Memorable Manitobans: 1976

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1975 | 1977

The following Memorable Manitobans died in 1976:

George Hutchinson Beckford (1890-1976)

George Montegu Black (1911-1976)

John Henry Borger (1901-1976)

Alexander Picton Brereton (1892-1976)

Arthur “Art” Bridgwater (1910-1976)

Neri Alphonsus Cain (1886-1976)

George Reginald Calvert (1900-1976)

Philip Alfred Chester (1896-1976)

Cameron Earl Couling (1917-1976)

John Thompson Dallas (1909-1976)

James Alexander Victor David (1887-1976)

Aylmer Everett Dilts (1882-1976)

Hugh Rotherham Eade (1882-1976)

Sidney Hansen “Sid” Engen (1902-1976)

Jack Freedman (c1889-1976)

William Astley Tearle Fyles (1894-1976)

Robert John “Bob” Gourley (1878-1976)

Clifton Marquette Graban (1891-1976)

George A. M. Hamilton (1901-1976)

Joseph Harris (1892-1976)

James Kidd Hay (1879-1976)

Gary Ross Hobson (c1927-1976)

William Harold Hunt (1884-1976)

George Henry Wilson Hutton (1922-1976)

James Arthur Shields Jackson (1918-1976)

Charles Norman Jamieson (1889-1976)

Leo Einar Johnson (1901-1976)

Bruce Alexander Johnston (1891-1976)

Allan Bremner Kelly (1885-1976)

Alexander Kucher (1896-1976)

Gordon William Lathlin (1933-1976)

Angus Andrew Laughlin (1909-1976)

William “Will” Leach (1891-1976)

Henry William “Harry” Lewis (1884-1976)

Walter Jacobson Lindal (1887-1976)

Frank Reade Lount (1890-1976)

Lawrence Reid Mackey (1904-1976)

Thomas Clouston “Tom” Main (1887-1976)

Malcolm Earl McKellar (1918-1976)

Grant McLeod (1900-1976)

James Dudley McLeod (1887-1976)

Rollie Lee Miles (1889-1976)

Ronald Edward Alfred Morton (1901-1976)

Alfred William Muldrew (1889-1976)

Robert Cameron Mulligan (1889-1976)

Neville Edward Munson (1892-1976)

Frederic Alexander Newton (1911-1976)

Jacob Truthwaite Norquay (1884-1976)

Grattan O’Leary (1888-1976)

Stephen “Steve” Peters (1912-1976)

James Clayton Pincock (1885-1976)

H. Percy Powell (1893-1976)

Alice Steen Price (1889-1976)

Dwight Nugent Ridd (1900-1976)

Claude Copeland Robinson (1881-1976)

Andrew Sandstrom (1873-1976)

George Semper (1880-1976)

William “Snake” Siddle (1895-1976) - SHOF

Gordon Henderson Sinclair (1921-1976)

Hyman Sokolov (1897-1976)

Harvey Dennis Sparling (1896-1976)

Sarah Ann Sproat (1885-1976)

Lloyd Cleworth Stinson (1904-1976)

William Morley Story (1881-1976)

Sarah “Ruth” Swanson (1904-1976)

Francis William Tees (1895-1976)

Joseph Teres (1921-1976)

Arnleifur Lawrence Thorsteinson “Larry Thor” (1916-1976)

Frederick Arthur “Fred” Twilley (1882-1976)

Nathan Unickow (c1904-1976)

Isabel Winslow Wallace (1895-1976)

Sidney Warhaft (1921-1976)

Frederick James “Fred” Weir (1912-1976)

Percy Wilkinson (1889-1976)

Henry Lambert Williams (1890-1976)

If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 1976, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.


This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 8 March 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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