The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2020:
Jean Rene Allard (1930-2020)
Virginia Beatty Andrew (1927-2020)
Herbert Hanbidge Barber (1922-2020)
Ralph Esdale Baxter (1932-2020)
Ronald Dean Bell (1932-2020)
Ernie Elmer Boushy (1933-2020)
Edwin Arthur “Art” Braid (1934-2020)
Shirley Elizabeth Walker Bray (1929-2020) - SHOF, CCHF
Donna Ann Baldwinson Brownridge (1952-2020) - MGHF
John Michael “Jack” Bumsted (1938-2020)
Christine Elizabeth Byquist (c1922-2020)
Ralph Andrew Campbell (1935-2020)
Roger Ernest Mitchell Cathcart (1937-2020)
Wing Key Chan (1935-2020)
Glenn Ernest Chapman (?-2020)
Sydney “Syd” Cohan (1931-2020)
Margaret Letty Gillard “Peggy” Colonello (1922-2020)
Cecil Crawford Cox (1930-2020)
Lawrence Ramsay “Larry” Crane (1935-2020)
Patrick Ralph Crawford (1928-2020)
Vincent Frederick Joseph “Vince” Crichton (1942-2020)
Gordon Rosevear Cumming (1929-2020)
Sigrid Dahle (c1955-2020)
Alfred Wallace “Al” Davies (1948-2020)
Garth Dawley (1933-2020)
George Peter Derenchuk (1930-2020)
Kenneth George “Ken” Dillen (1938-2020)
Charles Eber Douglas (1927-2020)
Nancy Jane Drake (1943-2020)
John Bremner Duff (1967-2020)
John Johann Enns (1929-2020)
Siegfried John “Sig” Enns (1924-2020)
Cliff Eyland (1954-2020)
David Alden “Dave” Farlinger (1938-2020)
Victor Feldbrill (1924-2020)
Leonard George “Len” Flett (1942-2020)
Abram W. “Abe” Friesen (1936-2020)
David William “Dave” Frye (1942-2020)
Isny Johnson Gallimore (1919-2020)
Maxine Geller (1956-2020)
Marjorie McGillivray “Marj” Gillies (1923-2020)
Ursula Bingham Goeres (1953-2020)
Elfriede Goermann (1937-2020)
Sherrold Jack “SJ” Haddad (1929-2020)
Gordon Edward “Gord” Hannon (1961-2020)
Dale Hawerchuk (1963-2020)
Robert Beverley “Bob” Hayes (1931-2020)
Loa Henry (1938-2020)
Jack Douglas Houston (1936-2020)
Edward Andrew “Ed” Husack (1940-2020)
Ross Adair Johnston (1930-2020)
Kevin Patrick Kavanagh (1932-2020)
Maurice Kohut (1926-2020)
Michael Karl Koryluk (1944-2020)
Eugene Michael Kostyra (1947-2020)
Peter W. Kripky (1926-2020)
Guy Joseph Kroft (1934-2020)
Felix G. Kuehn (1947-2020)
Meros Bohdan Leckow (1919-2020)
Peter Letkeman (1938-2020)
Laverne Mitchell Lewycky (1946-2020)
Debby Slobinsky Lexier (1928-2020)
Easton Irving Lexier (1926-2020)
John Loxley (c1943-2020)
Jake MacDonald (1949-2020)
Asa Kristjansson MacDonell (1918-2020)
Martha Dunn McCarthy (1932-2020)
Roderick Keith “Rod” McEwen (1955-2020)
Vernon Ernest “Vern” McNair (1928-2020)
Susanna June Menzies (1925-2020)
Joyce Milgaard (c1931-2020)
Joseph Adelard “Jerry” Montsion (1922-2020)
John Duncan Mundie (1930-2020)
Claude Howard Murphy (1918-2020)
Simon “Cy” Nimchuk (1933-2020)
Sylvia Knelman Ostry (1927-2020)
David Paul Penner (1958-2020)
Clifford R. “Cliff” Pennington (c1940-2020)
Rodnie Valley “Rod” Peppler (1934-2020)
Edna Lenora Perry (1923-2020)
Francis Allan “Frank” Plummer (1952-2020)
Edward Arnold “Ted” Poyser (1927-2020)
Marvin Terry Prystupa (1949-2020)
Alan Brian Ransom (1940-2020)
Zivan Saper (1951-2020)
Barbara Alice “Barb” Sarson (1931-2020)
Lucille Marie Raymonde Savoie [Lucille Starr] (1938-2020)
Dieter Hermann Schwanke (1936-2020)
James Elmhurst “Jim” Searle (1929-2020)
Henry John Selwood (1936-2020)
Abraham L. “Abe” Simkin (1922-2020)
Earl Joseph Simmons (1930-2020)
Michael “Mike” Skwark (1931-2020)
Shirlee Anne Smith (1926-2020)
Jean Steven Joseph Suszko (1939-2020)
Arthur Donald “Art” Sutton (1937-2020)
William James “Jim” Swail (1937-2020)
Roman Swiderek (1936-2020)
George Takashima (1934-2020) - Northern Manitoba Trappers' Festival
Pablo Malgapo “Lito” Taruc (1958-2020)
Pierluigi “Louie” Tolaini (1936-2020)
Ralph Stanley Trombo (1934-2020)
Gilbert P. Unger (1940-2020)
Robert Neill “Bob” Waldon (1932-2020)
David Marno Watson (1945-2020)
Joseph Peretz Weizman (1920-2020)
Arthur Mervin “Art” Werier (1938-2020)
Roy Williams (1927-2020) - SHOF
Conrad Leslie Wyrzykowski (1929-2020)
Michael “Mike” Yaschuk (1922-2020)
If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2020, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 7 February 2025
Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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