Memorable Manitobans: 2016

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2015 | 2017

The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2016:

Olie Lasse Alto (1929-2016)

Andrew James “Andy” Arnot (1942-2016)

Raymond Bernard “Ray” Ash (c1937-2016)

Isabel George Hutcheson Auld (1917-2016)

Celia Marsha Baron (1945-2016)

Jaroslaw Barwinsky (1926-2016)

Andrew James “Andy” Bathgate (1932-2016)

Emily Lelyk Bazylo (1929-2016)

Jean A. Beaumont (1943-2016)

Arthur M. Blankstein (1945-2016)

Eva Bonkowski (c1920-2016)

Una Frances Arnett Bowles (1913-2016)

Marilyn Boyle (?-2016)

Oscar Brand (1920-2016)

Donalda Eileen “Dona” Brekelmans (1924-2016)

Fred Brick (1935-2016)

Allan Grant Brock (1932-2016)

David Melville Brown (1946-2016)

George Edward Brown (1936-2016)

Margaret Mary Edmond “Marg” Brown (?-2016)

Oscar Cantor (1925-2016)

James “Jim” Cartlidge (1925-2016)

Adeline Zaborniak Chorney (1921-2016)

Norman A. Cuddy (1950-2016)

Frank Louis Cvitovitch (1936-2016)

Edward “Ed” Czarnecki (?-2016)

Joseph Gardner Anthony Degen (1929-2016)

Alice Marion Turner Dent (1918-2016)

James Reid Dickie (1949-2016)

Stanley Alexander “Stan” Didkowski (1929-2016)

Allan George Drysdale (1941-2016)

Josephine Mary Earn (1929-2016)

Laurie Edward Evans (1933-2016)

Leonard Salusbury “Len” Evans (1929-2016)

Dorothy Marion Faris (1918-2016)

David Favor (1919-2016)

Rita Flamand (1931-2016)

Herbert John Fowell [Bert Gordon] (1945-2016)

Jane Arthurs Frain (1927-2016)

Wilbert Alvin “Bert” Friesen (1924-2016)

Theodore Erwin “Ted” Friesen (1920-2016)

Robert “Bob” Gannon (?-2016)

George Gershman (1923-2016)

Elaine Marilyn Goldberg (1930-2016)

Robert Henry Gordon (1932-2016) - Can Ag Hall of Fame

Frank Herbert Gunston (1933-2016)

Ernest Joseph Hafichuk (1928-2016)

Joan Mary Harland (1914-2016)

Raymond Hamilton Harris (1926-2016)

Bernard Conrad “Barney” Hartman (1916-2016) - SHOF, CSHF

John Harvard (1938-2016)

Jennie Marion Slawinski Hayka (1927-2016)

Bruce Hayles (1930-2016)

Keith Ian Munro Heming (1943-2016)

Gerhard “Jerry” Hildebrand (1929-2016)

Garry Hilderman (1940-2016)

Ronald Michael “Roman/Ron” Hladun (1927-2016)

Sherry Lynn Hobson (1956-2016)

A. Rolph Huband (1929-2016)

Bruce MacLean Hudson (1928-2016)

Kenneth Russell Hughes (1933-2016)

Ron James (1944-2016)

Peter Janzen (1940-2016)

Frederick Ross Johnson (1931-2016)

Earl Gordon Johnston (1927-2016)

Paul Allan Russell Johnston (1931-2016)

Anne Jorowski (1918-2016)

Robert Gerald “Bob” Kabel (1934-2016)

John Vincent Macdonald “Jack” Kennedy (1929-2016)

John Willis Kieper (1916-2016)

Philip Kives (1929-2016)

Louis Kliman (1929-2016)

Nancy Harryman Klippenstein (1930-2016)

Leslie Wilfred Knight (1923-2016)

Vivien Sysak “Roma” Konyk (1931-2016)

Nadya Kostyshyn-Bailey (1943-2016)

Abram William “Abe” Krahn (1923-2016)

Alan Richardson Laing (1937-2016)

John Salmon Lamont (1925-2016)

Kathleen Wilson Leathers (1942-2016)

C. Wilbert “Bert” Loewen (1922-2016)

Graham Conrad Lount (1921-2016)

Gerald Doull Macdonald (1930-2016)

David Gordon Mack (1919-2016)

Donald Dean Marks (1953-2016)

Charles Geoffrey “Geoff” Marrin (1949-2016)

Alexander Daniel McLean Matheson (1925-2016)

Paul Emile Martin (1920-2016)

Jerry Maslowsky (1957-2016)

John Francis “Jack” Mavins (1932-2016)

Robert Alfred “Bob” Mayer (1944-2016)

John Kirk McKenzie (c1932-2016)

George McLean (c1924-2016)

James Douglas “Doug” McMurtry (1919-2016)

Roderick James “Rod” McRae (1934-2016)

Mary Louise Turner Mercredi (1922-2016)

Thelma Marion Phillips Millar (1922-2016)

John Thomas Mills (1937-2016)

William A. “Bill” Milton (1936-2016)

George Joseph Morrissette (c1938-2016)

Larry Morrissette (?-2016)

Robert Fraser Macintosh “Bob” Myers (1917-2016)

M. V. Naidu (?-2016)

Lois Isabelle Emmond Neabel (1936-2016)

Julius Isaac “Jack” Neaman (c1928-2016)

Daphne Odjig (c1919-2016)

Michael Francis O'Rourke (1938-2016)

Henry Joseph “Harry” Paine (1933-2016)

Ruth Palmour (c1923-2016)

David Owen Palubeski (1950-2016)

William H. N. “Bill” Paton (1944-2016)

Edward “Ed” Peltz (1931-2016)

Victor Lionel Perrin (c1955-2016)

Douglas Dennison “Doug” Peters (1930-2016)

Victor Alvin “Vic” Peters (1955-2016)

James Kenneth “Jim” Pettapiece (1943-2016) - CCHF

Raymond Philippot (1932-2016)

Alice Shewman Poyser (1933-2016)

Edward Hubert “Ted” Purvis (1941-2016)

Nell Angela Ruchkall Ramsay (1925-2016)

William “Bill” Regehr (1931-2016)

William Albert “Bill” Reid (1948-2016)

Wilfred Birnie Reid (1928-2016)

Douglas Brian Reynolds (?-2016)

George Reznik (1929-2016)

Walter Oleh Romaniw (1944-2016)

Orest Stephen Roscoe (1932-2016)

Eldon M. Ross (1931-2016)

David McNichol Sanders (1947-2016)

Conrado De Regla “Conrad” Santos (1934-2016)

Arthur Schwartz (1923-2016)

Steven Ronald Scrupa (1942-2016)

Alfred Charles “Alf” Selver (1928-2016)

Joseph Gordon Shillingford (1960-2016)

Jacqueline “Jackie” Shymanski (1965-2016)

Thomas Walter “Tom” Sidebottom (1929-2016)

Audrey Ellen Honeyman Silvius (1924-2016)

Reginald Robert “Reg” Skene (c1934-2016)

Alexander “Alex” Smaluk (1920-2016)

Gary Thornton Smith (1940-2016)

Robert Joseph Soper (1927-2016)

Stanislao “Stano” Spina (1943-2016)

Sidney Standil (1927-2016)

Kristjan Fredric Stefanson (1944-2016)

Betty Enid Stephen (1928-2016)

Herbert Brian Howland Stewart (1928-2016)

Peter Edward Swerhone (?-2016)

Wilfred Remi Taillieu (1948-2016)

Cornelius Van “Neil” Thiessen (1919-2016)

Andrew Crawford “Andy” Tough (1921-2016)

Orysia Paszczak Tracz (1945-2016)

Harry Alex Vickar (1923-2016)

Robert Lawrence “Bob” Washington (1934-2016)

Barbara Elaine Mills Weselake (1947-2016)

Robert John Weselake (1947-2016)

Henryk Wiktorowicz (1919-2016)

Benson Wincure (c1941-2016)

Ian Gordon Wright (1939-2016)

Donna Mae Tully Yeo (1928-2016)

Daune Yerex (1930-2016)

Rodney Anthony Allan “Rod” Zimmer (1942-2016)

If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2016, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.


“The mighty and the colourful” by Kevin Rollason, Winnipeg Free Press, 31 December 2016, pages D13-D17.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 6 March 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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