Memorable Manitobans: Memorable Manitobans Index: R

Browse surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Browse deaths occurring in:
1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

Rabin, William “Wolfe” (1907-?)

Rabson, Lawrence Ruhaul (1910-1970)

Race, Louis A. (1865-?)

Radchuk, Serge (1926-2021)

Radisson, Pierre-Esprit (c1640-1710)

Radomsky, Stephen Edward (1893-1984)

Rady, Maxwell S. (1893-1964)

Rady, Rose Bronfman (1888-1988)

Radych, Mary (1901-1994)

Rae, Donald William (1931-1998)

Rae, James Edwin “Jim” (1941-2024)

Rae, John (1813-1893)

Rae, John Porteous (1914-1996)

Rae, Robert (1867-1951)

Rafter, George Charles (1922-2012)

Raimbault, Pierre (1901-1960)

Raine, Thomas Alfred “Alf” (1897-1987)

Rait, William McGillivray (c1891-1973)

Raleigh, John Patrick (1870-1931)

Ram, Humphrey Scott (1885-?)

Rampton, Arthur Vincent “Art” (1920-2000)

Ramsay, Edwin Alonzo (1862-1946)

Ramsay, Louis Lindsay (1878-?)

Ramsay, Nell Angela Ruchkall (1925-2016)

Ramsay, Peter Belhaven Hamilton (1864-1952)

Ramsay, Phoebe Maur (?-1941)

Ramsay, William Francis (1866-1933)

Ramsey, Ernest W. (1938-2001)

Rand, Anne Evangeline (1920-2005)

Rand, William Henry (1873-1947)

Randa, Josef (1933-2005)

Rankin, Andrew Douglas (1860-1926)

Rankin, John Leslie (1914-2009)

Rankin, Laird Forbes (1940-2017)

Rankin, William Keith (1942-2014)

Rankine, David F. (1893-?)

Rankine, Hugh Kirkwood (1913-1998)

Ransby, Edward Charles (1884-1972)

Ransom, Alan Brian (1940-2020)

Ransom, Edgar John (1874-1956)

Ransom, Fawcett Wright (1882-1957)

Ransom, Sidney Edwin (1909-1990)

Ranson, David Emmett Lorne (1923-2005)

Rapley, Kenneth David (1911-2002)

Rastel De Rocheblave, Pierre de (1773-1840)

Rath, George (?-?)

Rathbone, Annie Simpson (1879-1953)

Rathbone, Bruce Earle “Bones” (1947-2017)

Rathgeber, Edward Philip (1913-2004)

Rathwell, Lawrence Abel (1885-1989)

Rathwell, Wellington Geddes (1887-1951)

Rattai, Henry Samuel (1932-2004)

Rattray, Alexander Everett “Alex” (1933-2019)

Rattray, Holly Virginia Forster (1908-1999)

Rattray, John Grant (1867-1944)

Rattray, Michael David “Mike” (1931-2022)

Rattray, Samuel Price (1903-1979)

Ray, George Raymond (1869-1935)

Ray, Herbert Clarence (1902-1990)

Ray, Mervyn H. (1867-1949)

Rea, Andrew Edward (1846-1926)

Rea, J. Edgar (1931-2003)

Rea, James (1882-1969)

Rea, James Fraser (1858-1937)

Reade, Hubert Thomas (1879-1945)

Reader, Joseph (1849-1928)

Reardon, Kenneth Joseph “Kenny” (1921-2008)

Rebchuk, Jaroslaw “Slaw” (1907-1996)

Rebizant, Joseph John (1936-2017)

Redmond, James (1853-1926)

Redpath, Charles (1872-1952)

Redekopp, Elsa Sawatsky (1922-1992)

Redekopp, Henry W. (1913-1988)

Redman, Lizzie (1864-1950)

Redmond, Shirley Annie (1876-?)

Redpath, Irene Elizabeth Lees (1905-2003)

Redpath, Muriel Amelia Robertson (1906-1984)

Reece, Rupert Cambourne (1894-1951)

Reed, Hugh Francis (1874-1932)

Reekie, James Sinclair (1857-1942)

Reekie, Minnie Isabella (?-?)

Reese, Eveline Marie Bisson “Evelyne” (1932-2024)

Reesor, David Anson (1860-1940)

Reeve, George Joseph (1886-1968)

Reeves, John (1887-1964)

Refvik, Orval Alexander (c1933-2015)

Regehr, Peggy Jane Unruh (?-2018)

Regehr, Walter (?-2018)

Regehr, William “Bill” (1931-2016)

Regnier, Laurier Arthur (1903-1990)

Reid, Adam (1868-?)

Reid, Albert Edward (1902-1990)

Reid, Alexander (1860-?)

Reid, Allen (1887-?)

Reid, Anthony John “Tony” (1908-1993)

Reid, Archibald Cumberland (1889-1974)

Reid, David Taylor (1882-1961)

Reid, Donald Harvey (?-2013)

Reid, Ernest Harvey (1903-1956)

Reid, Francis Henry “Frank” (1881-1924)

Reid, George (c1913-1983)

Reid, Ian Livingstone (1931-2014)

Reid, James Murray (1882-1933)

Reid, James Robert (1882-1966)

Reid, John Christie Walker (1871-1942)

Reid, John Lestock (1841-?)

Reid, John Michael (1935-2008)

Reid, John Young (1872-1945)

Reid, Leonard Alexander (1894-1970)

Reid, Wilfred Birnie (1928-2016)

Reid, William Douglas “Bill” (1891-1982)

Reid, William Morrison (1911-1999)

Reidke, Leo (1931-2006)

Reimer, Bernard “Ben” (1939-2006)

Reimer, David Peter (1965-2004)

Reimer, Donald Sanford (1934-2023)

Reimer, Ernest Friesen (1909-1999)

Reimer, Frank F. (1908-2006)

Reimer, Garth Peter James (1954-2023)

Reimer, Helena Friesen (1905-1993)

Reimer, Jacob Dueck (1912-1986)

Reimer, Joan (1934-2008)

Reimer, Johann C. “John” (1894-1990)

Reimer, Klaas R. (1837-1906)

Reimer, Leonard Arthur “Art” (1941-2023)

Reimer, Norman Earl (1927-1981)

Reimer, Peter J. (1902-1988)

Reimer, Richard Lehmann (1911-1999)

Reimer, Wesley (1932-2011)

Reimer, William A. “Bill” (1939-2023)

Reive, Ada “Aunt Ada” (1884-1978)

Remillard, Rene Leo Joseph (1918-2008)

Remis, Leonard “Lanny” (1912-2007)

Remnant, William H. “Binx” (1927-2017)

Rempel, Averno Milton (1919-2012)

Rempel, Gerhard Solomon (c1896-1969)

Rempel, Isbrand “Ike” (1916-1965)

Rempel, Waldemar “Wally” (1936-2015)

Renaud, Irene Catherine Rebiffe (1933-2015)

Renaud, Maurice “Mo” (1929-2024)

Rendall, Thomas W. “Tom” (1933-2002)

Rennie, Alfred Herbert (1857-1908)

Rennie, James William Ross (1911-1981)

Renouf, George P. (1879-1961)

Renton, John (1825-1907)

Renton, Margaret Potter (?-?)

Rentz, William Hugo (1926-2017)

Repa, Steve (1937-1989)

Restall, John Hunter (1916-1983)

Rettie, Donald Elrick “Pete” (1930-2004)

Revel, Edward Turner “Ted” (1925-2008)

Rey, Louise Card (1915-1990)

Reycraft, Gladwyn Switzer “Glad” (1905-1986)

Reycraft, Llewellyn James “Lou” (1868-1956)

Reynolds, Douglas Brian (?-2016)

Reynolds, George Albert (1917-2005)

Reynolds, George F. (1904-1995)

Reynolds, Gordon Victor (1926-1964)

Reynolds, Herbert Thomas (1885-1951)

Reynolds, Joseph Benson (1867-1948)

Reynolds, Lindor Marion Rose Heuvel (c1958-2014)

Reynolds, Samuel H. (c1859-1916)

Reznik, George (1929-2016)

Reznowski, Lorne Anthony (1929-2011)

Reznowski, Lorne William (1901-1980)

Rhind, Frederick (1868-1963)

Rhind, William (1839-1927)

Rhind, William Charles “Charlie” (1904-1982)

Rhodes, Donnelly (1936-2018)

Rice, Fred Clarke Wallace (1896-1973)

Rice, Isaac (1911-1969)

Rice, Kathleen Creighton Starr “Kate” (1882-1963)

Rice, Patrick H. (1852-?)

Rice, Samuel Dwight (1815-1884)

Rice, Thomas J. “Tom” (1939-2015)

Rice-Jones, Cecil (1881-1972)

Rich, Abraham Samuel (1911-1994)

Rich, Arthur Allan (1922-2000)

Richard, Mary Margaret (1940-2010)

Richard, Willis Herman “Will” (1943-2014)

Richards, Albert Elswood (1848-1917)

Richards, Albert Norton (1822-1897)

Richards, Beresford Robert (1914-1982)

Richards, Cecil Clarence (1907-1981)

Richards, Ethel Macleod Robertson (1916-2006)

Richards, Irene Lawrence (1893-1956)

Richards, Robert Whitla (1909-1989)

Richards, Stanley Crawford (1885-1939)

Richards, Stephen Elswood (1878-1950)

Richardson, Albert Lionel “Ab” (1910-1982)

Richardson, Arthur John (1876-1959)

Richardson, Bert Verschoyle (1891-?)

Richardson, Charles Leonard (1884-1939)

Richardson, Charles Skirving (1863-1946)

Richardson, Edward (1879-1919)

Richardson, Marietta Emily Taylor “Reita” (1898-1970)

Richardson, Gary Robert (1950-2005)

Richardson, George Taylor (1924-2014)

Richardson, Gertrude Matilda Twilley (1875-1946)

Richardson, Henry Robson (1879-1966)

Richardson, Howard Newton (1879-1949)

Richardson, James Armstrong (1885-1939)

Richardson, James Armstrong (1922-2004)

Richardson, James Hugh (1894-1963)

Richardson, John (1787-1865)

Richardson, John Burdette (1900-1954)

Richardson, John Ross (1858-1920)

Richardson, Kathleen Margaret (1928-2019)

Richardson, Lottie Isabella Irwin (1895-1967)

Richardson, Muriel Sprague (1890-1973)

Richardson, Richard Bertram Dawson (1878-1966)

Richardson, Robert Dennis (1854-1946)

Richardson, Robert Lorne (1860-1921)

Richardson, Roy Walter (1902-1974)

Richardson, Ruth (c1887-?)

Richardson, Shirley Anne Rooper (1925-2023)

Richardson, Walter Cooper (1893-1971)

Richardson, William (1859-1933)

Richardson, William Grey (1917-1990)

Richmond, Donald Wallace (1892-1982)

Rickner, Adam MacKay (1963-2014)

Ridd, Dwight Nugent (1900-1976)

Ridd, John Carl (1929-2003)

Ridd, John Elwood (1896-1986)

Ridd, John William (1865-1955)

Riddell, Alistair A. (1930-2021)

Riddell, James (1849-1926)

Riddell, John Henry (1863-1952)

Riddell, Robert Gerald (1908-1951)

Riddell, Robert Mathew “Bob” (1938-2021)

Riddell, Walter (1882-?)

Riddle, Victor Norman (1897-1952)

Riddoch, Thomas (1885-1933)

Rideout, Wilfred Almon (1878-1949)

Ridgeway, Robert Weston (1878-1946)

Ridley, John Sutherland (1881-1934)

Ridley, Maurice Evans (1912-1960)

Riedle, Arnold Wilhelm (1873-1937)

Reiger, Sebastian Berger (1910-2005)

Riel, Joseph (1858-1921)

Riel, Louis Sr. (1817-1864)

Riel, Louis (1844-1885)

Riesberry, Helen Clara Gerring (1916-2010)

Rife, Willard Ervin (1890-1970)

Rifkin, Steven Saul (1930-2021)

Rigg, Richard Arthur “Dickie” (1872-1964)

Riley, Conrad Sanford (1916-1999)

Riley, Conrad Stephenson (1875-1960)

Riley, Grayce Elizabeth Ross (?-1997)

Riley, Harold James (1887-1975)

Riley, Isaac (1853-1926)

Riley, John Derek (1922-2018)

Riley, John Herbert (1885-1960)

Riley, Robert Thomas (1851-?)

Riley, William Culver (1907-1970)

Riley, William Pitt (1870-1954)

Riley, William Pitt (1934-1998)

Rimer, Francis West (1849-1907)

Rindisbacher, Peter (1806-1834)

Rinn, Joseph (1845-1915)

Rintoul, Harry Stanley (1956-2002)

Rioch, Margaret George (?-?)

Riordan, Patrick Michael (1939-2008)

Rioux, Cecile (1909-2003)

Ripstein, David (1851-1923)

Ripstein, Simon Avigdor (1858-1935)

Ritchey, Lawrence Ivan (1939-2006)

Ritchie, Charles Arnold (1879-1924)

Ritchie, Christina Kelso (1887-1960)

Ritchie, Daniel Anthony (1924-2011)

Ritchie, David Anderson (1858-1942)

Ritchie, David Anderson (1917-2010)

Ritchie, Douglas Warren (c1923-1975)

Ritchie, Elsie Rowena (1892-1992)

Ritchie, Patricia Grace Watson “Pat” (c1941-2022)

Ritchie, Sinclair Balsor (1855-1933)

Ritchie, Walter Legget (1928-2011)

Ritchie, William Gordon David (1918-1998)

Ritchot, Joseph-Noel (1825-1905)

Riter, Harold Elwin (1892-1967)

Rittaler, Anton “Tony” (1917-2008)

Ritz, Henry (1858-1945)

Ritz, John Lorne (1951-2007)

Ritz, Otto (1867-1933)

Rivard, Delphine (1871-1966)

Rizzuto, Philip Antonio “Phil” (1926-2004)

Robb, James (c1920-2001)

Robb, Kalista May “Kay” (1902-1982)

Robbins, Irvine (1917-2008)

Robbins, John Everett (1903-1995)

Robert, Roland “Red” (1940-2019)

Roberton, Thomas Beattie (1879-1936)

Roberts, Anthony “Tony” (c1919-2002)

Roberts, Edward (c1834-1890)

Roberts, Frank (1938-1998)

Roberts, Herbert Fuller (1870-1937)

Roberts, James Alfred (1858-?)

Roberts, John Hamilton (1892-1962)

Roberts, William Edward (1875-?)

Roberts, Stanley Carl (1927-1990)

Robertson, Alexander (1909-1985)

Robertson, Alfred G. (1863-1910)

Robertson, Alys Danton Hunter “Alice” (1912-1995)

Robertson, Colin (1783-1842)

Robertson, David S. (?-2004)

Robertson, Donald Alexander “Don” (1935-2019)

Robertson, Edith Winnifred Morrison (1909-1997)

Robertson, Elizabeth “Lisbeth” (1878-1952)

Robertson, Elva Jane (1901-1959)

Robertson, Frances Mary Jones (1903-1987)

Robertson, Francis Beverley (1851-1894)

Robertson, George Francis (1873-1932)

Robertson, George Herbert (1876-?)

Robertson, Gladys Mildred (1896-1971)

Robertson, Heather Margaret (1942-2014)

Robertson, Henry “Harry” (1909-1995)

Robertson, Hugh John (1868-1952)

Robertson, James (1839-1902)

Robertson, John (1934-2014)

Robertson, John Edward (1872-1940)

Robertson, John Francis Evans “Jack” (1914-1973)

Robertson, John McLeod (1870-1941)

Robertson, John Palmerston (1841-1919)

Robertson, Joseph Duncan (1913-2007)

Robertson, Margaret (1891-?)

Robertson, Marguerite Willard (1892-1987)

Robertson, Mary Lang (?-?)

Robertson, Mary Rosalind Johnson (1931-2018)

Robertson, Peter Cecil (1872-1954)

Robertson, Robert Thompson (1864-?)

Robertson, Ronald Douglas (1920-1998)

Robertson, Viola Anna Busday (1926-2017)

Robertson, Violet Labey (1901-1989)

Robertson, Walter Earle (1898-1989)

Robertson, Wilbert Alexander (1881-1940)

Robertson, William (1860-?)

Robidoux, Omer (1913-1986)

Robinson, Arthur (1869-?)

Robinson, Burton Allen (1908-2008)

Robinson, Claude Copeland (1881-1976)

Robinson, E. Alice (?-?)

Robinson, Edward Milward (1868-1917)

Robinson, Etienne (c1945-2008)

Robinson, George W. (1859-?)

Robinson, Geraldine Lorraine “Gerry” (1917-2006)

Robinson, Henry Martin (1845-1907)

Robinson, Homer Smiley (1897-1972)

Robinson, Isaac Alvin (1860-1944)

Robinson, James Curran (1849-1926)

Robinson, James M. “Jimmy” (1897-1986)

Robinson, Jeremiah “Jerry” (1844-1930)

Robinson, John Ashley (c1883-1950)

Robinson, John Moore (1855-1934)

Robinson, Joseph Montgomery (1850-?)

Robinson, Julian Elton (1925-2004)

Robinson, Lawrence (?-2002)

Robinson, Leslie George (1903-1994)

Robinson, Mary Augusta Ruttan (1912-1993)

Robinson, Moira “Molly” (1931-2013)

Robinson, Ormond Leslie “Les” (1884-1954)

Robinson, Paul I. (1906-1993)

Robinson, Reuben Simon (1864-1934)

Robinson, Roy E. (c1919-1988)

Robinson, Samuel (1858-?)

Robinson, Sydney Isaac (1896-1980)

Robinson, Thomas (1854-1908)

Robinson, Thomas D. (1838-1930)

Robinson, Trudy (c1935-2006)

Robinson, William (1849-1936)

Robinson, William Byrns (1921-2008)

Robinson, William John (1882-1947)

Robison, Herbert Edward (1869-1933)

Roblin, Arthur Beltram (1885-1954)

Roblin, Charles Dufferin “Duff” (1917-2010)

Roblin, George Aubrey (1887-1941)

Roblin, Rodmond Palen (1853-1937)

Roblin, Wilfrid Laurier “Fred” (1878-1952)

Robson, Clifford Joseph “Cliff” (1915-1970)

Robson, Dorothy Jones Cosgrove “Gigi” (1916-2014)

Robson, Fannie Laidlaw (1875-1950)

Robson, Harold Gordon (1904-1991)

Robson, Hugh Amos (1871-1945)

Robson, James Wells (1867-1941)

Robson, Joseph (?-?)

Robson, Leslie Victor (1893-1977)

Robson, Norman (1900-1978)

Robson, William (1864-1941)

Robson, William Wight (1865-1946)

Rocan, Maxime (1841-1912)

Roche, William James (1859-1937)

Rochetti, Joseph (1879-?)

Rochon, Eli Joel (1856-1937)

Rockola, David Cullen (1897-1993)

Roddick, George (1831-1910)

Rodger, Norman Elliot (1907-2010)

Rodgers, Edward Herbert (1857-1950)

Rodgers, John Theodore (1931-1998)

Rodgers, Rebecca Walker (1858-1939)

Rodgers, Walter P. (1880-?)

Rodgers, William James (1891-1970)

Rodney, Michael J. (1864-?)

Rodwell, Thomas (1880-1949)

Roe, Amy Jane (1893-1969)

Roe, Charles F. (1891-1950)

Roe, John Alexander (1875-1965)

Roebuck, Harold LeRoy “Hal” (1942-2003)

Roehl, Herbert Donald “Herb” (1932-1981)

Rogers, Aurelia Regina Widmeyer (1867-1934)

Rogers, Charles Stuart Anderson (1882-1965)

Rogers, Clifford Knox (1889-1968)

Rogers, Edith Frances McTavish (1876-1947)

Rogers, Joseph Faulkner (1886-1961)

Rogers, George (1856-1901)

Rogers, George Walter (1875-1942)

Rogers, Henry Edgerton Ryerson (1876-?)

Rogers, John A. (1905-1949)

Rogers, Nelson Thomas (1859-?)

Rogers, Robert (1864-1936)

Rogers, Robert Arthur (1862-1929)

Rogers, Robert George (1889-1945)

Rogers, Sydney Ernest (1888-1965)

Rogers, William (1866-1946)

Rogers, William Edgar (1889-1979)

Rogers, William George (1854-1933)

Rogosin, Alfred “Al” (1925-2023)

Roitenberg, Sheila Rittberg (1929-2008)

Rojeski, Michael (1884-1965)

Roland, Charles Franklin (1869-?)

Rolph, George (1848-1914)

Rolston, Henry Sharpe (1870-1944)

Romanche [Romanczycz], Nita (1910-1993)

Romaniw, Walter Oleh (1944-2016)

Romanow, Anthony “Tony” (1919-2014)

Ronald, William Sydney (1880-1950)

Rooke, Constance Merriam (1942-2008)

Rooke, Walter Edwin (1882-1958)

Roper, James (1870-1949)

Rorke Robert Francis (1863-1948)

Roscoe, Lawrence Peter (1896-1988)

Roscoe, Orest Stephen (1932-2016)

Roscoe, Stephen (1907-1993)

Rose, Alexander Scott (1858-1928)

Rose, Crawford (1898-?)

Rose, David Francis “Mac” (1894-1979)

Rose, David Robert “Bob” (1933-2000)

Rose, Edwin William (1877-1937)

Rose, Francis (1853-1934)

Rose, Harry Barton (1846-1916)

Rose, Henry (1852-1923)

Rose, William John (1885-1968)

Rosenfeld, Mendel Alvin (1928-2001)

Rosevear, Alfred Beatty (1894-1992)

Rosner, Michael John (1957-2002)

Rosner, Mina (1913-1997)

Rosner, Samuel (1870-1952)

Ross, Adam Edward (1866-?)

Ross, Alexander (1783-1856)

Ross, Andrew Murray Smith (1880-1943)

Ross, Andrew W. (1850-?)

Ross, Anne Glaz (1911-1998)

Ross, Arnold Harvey (1939-2006)

Ross, Arthur Wellington (1846-1901)

Ross, Bernard Rogan (1827-1874)

Ross, Charlotte Whitehead (1843-1916)

Ross, Daniel Gordon (1867-1951)

Ross, David Samuel G. (1907-1991)

Ross, Donald (1797-1852)

Ross, Donald Alexander (1892-1981)

Ross, Donald Andrew (1856-1938)

Ross, Donald Aynsley (1877-1956)

Ross, Donald McIvor (1884-1925)

Ross, Duncan Donald “Don” (1921-2004)

Ross, Duncan James (1865-1947)

Ross, Earl Augustus (1890-?)

Ross, Edith McKay (1888-1932)

Ross, Edward Lachlan (1902-1974)

Ross, Eldon M. (1931-2016)

Ross, Frederick William (1879-1968)

Ross, Henry L. (1865-?)

Ross, Hope Fleming McKenzie (1866-1942)

Ross, Horatio Hamilton (1870-1925)

Ross, Hugh (1856-1894)

Ross, Hugh Cuthbert Melville (1898-?)

Ross, Hugh Mackay (1912-1992)

Ross, Israel Merritt (1842-1911)

Ross, Jack Mollison (1928-2003)

Ross, James Arthur (1893-1958)

Ross, James (1835-1871)

Ross, John D. (1858-1927)

Ross, John Hugo (1875-1912)

Ross, John Leroy (1895-1956)

Ross, Moses (1944-2003)

Ross, Neil (1867-1951)

Ross, Richard Rose (1843-1904)

Ross, Robert Bryan (1908-1983)

Ross, Robert Lachlan (1869-1943)

Ross, Robert T. (1924-2017)

Ross, Roderick (c1834-1909)

Ross, Sarah “Sally” (c1798-1884)

Ross, Sarah Edith Gowan “Sadie” (1893-1978)

Ross, Thomas Bruce (1904-2001)

Ross, Valerie Lois Oliver (1949-2024)

Ross, Walter (1886-?)

Ross, William (c1780-1855)

Ross, William (1825-1856)

Ross, William Cecil (1911-1998)

Rosser, Thomas Lafayette (1836-1910)

Roth, William Keith “Bill” (1940-2023)

Rothenberger, Albert (1930-2018)

Rothnie, James E. (1887-1937)

Rothstein, David (1914-1997)

Rothstein, Nathan (1882-1969)

Rothwell, Benjamin Edward (1875-1929)

Rothwell, Samuel James (1868-1924)

Roulette, Roger (1958-2022)

Rourke, William Henry (1850-1918)

Rouse, Allen “Al” (1925-2017)

Rousseau, Duncan Franklin “Dunc” (1945-2017)

Rousseau, Helene (1927-2024)

Routledge, Leslie Thomas “Les” (1963-2018)

Routledge, Thomas (1857-1893)

Routley, Keith Newton (1923-2009)

Rowan, Donald William Campbell (?-1980)

Rowan, James Hamilton (c1831-?)

Rowand, John (1812-1865)

Rowe, Amos (1836-1902)

Rowe, Clarissa Graham (1872-1945)

Rowe, Gabriel Richard (1897-1968)

Rowe, Kathleen Joan Moreland “Kay” (1910-1995)

Rowe, William James (1872-1947)

Rowell, Mary Coyne (1870-c1942)

Rowlands, Marion Rachel Smith (1885-1961)

Rowley, Alfred Ralph (1919-2007)

Rowley, Charles Walsh (1869-1944)

Roy, Adelina Lauzon (1886-1977)

Roy, Gabrielle (1909-1983)

Roy, Henri Le Gallois (1875-1953)

Roy, Joseph Louis Phillippe (?-1963)

Roy, Josiah Jesse (1849-1931)

Roy, Louis Philippe (1889-1963)

Roy, Marie Anna Adele (1893-1998)

Roy, Robert Roger (1926-1990)

Roy, William “Billy” (1928-2002)

Royal, Charles Henri (1867-1920)

Royal, Joseph Côme Séraphin (1858-1882)

Royal, Joseph (1837-1902)

Royle, Walter (c1887-1955)

Rozko, John (1848-1941)

Rubin, Charles Nathan “Chuck” (1932-2022)

Rubin, Victor (c1871-1945)

Rubinstein, Ruth Waterman (1936-2014)

Rudd, Bruce LeRiche (1936-2000)

Ruddell, John Henry (1859-1906)

Rudko, Rose (1925-2008)

Rudnyckyj, Jaroslav Bohdan (1910-1995)

Rudyk, Peter (?-2004)

Rugh, Herbert Bell (1879-1924)

Ruh, Philip (1883-1962)

Rumball, Mark C. (1857-1926)

Rumford, Luther Judge (1875-1929)

Rumsey, Reginald Arthur (1875-1947)

Rumsey, William James (1924-2001)

Runciman, Alexander McInnes “Mac” (1914-2000)

Rundle, William Pawley (1855-1920)

Rungay, Henry Smalley (1888-1955)

Rusaw, Norman Martin (1912-1979)

Rusk, Warren Henry (1924-1990)

Russell, Andrew Dick (1886-1951)

Russell, Edna Georgia Mary (1913-?)

Russell, Elizabeth Ann (1889-1980)

Russell, Frances (1941-2022)

Russell, Francis William “Frank” (1864-1950)

Russell, Gilbert James (1886-1974)

Russell, Gordon Leslie (1901-1977)

Russell, John (c1854-1904)

Russell, John Alonzo (1907-1966)

Russell, John Hamilton Gordon (1863-1946)

Russell, John Stuart (1923-2014)

Russell, Mary Corwin (1864-1936)

Russell, Norman Campbell Hall (1905-1978)

Russell, Robert Boyd (1888-1964)

Russell, Walter (1922-1945)

Russell, William (1860-1913)

Russell, William (?-1974)

Russell, William James (1879-1966)

Russenholt, Edgar S. (1890-1991)

Russenholt, Kathleen Josephine Vanstone (1908-1989)

Ruston, James (1864-1948)

Ruth, Douglas Warren “Doug” (1948-2021)

Ruth, Roy Herbert (1907-1987)

Rutherford, Frederick James (1874-1944)

Rutherford, Gerald Stewart (1890-1987)

Rutherford, Gwladys Mary “Banky” (1878-1961)

Rutherford, John Gunion (1857-1923)

Rutherford, Peter (1850-1926)

Rutherford, Richard Judson (1935-2022)

Rutherford, Thomas (1833-1912)

Rutherford, William George (1878-1963)

Rutledge, Earl James (1894-1975)

Ruttan, Arthur Charles (1878-1918)

Ruttan, Charles Millidge (1883-1970)

Ruttan, Francis Norlande “Frank” (1885-1970)

Ruttan, George Douglas (1913-2005)

Ruttan, George Henry (1880-1960)

Ruttan, George Richardson (1880-1939)

Ruttan, Henry Norlande (1848-1925)

Ruttan, John Douglas (1889-1973)

Ruttan, William David (1849-1928)

Ryan, Dorothy Emily (1903-1989)

Ryan, Edwin Colburn (1871-1958)

Ryan, George (1859-1948)

Ryan, George Russell (1883-1955)

Ryan, James (1852-1937)

Ryan, James (1880-1950)

Ryan, Joseph O’Connell (1841-1938)

Ryan, Matthew (1810-1888)

Ryan, Robert Edward (1902-1963)

Ryan, Thomas (1849-1937)

Ryan, Timothy Joseph “Tim” (1943-2004)

Ryan, William (1842-1933)

Ryback, Diana Eleanor Lawson (1942-2013)

Ryckman, Allan Joseph (1910-1982)

Ryder, Michael (1874-1949)

Ryley, Alfred Argue (1861-1932)

Ryngach, Adelaide Anne “Addy” (1948-2007)

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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