Memorable Manitobans: 2012

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2011 | 2013

The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2012:

Ercole Albo (1925-2012)

Herbert Curtis Allen (1925-2012)

Murray Anderson (1925-2012)

Mary Sophie Chudzik Andree (1926-2012)

William Richard Appleby (1923-2012)

Dirk John Arondeus (1921-2012)

Ruby Mary Ashdown (1923-2012)

Gordon Audley (1928-2012) - MSHOF

Harold Backman [Haraldur Bjorgvin] (1921-2012)

Michael John Baragar (1931-2012)

Michael Baron (1923-2012)

Bruce Thomas Barr (1945-2012)

Eric Claude Barthel (1934-2012)

Lorne “Boom Boom” Benson (1930-2012) - SHOF

William Lloyd “Bill” Benson (1920-2012)

Elisabeth Doreen Alexander “Liz” Bevis (1937-2012)

John “Errol” Black (1939-2012)

Hélène Marie Désange Blais (1917-2012)

Albert Edward “Bert” Blake (1919-2012)

Edward James “Ted” Bloomer (1924-2012)

Gordon Bragg (1922-2012)

Gary Thomas Brazzell (c1934-2012)

Bernard Brown (1931-2012)

Rachel Browne (1934-2012)

William Burch (1925-2012)

Paul Edward Buteux (1939-2012)

A. Michael “Mike” Byrne (?-2012)

Michael Bzdel (1930-2012)

Allan Barrie Campbell (1923-2012)

Gladys Isabel Henderson Carefoot (1921-2012)

William Glenn Carlson (1931-2012)

Dennis Hampton Carter (1920-2012)

Frederick George Chafe (1929-2012)

Stephen Henry Champ (1937-2012)

Louise Elaine Fehr Charette (1959-2012)

Elbert Chartrand (1952-2012)

Edythe Joyce Harrison Christie (1937-2012)

Paul Chyzzy (1932-2012)

Ivan Ciaputa (1915-2012)

Roland Emmerson “Rollie” Clegg (1911-2012)

Joy Leatrice Cohen (?-2012)

Kenneth John “Ken” Collier (c1932-2012)

John Donald “Don” Comstock (1927-2012)

Jeff Connery (?-2012)

Christine Helen Terri Simpson Cook (1949-2012)

William John Cook (1929-2012)

Thora Gudrun Sigurdson Cooke (c1925-2012)

Lucien Ovide Joseph Cote (1925-2012)

John Thomas “Jack” Coulter (1921-2012)

James Elliott Coyne (1910-2012)

Eric George Ernest Cox (1928-2012)

Rhoda Kathleen Kirkpatrick Cummings (?-2012)

Melvin Roy “Mel” Dagg (1931-2012)

George Dalgleish (?-2012)

Constance May “Connie” Davidson (1925-2012)

Laurent Louis “Larry” Desjardins (1923-2012)

Robert “Bob” de von Flindt (1935-2012)

Mona Cove Dixon (1920-2012)

George Douglas (1947-2012)

Robert Oliver “Bob” Douglas (1932-2012)

Peter Dyck (1946-2012)

Douglas Earl Edmondson (1933-2012)

Ralph William Eisbrenner (1918-2012)

Ian Elkin (?-2012)

Bertha May Blackburn “Birdie” Ellison (1921-2012)

Obonnaya “Bona” Emeruwa (c1924-2012)

Margaret Rose Barkley “Marnie” Erb (1937-2012)

William “Wild Bill” Ezinicki (1924-2012) - SHOF

Catherine Farmer [Sister du Sacre-Coeur-je-Jesus] (1916-2012)

Mervin Earnest Farmer (1938-2012) - SHOF

Leslie Few (1915-2012)

Olivine Fiola (1920-2012)

William Christopher “Bill” Fisher (1939-2012)

Patrick Thomas “Pat” Flynn (1948-2012)

Elizabeth Beatrice Guimond Fontaine (1928-2012)

Thelma Bessie Forbes (1910-2012)

Arthur Webster Gray “Art” Foster (1927-2012) - SHOF

Edward Kennings “Bud” Foster (1916-2012) - MGHF

Robert Arnott Gillespie “Bob” Fraser (1922-2012)

Trent Gardiner Frayne (1918-2012)

Ernest Arthur “Ernie” Friesen (1917-2012)

John Friesen (1922-2012)

Lydia Rose Giesbrecht (1922-2012)

David Aaron Golden (1920-2012)

Leonard Harvey “Len” Goldsborough (1931-2012)

Olive Rybak Gory (1919-2012)

David Kinnell Grant (1922-2012)

Margaret McCrea Philpott “Marg” Grant (1922-2012)

Donna Grescoe (1927-2012)

Miroslawa “Maara” Haas (1920-2012)

Marshall Ernest Haid (1936-2012)

Bill Hanson (1954-2012)

George William Harbottle (1939-2012)

Wesley Alfred Hart (1936-2012)

Margaret Annie Witty Hassett (1914-2012)

Joseph Henry “Joe” Haywood (1933-2012)

David Gordon Henderson (1928-2012)

John K. “Jack” Henderson (1927-2012)

Thomas Best “Tom” Hendry (1929-2012)

David John “The Wrecker” Hrechkosy (1951-2012)

Mohamed Ikramulla “Ike” Hussain (c1938-2012)

Dmytro Jakymeczko (1923-2012)

Cor Janson (1938-2012)

Joyce Jaworsky (1936-2012)

Larry Jocelyn (1931-2012)

Russell Vernon Johnstone (1919-2012)

Robert Howell “Bob” Jones (1925-2012)

Wanda Maria Ciura Karwacki (1927-2012)

Tobasonakwut Kaagagewanakweb “Kelly” Kinew (1936-2012)

Stanley Ernest Kolt (1929-2012)

Olga Kathryn Mazur Kowalchuk (1934-2012)

George Peter Krahn (c1933-2012)

Norma Thorun Johnson Kristjansson (1926-2012)

Jerry Kruk (1940-2012)

Myrslaw “Myrs” Kubas (1926-2012)

Frances Julia Luschinski Kuzik (1924-2012)

Odilon Larochelle (1923-2012)

Hugh McKay Laughlin (1919-2012)

Leonard Anthony “Len” LeBoldus (1940-2012)

Peter Edward Lewis (1919-2012)

Orest William “Bill” Lewycky (?-2012)

Alice Boulden Little (1929-2012)

Elden R. Loeppky (1928-2012)

Allan Henry “Al” Lougheed (1935-2012)

Douglas Gordon “Doug” MacIver (1953-2012)

G. Allan Mackenzie (1931-2012)

David Lloyd Mackling (1920-2012)

Charles Grant Marshall (1931-2012)

William “Bill” Martin-Viscount (1940-2012)

Florence Antoinette Matthews (c1930-2012)

Bruce E. McDonald (1933-2012)

Donald Taylor McKinnon (1926-2012)

David McClelland (1940-2012)

Bill McLeod (c1919-2012)

Glenn Simpson “Keeper” McWhinney (1930-2012)

Nikolaos “Nick” Mikos (1944-2012)

Clement George Minaker (1937-2012)

Randy Minuk (c1955-2012)

Eva Ruth Mitchell (c1936-2012)

Thomas Lloyd Moist (1922-2012)

Ronald Norman Joseph “Ron” Morin (1944-2012)

Ernest Edward Mulcahy (1923-2012)

George William Nelson Mulligan (1926-2012)

Cal Murphy (1932-2012)

Herbert Lawrence Walter “Herb” Nemish (1923-2012)

William “Bill” Norrie (1929-2012)

Maurice H. Oakes (?-2012)

Shaunna Black O’Brien-Moran (1964-2012)

Laurie Anne Smith Oleson (c1950-2012)

Thomas Tryggvi “Tom” Oleson (1946-2012)

Aaron “Archie” Orlikow (1922-2012)

Ryszard Jan “Richard” Osicki (1946-2012)

Gordon Peter Osler (1922-2012)

Yolande Thérèse Millier Paquin (1922-2012)

Joyce Irene O'Neill Patterson (?-2012)

Jacob David “Jake” Pauls (1919-2012)

Joseph Denis Marcel Pelletier (1922-2012)

Izzy Peltz (1921-2012)

Walter Perepeluk (1928-2012)

Mary Isabelle Brewster Perfect (1919-2012)

Peter Jacob Peters (1914-2012)

Victor Lloyd “Vic” Pinchin (1918-2012)

Paul E. Platz (1920-2012)

Allan Poapst (1924-2012)

Sharon Gail Pollack (?-2012)

Gary Gordon Pollard (1948-2012)

Oram Joseph Donat Proulx (1930-2012)

Sheila Rabinovitch (1914-2012)

George Charles Rafter (1922-2012)

Jayantilal Dayalji Raichura (1932-2012)

James Donald “Bones” Raleigh (1926-2012)

Averno Milton Rempel (1919-2012)

Dale Bradley Rempel (1963-2012)

Edward Jones “Bud” Riley (1925-2012)

Garry Douglas Robertson (1940-2012)

May Rodway [Sister Marie-Josephine] (1917-2012)

Andre Leon Roziere (1922-2012) - SHOF

Judith Lorraine Enns “Judy” Sawatzky (1939-2012)

Christine Burkhard Schuhmann (1957-2012)

Alexandra Irene Gnazdowsky “Sandra” Schultz (1937-2012)

Samuel “Sam” Segev (1926-2012)

Harold Bjorn “Hal” Sigurdson (1932-2012)

Robert Geoffrey “Bob” Sizeland (1918-2012)

George Charles Smith (1934-2012)

Ross George Hector Smith (1934-2012)

Alvin Sprintz (1922-2012)

Donald George “Don” Starkell (1932-2012)

John Martin Stewart (1936-2012)

Armin H. Stojke (1936-2012)

Richard Carlton Stovel (1921-2012)

Norman Vincent “Norm” Sundstrom (1941-2012)

Toru Suzuki (1922-2012) - CCHF

Alan Travers Sweatman (1920-2012)

Kenneth Peter “Ken” Tacium (1957-2012)

Kjell Talgoy (1925-2012)

James “Jim” Tettamanti (1923-2012)

John Lawrence Thistlethwaite (1916-2012)

Marcel Alexander Thompson (1938-2012)

Clarence Ingwall Tillenius (1913-2012)

Americo Tome (?-2012)

Robert C. Turner (1920-2012)

Leon Gaston Vandekerckhove (1923-2012)

Bernardus Antonious “Ben” Van Ruiten (1920-2012)

William Dexter “Bill” Wade (1938-2012)

Peter Ward (1920-2012)

Felicite Mary Adeline Warner (1924-2012)

Byron Watt (1934-2012)

Wade “Kojo” Williams (1949-2012)

Keith Wilson (1929-2012)

Gordon Marcy Wiseman (1934-2012)

Nicholas Yarish (1924-2012)

Michael Yarmie (1931-2012)

If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2012, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.


“An indelible mark: From leaders, both in politics and sports, to artists and adventurers -- Manitoba lost many who made a difference for others” by Kevin Rollason, Winnipeg Free Press, 5 January 2013, page J2.

“Memorable Manitobans who passed away in 2012,” Winnipeg Sun, 30 December 2012.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 1 February 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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