The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2021:
Danielle Adams (1982-2021)
Leroy Egbert Adams (1954-2021)
James William “Jim” Astwood (1934-2021)
Gail Frances Moss Atkins (c1950-2021)
Murray Balagus (1929-2021)
David Stuart “Dave” Barber (1953-2021)
Katherine Barber (1959-2021)
Ronald Walter Baron (1935-2021)
Haraldur Asgeir Johannes “Harvey” Benson (1924-2021)
Borislaw Nicholas Bilash (1929-2021)
Ronald S. “Ron” Blicq (1925-2021)
Richard “Rick” Borland (1945-2021)
Louis Oscar Joseph “Lou” Bourbonnais (1922-2021)
Robert Bryan “Bob” Brennan (?-2021)
Stephen Carl “Steve” Cohlmeyer (1946-2021)
Robert Harry “Bob” Cooper (1948-2021)
Lucille Marie-Louise Courcelles [Sister Angele Therese] (1932-2021)
David “Dave” Courchene (1950-2021)
David Gordon Creamer (1946-2021)
Audrey Haine Daniels (1927-2021) - SHOF
David John “Dave” Drybrough (1936-2021)
Ruth Johanna Eden (1966-2021)
Robert William “Bob” English (1932-2021)
John “Ian” Evans (1953-2021)
George Melvin Fleury (1935-2021)
Theodore Niizhotay “Ted” Fontaine (1941-2021)
Leslie Willo “Les” Forrester (1930-2021)
Lianne Thérèse Hélène Marie Fournier (1964-2021)
John Foster “Jack” Fraser (1930-2021)
David Grant Frayer (1941-2021)
Peter L. Friesen (1930-2021)
Barry William Fry (1939-2021) - Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame
Ivan Glenn Fulford (1913-2021)
John Francis Funnell (1925-2021)
Maria Gomori (1920-2021)
Andre Achille Goussaert (1930-2021)
Edmund James “Ed” Grassick (1945-2021)
Garry Bruno Grubert (1942-2021)
Mildred Shanas Gutkin (1921-2021)
Borden Hasiuk (1947-2021)
Helen Frances Hayles (1929-2021)
George Nicholos Heshka (1933-2021)
Walter Harold Hildebrandt (1951-2021)
Robert “Rob” Hilliard (1947-2021)
Martin James “Marty” Hollenberg (1934-2021)
Robert William “Bob” Hopley (1933-2021)
John Randall Hofley (1939-2021)
Ted “Dutch” Holland (1937-2021)
Celine Anna Houde (1931-2021)
Paulette Marie Gauthier Huggins (1966-2021)
Philip Kenneth “Phil” Isaac (1928-2021)
Christopher George “Chris” Johnson (1944-2021)
Beatrice Emmett “Bea” Jolly (1928-2021)
Curtis “Shingoose” Jonnie (1946-2021)
Ruby Valera Arndt Joyce (1916-2021)
Michael “Mike” Kawchuk (1931-2021)
Peter Kawulia (1932-2021) - SHOF
Robert Patrick “Bob” Kelly (1931-2021)
William Donn Kirton (1934-2021)
William Harry “Bill” Kozyra (1929-2021)
Edmond Hormidas Lacasse (1941-2021)
Harry Lazarenko (1937-2021)
Augustus Searle “Gus” Leach (1939-2021)
Helen Wilms Litz (1932-2021)
Stella Elizabeth Kucherawy Locker (1933-2021)
Louisa Josephine Wiebe Loeb (1924-2021)
Allan Martin Lysack (1933-2021)
George Lysak (1932-2021)
Gerald Allen Neynoe MacLeod (1943-2021)
JoAnn Lee MacMorran (c1933-2021)
Kai Lorens Madsen (1941-2021)
Bernice Ethel Marmel (1927-2021)
Derek William Mazur (1947-2021)
Gordon Brian “Gord” McDiarmid (1941-2021)
Edward Gordon McGill (1929-2021)
William James “Bill” McKee (1929-2021)
Tyrrell Kingsley Mendis (1934-2021)
Irene Glenne McClelland Milne (1919-2021)
Margaret Chown Morse (1925-2021)
Areen Mary Mulder (1933-2021)
William Joseph “Bill” Neil (1921-2021)
Roger Newman (1935-2021)
James Bradley “Jim” Nickels (1931-2021)
Catherine Joyce Madill Orchard (1928-2021)
William “Bill” Peters (1924-2021)
Steve Prystupa (1939-2021)
Serge Radchuk (1926-2021)
Alistair A. Riddell (1930-2021)
Robert Mathew “Bob” Riddell (1938-2021)
Steven Saul Rifkin (1930-2021)
Douglas Warren “Doug” Ruth (1948-2021)
Alan William Scarth (1922-2021)
Gary Raymond Scherbain (1942-2021)
David William “Dave” Schindler (1940-2021)
Sidney Irwin Schwartz (1933-2021)
Norm Shanas (1923-2021) - SHOF
Mohtaram Gharib “Moti” Shojania (1945-2021)
George Siamandas (1948-2021)
Kewal Singh (1939-2021)
Calvin Stanley “Cal” Skagfeld (1929-2021)
Richard Craig Sommerville (1925-2021)
J. Brenton “Brent” Stearns (?-2021)
George Douglas Stephenson (1952-2021)
John Leonard “Jack” Templeman (1934-2021)
Harlyn Elwood Thompson (1933-2021)
Gordon Charles “Gord” Tovell (1939-2021)
James William “Jim” Ursel (1937-2021)
Patricia Marie “Pat” Walker (1939-2021)
Anne Davidchuk Waschuk (1936-2021)
Edward Joseph “Joe” Williams (1918-2021)
Harvey Dean Williams (1927-2021)
Gerry-Jenn Wilson (1968-2021)
Jacob Cornelius “Jack” Winters (1933-2021)
David Wilson Woodbury (1955-2021)
If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2021, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 1 March 2025
Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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