gladys Lucilla Zell (1891-1963)

Hamilton, Hugh (1863-1941)

Hamilton, Ivan Lorne (1900-1985)

Hamilton, James Alan (1927-2004)

Hamilton, James Reid (1861-1954)

Hamilton, James William (1865-1945)

Hamilton, John (1913-1944)

Hamilton, Jonathan Joseph (1850-1928)

Hamilton, Kenneth Morrison “Ken” (1917-2009)

Hamilton, Marjorie Violet (1928-2002)

Hamilton, Mary (1893-1985)

Hamilton, Mary Riter (1869-1954)

Hamilton, Robert (1842-1911)

Hamilton, Robinson Erle (1892-1965)

Hamilton, Thomas Glendenning (1873-1935)

Hamilton, William (1856-1922)

Hamilton, William Cleland (1881-1943)

Hamilton, William Homer (1913-1997)

Hamilton, William Oliver (1875-1924)

Hamm, Heinrich “Henry” H. (1877-1962)

Hamm, Johann “John” (1925-2017)

Hamman, Alfred (1866-1958)

Hammerquist, Gail Elizabeth Parvin (1937-1994)

Hammond, Geraldine “Gerrie” (?-1992)

Hammond, John Alfred (1898-1988)

Hammond, William John (1851-1926)

Hammonds, Laura Marguerite Fisher (1902-1989)

Hamovich, Ralph (1916-2008)

Hample, Adolph Gideon (1859-1899)

Hample, Martha Jane Richards (1859-1927)

Hampton, William John (1875-1963)

Hanbury, Frances Maud Garton (1893-1980)

Hanbury, John (1855-1928)

Hanbury, William (1858-1940)

Hancock, Gordon (1924-2001)

Hand, Clarence Harold (1894-1974)

Hand, James Albert (1878-1966)

Handscomb, Aquilla Barber (1835-1908)

Handscomb, Charles Wesley (1867-1906)

Handscomb, Sidney Till (1868-1926)

Hanen, Marsha Pearlman (1936-2019)

Haney, John Raglan (1855-1937)

Hanford, Robert Gilmore (1885-1964)

Hanks, Alfred William “Bill” (1894-1985)

Hanley, Charles Herman (1869-1935)

Hanna, Alfred H. (1878-1961)

Hanna, David Blyth (1859-1938)

Hanna, William Fielding (1892-1972)

Hannah, Jean Lucille (1925-2005)

Hannah, John (1857-1923)

Hannah, Murray Gibson (1925-2017)

Hannah, Richard Harold “Doc” (1916-1990)

Hannesson, Hannes Marino (1884-1958)

Hannibal, Emmett Ronald (1944-2005)

Hannibal, Francis John “Frank” (1892-1959)

Hannon, Gordon Edward “Gord” (1961-2020)

Hansell, Brian William (1942-2011)

Hansell, Roger James (1929-2019)

Hansen, Clifford Peter (1905-1986)

Hansen, H. Jacob (1890-?)

Hansen, Henry Peter (1856-1931)

Hansen, John F. (1875-?)

Hansen, Stefan (1910-1961)

Hansford, Edwin Arnold (1895-1959)

Hansford, Jeffery Ellery (1864-1932)

Hanson, Harold Stuart (1891-1984)

Hanson, Robert John “Bob” (1947-2002)

Hansson, Skuli (1880-1961)

Harapiak, Harry Myrislaw (1938-2000)

Harbottle, George William (1939-2012)

Harcourt, William Lyon (1846-1921)

Harder, Frank Jacob (1906-1998)

Hardie, Herbert James (1869-1933)

Harding, Godfrey (1942-2022)

Harding, Malcolm Taylor MacAdam (1863-1949)

Hardisty, Richard (1832-1889)

Hardy, Jackson Alexander (1924-2006)

Hardy, James Robert William (1921-2008)

Hardy, Joseph Robson (1890-1966)

Hardy, Vivian Clarkson “Clark” (1897-1982)

Hare, John Harold “Jack” (1920-2009)

Hargraft, Alexander Ross (1860-1919)

Hargrave, James (1798-1865)

Hargrave, John G. (1856-1931)

Hargrave, Joseph James (1841-1891)

Hargrave, Joshua Willis (1868-1944)

Hargrave, Letitia MacTavish (1813-1854)

Hargrave, William (1838-1923)

Harkness, David Bruce (1872-1948)

Harkness, Matthew Henry (1872-1963)

Harkness, Peter (c1845-1896)

Harland, George Hubert (1869-1955)

Harland, Garnet Robson (1914-1993)

Harland, Hartley Johnson (1903-1990)

Harland, Joan Mary (1914-2016)

Harland, Robert Thompson (1917-2004)

Harley, Hugh (1848-1918)

Harman, Reginald Lewis “Reg” (1897-1964)

Harmon, Daniel Williams (1778-1843)

Harmon, David Glen (1921-2007)

Harp, Herbert Frederick “Bert” (1904-1990)

Harper, Charles (c1902-1965)

Harper, Elijah (1949-2013)

Harper, George (1856-1916)

Harper, George H. (1858-?)

Harper, George Mitchell “Scotty” (1888-1969)

Harper, Hilton Clarence (1914-2005)

Harper, John H. (1956-2004)

Harper, John Joseph (1951-1988)

Harper, Magnus (1852-1928)

Harper, Margaret Anne (1867-1947)

Harper, William Arthur (1879-1962)

Harpley, Morag Kathrina Lorimer (1895-1991)

Harrington, Thomas M. (1847-1937)

Harrington, William James (1871-1941)

Harriott, John Edward (1797-1866)

Harris, Arthur Augustus (1903-1982)

Harris, Edward John (1862-1953)

Harris, Florence Ada (1903-1983)

Harris, Florence Margaret (1911-2004)

Harris, George Ferland Rykert (1849-1938)

Harris, George Henry (1870-1954)

Harris, James Julian “Jim” (1923-2011)

Harris, John Walter (1845-1926)

Harris, John Wesley (1866-?)

Harris, Joseph (1892-1976)

Harris, Lemuel (1907-1996)

Harris, Percy Dewart (1871-1953)

Harris, Raymond Hamilton (1926-2016)

Harris, Robert James “Bob” (1934-2019)

Harris, Susan Elizabeth Smith (1858-1918)

Harrison, Abram William (1898-1979)

Harrison, Auguste (1836-1920)

Harrison, Charlotte Annie Williams (1919-2014)

Harrison, David Howard (1843-1905)

Harrison, Ethel Doreen (1932-2009)

Harrison, Frederick Cecil “Fred” (1923-2004)

Harrison, Frederick William “Fred” (1878-?)

Harrison, Herman B. (1869-1930)

Harrison, Lily Amelia (1882-1968)

Harrison, Murray Neil (1935-2025)

Harrison, Pearl Nama Broadworth (1885-1969)

Harrison, Richard Moorsom (1862-1925)

Harrison, Robert (1883-1953)

Harrison, Thomas James (1885-1964)

Harrold, Cyril Guy (1895-1929)

Harrop, Benjamin Nelson (1894-1986)

Harrower, James (1833-1892)

Harry, Lawrence Douglas (1934-2006)

Harstone, Archibald (1860-1916)

Harstone, Frederick Stevenson (1865-1947)

Hart, John Arthur (1857-1946)

Hart, Lyna (c1954-2015)

Hart, Margaret Elder (1907-2008)

Hart, Theodore Harold Parmiter (1878-1944)

Hart, Thomas (1835-1912)

Hart, Walter T. (1867-1948)

Harte, Edwin Charles “Ed” (1888-1974)

Hartley, David Joseph (1871-1952)

Hartley, Thomas Leonard (1869-1952)

Hartley, William Christopher (1869-1936)

Hartman, Erna Freida Emma (1901-1994)

Hartman, James Barclay (1925-2009)

Hartmier, John George (1875-1949)

Hartney, James Harvey (1848-1924)

Harvard, John (1938-2016)

Harvey, James Graham (1840-1923)

Harvey, James Graham (1869-?)

Harvey, John Gurzon (1906-1970)

Harvey, Lois Ada Dalrymple Logan (1891-1987)

Harvey, Maurice Andre Joseph (1927-1992)

Harvey, Murray O'Neill (1931-2024)

Harvey, Norman Gilbert “Norm” (1925-2023)

Harvey, Sanford Stephen (1911-1980)

Harvey, William (1864-1933)

Harvey, William Nelson “Nels” (1907-2004)

Harwood, Henry “Harry” (1945-2006)

Harwood, Oscar Lavelle (1881-1945)

Harwood, Robert Owen “Bob” (1919-2010)

Hasiuk, Borden (1947-2021)

Hasker, Bryant Moloy (1932-1999)

Haslam, John Heber (1863-1924)

Hassall, Thomas (c1811-1846)

Hassard, George Alexander (1875-1944)

Hassard, Harvey Jason (1878-1939)

Hassard, John “Jack” (1912-1979)

Hassett, Margaret Annie Witty (1914-2012)

Hasslefield, Charles F. (1876-?)

Hastings, George Victor (1853-1928)

Hastings, William Henry (1858-1940)

Hatch, Henry William Royce (1902-1975)

Hatch, Lloyd Montgomery (1914-1989)

Hatch, Winnifred Isabelle Steen “Winnie” (1911-2000)

Hatcher, Albert James (1880-1970)

Hatcher, Harold Coveney (1903-1972)

Hathaway, Neil Buchanan (1943-2015)

Hatskin, Benjamin (1917-1990)

Hattin, Walter B. (1869-?)

Haugsoen, Knut Eide (1935-2011)

Haukaness (Haukness), Lars (1863-1929)

Havelock, Charles William (1906-2000)

Havens, Betty J. (1936-2005)

Haverson, John Henderson (1854-1932)

Haward, Elizabeth (1888-1989)

Hawash, Mohamed El-Sayed “Mo” (c1937-2023)

Hawerchuk, Dale Martin (1963-2020)

Hawirko, Roma Zenovea (1919-2011)

Hawken, Ralph Edward (1913-1943)

Hawker, James William (1870-1941)

Hawkes, Frederick (1892-1998)

Hawkins, Charles James (1888-1951)

Hawkins, Edward Widlake (1913-1995)

Hawkins, Kerry Lloyd (1940-2017)

Hawkins, Roberts (1879-1962)

Hawley, Albert Townsend (1877-1960)

Hawn, George Nelson (1913-1989)

Haworth, James Chilton (1923-2014)

Haworth, Robert James (1853-1932)

Hawryluk, John Martin (1910-1975)

Hawrysh, Michael (1937-2013)

Hay, Arthur George (1862-1931)

Hay, Charles (1843-1924)

Hay, Edward Henry George Gunson (1840-1918)

Hay, Frances Ann (c1883-1915)

Hay, J. C. (?-?)

Hay, James Gray (1874-1950)

Hay, James Kidd (1879-1976)

Hay, Robert (1838-1913)

Hay, Thomas (1872-1939)

Hay, William (1866-1947)

Hayes, Denis William (1925-2005)

Hayes, Glenn Currie (1953-2024)

Hayes, Kate Simpson (1857-1945)

Hayes, Robert Beverley “Bob” (1931-2020)

Hayes, Robert John (1885-1933)

Hayden, Samuel Melville (1858-1934)

Hay-Holowko, Oleksa “Alex” (1910-2006)

Hayka, Jennie Marion Slawinski (1927-2016)

Hayles, Charles Edward “Charlie” (c1885-1952)

Hayles, Helen Frances (1929-2021)

Haynes, Piercy Augustus “Percy” (1911-1992)

Hayter, Florence Irene Robinson (1901-1948)

Hayter, Russel Henry (1905-1962)

Hayward, Cyril Frederick (c1897-1974)

Hayward, Lloyl Truman (1880-1969)

Haywood, George Edgar (c1902-1985)

Hazell, Charles Robert “Bob” (c1934-2011)

Hazelton [Hazleton], Herbert Torrence (1868-1939)

H’damani (c1831-1912)

Head, Bruce (1931-2009)

Head, Edward (1931-2009)

Head, Edward Francis (1854-1924)

Head, Margaret [Marguerite] Wyckstandt (1917-2004)

Head, Sampson Leslie (1850-1941)

Headlam, Archibald Macdonald (1872-1943)

Headlam, Lavinia Moore “Venie” (1910-1992)

Healey, Frederick Patrick “Pat” (1942-2023)

Healy, William James (1867-1950)

Heaman, William George (1903-1989)

Heaney, Emerson Jonathan (1889-1963)

Heap, Frederick (1872-1959)

Heap, James (1830-1909)

Heaps, Abraham Albert (1885-1954)

Heapy, Clarence Edgar “Curly” (1905-1981)

Heapy, Wilfrid Dickson (1901-1980)

Hearn, Albert Edward (1871-1937)

Hearn, Bernice Geraldine (1915-2001)

Hearn, Amy Browning (1861-1943)

Heaney, Alvin Corbett (1911-1989)

Hearne, Samuel (1745-1792)

Heaslip, Otto Edward (1890-1969)

Heasman, Henry Gledhill “Harry” (1870-1955)

Heath, William (1862-?)

Heathcote, Arthur V. (1877-?)

Heathcote, Francis Cooke (1868-1961)

Heather, Allison Fulton James (1905-1989)

Heaton, Leonard Dunstan (1894-1963)

Heber, Elly Lydia Hundt (1914-2003)

Hebert, J. Albert (1880-1939)

Hebert, Jean-Baptiste Theobald (1894-1972)

Hebert, Kathleen Edith “Kay” (1917 - 2002)

Hector, James (1834-1907)

Hedges, Patrick Henry (c1883-1957)

Hedley, Harvey Edgar (1926-2014)

Hedley, Marcus Oswald (1867-1930)

Hedley, Robert Lloyd (1920-1982)

Hedlin, Ralph Olaf (1920-2008)

Hedlin, Robert A. “Bob” (1921-2004)

Heeney, Arnold D. (1902-1970)

Heeney, Isabelle Burton Allan (1902-1996)

Heeney, William Bertal (1873-1955)

Heffelfinger, George W. P. (?-1970)

Heffelfinger, George W. P. (1926-2018)

Heffelfinger, Jane Sayler (?-2011)

Heft, Min “Molly” (c1905-1991)

Heggie, Vyrna Alice Havard (1924-1994)

Hehn, Lorne Frederick John (1936-2015)

Heighton, James Leonard “Jim” (1944-2023)

Heilig, Abraham (c1871-1922)

Heimbecker, Norman George (1879-1963)

Heintz, Frank (1883-?)

Helgason, Gunnar Eythor (1922-2007)

Helgason, John Sigfus (1898-1978)

Helliwell, Charles Viney (1846-1931)

Helliwell, William Jones (1849-1922)

Helston, Maurice (1869-1931)

Heming, Keith Ian Munro (1943-2016)

Heming, Walter William (1875-1938)

Hemphill, H. David (1933-2009)

Hemsworth, Edward Alfred (1872-1955)

Hemsworth, Gerald Alfred John “Jerry” (1911-2005)

Hemsworth, Irene Heywood (1912-1989)

Henday, Anthony

Henders, Richard Coe (1853-1932)

Henderson, Andrew (1914-1990)

Henderson, Angus (1825-1901)

Henderson, Anne Matheson Gordon (1896-1985)

Henderson, Dorothy Horne Campbell (1916-2009)

Henderson, Edward “Ted” (1877-1971)

Henderson, Frederick George Augustus (1849-1929)

Henderson, George Lindsay (1916-2008)

Henderson, Gordon Alexander (1920-1993)

Henderson, Harold Lloyd (1907-1993)

Henderson, Henry Ernest (1852-1927)

Henderson, James (c1846-1919)

Henderson, James Belfry (1859-1934)

Henderson, James Selby (1878-1957)

Henderson, John (1841-1922)

Henderson, John Clarke (1861-1943)

Henderson, John K. “Jack” (1927-2012)

Henderson, Robert B. “Bert” (1882-1951)

Henderson, Ruth Annie Fairlie (1904-1992)

Henderson, Samuel (1875-1948)

Henderson, Samuel Robert (c1790-1864)

Henderson, Samuel Robert (1863-1928)

Henderson, Stanley Corbett “Stan” (1910-1997)

Henderson, William (1859-1921)

Henderson, William Alexander (1852-1930)

Henderson, William George (1881-1911)

Henderson, William Goold (1850-?)

Henderson, William James (1876-1945)

Hendry, Helen (1850-?)

Hendry, Thomas Best (1929-2012)

Hendry, William Alexander “Bill” (?-2003)

Henley, Lorraine Evelyn (1944-2018)

Hennan, J. H. (?-1975)

Henneberg, Carl Clifford (1906-1986)

Hennessy, Patrick (1885-1940)

Henning, Douglas James (1947-2000)

Henning, Elizabeth “Ma” (1933-2009)

Henrichsen, Ernst “Ernie” (1953-2006)

Henry, Albert (1857-1937)

Henry, Alexander (the Younger) (?-1814)

Henry, Alexander (c1885-1966)

Henry, Ann Maud Donnelly (1914-2000)

Henry, Howard Robert Lawrence (1884-1955)

Henry, Loa (1938-2020)

Henry, Patrick James (1878-1959)

Henry, Robert (1778-1859)

Henry, Samuel James “Sugar Jim” (1923-2004)

Henry, William (c1783-c1864)

Hensley, Charles Arthur Edward (1892-1984)

Hensley, Olive Adeline Armstrong (1893-1980)

Henson, Ivy E. Pervice (?-?)

Henteleff, Yehuda Maurice “Yude” (1927-2024)

Henwood, Lloyd Mutchmore (1912-1996)

Hepburn, Joyce Gardner Holmes (?-2006)

Heppner, Maxwell (1881-1957)

Herbert, Jack Douglas (1920-1979)

Herbert, William B. (1874-1919)

Herbst, Samuel (c1892-1960)

Herchmer, Lawrence William (1840-1915)

Hergesheimer, Philip “Nip” (1914-2004)

Hergesheimer, Walter Edgar (1927-2014)

Herkes, Henrietta Beveridge (1899-1988)

Herklots, Hugh Gerald Gibson (1903-1971)

Hermaniuk, Maxim (1911-1996)

Hern, William (1848-1925)

Herriot, Archibald Adam (1881-1956)

Herriot, George Henry (c1882-1966)

Herriot, John G. “Jack” (1916-2003)

Herriot, William (1843-1927)

Herriot, William (1862-1943)

Herrndorf, Peter Alexander (1940-2023)

Herron, Albert Lee (1895-1970)

Herron, Shaun (1912-1989)

Hershfield, Earl Samuel (c1934-2022)

Hershfield, Leible (1909-1999)

Hersom, Naomi L. (1927-2008)

Herst, Max C. (1926-2018)

Herstein, Harvey Hymie (1914-1996)

Heshka, George Nicholos (1933-2021)

Heshka, Lorne George (1941-2023)

Heslip, John E. (1870-1955)

Hespeler, William (1830-1921)

Hesson, Frederick Henry (1858-1918)

Hesson, Hilda (1883-1968)

Hetherington, Albert Edward (1867-1928)

Hetherington, Evelyn Guy (1888-1973)

Hetherington, Robert Briggs (1844-1920)

Hettle, John (1842-1897)

Heubach, Claude Campbell (1886-1955)

Heubach, Frederick William (1859-1914)

Heurter, Frederick Damien (?-?)

Hewak, Benjamin (1935-2017)

Hewitt, James Wesley (1876-?)

Hewitt, Noah (1856-1919)

Hextall, Bryan Aldwyn (1913-1984)

Heys, Ernest Sidney (1903-1979)

Hick, Elizabeth (1886-1959)

Hickey, Hugh James (1868-1947)

Hickling, Archibald George (1910-1968)

Hickman, Roger Newell (1904-1985)

Hicks, Anna Kennedy (1896-1982)

Hicks, Evelyn Rhena (1899-?)

Hicks, Harvey Elgin (1865-1940)

Hicks, James Henry (c1881-1960)

Hicks, John Christie (1856-1917)

Hibbert, Robert James “Bob” (1938-2019)

Hiebert, Earle Roy (1932-2023)

Hiebert, Gerhard (1868-1934)

Hiebert, Paul Gerhardt (1892-1987)

Higgens, Edwin Charles “Ted” (1882-1957)

Higginbotham, Joseph Frederick (1868-?)

Higgins, Arthur Fenwick (1864-1954)

Higgins, Benjamin Atkin (1887-?)

Higgins, Eliza May Bissett (1885-1961)

Higgins, John (1807-1884)

Higgins, Joseph W. (1877-?)

Higginson, Henry Ahern (1856-1895)

Higham, James (1863-1909)

Highway, Rene (c1953-1990)

Hignell, Jack Raymond (1930-2015)

Hild, Kurt (c1927-1967)

Hildahl, Kenneth Allan “Ken” (1950-2011)

Hildahl, Vern (1917-2005)

Hildebrand, Gerhard “Jerry” (1929-2016)

Hildebrand, Henry D. “H. D.” (1927-2015)

Hildebrandt, Walter Harold (1951-2021)

Hilderman, Garry (1940-2016)

Hildes, John Arthur “Jack” (1918-1984)

Hilgenga, Jan K. “John” (1906-1992)

Hill, Albert (1882-1941)

Hill, Alfred (1850-1907)

Hill, Alfred Edward (1859-1953)

Hill, Alan Ridgeway (1891-1931)

Hill, Alvin James (1922-2010)

Hill, Christopher (1846-1912)

Hill, Irene Catlett (1903-1996)

Hill, James Jerome (1838-1916)

Hill, Jocelyn (1954-2006)

Hill, John James “Jack” (1916-1977)

Hill, John Kelly (1871-1934)

Hill, Joyce Patricia (c1928-2014)

Hill, Margaret Walker Mowat (?-2006)

Hill, Nicholas “Nick” (c1932-2003)

Hill, Robert Brown (1838-1900)

Hill, Thomas (1849-1917)

Hill, Thomas Alexander (1908-1991)

Hill, William Henry Beck “Harry” (1857-1940)

Hill, Wilson (1852-1929)

Hillhouse, Thomas Paterson (1896-1991)

Hilliard, Robert “Bob” (1947-2021)

Hillier, William (?-?)

Hillis, James Henry (1857-1933)

Hillman, James Arthur (1919-2007)

Hills, Percy Douglas (1883-1954)

Hime, Humphrey Lloyd (1833-1903)

Hinch, Herbert Henry (1872-1958)

Hinch, Robert Ogden (1926-2002)

Hinch, Simpson Pelissier (1855-1941)

Hind, E. Cora (1861-1942)

Hind, Henry Youle (1823-1908)

Hind, Jack (1891-1950)

Hind, Terrance John Edgar (1920-2007)

Hind, William George Richardson (1833-1889)

Hinds, Fred (?-?)

Hinds, George Oswald (1906-1969)

Hindson, Thomas Cooper (1852-1934)

Hines, John Hanlon (1879-1920)

Hines, John (1850-1931)

Hinks, Cecil Charles David (1915-1942)

Hinton, William Pittman (1871-1955)

Hinz, Evelyn Janette (1938-2002)

Hirsch, Gunter Helmut (1951-2004)

Hirsh [Hirsch], Harry (1880-?)

Hirsch, John Steven (1930-1989)

Hirschfield, Abraham Aubrey “Oz” (1924-2008)

Hirst, Glen Edward (1941-2009)

Hiscox, James Franklin (1888-1983)

Hislop, Charles (1841-1919)

Hislop, Mary Anderson (1846-1928)

Hislop, Helen Browne “Nellie” (1872-1958)

Hitchcock, Violet Georgina (1917-2014)

Hjalmarson, John Handford (1930-1989)

Hjartarson, Eric V. (c1917-1970)

Hladun, Ronald Michael “Roman/Ron” (1927-2016)

Hlady, Walter Maxwell (1924-1986)

Hlynka, Isydore (1909-1983)

Hnatiuk, Dmytro W. “Dan” (1912-2005)

Hoag, Lorne D. (1944-2001)

Hoar, Charles Millard “Charlie” (1885-1969)

Hobbs, James Aaron (1863-1932)

Hobbs, Margaret Frances Jackson (1909-1997)

Hobbs, Wilfrid Ernest “Bill” (1887-1982)

Hobson, Gary Ross (c1927-1976)

Hochbaum, Hans Albert (1911-1988)

Hockin, Edith Prudence (1903-1991)

Hodge, F. Andrew (1922-1985)

Hodgins, William James (1853-1935)

Hodgkinson, Brian Gilmore (1914-1999)

Hodgkinson, Frederick Adam (1912-2004)

Hodgson, Edwin Davis (1911-1944)

Hodgson, Harold Cleveland (1883-?)

Hodgson, Mary Edna Anderson (1910-1998)

Hodgson, Robert Thomas (1864-1950)

Hodgson, Thomas Rupert (1910-1962)

Hodkinson, Benjamin (1864-1948)

Hodson, Bernard Ashworth (1928-2014)

Hoeschen, Richard Duncan (1960-2002)

Hoey, Robert Alexander (1883-1965)

Hoffer, Ephriam Ian (1921-1991)

Hoffman, Arthur Rudolph (1919-1980)

Hoffman, Katherine Elizabeth Nutter “Liz” (1951-2006)

Hofley, Deane McArthur (1928-2002)

Hofley, John Randall (1939-2021)

Hogan, Jack Howard (1931-2000)

Hogan, Terrence Patrick “Terry” (1937-2007)

Hogarth, John Coleman (1855-1949)

Hogg, Arlie Emma Harrison (1895-?)

Hogg, Joseph (1841-1906)

Hogg, Thomas Rutherford (1861-1937)

Hokanson, Frederick “Fred” (c1875-1955)

Hokanson, John Carlton (1901-1975)

Holden, Milton Carman (1903-1975)

Hole, Alfred (1881-1959)

Holenski, Ragnheidur Evelyne Olafson (1935-2023)

Holland, Ethel Nancy Thomson (1913-2008)

Holland, Gordon William (1929-2024)

Holland, John Saws (1893-1987)

Holland, Ted “Dutch” (1937-2021)

Hollands, Ward (1883-1953)

Hollenberg, Charles H. (1930-2003)

Hollenberg, Jacob (1914-1999)

Hollenberg, Martin James “Marty” (1934-2021)

Holley, Thomas William (1860-1920)

Holliday, Emily Whyte “Ruth” (1914-2011)

Holliday, Robert “Bob/Doc” (1942-2022)

Hollies, John Stanley (1889-1916)

Holling, Alice Ann Dean (1867-1955)

Hollinger, Casimir “Cas” (1914-2001)

Hollingsworth, Henrietta E. (1883-?)

Holloway, Robert Richard “Bob” (1937-2025)

Holman, Benjamin H. (1848-1927)

Holman, Hugh Gordon (1881-?)

Holman, Jacob Hall (1853-1927)

Holmes, Francis Joseph Sloan (1908-1990)

Holmes, George William (c1874-?)

Holmes, John Arthur Lionel (1913-1968)

Holmes, Orville Ernest (1905-1987)

Holmes, Samuel Edward (1885-1974)

Holmes, Virgil Elroy (1927-1986)

Holmes, William James (1871-1951)

Holohan, Harry Kearney “Bud” (1931-2002)

Holowka, Yuriy “George” (1941-2005)

Holtby, Phyllis Margaret (1906-1993)

Home, Robert Henry (1862-1944)

Homer Dixon, Thomas Fraser (1871-1948)

Honeyman, Egbert Douglas (1886-1969)

Honnor, Clarence George (1894-1964)

Hood, Margaret Laidlaw [Wendy Warren] (1914-1967)

Hoogstraten, Cornelius “Neil” (1910-2003)

Hoogstraten, Jacob “Jack” (1908-1983)

Hooker, Frank William (1860-1935)

Hooker, Gordon Edward (1897-1979)

Hooker, Marion Nelson (1866-1946)

Hooker, Ruth Caroline (c1901-1957)

Hoole, Arthur Herbert (1889-1991)

Hoop, William H. “Bill” (1876-1928)

Hooper, Archibald Wesley (1868-1941)

Hooper, Harold Richmond (1872-1955)

Hooper, Hubert Harry (c1886-1963)

Hooper, James (1855-1923)

Hooper, John Simpson (1875-1940)

Hooper, Melvin L. “Mel” (1881-1971)

Hooper, Ronald Henry (1885-1969)

Hooper, Samuel (1851-1911)

Hooper, Walter Albert “Wally” (1930-2005)

Hooper, William Raymond “Ray” (1920-2005)

Hopkinson, Harry “Hap” (1914-1987)

Hopley, Robert William “Bob” (1933-2021)

Hopper, Clark Reid (1889-1972)

Hopper, Robert Milton (1895-1979)

Hopwood, Warren Jackson “Jack” (1914-1974)

Horch, Benjamin (1907-1992)

Horn, Alexander J. P. (1863-1944)

Horn, David (1849-1933)

Horn, Lucy Evaline Mills “Eva” (1907-1995)

Hornbeck, Hewitt Laird (1921-2010)

Horne, John William (1855-1917)

Horner, Ralph Joseph (1848-1926)

Horner, William (1860-1916)

Horsburgh, Victor Daniel (1865-1947)

Horton, George Edward (1874-1960)

Horwood, Victor William (1878-1939)

Hosie, Robert James (1866-1956)

Hoskin, Alfred Erskine (1872-1960)

Hoskin, Edward David Erskine (1919-1980)

Hoskin, James (1846-1927)

Hosmer, Charles Rudolph (1851-1927)

Hosmer, Edward Arthur Christopher (1853-1921)

Houck, Ervyn Milne (1905-1993)

Houck, James Norman (c1934-2010)

Houde, Celine Anna (1931-2021)

Hough, James Martin (1873-1953)

Hough, John Stanley (1856-1928)

Houghton, Andrew Charlton (1869-1943)

Houghton, Ronald Vernon (?-2002)

Houkes, Albert Lee (1868-1942)

Houser, George J. “Bob” (c1916-1988)

Housser, Frederick Broughton (1889-1936)

Housser, Harry Broughton (c1885-1957)

Houston, Herbert Clinton (1877-1911)

Houston, Jack Douglas (1936-2020)

Houston, James (1871-1936)

Houston, James Douglas “Doug” (1905-1985)

Houston, John (1848-1938)

Houston, John Donald (1856-1921)

Houston, Ronald Edward “Sam” (1935-1970)

Houston, William John (1876-1956)

Hovey, Lindsay Mansur (1902-1977)

Howard, Charles (1877-1955)

Howard, Gerry (1939-2015)

Howard, Horace Crafts (1865-1914)

Howard, John Armstrong (1888-1936)

Howard, John F. (1860-1926)

Howard, Kenneth Gilbert “Ken” (1925-2017)

Howard, Raymond E. (1935-1986)

Howard, Rice Meredith (c1849-1887)

Howard, Theodore Edward (1880-1960)

Howard, Thomas (1845-1903)

Howarth, James Rusk (1853-1902)

Howden, Charles Percival (1878-1951)

Howden, Gordon Thompson “Doc” (1875-1937)

Howden, James Henry (1860-1938)

Howden, John Power (1879-1959)

Howden, Robert James (1868-1943)

Howe, Joseph (1804-1873)

Howe, Joseph E. (1879-1952)

Howell, Delorie Wessels “Del” (1925-2008)

Howell, Gordon Stanley “Stan” (1927-2004)

Howell, Hector Mansfield (1842-1918)

Howes, Elihu Robert (1863-1943)

Howes, Frederick Llewellyn George “Llew” (c1883-1974)

Howison, Alan Grant (1932-2005)

Howse, Joseph (1775-1852)

Hrabinsky, Donald Kerry (1966-2002)

Hrushovetz, Michael (1887-1975)

Hryhor, Morris Miroslaw (1923-1987)

Hryhorczuk, Michael Nicholas (1905-1978)

Hryhorczuk, Nicholas Apoluner (1888-1979)

Hryhorka, Harry Onuphrius [Onufry Hryhorkiw] (1914-1988)

Hryniewiecki, Felix Nicholas Przegonia (1858-1940)

Hryniewiecki, Madeline (1914-1988)

Huband, A. Rolph (1929-2016)

Huband, Charles Richard (1932-2023)

Huband, Marilyn MacFarlane (?-2013)

Hubbard, Frederick Charles (1872-1930)

Hubble, Filmer Edwin (1904-1969)

Hubicz, Edward Michael (1912-1999)

Hudon, Joseph Alphonse (1886-1918)

Hudson, Albert Blellock (1875-1947)

Hudson, Bruce MacLean (1928-2016)

Hudson, Clifford Ross (1895-1960)

Hudson, Dorothy Irene Madill (1931-2014)

Hudson, Gordon Milford (1894-1959)

Hudson, Henry (?-1611)

Hudson, Horace Victor (1880-1943)

Hudson, John Edward (1917-2003)

Hudson, Oswald “Ozzie” (c1926-1987)

Huebert, Cornelius (c1905-1973)

Huff, Lorne (1938-2011)

Hugg, Jabez Bowen (1872-?)

Huggard, John Thompson (1867-1938)

Huggard, Richard Thompson (1834-1920)

Huggins, David Bruce (1879-1955)

Huggins, Donalda Margaret (1910-2002)

Huggins, Paulette Marie Gauthier (1966-2021)

Hughes, Anthony James (1859-1937)

Hughes, Clara Bain Dickson (1879-1964)

Hughes, Frank Eugene (?-1978)

Hughes, Harley Moody (1892-1957)

Hughes, Jonathan (1842-1938)

Hughes, Joseph Barry “J.B.” (1928-2000)

Hughes, Joseph Henry (1857-1917)

Hughes, Joseph Bradley (1955-2008)

Hughes, Kenneth Russell (1933-2016)

Hughes, Owen Tudor (1915-2004)

Hughes, Samuel (1873-1940)

Hughes, Thomas Alfred Martin (1868-1943)

Hughesman, Ronald Dale (1963-2014)

Hugill, William Meredith (1894-1963)

Hugo, Victor Harvey (1888-1972)

Hull, John Thomas (c1875-1952)

Hull, Robert Marvin “Bobby” (1939-2023)

Hull, William (1842-1908)

Hull, William Frederick (1866-1937)

Hull, William Lovell (1897-1992)

Hulme, James Thomas (1864-1938)

Hume, William George (1902-1967)

Humeniuk, Peter (1895-1985)

Hunchak, Emelia Marie Kishensky (1917-2006)

Hungerford, Samuel James (1872-1955)

Hunt, Edwar Gilbert (1876-1943)

Hunt, Frank Larned (1825-1903)

Hunt, Herbert Everett (1883-1962)

Hunt, Isabel Ross MacLean (1894-1990)

Hunt, James Leslie “Jim” (1953-2006)

Hunt, John D. (1861-1940)

Hunt, John MacLean (1920-1984)

Hunt, Percy Nimrod (1910-1990)

Hunt, Robert (1856-1936)

Hunt, Sarah Ann Thompson “Helen” (1908-2007)

Hunt, Theodore Alexander (1871-1934)

Hunt, William Harold (1884-1976)

Hunt, William Thomas (1888-1952)

Hunter, Alexander Jardine (1868-1940)

Hunter, Charles A. (1873-1955)

Hunter, Donald “Don” (1941-2019)

Hunter, George (1873-1952)

Hunter, George Richard “Dick” (1917-1995)

Hunter, Harry Bond (1904-1968)

Hunter, James (1817-1881)

Hunter, Roderick Oliver Alexander (1915-2001)

Hunting, Henry Dana (1880-1953)

Huntley, Grace Frances (1891-1977)

Huntley, Herbert Wellington (1879-1974)

Huot, Charles Etienne (1908-1985)

Huot, Jean-Marie (1918-2009)

Huot, Lucille Davis (?-1991)

Huot, Marie-Louise (1951-2015)

Hurd, William Burton (1894-1950)

Hurst, Albert Reginald (1892-1990)

Hurst, William (1877-1957)

Hurst, William Donald (1908-2000)

Hurt, Robert John (1861-1935)

Hurtig, Adolph (c1891-1949)

Hurtig, Jack Zane (1923-1999)

Hurtig, Larry (1937-2010)

Hurwitz, Harry (1900-1964)

Husack, Edward Andrew “Ed” (1940-2020)

Husband, Henry Aubrey (1844-1933)

Huska, Lawrence Paul (1936-2022)

Huston, Charles Andrews (1876-1922)

Huston, Harris Taylor (1914-1972)

Huston, James (1845-1922)

Hutcheon, Leslie “Les” (?-1999)

Hutchings, Cecil James (1897-1983)

Hutchings, Elisha Frederick (1855-1930)

Hutchins, Ernest J. (?-1935)

Hutchins, George William (1886-1965)

Hutchins, Thomas (?-1790)

Hutchinson, Hodgson Wilberforce (1862-1949)

Hutchison, James Nelson (1859-1945)

Hutlet, Apolline “Victorine” (1921-2007)

Hutton, George (1861-1942)

Hutton, George Henry Wilson (1922-1976)

Hutton, Gilbert Alexander Eugene “Bunty” (1908-1995)

Hutton, Miriam Freda Bennett (1932-2009)

Hutton, William J. “Bill” (1929-2022)

Huyshe, George Lightfoot (1839-1874)

Hwozdulych, George [Jurij] (1920-2002)

Hyde, Lloyd George “Jiggs” (1920-1985)

Hyde, Peter (1848-1915)

Hyde, Peter Lawrence (1884-1962)

Hyland, John Leonard [Leamond] “Jack” (1876-1964)

Hyman, Marcus (1883-1938)

Hyman, Walton Francis (1848-1914)

Hyndman, Charles Ormand (1876-1960)

Hyson, Henry Frederick (1904-1979)

Hysop, David (1834-1917)

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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