Memorable Manitobans: 2015

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2014 | 2016

The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2015:

Clifford Albert Asselstine (1929-2015)

James Lake “Jim” Asselstine (1921-2015)

Frances Helen Brown Atwell (1923-2015)

Walter Murray Auld (1916-2015)

Donald Atholl Bailey (1940-2015)

Raymond Ronald Bailey (1922-2015)

Leo Priebe Barkman (1925-2015)

Alan Beachell (1924-2015)

Florent Beaudette (1939-2015)

Mary Kathleen Weekes Beamish (1918-2015)

Kenneth Oswald Bicknell (1928-2015)

Morley Blankstein (1924-2015)

Douglas Ernest Bridge (1921-2015)

Clarence Edward “Wezer” Bridle (1926-2015)

Jacob “Jake” Buhler (1931-2015)

Barbara Mae Halls Cannell (1929-2015)

Anne Marguerite Louise Grothe Carr (1918-2015)

Henry Nelson Carroll (1937-2015)

Leonard Douglas Carroll (1927-2015)

John Rosing Carter (1923-2015)

George Arthur Clavelle (1932-2015)

Marianne Charlotte Clemens (1927-2015)

Shawn Coates (c1963-2015)

Brian Collie (c1948-2015)

Rob Cox (c1955-2015)

William Henry “Bill” Critchlow (1931-2015)

Thomas Arnold Crosier (1927-2015)

Wilfred R. DeGraves (1928-2015)

Francis Patrick “Pat” Doyle (1922-2015)

Peter Drosdowech (1927-2015)

Roger V. Dubois (1934-2015)

J. Gabriel Dufault (1941-2015)

Lloyd John Elder (1915-2015)

Terry Falconer (c1942-2015)

Robert Ferguson (?-2015)

Reginald Elmer “Reg” Forbes (1924-2015)

Katherine Loewen Friesen (1918-2015)

Dorothea Evonne Corbett “Dot” From (1935-2015)

Clarence Eric “Clare” Geddes (1919-2015)

Durlene Vyceniea Germscheid (1938-2015)

Helen Preston Glass (1917-2015)

Sydney “Syd” Glow (c1930-2015)

Matthew Samuel Pritchard Glowe (1926-2015)

Cesar Salaysay Gonzales (1934-2015)

William Hamilton Gray (1917-2015)

Claudette Lucienne Grenier (1974-2015)

David Alexander Ian Grewar (1921-2015)

Philip Neal “Phil” Haese (1932-2015)

Daniel Albert “Dan” Halldorson (1948-2015)

Lyna Hart (c1954-2015)

Neil Buchanan Hathaway (1943-2015)

Lorne Frederick John Hehn (1936-2015)

Jack Raymond Hignell (1930-2015)

Henry D. “H. D.” Hildebrand (1927-2015)

Gerry Howard (1939-2015)

Irene Howard (?-2015)

Marie-Louise Huot (1951-2015)

Stephen Phillip Jackson (1946-2015)

George Jersak (1936-2015)

Robert Edward “Bobby” Jones (1931-2015)

Won Kyum Kim (1929-2015)

Kathleen Marie Kirk (1951-2015)

Nicholas “Nick” Kohuch (1926-2015)

Mary Anne McPhee Konantz (1925-2015)

Daphne Margaret Stanley-Harris Korol (1924-2015)

Wladyslawa Maria “Gladys” Kulas (c1932-2015)

Joe Kutcher (?-2015)

Geoffrey Lambert (?-2015)

Douglas Henry Walter “Doug” Lawrence (1926-2015)

Harry Loewen (c1931-2015)

John Loewen (1930-2015)

Donald Merwin “Don” Loveridge (1950-2015)

Neil Gordon MacKay (1930-2015)

Olive Ann Pitts MacPhail (1925-2015)

Steve “Crabby Steve” Maksymyk (1924-2015)

Wendelin Mann (1920-2015)

Vera Eva Mardon (1923-2015)

Edward John Martens (1941-2015)

Patricia Joan Weber Martens (1952-2015)

James Clarke “Jim” McCutcheon (1935-2015)

Dawn McKeag (c1928-2015)

Frank McKendry (c1934-2015)

Ron McKenzie (?-2015)

Frank Lorne McKinnon (1934-2015)

John Edward Melnick (1925-2015)

Walter S. Miller (c1930-2015)

Catherine Stewart “Cath” Milner (c1925-2015)

Samuel “Sam” Minuk (1927-2015)

Kathleen Murphy (c1950-2015)

Oliver Nelson (c1942-2015)

John Abram Neufeld (1927-2015)

Charles Kenning Newcombe (1943-2015)

John “Jack” Nicol (1935-2015)

Walter Nowosad (1932-2015)

Ross Albert Lawrence Nugent (1926-2015)

Aidan J. O’Brien (1942-2015)

Richard Joseph Orlandini (1945-2015)

Stan Osaka (c1932-2015)

Henry Rudolph Oshust (c1928-2015)

Ernest Pankratz (1928-2015)

Sydney John Parsons (1925-2015)

Howard Russell Pawley (1934-2015)

Anellia “Nellie” Pawlik (1913-2015)

Gordon “Gord” Pennell (1929-2015)

Olga “Aunt Olly” Penner (1929-2015)

George Henderson Phillips (1928-2015)

Roddy “Rowdy” Piper (?-2015)

Arnold Aubrey Portigal (1928-2015)

Frank Elding Price (1931-2015)

Orval Alexander Refvik (c1933-2015)

Waldemar “Wally” Rempel (1936-2015)

Irene Catherine Rebiffe Renaud (1933-2015)

Thomas J. “Tom” Rice (1939-2015)

Eileen Alma Whalley Richards (1923-2015) - SHOF, CSHF

Laszlo Ference Schevelik (1932-2015)

Clifford Frederick Schmidt (1942-2015)

James “Jim” Schrofel (1974-2015)

John Ambrose Scollin (1927-2015)

Beverley-Ann Laidlaw “Bev” Scott (c1931-2015)

Tammas Reynolds “Thomas” Scott (1929-2015)

Orest Sedun (c1940-2015)

Irvin Sera (1927-2015)

Piara Lal Sharma (1940-2015)

Louis Ralph “Bud” Sherman (1926-2015)

Alexander John Shewchuk (1933-2015)

Amaro Silva (c1958-2015)

Mohindar Singh (1935-2015)

Peter Slonowski [Sloan] (c1927-2015)

Valentine Louise Kolson “Val” Smyth (1938-2015)

Walter Peter “Wally” Stanowski (1919-2015) - SHOF

Maurice Frederick Strong (1929-2015)

Lawrence Peter Suchar (1933-2015)

Linda Faye MacIntosh Sullivan (1956-2015)

Nancy Jill Wolstencroft Tardiff (?-2015)

J. F. Reeh Taylor (1924-2015)

Raven ThunderSky (?-2015)

Eric Victor “Dusty” Titheridge (1923-2015)

Alexander “Al” Tomcej (1927-2015)

Roderick “Rowdy Roddy Piper” Toombs (1954-2015)

Gordon Staples Trick (1927-2015)

Inez Geneva Gandrud Trueman (1917-2015)

Archibald Kerr Twaddle (1932-2015)

Isaac Jacob “Ike” Vickar (1923-2015)

Bob Walker (c1950-2015)

Gerard Van Wallegham (1927-2015)

George Waters (1919-2015)

John Hope Webster (1926-2015)

Agnes Hilda White “Joan” Whalley (1918-2015)

Floyd Trevor Wiebe (1954-2015)

Jean Stuart Williamson (c1920-2015)

Floyd Bennett Williston (1931-2015)

Arthur William Wood (1918-2015)

If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2015, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.


“Wide variety of Manitobans left us in 2015” by Kevin Rollason, Winnipeg Free Press, 2 January 2016.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 18 March 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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