Memorable Manitobans: 2018

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2017 | 2019

The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2018:

Stuart J. Adams (1948-2018)

Thomas John “Tom” Andrich (c1946-2018)

Laurie Artiss (1932-2018)

Philip Langlois Ashdown (1926-2018)

Michael “Mike” Babinsky (1962-2018)

Marilyn Baker (c1950-2018)

Steven Lawrence “Steve” Banera (1933-2018)

Leonard Baranyk (1944-2018)

Gordon Jacob Barkman (1926-2018)

Clayton Ernest Grenville Bates (1921-2018)

Laurie Block (1949-2018)

Cynthia Beryl Brick (1940-2018)

Anthony Paul “Tony” Buchner (1950-2018)

Pierre Francois Roland Cantin (1928-2018)

John William “Jack” Carroll (1926-2018)

Saul Mark Cherniack (1917-2018)

Arthur Edward Christensen (1916-2018)

Anne Alyce Uruski Chudy (?-2018)

Eileen Charlotte Landerkin Collins (1923-2018)

Aylmer “Elmer” Courchene (1936-2018)

Denis Patrick Bowes Daly (1930-2018)

Elizabeth Delgatty (1948-2018)

Bev Desjarlais (1955-2018)

James Eric Dexter (c1947-2018)

Robyn Moglove Diamond (1952-2018)

Martin Mathew “Marty” Dolin (1939-2018)

Jack Peter Drapack (1939-2018)

Robert James “Jim” Duncan (1942-2018)

William Bruce Dunlop (1924-2018)

Stephen Norbert “Steve” Dvorak (1941-2018)

Kenneth Stewart Edie (1935-2018)

Ben Friesen Eidse (1928-2018)

Ruth Alma Watson Emisch (?-2018)

Edward Danylo Evanko (1938-2018)

Douglas Donald Everett (1927-2018)

Ronald A. “Sam” Fabro (1920-2018)

Paul Faraci (1928-2018)

Josephine Ernestine Fenny (1919-2018)

Lois Dawn Tomes Fredrickson (1928-2018)

Theodore Alexander “Ted” Galay (1941-2018)

Gordon Graham (1928-2018)

Robert Sefton “Robyn” Gray (c1947-2018)

Lucien Guenette (1932-2018)

George W. P. Heffelfinger (1926-2018)

Lorraine Evelyn Henley (1944-2018)

Max C. Herst (1926-2018)

Roderick George McLean “Rod” Hunter (1943-2018) - CCHF

Marcel Jamault (1936-2018)

Joan “Sigrid” Johnson (1950-2018)

Gudrun Valdina “Valdine” Johnson (1923-2018)

Kathleen Mildred Emily Lewis Jorgenson (1927-2018)

Otto Klassen (1927-2018)

Walter Vladimir Krivda (1932-2018)

Edmund Kuffel (1924-2018)

Renée-France Labossière (1936-2018)

Jessie Hermione “Jess” Lang (1916-2018)

Moe Lerner (1953-2018)

Claydean Virgil “Clay” Lewis (1929-2018)

Harold Murray Lord (1918-2018)

Samuel Ralph “Sam” Loschiavo (?-2018)

Daniel Charles “Dan” Maloney (1950-2018)

Ihor Ihven Mayba (1931-2018)

Alvin Brian “Ab” McDonald (1936-2018)

Robert Stewart “Bob” McKenzie (1938-2018)

Randolph B. “Randy” McNicol (1950-2018)

Charles Osborne “Chuck” Meighen (1943-2018)

Alan Reid “Al” Miller (1925-2018)

Peter Scott Morse (1927-2018)

Stanley Adaljon “Stan” Oleson (1931-2018)

Thelma Rose Irene Osman (1922-2018)

John Erle Outhwaite (1920-2018)

Sherry Lynn Ward Peden (1960-2018)

Roland Penner (1924-2018)

Virginia Phyllis Petch (1946-2018)

Clarence Pettersen (c1953-2018)

Cornel Piper (1937-2018)

Peggy Jane Unruh Regehr (?-2018)

Walter Regehr (?-2018)

Donnelly Rhodes (1936-2018)

John Derek Riley (1922-2018)

Mary Rosalind Johnson Robertson (1931-2018)

Albert Rothenberger (1930-2018)

Leslie Thomas “Les” Routledge (1963-2018)

Gordon “Gord” Rowland (1930-2018) - SHOF

Walter Saltzberg (1931-2018)

Kathleen Violet Harkins “Kay” Sample (1922-2018)

Stanley R. Scarr (1931-2018)

William Ross “Bill” Shackel (1939-2018)

Jennifer Mary Walker Shay (1930-2018)

Michael John Shewchuk (1930-2018)

Max Shnier (1924-2018)

Vern I. Simonsen (1931-2018)

Glenora Pearce Slimmon (1925-2018)

Stanley “Stan” Sokalski (1931-2018)

Sheila Mae Spooner (1958-2018)

John Wiseman Steele (1934-2018)

William “Bill” Stepaniuk (1933-2018)

Teddy Emilio Stoyko (1938-2018)

Thomas “Tom” Tesarski (1924-2018)

Douglas Wayne Thompson (1946-2018)

John R. Walker (1949-2018)

David George Harrington Waters (?-2018)

Abraham Lionel “Len” Weinberg (c1934-2018)

Marie Evelyn Zorniak (1952-2018)

If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2018, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.


This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 5 March 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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