Memorable Manitobans: 2019

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2018 | 2020

The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2019:

Paul Vincent Coldrey Adams (1920-2019)

Paul Albrechtsen (1930-2019)

Edward Raymond “Ed” Arndt (1939-2019)

Janet Elizabeth Arnott (1956-2019)

Gerald Phillip “Gerry” Atwell (1959-2019)

Arend “Harry” Bakema (1952-2019)

Lawrence James “Lawrie” Barkwell (1943-2019)

Theodore Ivan “Ted” Bartman (1940-2019)

Leonard Arthur “Len” Bateman (1919-2019)

Alexander “Alex” Berman (c1924-2019)

Elizabeth “Betty” Blight (1944-2019)

Georges Boily (1926-2019)

Remi G. Bouchard (1936-2019)

Stuart Gordon “Stu” Briese (1946-2019)

Cyril William “Cy” Buckingham (1917-2019)

James William “Jim” Burns (1929-2019)

Christine Mary “Chris” Burrows (1940-2019)

Lois Cantin (1951-2019)

Bruce William “Hoagy” Carmichael (1934-2019)

Harold David Christie (1927-2019)

Leon Allen Cole (1939-2019)

Edward James “Ed” Connery (1933-2019)

John Philip Crabb (1929-2019)

Alan Livingstone Crossin (1929-2019)

Joseph Frederick “Joe” Cyr (1935-2019)

James Morgan Cuthbert “Jim” Daly (1927-2019)

Claire Elizabeth “Clara” Darvill (1943-2019)

Vera Marie Sopuck Derenchuk (1930-2019)

Anne Doherty (1935-2019)

Herbert Irvine “Herb” Dunn (1924-2019)

Alan Bardal Finnbogason (1921-2019)

Gustaf Hildebrandur “Gus” Finnson (c1934-2019)

William “Wild Bill” Flamond (1944-2019)

Norman Waldron “Wally” Fox-Decent (1937-2019)

Arnold Frieman (1928-2019)

Allan Kenneth “Ken” Gardner (1937-2019)

Duncan Edward Geisler (1948-2019)

R. Douglas “Doug” Gillmor (1930-2019)

Aileen Gleason (1924-2019) - MSM

Edward Joseph “Ted” Green (1940-2019) - SHOF

Doris Irene Penstock Greenshields (1925-2019)

Nestor Gylywoychuk (1936-2019)

Agnes Margaret Rife Hall (1924-2019)

Marsha Pearlman Hanen (1936-2019)

Roger James Hansell (1929-2019)

Robert James “Bob” Harris (1934-2019)

Andrew Alexander “Andy” “Spuds” Hebenton (1929-2019) - SHOF

Robert James “Bob” Hibbert (1938-2019)

Donald “Don” Hunter (1941-2019)

Joan Irene Margaret Ingram (1936-2019) - SHOF

Peter Isaak (1933-2019)

Ingthor Isfeld (1935-2019)

John H. Junson (1923-2019)

Patricia Alice Leyland Kaufert (1935-2019)

Mary Kelekis (c1925-2019)

Margaret June “Marg” Kentner (1945-2019)

Edward Lawrence King (1927-2019)

Ronald Crawford “Ron” Kirbyson (1937-2019)

Leonard “Len” Klady (c1951-2019)

William “Hunky Bill” Konyk (1931-2019)

Bonnie Catherine Grant Hunt Korzeniowski (1941-2019)

Philip (Filko) “Phil” Kozokowsky (1931-2019)

Sherman Lewis Kreiner (1953-2019)

Alice Bernice Keith Laing (1925-2019)

Evelyne Louise Anderson Lamont (1929-2019)

G. Herbert “Herb” Lawler (1923-2019)

Glen Harrison Lowther (1926-2019)

Laurie A. “Ali” Mainster (1925-2019)

William Robert “Bill” Martin (1929-2019)

George Ivan McBurney (1929-2019)

John Joseph McDonald (1934-2019)

David John “Dave” McDowell (1938-2019)

Gordon Wlliam McGarva (1935-2019)

Joseph Isidore Stanley “Joe” Meconse (1941-2019)

Dirk Gilbert “Dick” Mulder (1923-2019)

Robert Melville “Bob” Mummery (1947-2019)

Nathan “Nate” Nurgitz (1934-2019)

Mary Margaret Sparling Zubek Oliver (1934-2019)

Douglas Anderson “Doug” Parsonage (1950-2019)

Donald Henry Penny (1939-2019)

Harold Jackson “Jack” Perkins (1930-2019)

Michael Everett Joseph Phelps (1947-2019)

Robert John “Bob” Picken (1932-2019)

Franklin Paul “Frank” Pitura (1943-2019)

Mitchell “Mitch” Podolak (1947-2019)

Lawrence Oliver “Lawrie” Pollard (1928-2019)

Peter N. Porritt (1923-2019)

Doris Dowan Pratt (1936-2019)

Alexander Everett “Alex” Rattray (1933-2019)

Kathleen Margaret Richardson (1928-2019)

Roland “Red” Robert (1940-2019)

Donald Alexander “Don” Robertson (1935-2019)

Thomas Albert “Bert” Sandercock (1925-2019)

Leonore Marion Saunders (1925-2019)

Robert Leslie “Alf/Bob” Silver (1951-2019)

Berenice Barbara Warne Sisler (1924-2019)

Ralph Sotolov (1924-2019)

Kenneth Graham “Ken” Standing (1925-2019)

John Henry “Jack” Steinbring (1929-2019)

James Alexander “Alex” Stow (1928-2019)

Lawrence William “Lorne” Strick (1935-2019)

Andris Taskans (c1952-2019)

Marvin Terhoch (1947-2019)

Catherine Maria Slater Thexton (1921-2019)

Wilhelm Josef “Bill” Treidler (c1932-2019)

Penelope Helena Mastaway “Nellie/Pennie” Tuba (1923-2019)

Randall Kirk “Randy” Turner (1961-2019)

Ronald Edward Turner (1928-2019)

Zella Beryl French Vermeulen (1927-2019)

Alfred Abram “Alf” Warkentin (1941-2019)

If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2019, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.


This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 18 January 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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