Browse surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Browse deaths occurring in:
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Taché, Alexandre-Antonin (1823-1894)
Tacium, Kenneth Peter “Ken” (1957-2012)
Tackaberry, George Edwin (1874-1937)
Taft, Robert Tremaine (1904-1990)
Taillefer, Joseph Noel (1828-1897)
Taillieu, Wilfred Remi (1948-2016)
Tait, Henry Charles (1874-1948)
Tait, James Edward (1888-1918)
Tait, John (1858-?)
Tait, Robert (1830-1912)
Tait, William (1793-1872)
Tait, William Auld (1826-1900)
Talbot, Lilian Edille (1880-?)
Talbot, Phillipe Adjutor “Pete” (1879-1967)
Talbot, Stuart Richard (1895-1965)
Talgoy, Kjell (1925-2012)
Tallin, Clive Kerslake (1907-1985)
Tallin, George Percy Raymond “Pete” (1894-1970)
Tallin, Rae Henry (1927-2009)
Tallman, Harvey (1923-2023)
Tallman, Walter Franklin (1856-1927)
Talmage, Kerry (1963-2004)
Tanchak, Dmytro “Dan” (1907-1992)
Tanchak, Emanuel Peter “Manuel” (1914-1993)
Tanchak, John Peter (1905-1983)
Tanner, Arthur Robert (1912-1969)
Tanner, Charles Albert (1887-1970)
Tanner, John (c1780-1846)
Tapastanum [Donald William Sinclair Ross] (c1805-1881)
Tapp, William (1863-?)
Tapper, Elias (1840-1939)
Tapper, Max (1944-2009)
Tarasiuk, Hryhorij (1895-1982)
Taraska, Peter Stanley (1907-1984)
Tardiff, Nancy Jill Wolstencroft (?-2015)
Tarnawecky, Iraida Gerus (1924-2011)
Tarr, Alan Edmund (1913-1995)
Tarr, Edgar Jordan (1881-1950)
Tarr, Stambury Ryrie (1875-1918)
Taruc, Pablo Malgapo “Lito” (1958-2020)
Tascona, Antonio (1926-2006)
Tascona, Samuel Jack “Sam” (1928-2006)
Tashiro, Yosh (1920-1989)
Taskans, Andris (c1952-2019)
Tataryn, Michael William (1922-2014)
Tate, D’Arcy (1866-1935)
Tate, Robert (1874-?)
Tatlock, George Robert (1914-2006)
Tattannoeuck “Augustus” (?-1834)
Taubensee, John Guenther (1930-2009)
Tauffenbach, Nicolas Constantin (1829-1890)
Taunton, Arthur John Showell (1888-1974)
Tavener, Roy H. (c1926-1994)
Taylor, Alexander “Alex” (1899-1961)
Taylor, Andrew (1907-1993)
Taylor, Bentley (1877-1960)
Taylor, Edmund Landor (1860-1934)
Taylor, Fawcett Gowler (1878-1940)
Taylor, Frank Trafford (1891-1943)
Taylor, Frederick William “Fred” (1937-2014)
Taylor, Garth Ross (1922-2002)
Taylor, George (1800-1844)
Taylor, George Nelson (?-?)
Taylor, George S. (1839-1919)
Taylor, Gladys Marie Tall (1917-?)
Taylor, Harold “Harry” (1926-2009)
Taylor, Harold Cleveland (1887-1965)
Taylor, Henry Stephen (1864-1937)
Taylor, J. F. Reeh (1924-2015)
Taylor, James Maxwell (?-?)
Taylor, James Wickes (1820-1893)
Taylor, Jeanette Christina Clark (1911-2003)
Taylor, John (1812-1884)
Taylor, John (1834-1925)
Taylor, John (1835-1908)
Taylor, John Barton (1830-1891)
Taylor, Margaret Ann Martin (1933-2023)
Taylor, Marguerite Judd (1886-1964)
Taylor, Richard Ratcliffe (1851-1911)
Taylor, Robert Gardner (1874-1949)
Taylor, Robert John (1914-1991)
Taylor, Robert Ross “Bob” (1940-2013)
Taylor, Rupert Leslie (1905-1979)
Taylor, Thomas (1835-1908)
Taylor, Thomas Wardlaw (1833-1917)
Taylor, Thomas William (1852-1924)
Taylor, William (1835-1898)
Taylor, William Aguttar (1847-1914)
Taylor, William Aiken (1884-1952)
Taylor, William Arthur “Bill” (1944-2013)
Taylor, William Charles (1914-2004)
Taylor, William Henry (1820-1873)
Taylor, William J. (1865-?)
Taylor, William Murdoch (1858-?)
Taylor, William Ralph (1863-1913)
Teel, Ross (1929-1990)
Tees, Francis William (1895-1976)
Tees, James (1854-1906)
Teeter, Chancellor (1849-1942)
Teeter, George Gaspar (1874-1949)
Tefs, Wayne (c1948-2014)
Tegelberg, Laurie Elizabeth Bush (1914-1999)
Teillet, Leo Victor (1950-2014)
Teillet, Pierre Camille (1879-1963)
Teillet, Roger Joseph (1912-2002)
Telford, Donald McLeod (1845-1929)
Telpner, Eugene Louis “Gene” (1920-2005)
Temple, Mary Rose Thacker (1922-1983)
Templeman, Annie Elizabeth (1876-1937)
Templeman, John Leonard “Jack” (1934-2021)
Templeton, Alexander Finlayson “Al” (1924-2006)
Templeton, Carson Howard (c1917-2004)
Templeton, Charles Perry (1884-1929)
Templeton, Robert David (1862-1924)
Tennant, Edith Irene (1898-1989)
Tennant, Henry James (1839-1913)
Tennant, Joseph Francis (1848-1924)
Tennant, Rhoda Power (1891-1970)
Tennenhouse, Frank (1922-2010)
Teres, Joseph (1921-1976)
Tergesen, Hans Petur (1863-1954)
Tergesen, Lara Helga (c1905-2002)
Tergesen, Terence Pjetur Julius “Terry” (1934-2013)
Terhoch, Marvin (1947-2019)
Ternette, Nick (1945-2013)
Terris, James Edward (1924-2002)
Tesarowski, Chester Steven “Chet” (1935-2008)
Tesarski, Felix (1916-2010)
Tesarski, Thomas “Tom” (1924-2018)
Tessier, Joseph (1891-1948)
Tether, Sidney Norman (1894-1974)
Tetlock, Clarissa May Joyce “Chriss” (1941-2011)
Tetrault, Gerard Louis (1924-2005)
Tettamanti, James “Jim” (1923-2012)
Tevendale, Alexander Bruce (c1932-2003)
Thanadelthur (1697-1717)
Therrien, Louis Bernard “Luke” (1923-2014)
Thexton, Catherine Maria Slater (1921-2019)
Thibault, Jean Baptiste (1810-1879)
Thiessen, Abram Jacob (1910-2002)
Thiessen, Cornelius Van “Neil” (1919-2016)
Thiessen, Franz C. (1881-1950)
Thiessen, Henry Teichgraf (1918-2003)
Thiessen, Katharina Born (1842-1915)
Thistlethwaite, John Lawrence (1916-2012)
Thistlethwaite, Robert “Bob” (1909-1983)
Thom, Adam (1802-1890)
Thom, Archibald James McClacherty “Archie” (1907-2000)
Thom, Donald Richard (1908-1988)
Thomas, Alfred Vernon (1875-1950)
Thomas, Carleton Milburn (1910-1990)
Thomas, Catherine Elizabeth (1921-1982)
Thomas, Celestin “Whisky” (1837-1927)
Thomas, Charles Tracey (1892-1985)
Thomas, Edgar James (1881-1971)
Thomas, Lillian Beynon (1874-1961)
Thomas, Maria (c1846-1867)
Thomas, Morland Oswald “Ossie” (1907-1991)
Thomas, Orrin Albert (1881-1942)
Thomas, Philip (1864-1950)
Thomas, Rhys (1867-1932)
Thomas, Thomas (c1766-1828)
Thomas, Wilfred William Henry (1875-1953)
Thompson, Alice Frances “Fran” (1927-2017)
Thompson, Allen Edwin (1855-1910)
Thompson, Arthur Newey (1929-2004)
Thompson, David (1770-1857)
Thompson, David C. (1870-?)
Thompson, Donald Alexander (1904-1992)
Thompson, Douglas Wayne (1946-2018)
Thompson, Flora May (1891-1964)
Thompson, Florence Daly Lucas (1865-1915)
Thompson, Frederick George (1886-1972)
Thompson, George Bowles (1865-1932)
Thompson, George Levant (c1888-?)
Thompson, Gisli M. (1863-1908)
Thompson, H. N. (?-1953)
Thompson, Harlyn Elwood (1933-2021)
Thompson, Harry Cowan (1879-1946)
Thompson, Ian Maclaren (1896-1981)
Thompson, James Alexander (1882-?)
Thompson, James L. (1869-?)
Thompson, James William (1921-2002)
Thompson, John Andrew “Jack” (1919-2005)
Thompson, John W. (1858-1914)
Thompson, John William McLeod (1908-1986)
Thompson, Joseph (c1851-1935)
Thompson, Marcel Alexander (1938-2012)
Thompson, Marshall Roscoe “Ross” (1914-1990)
Thompson, Matthew W. (c1830-?)
Thompson, Norah Winnifred Maude (1899-1992)
Thompson, Ralph Lucas (1920-2011)
Thompson, Robert Burns (1861-1947)
Thompson, Robert George (1874-?)
Thompson, Robert Schuyler (1844-1930)
Thompson, Ronald Frederick (1943-2011)
Thompson, Ronald Thornton Frederick (1906-1984)
Thompson, Samuel Jacob (1845-1909)
Thompson, Steinn Olafur (1893-1972)
Thompson, Wellington John (1869-1937)
Thompson, William Henry (1858-1926)
Thompson, William P. (1942-2006)
Thomson, Alexander (1878-1950)
Thomson, Alexander Andrew (1885-1970)
Thomson, Arthur David (1903-1983)
Thomson, Charles John (1840-1911)
Thomson, Douglas Alexander (c1919-1965)
Thomson, Ebenezer (1835-1909)
Thomson, Franklin Arthur (1869-1951)
Thomson, Grace Eiko Nishikihama (1933-2024)
Thomson, Isabel Duncan (1919-2007)
Thomson, James (1854-1915)
Thomson, James (1859-1933)
Thomson, James (1920-2001)
Thomson, John (1851-1929)
Thomson, John Harvey (1896-1960)
Thomson, John Lowe Munro “Jack” (1877-1959)
Thomson, Leslie Rielle (1886-1958)
Thomson, Mary Carson (1881-1967)
Thomson, Mary Elizabeth Poor (1911-1994)
Thomson, Mary Louise Pickering (1879-1967)
Thomson, Norman George (1911-2000)
Thomson, Richard S. (1857-1933)
Thomson, Robert McDonnell (1869-1916)
Thomson, Stewart MacMillan (1930-2008)
Thomson, William Davidson (1886-1961)
Thomson, William H. (1871-?)
Thorarinson, Metusalem Jonsson “Salli” (1888-1946)
Thorarinson, Sigurstein Aleck (1921-1998)
Thordarson, Barney (1904-1974)
Thordarson, David Frederick (1926-2003)
Thorimbert, Auguste Marc “Gus” (1923-2013)
Thorkelson, Karl Baldwin (1896-?)
Thorkelsson, Soffanius (1876-1964)
Thorlakson, Paul Henrik Thorbjorn (1895-1989)
Thorlakson, Robert Henry (1923-2011)
Thorlakson, Thorbjorn Kenneth “Ken” (1923-2024)
Thorlaksson, Niels Steingrimur (1857-1943)
Thorlaksson, Páll (1849-1882)
Thornburn, William (1871-1944)
Thornton, Robert Stirton (1863-1936)
Thorpe, Ethel Lily May (?-2001)
Thorpe, Jack (1881-1965)
Thorson, Charles Gustav “Charlie” (1890-1966)
Thorson, Joseph Thorarinn (1889-1978)
Thorson, Stefan (1858-1934)
Thorsteinsdóttir, Torfhildur Holm (1845-1918)
Thorsteinson, Arnleifur Lawrence “Larry Thor” (1916-1976)
Thorsteinson, Gudmundur Olafur (1888-1934)
Thorsteinsson, John Edwin Bjarni (1924-2007)
Thorvaldson, Evelyn Kristin (1938-2007)
Thorvaldson, Gunnar Solmundur (1901-1969)
Thorvaldson, Sveinn (1872-1949)
Thrift, Eric William (1912-1995)
Thuot, Celine Massicotte (?-1988)
Tibbatts, Clarence Eric (1904-1979)
Tickle, Katherine Ruth Casselman Wilson (1912-2008)
Tier, William (1869-1939)
Tiernan, Robert Henry (1871-1950)
Tillenius, Clarence Ingwall (1913-2012)
Tillenius, Ethel Anna Sankey (1913-1989)
Tilley, Norman Melvin (1917-2013)
Tilly, Anton (1864-?)
Tilt, Isaac Capel (1871-1938)
Timewell, Arthur Thomas (1841-1906)
Timlick, Kenneth Calvin (1924-1989)
Timm-Rudolph, Shirley (c1957-2014)
Tindall, Frank Irwin (1911-1997)
Tingley, Archibald Reuben (1871-1938)
Tingley, Bedford Almer (1879-1945)
Tinkler, Frederick Edward “Fred” (1887-1977)
Tinkler, Robert Frederick “Bob” (1921-2010)
Tinlin, Maitland (1876-1934)
Tinline, Milton John (1880-1968)
Tinsley, Robert Porter “Bud” (1924-2011)
Tipping, Edith Myrtle Feasey (1916-2004)
Tipping, Frederick George (1885-1973)
Tisdale, John Ephram (1875-1967)
Tisdale, Walter Felix (1887-1960)
Tissot, Norma R. (1900-1981)
Titheridge, Eric Victor “Dusty” (1923-2015)
Tittenberger, Peter (1952-2024)
Tkachuk, William (1930-2014)
Tobias, William Verner (1892-1941)
Tobin, Mosie Nicholas “Moe” (1933-2007)
Tod, David Smith (1870-1937)
Tod, Harry Cornish (1923-1992)
Tod, James (1869-1930)
Tod, John (1794-1882)
Todd, James (1858-1948)
Todd, John Orchard (1864-1929)
Todd, Melville Kenneth “Ken” (1915-2007)
Todd, William (c1784-1851)
Todhunter, Thomas (1853-1911)
Toews, Cornelius P. (1836-1908)
Toews, David (1870-1947)
Toews, Julius George (1893-1981)
Toews, Robert Merle Bruce (1931-1987)
Toews, Walter Abram (1923-2006)
Tolaini, Pierluigi “Louie” (1936-2020)
Tolton, Henry Rowland (1868-1966)
Tolton, James Harvey (1898-1987)
Tomalin, William John C. (1858-1922)
Tomasson, David Gunnar (1945-2014)
Tomasson, Wilfrid Laurier “Laurie” (c1920-1998)
Tomcej, Alexander “Al” (1927-2015)
Tome, Americo (?-2012)
Tomes, Thomas Bennett (1856-1913)
Tomison, William (c1739-1829)
Tomkins, Herbert James “Tibbie” (1886-1940)
Tomkins, Kathleen Mary Matheson (1894-1927)
Tomlin, Donald “Don” (1921-2006)
Toms, Norman S. (1931-?)
Tonogai, Sunoshin Larry (c1930-1980)
Tooke, Jessie Rae George (1892-1972)
Tooley, Linda (1948-2009)
Tooley, James Francis (1915-1998)
Toombs, Roderick “Rowdy Roddy Piper” (1954-2015)
Tooth, James Arthur (1924-2007)
Tootoo, Terence George Okkumaluk (1980-2002)
Topolnicky, Wasyl (1893-1978)
Topper, Frank Elmer (1864-1952)
Torgrud, Raymond David (1930-2010)
Torrance, Frederick (1859-1924)
Torrie, Allan MacDonald (1922-2005)
Toshack, Robert Wilke (1859-1943)
Toshack, William Eneas (1882-1928)
Toth, Lorraine Margaret Horn (1940-2002)
Tougas, Marie Rose Jeanne (1915-2007)
Tough, Andrew Crawford “Andy” (1921-2016)
Toupin, Rene Ernest (1934-2014)
Tovell, Gordon Charles “Gord” (1939-2021)
Tovey, Bramwell Bernard (1953-2022)
Towers, William Boston (1854-1922)
Town, Tommy (1893-1957)
Toye, Smith (1858-1953)
Tracz, Orysia Paszczak (1945-2016)
Trager, Harry Leon (1913-1977)
Trager, John Emil (1927-2014)
Traill, Ivan Llewellyn (1932-2022)
Traill, Walter John Strickland (1847-1932)
Trainor, David James “Dave” (1932-1991)
Trainor, Owen C. (1894-1956)
Trapp, Alfred Frederick (1886-1953)
Trapp, Arthur Albert (1918-2007)
Traverse, David Earle (1946-2001)
Trebilcoe, William Joseph “Bill” (1921-1971)
Treble, Annette Louise (1932-2010)
Treble, Beverley Mae Robinson (1937-2013)
Treble, Cecil Diment (1898-1968)
Tredwell, Tom (1896-1964)
Treidler, Wilhelm Josef “Bill” (c1932-2019)
Treleaven, George Willard (1889-1931)
Trémaudan, Auguste Henri de (1874-1929)
Tremblay, Joseph Albert (1881-1938)
Tremblay, Joseph Hector (1878-1917)
Trenholme, Harold Wynne (1878-1925)
Trepel, Sidney “Sid” (1937-2004)
Trick, Charles Walter (1875-1919)
Trick, Edgar Garfield (c1881-1957)
Trick, Gordon Staples (1927-2015)
Trifunov, James (1903-1993)
Triggerson, Charles John (1872-1958)
Trimble, William (1840-1916)
Tritschler, George Eric (1901-1993)
Trombo, Ralph Stanley (1934-2020)
Trott, Margaret Kilvington (1912-2000)
Trotter, Beecham (1860-1934)
Trotter, Stuart Fowden (1885-1918)
Trudel, Louise (1936-2006)
Trudel, Margherita Chevrier “Rita” (1898-1985)
Trudel, Robert Edmond “Bob” (c1925-2013)
Trueman, Albert William (1902-1988)
Trueman, Inez Geneva Gandrud (1917-2015)
Trueman, Kenneth Rankine (1907-1977)
Trueman, Walter Harley (1870-1951)
Trumbell, Robert Edmond (1858-1945)
Trump, Ernest George (1878-1943)
Truscott, John Dimond “Jack” (1915-2002)
Tryon, Victor Weld (1880-1967)
Tsukamoto, Yoshikazu “Joe” (1925-2005)
Tuba, Penelope Helena Mastaway “Nellie/Pennie” (1923-2019)
Tucker, Alfred Rea (1909-1979)
Tucker, George A. (1836-1916)
Tucker, Herbert Mason (1875-1959)
Tucker, Louis Oscar (1917-2004)
Tuckwell, Alfred John (1854-1911)
Tuckwell, Ronald Wesley (1890-1991)
Tufts, Alban James (c1867-1944)
Tufts, Norman Benson (1875-1921)
Tulloch, James Ferguson (1890-1956)
Tulloch, John E. (1880-1945)
Tully, Bridget Daphne (1901-1989)
Tupper, Charles Stewart (1884-1960)
Tupper, Charles William “Charlie” (1898-1960)
Tupper, James Stewart (1851-1915)
Tupper, Margaret MacDonald (1866-1950)
Tupper, Margaret Peters Morse “Madge” (1887-1971)
Tupper, Richard La Touche (1845-1904)
Tupper, William Johnston (1862-1947)
Turek, Victor (1910-1963)
Turenne, Joseph (1845-1920)
Turenne, Patricia Pelland “Pat” (1943-2013)
Turk, Alexander (1906-1988)
Turnbull, Raymond Charles William “Moosie” (1939-2017)
Turnbull, Dorothy Rutherford Turner (1897-1970)
Turnbull, James Holt (1858-1943)
Turnbull, James Jack (1929-2003)
Turnbull, Jennie Mason “Jane” (1895-1966)
Turnbull, John Edwin (1932-2002)
Turnbull, John R. (1864-1904)
Turnbull, Thomas (1871-1958)
Turner, Annie Elizabeth Metcalfe (1897-1932)
Turner, Charles Bruce (1904-1944)
Turner, Edward Christopher (1917-1992)
Turner, Edwin John (1878-1934)
Turner, Frederick Clifford Woods “Cliff” (1938-2003)
Turner, Frederick James (1896-1982)
Turner, Frederick Keith (1927-1987)
Turner, George Spencer (1906-1994)
Turner, Glenn Homer (1912-1987)
Turner, Hyles Egbert (1855-1936)
Turner, James (1826-1889)
Turner, James Alfred (1912-1960)
Turner, James Ogden (1913-1998)
Turner, John Frank “Never Break” (1887-1972)
Turner, John Mowat (1900-1945)
Turner, John Percival (1879-1948)
Turner, John Robert Davenall (1937-1990)
Turner, F. Keith (c1927-1987)
Turner, Mac Lane (1915-1956)
Turner, Randall Kirk “Randy” (1961-2019)
Turner, Robert C. (1920-2012)
Turner, Ronald David (1915-1965)
Turner, Ronald Edward (1928-2019)
Turner, Robert Edwin “Bob” (?-1988)
Turner, Ross Holtby “Hope” (1911-2005)
Turner, Ross James (1930-2023)
Turney, Morgan Bower (1947-2025)
Turnock, William James (1929-2008)
Turnor, Philip (c1751-c1800)
Turriff, Malcolm (1849-1917)
Tutkaluke, John Peter (1914-1994)
Tuttle, Charles Richard (1848-1918)
Tuttle, Eldred Dodsworth (1878-1965)
Twaddle, Archibald Kerr (1932-2015)
Tweedie, A. Stuart R. (?-1994)
Twilley, Frederick Arthur “Fred” (1882-1976)
Twiss, Cecil Maitland (1883-1956)
Twomey, Jeremiah F. “Jerry” (1915-2008)
Twomey, Patrick J. “Paddy” (1915-2008)
Tyerman, Leonard George “Len” (1930-2023)
Tyler, Earl John “Curly” (1913-1997)
Tyler, Thomas Frank “Tom” (1912-1997)
Tyndale, Sanford Tudor (1874-1956)
Tyrrell, Joseph Burr (1858-1957)
Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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