Memorable Manitobans: 2009

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2008 | 2010

The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2009:

Aimé Rawleigh “Pete” Adam (1913-2009)

William “Bill” Addison (1908-2009)

Alfred John Wallis Alcock (1920-2009)

Donald James Alexander (1932-2009)

Bjorn Valdimar “Valdi” Arnason (1916-2009)

Franklin E. “Frank” Arnold (1921-2009)

John Walter Atamanchuk (1930-2009)

Lawrence Edward Aubin (1936-2009)

Gwen Jane Axworthy (1916-2009)

Philip Shaw Barker (1933-2009)

Mary Doris “Dodie” Barr (1921-2009)

Donald Irwin “Don” Barton (1943-2009)

Victor Merlyn Batzel (1935-2009)

Keith Beard (c1927-2009)

Matt Bellan (1950-2009)

Louis Berkal (1914-2009)

Haraldur Bessason (1931-2009)

Arlene D. Billinkoff (1942-2009)

Margaret Bishop (1926-2009)

Henrietta Gwyneth “Gwen” Blake (1930-2009)

Dorothea Jean MacNeil Broadfoot (1917-2009)

James Stinson Brown (1923-2009)

Vincent Garfield Bruce “Vince” Burr (1920-2009)

Richard Cameron (1922-2009)

Horace Jerome Cohen (1922-2009)

Marshall David Armstrong Collison [Marshall Armstrong] (1945-2009)

Gladys Evelyn Taylor Cook “Topahdewin” (1929-2009)

Gillian Elizabeth Covernton (1978-2009)

F. Douglas “Doug” Crandle (c1927-2009)

Doreen Maud Craton (1918-2009)

Wilfred Brian Deering (1907-2009)

Vincenzo De Luca (1913-2009)

George Alois De Pauw (1926-2009)

Joan Elizabeth White Dewson (1922-2009)

James Egerton “Bun” Donegani (1920-2009)

William Alexander “Bill” Dueck (1918-2009)

Jacob Dyck (1922-2009)

Dale Esopenko (?-2009)

Gordon Roy Evans (1922-2009)

Joseph Charles Flood (1924-2009)

Gerald Frederick Folkerts (1958-2009)

Donald Harvey “Don” Fraser (1918-2009)

Rhinehart F. Friesen (1914-2009)

Marjorie Anne Fulton (1931-2009)

Dimosthenis “Jim” Ganas (1945-2009)

Rolande Rozière Garnier (1926-2009)

Joseph Adelard Leo Gendreau (1926-2009)

Jack Hersey Gibson (1917-2009)

Kathleen Moore “Kay” Gimpel (1914-2009)

Vivian Doris Glass (1920-2009)

Michael Kevin Grace (1923-2009)

Irene Elizabeth Church Grant (1914-2009)

Robin Robert Greene “Ma-Chi-Biness” (1932-2009)

Audrey Joan Grills (1915-2009)

Walter Bryant Gunhouse (1932-2009)

Ronald Thomas Habel “Ron Able” (1951-2009)

John Alan Hackett (1920-2009)

Kenneth Morrison “Ken” Hamilton (1917-2009)

John Harold “Jack” Hare (1920-2009)

Ethel Doreen Harrison (1932-2009)

James Barclay Hartman (1925-2009)

Edward Head (1931-2009)

H. David Hemphill (1933-2009)

Dorothy Horne Campbell Henderson (1916-2009)

Elizabeth “Ma” Henning (1933-2009)

Glen Edward Hirst (1941-2009)

Jean-Marie Huot (1918-2009)

Miriam Freda Bennett Hutton (1932-2009)

Chrysant Wsewolod “Chrys” Iwanchuk (1943-2009)

Elena “Lily” Jamon (1918-2009)

Christian Andrew Edward Jensen (1920-2009)

Edwin Beresford “Eddie” Johanson (1920-2009)

Asgeir “Geiri” Johnson (1920-2009)

Margaret Eleanor “Peggy” Neville Johnson (1942-2009)

Richard Alexander “Dick” Jones (1918-2009)

George Robert Joyal [George Jerome] (1939-2009)

Demetrios “Jim” Karvelas (1929-2009)

John Kastrukoff (1920-2009)

Mary Kupskay Koltek (?-2009)

Dorothy “Dot” Kozak (1932-2009)

Alois Krivanek (1919-2009)

John Armstrong “Jack” Lamb (1934-2009)

Roy J. H. Larrabee (1920-2009)

Noel David Barclay Later (1931-2009)

Peter Michael Lazarenko (1917-2009)

Arthur Edward Leichnitz (c1950-2009)

William Graeme “Bill” Leitch (1914-2009)

Marion Hilletta Epton Lepkin (1927-2009)

Isobel St. Clair Loutit (1909-2009)

Sami David Lutfiyya (?-2009)

Kathleen Mary “Jo” Lutley (1917-2009)

Edythe Irene MacDonald (1931-2009)

Harold Gould Macdonald (1928-2009)

Eric Duncan MacPherson (1931-2009)

Oscar Emanuel Magnuson (1923-2009)

Roman Alexander Manastersky (1950-2009)

Brian “Buzz” Massie (1943-2009)

Nobuo Matsubara (1926-2009)

Clifford Maytwayashing (1939-2009)

George McCloy (1922-2009)

Shirley Norma Thordarson McCreedy (1922-2009)

Raymond Chris McCubbins (1945-2009)

John Gray McFarlane (c1925-2009)

John Edgar McGoey (1917-2009)

Joan Elizabeth McLaren (1932-2009)

John Melnyk (1915-2009)

Walter William Melnyk (1935-2009)

Anthony “Tony” Mikolayenko (?-2009)

Leo Mol (1915-2009)

Clifton Lorne Monk (1918-2009)

Kathleen “Kay” Moore (1914-2009)

Ronald Joseph Morlock (1930-2009)

Paul Phillipe Morrisseau (1925-2009)

Gerald Donald “Gerry” Morrow (1933-2009)

Kenneth Conrad “Ken” Norell (?-2009)

John Joseph Nowosad (1915-2009)

William Lawrence Palk (1912-2009)

Clifford Palmer (c1940-2009)

Athanasios “Tom” Panopoulos (1927-2009)

Reginald Allan “Al” Patterson (1919-2009)

Frank Bennett Pearson (1926-2009)

David R. Penner (1924-2009)

Norman Penner (1921-2009)

Carol Philipps (c1965-2009)

Alfred George “Alf” Pike (1917-2009) - SHOF

Isabelle Hamon “Ibby” Proctor (1926-2009)

William Obadiah “Bill” Pruitt (1922-2009)

William Alfred “Bill” Quayle (c1912-2009)

Sidney Rappaport (1927-2009)

John Leslie Rankin (1914-2009)

John Reilly (1948-2009)

Helen Stuart Robertson (1914-2009)

Ruby W. Roe (c1927-2009)

Keith Newton Routley (1923-2009)

Wesley Henry Sametz (1917-2009)

Herbert Edgar “Herb” Sanger (1918-2009)

Roger Rene Joseph Savoie (1931-2009)

Boyle Francis Schaeffer (1928-2009)

William “Bill” Sciak (1919-2009)

Douglas Beverly Scott (1929-2009)

John Morgan Scurfield (1951-2009)

Nestor T. Shabits (1935-2009)

Victor Joseph Houston Sharpe (1918-2009)

Emily Marjorie Shaw (c1915-2009)

Walter Norman Shmon (c1914-2009)

Elwood Murray Simpson (1926-2009)

Daniel Edward “Dan” Smith (c1924-2009)

Natalie “Nellie” Sozansky (1920-2009)

Warren J. Steen (1940-2009)

Hugh Milton Stephenson (1920-2009)

Craig Stewart (1928-2009)

Rae Henry Tallin (1927-2009)

Max Tapper (1944-2009)

John Guenther Taubensee (1930-2009)

Harold “Harry” Taylor (1926-2009)

William A. “Bill” Tibbs (?-2009)

Marge Trynacity (c1933-2009)

Harold Unger (1925-2009)

Barry Valentine (1927-2009)

Petrus Hubertus “Peter” Vernaus (1929-2009)

Aihlin Macrae Burwell Triggerson Walker (1928-2009)

Frances Elizabeth Lorraine Port Watson (1924-2009)

Asher Webb (1960-2009)

William Lindley “Bill” Whetter (1911-2009)

Wendell Herbert Arthur Franklin White (1914-2009)

Stewart Graham Wilcox (1934-2009)

Henry Willms (1925-2009)

Stanley Leonard Witoski (1928-2009) - Regional Volunteer Award (Manitoba Heritage Federation)

William “Bill” Woloshyn (1933-2009)

Kenneth Owen “Ken” Wylie (1920-2009)

Thomas “Tom” Yauk (1943-2009)

John Boris Zborowsky (1933-2009)

Mihael Zobarich (1938-2009)

If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2009, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.


“The ’09 honour roll” by Kevin Rollason, Winnipeg Free Press, 2 January 2010, page H1.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 19 March 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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