Browse surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Browse deaths occurring in:
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Pace, Frederick William (1873-1952)
Pace, James Henry (1855-1937)
Pachal, Louis A. (1871-1925)
Packota, John Peter (1920-1994)
Padwick, “Paddy” Percy Graham (1888-1938)
Page, Eleanor (1890-1974)
Paget, Alfred Percy (1874-1960)
Paget, Anne Amelia McLean (1867-1922)
Pahtahsega, aka Peter Jacobs (c1807-1890)
Pain, Franklin Coulson (1884-1934)
Painchaud, Leona Florence Desrochers (1938-2014)
Painchaud, Robert P. (1941-1978)
Paine, Alfred Leroy (1901-1988)
Paine, Henry Joseph “Harry” (1933-2016)
Paisley, Ethel Alida (1873-1946)
Pajunen, Lydia (1884-1965)
Pakosh, Peter (1911-1999)
Paktong, Winifred Mar “Winnie” (1912-2013)
Pakulak, Allan John (1940-1973)
Palaschuk, Peter John (1930-1999)
Paley, Mary P. Kolodzinski (1917-2005)
Palk, Anna Bella Maclean (1844-1917)
Palk, Edward Andrews (1920-1998)
Palk, Helen (?-?)
Palk, Lawrence Frederick Betts (1885-1942)
Palk, William Lawrence (1912-2009)
Palliser, John (1817-1887)
Palmer, Arthur (1941-1924)
Palmer, Francis Lowell “Frank” (1906-1994)
Palmer, Frederick A. (1865-?)
Palmer, George Hastings (1881-1947)
Palmer, Grace Emma James (1874-1939)
Palmer, Violet Adeline Dale (1905-1988)
Palmer, William John (1874-1943)
Palmour, Ruth (c1923-2016)
Palson, Douglas A. “Doug” (1964-2025)
Palsson, Helga (1906-?)
Palud-Pelletier, Noëlie (1928-2022)
Pambrun, Pierre-Chrysologue (1792-1841)
Panaro, Mary Adamowska (1902-1989)
Pangman, Peter (1744-1819)
Pankratz, Ernest (1928-2015)
Pannell, Raymond George (1894-1936)
Panton, James Hoyes (1847-1898)
Pappas, Chrys (1943-2022)
Paquin, Yolande Thérèse Millier (1922-2012)
Paradis, Marie (?-2014)
Parado, Cornelio Gumayon “Neil” (1934-2011)
Paré, Théophile (1850-1926)
Parent, Jacques (1864-1918)
Parenteau, Pierre (1817-1893)
Parfitt, Gilbert C. (1886-1966)
Paris, Benoit (1913-2005)
Paris, Robert Cecil (1885-1964)
Parisien, Norbert (1814-1870)
Park, Michael M. (1946-2017)
Park, Robert Elphinstone (1885-1971)
Parker, Alfred Hallam (1905-1970)
Parker, Arthur E. (c1886-1953)
Parker, Benjamin Cronyn (1858-1919)
Parker, Benjamin Cronyn (1886-1951)
Parker, Byron William (1882-1975)
Parker, Charles C. (1877-?)
Parker, Charles Edward (1924-1979)
Parker, Elbridge Doty (1884-1981)
Parker, Elizabeth Fulton “The Bookman” (1856-1944)
Parker, Ernest Seaforth (1880-1946)
Parker, Harold Richard (1906-1993)
Parker, James Heron “Jim” (1876-1960)
Parker, James Leckie (1896-1995)
Parker, Lorne Edmund (1927-1990)
Parker, Matthew Archibald (1871-1953)
Parker, Maxwell Addison (1912-2004)
Parker, Murray Lyall (1936-2023)
Parker, Ruth (1894-1953)
Parker, William James (1896-1971)
Parkhill, John Hamilton (1869-1944)
Parkhill, Roy Hamilton (1931-2002)
Parkin, Arnold (1891-1948)
Parkinson, Caroline “Carrie” “Parkie” (1874-1962)
Parkinson, Dale Alwyn George (1941-2006)
Parkinson, Dwight (1916-2005)
Parkinson, Edward (1878-1953)
Parkinson, Elizabeth “Libby” (1921-2005)
Parkinson, Hazel Alexina McDonald (1898-1981)
Parkman, Francis (?-1893)
Parks, Mitchell (1917-2004)
Parliament, William Ralph “Speedy” (1900-1994)
Parnell, Edward (1859-1922)
Parobec, John (1928-2003)
Parr, Alfred Ernest “Alf” (1913-1998)
Parr, Cecil Albert (1872-1918)
Parr, Joan Oddny Asgeirson (?-2001)
Parr, Thomas Harbidge (1849-1914)
Parr, William H. (1862-1947)
Parr, William Joseph (1867-1943)
Parrington, John Dempster “Jack” (1933-2024)
Parrish, Frederick William (1894-1961)
Parrish, William Linton (1860-1949)
Parsonage, Douglas Anderson “Doug” (1950-2019)
Parsons, Ellen “Nettie” (1863-1938)
Parsons, John (?-?)
Parsons, Robin Chester (1890-1947)
Parsons, Silas Richard (1854-1932)
Parsons, Sydney John (1925-2015)
Parton, John (1878-1962)
Partrick, Nina Antoinnette Yaremovich (1907-1995)
Partridge, Edmund (1868-1955)
Partridge, Edward A. (1861-1931)
Partridge, John Frederick Archibald “Jack” (1912-1966)
Partridge, Robert Richard “Dick” (1921-1990)
Pashe, Michael (1925-2004)
Pasichny, Michael (1924-1997)
Paterson, Alexander Russell “Alex” (1882-1958)
Paterson, Cecille San Cartier Lanthier (1923-2017)
Paterson, David J. (1879-1975)
Paterson, Donald Savigny (1918-2006)
Paterson, Dudley Armand (1914-2003)
Paterson, Edith (1905-1905)
Paterson, Francis Charles (1865-1955)
Paterson, George (1857-1923)
Paterson, George Alexander (1868-1941)
Paterson, Hugh Savigny (1855-1936)
Paterson, James Alic (1865-?)
Paterson, Norman McLeod (1883-1983)
Paterson [Patterson], Robert Drummond (1835-1928)
Paterson, Robert Walter (1876-1936)
Patmore, Henry Lewis (1861-1946)
Patmore, Muriel May (1908-1999)
Patmore, Richard Henry (1903-1979)
Paton, David Gavin (1892-1990)
Paton, John (1857-1935)
Paton, William H. N. “Bill” (1944-2016)
Patriarche, Valance St. Just (1877-1970)
Patrician, John Michael (1950-2008)
Patrick, Lester “The Silver Fox” (1883-1960)
Patrick, Stephen Clifford (1932-2014)
Patrick, William (1852-1911)
Patterson, Alexander Bayne “Sandy” (1885-1959)
Patterson, Bertram Lyell “Ticker Taker” (1888-1963)
Patterson, David Alfred (1891-1974)
Patterson, Ephraim George (1846-1925)
Patterson, Harvey Norman Murray (1924-2014)
Patterson, James (1841-1925)
Patterson, James Colebrooke (1839-1929)
Patterson, Reginald Allan (1919-2009)
Patterson, William Smith (1904-1967)
Patteson, Walter Lewis Thomas (1886-1962)
Pattinson, Harry Richard (1852-1944)
Pattinson, Richard Randolph (1878-1954)
Pattison, James William (1860-1917)
Patton, Francis Lawrence (1857-1932)
Paul, Gilbert Ivan (1922-2004)
Paul, Henry Southwood “Harry” (1890-1969)
Paul, John Edwin (1874-1960)
Paulley, Andrew Russell (1909-1984)
Pauls, Jacob David “Jake” (1919-2012)
Paulson, Christian P. (1863-1953)
Paulson, Oscar (c1891-1969)
Paupenakis, Edward (1840-1911)
Pavlik, Otakar (1945-2006)
Pavlin, George (1928-2004)
Pawley, Howard Russell (1934-2015)
Pawlik, Andrew George (1902-1988)
Pawlik, Anellia “Nellie” (1913-2015)
Pawlowsky, Alexandra (1952-2008)
Paxton, John (1903-1990)
Payette, Marie Florina Odile [Sister Marie Florina of Sion] (1903-1989)
Payne, Henry Hugh “Harry” (1858-1941)
Payne, Thomas M. B. (c1918-1960)
Payne, Walter Frederick (1863-1930)
Payton, Herbert John (1879-1934)
Pazdor, John S. (1890-1967)
Peach, John Sawford (1883-1968)
Peach, John Whitmore “Jack” (?-2011)
Peachell, John Lawrence “Larry” (1942-2013)
Peacock, Maude Jarrett (1886-1973)
Peadon, Joseph Henry (1860-1923)
Pealapra, Louis (1880-1944)
Pearce, Florence Ferris (?-1981)
Pearce, Jack Lawrence (1923-2010)
Pearce, Ralph Murray (?-2002)
Pearce, Wilfred Gilbert (1893-1975)
Pearce, William (1848-1930)
Pearl, Bert (1913-1986)
Pearlman, Kerry Maxwell (1957-2005)
Pearn, James Urban “Jim” (1921-2014)
Pearn, Kenneth James (1947-2013)
Pearson, Alfred (1850-1921)
Pearson, Arthur Robert “Art” (1948-2022)
Pearson, Colin Hargreaves (1899-1980)
Pearson, Ernest William (1861-1936)
Pearson, Francis Edward Penrose “Frank” (1921-2004)
Pearson, Frank Bennett (1926-2009)
Pearson, George Russell (1906-1987)
Pearson, Marian Ruth Mathers (1925-1960)
Pearson, Nels (1887-1963)
Pearson, Percy Massey (1882-1952)
Pearson, Ralph McNeil (1892-1947)
Pearson, Thomas Burridge (1885-1972)
Pearson, William (1865-1940)
Peck, John W. (1850-1920)
Peden, David Murray (1923-2022)
Peden, Sherry Lynn Ward (1960-2018)
Peden, William John (1903-1991)
Pedley, Hugh (1852-1923)
Peebles, Adam John Laing (1812-1902)
Peel, William (1839-1932)
Peguis [William King] (c1774-1864)
Peirce, Sidney James Shepherd (1876-1951)
Pekary, David Wilfred (1926-2007)
Peleshok, Maurice Walter (1922-2013)
Pelissier, Alfred Robert “Fred” (c1915-1999)
Pellaers, Peter (1945-2004)
Pelland, Norbert (1899-1970)
Pelletier, Joseph Denis Marcel (1922-2012)
Pelletier, Robert “Bob” (1953-2002)
Pelly, Robert Parker (1790-1825)
Peloquin, Leo Joseph (1934-2011)
Peloquin, Paul Emile (1936-1974)
Peltier, Eugene J. (1869-1946)
Peltz, Edward “Ed” (1931-2016)
Pemberton, John Harold (1922-1974)
Pender, David Andrew (1849-1943)
Penman, Bertrand Rudolph “Bert” (1914-1984)
Penman, James (1848-1927)
Penn, Irma Rachel (1945-2013)
Pennefather, John Pyne (1833-1913)
Pennefather, Percival William (1866-1942)
Pennefather, Richard Fitzgerald “Gerald” (1862-1929)
Pennell, Gordon “Gord” (1929-2015)
Penner, David Paul (1958-2020)
Penner, David R. (1924-2009)
Penner, Donald Willis (1918-2004)
Penner, Elizabeth Johannovna (1909-2002)
Penner, Jacob (1880-1965)
Penner, Jacob Jacob (1891-1969)
Penner, James Russel “Jim” (1939-2004)
Penner, Norman (1921-2009)
Penner, Olga “Aunt Olly” (1929-2015)
Penner, Peter Victor Jacob “Vic” (1926-2022)
Pennington, Clifford R. “Cliff” (c1940-2020)
Pennock, Kathleen Eunice Everett (1922-2002)
Penny, Donald Henry (1939-2019)
Penrose, James (1845-1918)
Penrose, James Alexander Munroe (1892-1948)
Pentland, Barbara L. (1912-2000)
Pentland, Charles Frederick (1880-1963)
Pentland, H. Clare (1914-1978)
Pentland, Thomas Harry (1852-1912)
Penton, Terence “Terry” (1917-1985)
Pentreath, Edwyn Sandys Wetmore (1846-c1913)
Penwarden, Hugh Parsons (1910-1994)
Pepler, James Brown (1861-1919)
Pepper, Marion Winona Romanche [Romanczycz] (1912-1991)
Pepper, Miles H. (1930-2007)
Peppler, Rodnie Valley “Rod” (1934-2020)
Percival, Thomas May (1851-1936)
Perdue, Henry Stewart (1904-1979)
Perdue, William Egerton (1850-1933)
Peregrine, David (1955-1989)
Perfect, Mary Isabelle Brewster (1918-2012)
Perfect, Robert George (1882-1950)
Perkins, Harold Jackson “Jack” (1930-2019)
Perkins, William Forbes (1855-1948)
Perlman, J. Samuel (?-?)
Perras, Alice Marie Rousseau (1918-1983)
Perreault, Jeanne Lemaire (1918-2008)
Perreault, Marie Jeanne Pauline McDougall “Jean” (1908-1995)
Perrin, Gertrude Blanche (1903-2001)
Perrin, John Draper (1890-1967)
Perrin, John Draper “Jack” (1915-1992)
Perrin, Victor Lionel (c1955-2016)
Perrin, William (1846-1906)
Perron, Marie-Laure Delorme (1923-2024)
Perron, Wilfred Arcadius “Arky” (1916-1994)
Perry, Aaron Jenkins (1875-1952)
Perry, Donald Edward (1936-2004)
Perry, Edmund Guthrie (1873-1962)
Perry, Edna Lenora (1923-2020)
Perry, George Gilbert (1892-1971)
Perry, George Selby (1866-1948)
Perry, Reginald Jeremiah (1882-1958)
Perry, William Clyde (1924-2024)
Persse, John Thomas Blundell (1861-1927)
Persse, Robert G. (1879-1946)
Pesochin, Sam (1912-2006)
Petch, Virginia Phyllis (1946-2018)
Peter, Ken (1945-2011)
Peters, Douglas Dennison “Doug” (1930-2016)
Peters, Elisabeth Dyck (1915-2011)
Peters, Francis White (1860-1933)
Peters, Jacob (1813-1884)
Peters, Jacob Jacob “Jake” (1909-1979)
Peters, John Wesley (1863-1962)
Peters, Joseph (1888-1942)
Peters, Peter Jacob (1914-2012)
Peters, Samuel Frank (1847-1926)
Peters, Stephen (1912-1976)
Peters, Vernon “Vern” (c1927-1998)
Peters, Victor Alvin “Vic” (1955-2016)
Peters, Victor John (1915-1998)
Peters, Wilfrid Seymour (1888-1956)
Peters, William “Bill” (1924-2021)
Peters, William S. (1865-1952)
Peterson, Elof (1869-1950)
Peterson, John Alexius (1885-1959)
Peterson, Magnus (1883-1935)
Peterson, Rudolph Frederick (1900-1975)
Peterson, Theodore O. “Ted” (1901-1989)
Peto, Donald Herbert “Don” (1927-2007)
Peto, Leonard Donnelly (1918-2001)
Petrash, John (1933-2008)
Petryshyn, Theo. N. (1885-?)
Pettapiece, Ronald Keith (1926-2010)
Pettersen, Clarence (c1953-2018)
Petterson, Oscar (1879-1952)
Petty, Roy (1931-2005)
Petty, Thomas “Tom” (1890-1968)
Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry Charles Keith (Lord Lansdowne) (1845-1927)
Pétursson, Bjorn (1871-1946)
Pétursson, Hannes (1881-1961)
Pétursson, Olafur (1879-1952)
Petursson, Philip Markus (1902-1988)
Pétursson, Rögnvaldur (1877-1940)
Pfimister, Alexander “Sandy” (c1886-1963)
Pfimister, Marshall Cameron “Marsh” (1914-1971)
Phair, Robert (1837-1931)
Phangureh, Partap Singh (1921-2008)
Phelan, Charles Jerome (1941-2022)
Phelps, George W. (1882-?)
Phelps, Michael Everett Joseph (1947-2019)
Phelps, Stephen (1948-2007)
Philip, David (1862-?)
Philippot, Raymond (1932-2016)
Philips, George Edward (1897-1988)
Philipps, Carol (c1965-2009)
Phillipps, Frederick (1857-1932)
Phillipps, Hugh (1875-1963)
Phillips, Alfred Thomas (1915-2010)
Phillips, Ann “Anna” (?-2000)
Phillips, Arthur Edward (1884-1943)
Phillips, George Henderson (1928-2015)
Phillips, Gordon George (1927-1992)
Phillips, Mary Elizabeth “Beth” (1918-2013)
Philipps, Henry John (1877-1944)
Phillips, James Henry (1921-2002)
Phillips, Pat Thomas (1935-2010)
Phillips, Walter Joseph (1884-1963)
Phillips, Wilford (1858-1918)
Philp, Alan Reed (1930-2022)
Philp, Cecil Bray (1891-1991)
Phippen, Frank Hedley (1863-1932)
Piasecki, Margaret Alice Hample (1927-2007)
Picard, Rene (1948-2003)
Picard Destroismaisons, Thomas-Ferruce (1796-1866)
Pickard, Henry George (1869-1955)
Pickard, Herbert Marquis (1916-2010)
Pickard, John W. (1892-?)
Pickell, Garth Fenton (1918-2005)
Picken, Robert John “Bob” (1932-2019)
Pickering, Gordon Langsdale (1913-1997)
Pickersgill, Frank (1915-1944)
Pickersgill, John Whitney “Jack” (1905-1997)
Pickley, John Michael (1913-1998)
Pickup, Vernon (1877-?)
Pickwell, Francis Cornwallis “Frank” (c1875-1953)
Picton, Pierre (c1897-1963)
Pidlaski, Margaret Ann (1954-2011)
Pidskalny, Hilary “Orest” (1936-2007)
Pidskalny, Peter (1945-2017)
Pidskalny, Vital Basil (1921-2001)
Pierce, Florence Lillian (1905-2007)
Pierce, William Wallace (1880-1965)
Pigott, Arthur Victor (1900-1987)
Pigott, Herbert H. (1857-1927)
Pigott, Sarah Dunlop (1871-1952)
Pike, William Raymer (1888-1954)
Pilcher, Elizabeth Mary (1920-1991)
Pincock, James Clayton (1885-1976)
Pincock, Thomas Alexander (1894-1978)
Pineo, William Macdonald (1863-1941)
Piniuta, Harry (1910-1990)
Pinkham, Jean Anne Drever (1849-1940)
Pinkham, William Cyprian (1844-1928)
Pinn, William John (1874-1938)
Piper, Clarence Brett (1882-1955)
Piper, Cornel (1937-2018)
Piper, Peter (1931-2002)
Pippy, Archie Reuben (1891-1968)
Pirnie, Warren Bruce (1942-2024)
Pirotton, Nicolas (1882-1943)
Pirt, Wesley Wright (1881-1931)
Pischke, David Edward (1948-2004)
Pitblado, Charles Bruce (1836-1913)
Pitblado, Edward Bruce (1896-1977)
Pitblado, Isaac (1867-1964)
Pitblado, May Edith Lunn Lazier (c1871-1950)
Pither, Robert John Nicholson (1824-?)
Pitre, Stanislas “Stanley” (1878-1948)
Pitt, John Robertson (1885-1970)
Pitura, Franklin Paul “Frank” (1943-2019)
de Plainval, Louis Nathal (?-1890)
Plaisier, Richard Joseph “Rick” (1948-2017)
Playfair, Annie Ferguson (1871-1947)
Playfair, George William (1839-?)
Plett, Delbert F. (1948-2004)
Plewes, James Humphrey (1873-1963)
Ploen, Kenneth Allen “Ken” (1935-2024)
Plotkin, Bertha Prasow (1889-1974)
Plumm, Irvin Alexander (1889-1965)
Plummer, Donald Malcolm (1926-1989)
Plummer, Francis Allan “Frank” (1952-2020)
Plumridge, Ingrid Margaret (c1910-1991)
Pocock, Philip Francis (1906-1984)
Podolak, Mitchell “Mitch” (1947-2019)
Pohorecky, Michael Stephen (1899-1964)
Pokrant, Carl Leo (1908-1992)
Pokrant, Gustav “Gus” (1907-1981)
Pollard, Earle B. (1924-2008)
Pollard, Lawrence Oliver “Lawrie” (1928-2019)
Pollard, Oliver Herman (1867-1944)
Pollard, Wilbur Herman (1898-1962)
Pollock, Alexander (1882-1957)
Pollock, Andrew “Andy” (1930-2006)
Pollock, Edward Rudolfe (1925-1998)
Pollock, Flora Isabell [Isabelle] “Flo” (1902-1981)
Pollock, Harold (1928-2008)
Pollock, Harvey I. (1933-2023)
Pollock, Thomas (c1861-1941)
Polson, Alexander (1777-1857)
Polson, Alexander (1840-1905)
Polson, Alexander (1855-1912)
Polson, Angus (1822-1891)
Polson, Arthur (1934-2003)
Polson, Hugh (1806-1887)
Polson, Hugh (1859-1922)
Polson, John (1810-1890)
Polson, Samuel (1847-1926)
Pomeroy, Douglas Gordon (1911-1968)
Pommer, William Albert (1895-1971)
Pond, Peter (c1739-1807)
Poneira, Jose (1923-2013)
Poole, Adalbert James Moses (1881-1970)
Poole, Alfred James (1910-1988)
Poole, Charles (1858-1935)
Poole, George Boyer (1880-1958)
Poole, John Silas (1872-1963)
Poole, William Reginald (1941-2001)
Pope, Egerton Llewellyn (1874-?)
Pope, George Arthur (1876-1950)
Popeski, Benjamin “Ben” [Pope] (1913-1995)
Popeski, Nathan (1884-1970)
Popham, Edwin Samuel (1856-1930)
Popiel, Eloise Lilian (1915-2002)
Popovic, Matthew (1890-1943)
Porritt, Peter N. (1923-2019)
Porteous, Mark (1952-1996)
Porteous, David (1855-1915)
Porter, Everett George (1889-1961)
Porter, Garnett Clay (1866-1945)
Porter, Harry (c1873-1948)
Porter, James (1852-1922)
Porte, Thomas Jeffares (1867-1934)
Portigal, Arnold Aubrey (1928-2015)
Portigal, David S. G. (1912-1990)
Posmituck, Michael “Mike” (1918-1996)
Post, Frederick A. “Fred” (1942-2011)
Potash, Marlene (1955-2006)
Potoroka, William (1916-1975)
Potoski, John (1903-1983)
Pott, Gordon Joseph (c1937-2003)
Potton, James Edward “Jim” (c1939-2014)
Potter, David Grant (1893-1956)
Potter, John Teddy (1921-1999)
Potter, Joseph Armour (1871-?)
Potts, John (?-1764)
Poulain, Ed A. (c1883-1952)
Poundmaker (1826-1886)
Powell, Francis “Frank” (1842-1937)
Powell, H. Percy (1893-1976)
Powell, Helen Marjory Curle (1916-2006)
Powell, Kenneth Alec (1898-1982)
Power, Richard (c1851-1880)
Powers, Charles Augustus (1879-1941)
Powis, Edmund (c1845-1930)
Poyser, Alice Shewman (1933-2016)
Poyser, Edward Arnold “Ted” (1927-2020)
Prain, Edgar (1881-1958)
Pratt, Albert M. (1889-1972)
Pratt, Charles (c1816-1888)
Pratt, Doris Dowan (1936-2019)
Pratt, Emma Garland (1884-1989)
Pratt, John William (1894-1973)
Pratt, Kenneth Reginald Dixon (1926-1980)
Pratt, Ralph Benjamin (1872-1950)
Pratt, Reginald Henry Murray (1854-1925)
Pratt, Walter (1869-1941)
Pratt, Walter “Babe” (1916-1988)
Pratt, Walter J. N. (c1852-1924)
Preece, James Charles (1903-1953)
Prefontaine, Albert (1861-?)
Prefontaine, Edmond (1898-1971)
Prefontaine, Joseph H. (1858-1937)
Prefontaine, Jean Rene (1924-1984)
Premachuk, Neilla (1911-2007)
Prendergast, James Emile Pierre (1858-1945)
Prendergast, Joseph Albert (1862-1918)
Preston, Arthur Milford (1908-1981)
Preston, Carol Ann (?-2002)
Preston, Thomas Hiram (1855-1925)
Preston, William Burton “Bill” (1937-2013)
Prestwich, Helen (1880-?)
Presunka, Franklin Stuart “Frank” (1919-1985)
Preudhomme, Jules (1877-1961)
Prevost, Yvonne (1917-1988)
Price, Alice S. (1889-1976)
Price, Frank Elding (1931-2015)
Price, J. Frank (1882-?)
Price, Norma Killeen (1920-2008)
Price, Roy (1930-2002)
Pridham, Edwin Allee (1883-1973)
Primeau, Louis (?-?)
Primeau, Marianne Cathy Sohor (1957-2004)
Prince, Henry (1819-1899)
Prince, Maurice Joseph (1925-2006)
Prince, Rufus (1920-1989)
Prince, Thomas George “Tommy” (1915-1977)
Prince, William (?-1918)
Prior, Herman Garfield (1884-1984)
Pritchard, Archibald (1859-1931)
Pritchard, Arthur Wesley (1857-1928)
Pritchard, Edmund Charles Radiger (1876-1966)
Pritchard, Hugh (1830-1912)
Pritchard, John (1777-1855)
Pritchard, Samuel (1827-1913)
Pritchard, William Arthur (1888-1981)
Prittie, Robert J. (1891-1951)
Privat, Benjamin Franklin “Frank” (1899-1963)
Prochuk, William John (1909-1983)
Proctor, Albert James Henry (1863-1945)
Proctor, Donald B. (1924-1984)
Proctor, Isabelle Hamon “Ibby” (1926-2009)
Prodan, Cornelius S. (c1889-1973)
Prokopowich, Mary Rosalia (1916-2003)
Promislow, Helen Mitchell (c1924-1993)
Prosser, James Thomson (1886-1958)
Prost, George John (1915-2008)
Proudfoot, John Charles (?-2013)
Proulx, Oram Joseph Donat (1930-2012)
Proulx, Paul (1839-1918)
Prout, George Waldron (1878-c1980)
Provencher, Joseph-Alfred-Norbert (1843-1887)
Provencher, Joseph Norbert (1787-1853)
Provost, George Reginald (1936-2002)
Prowse, George Robert Farrar (1860-1946)
Prowse, Samuel Willis (1869-1931)
Pruden, Arthur Gordon (1920-2000)
Pruden, Eileen Dorothy Clay (1920-2008)
Pruden, John Peter (1778-1868)
Prud’homme, Alfred Jean Charland (1904-1988)
Prud’homme, Joseph Francois (1866-1910)
Prud’homme, Joseph Henry (1882-1952)
Prud’homme, Louis Arthur (1853-1941)
Prud’homme, Maurice Napoleon (1909-1995)
Prugh, William Albert (1891-1971)
Pruitt, William Obadiah (1922-2009)
Prychun, Anton (1881-1969)
Prygrocki, Nicholas (1880-1950)
Prystupa, Marvin Terry (1949-2020)
Prystupa, Steve (1939-2021)
Ptashynski, Joseph Myrs (1943-2024)
Ptolemy, Jessie Isabella (1870-1931)
Ptolemy, William John (1850-1920)
Puckering, William Lovell (1865-1941)
Pugh, Frederick (c1875-1948)
Pugh, Loy M. (1879-?)
Pugh, Sidney Walter (1883-1943)
Pulford, Alfred Henry (1865-1937)
Pulford, Henry Lloyd (1896-1949)
Pullar, Annie H. E. (1873-1958)
Pullen, John Edward (1926-2005)
Pulleyblank, William George Edwin (1890-1955)
Pullin, Harold Gilbert “Hal” (1919-2005)
Pullmer, Lewis (1876-1945)
Pungente, John J. (1939-2023)
Pungente, Mary Wikien (1910-2005)
Pura, Paul (1914-1999)
Purcell, Clayton David (1933-2006)
Purcell, Philip (1865-1939)
Purchase, Gregory Richard (1931-2002)
Purdie, Francis John Esslemont “Frank” (1920-2013)
Purdie, Francis Kidd “Frank” (1888-1956)
Purdie, Jean Ann Wight Esslemont (1893-1991)
Purdon, Robert (1851-1945)
Purves, Robert Alexander (1887-1962)
Purves, Robert Peter (1927-1997)
Purvis, Edward Hubert “Ted” (1941-2016)
Purvis, William George “Bill” (1894-1970)
Putnam, Maurice (c1860-1907)
Putt, Eric Douglas (1915-2004)
Puttee, Arthur W. (1868-1957)
Pybus, Allin John (1913-1991)
Pybus, Vera Jean Blackwell (1919-2014)
Pye, Marion Elizabeth Todd (1912-2002)
Pye, Stanley Francis (1908-1985)
Pye, William Edgar (1858-1946)
Pyper, Nancy (1893-1985)
Pyrz, Eugene Joseph “Gene” (1956-2014)
Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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