Browse surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Browse deaths occurring in:
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
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2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Fabbri, Alice Newhouse (1919-2004)
Fabro, Ronald A. “Sam” (1920-2018)
Faessler, Charles (?-1972)
Fafard, Théogène (c1850-1890)
Fahey, James A. (c1849-1888)
Fahr, Julius (1925-2003)
Fahrig, Walter (1889-1937)
Fahrni, Christian (1848-1915)
Fahrni, Gordon Paton (1916-2007)
Fahrni, Gordon Samuel (1887-1995)
Fahrni, Roy Christopher (1884-1958)
Fahrni, Stanley Harrison (1889-1975)
Fainman, Jack (1931-2014)
Fairbairn, James (1845-1912)
Fairbanks, Edward Lewis (1850-1924)
Fairbanks, William Newton (1836-1919)
Fairchild, Frank Alanson (1849-1898)
Fairchuk, Leonard William “Len” (1932-2004)
Fairfield, George Clark (1912-1978)
Fairfield, Hugh Clarke (1877-1961)
Fairlie, John H. (1858-1930)
Fairman, Charles Harold “Steppy” (1894-1965)
Falcon, Pierre (1793-1876)
Falconer, David Raymond (1904-1989)
Falconer, Robert Wayne (1947-2007)
Falconer, Terry (c1942-2015)
Falconer, Thomas Robertson (c1876-1947)
Falk, John Howard Toynbee (1881-1950)
Fallis, Allan B. (1873-1948)
Fallis, Allan Thomas (1911-1971)
Fallis, Eva Menzies Lovatt (1914-1978)
Fallis, James Alexander (1858-1927)
Fallis, William David (1909-1974)
Falloon, Lois Mae (1910-2000)
Falloon, Vernon Russell (1917-1966)
Falls, John Clare (1854-1924)
Fanshaw, Hubert Valentine (1878-1940)
Faraci, Paul (1928-2018)
Faraud, Henri (1824-1890)
Farenhurst, Florence Mae Shirtliffe (1903-2006)
Farenhurst, Thomas Ambrose (1907-1977)
Fares, William Henry (1858-1928)
Fargey, John Hayes (1853-1930)
Faries, Richard (1870-1964)
Faris, Dorothy Marion (1918-2016)
Farlinger, David Alden “Dave” (1938-2020)
Farlinger, Eveline Partridge (1899-2000)
Farmer, Catherine [Sister du Sacre-Coeur-je-Jesus] (1916-2012)
Farmer, Seymour James (1878-1951)
Farquhar, George (1880-1975)
Farquharson, James (c1819-1874)
Farquharson, James (1847-1925)
Farr, John Gordon “Captain Jack” (1941-2022)
Farr, Jonathan Edward (1975-2008)
Farrally, Betty (1915-1989)
Farrell, James Stephen “Jim” (1933-2024)
Farrell, Russell Gordon (1936-2011)
Farrell, Thomas Joseph Patrick “Tom” (1938-2022)
Farrer, Edward (1850-1916)
Faseruk, Mary Kolach (c1925-2001)
Fast, Bernhard B. (1896-1963)
Fast, Vera Kathrin Suderman (1929-2023)
Faurer, Charles (1907-1975)
Fawkes, Arthur Walter Ellson (1880-1949)
Featherstone, Barbara Ann (1950-2008)
Featherstone, Gordon Claude “Gord” (1937-2003)
Fedak, Wasyly (1909-2005)
Federenko, Savva (?-?)
Federick, Joseph “Joe” (1910-1979)
Fee, Wilfred John (1881-1933)
Feheregyhazi, Tibor (1932-2007)
Fehr, John J. (1926-2007)
Feldbrill, Victor (1924-2020)
Feniak, Elizabeth Hepworth “Betty” (1920-2013)
Fennell, Leslie Raymond (1893-1986)
Fenny, Josephine Ernestine (1919-2018)
Fenske, Donalda Elizabeth Petrie “Don” (1957-2007)
Fenton, William Henry (1872-1974)
Ferens, Ted (1933-2008)
Ferg, Francis Milton (1889-1960)
Ferg, Lorne Paterson (1924-1985)
Ferg, Patrick David (1927-1998)
Ferguson, Albert Charles (1873-1940)
Ferguson, Alexander Hugh (1853-1911)
Ferguson, Charles A. (1932-2014)
Ferguson, Colin Campbell (1878-1938)
Ferguson, Colin Campbell (1921-1991)
Ferguson, Eva Matilda (1898-2004)
Ferguson, George L. “Fergy” (1928-2010)
Ferguson, George Victor (1897-1977)
Ferguson, Henry (1863-1945)
Ferguson, James Robert “Jim” (1925-2013)
Ferguson, John “Ion” (1908-1998)
Ferguson, John Bowerman (1851-1919)
Ferguson, John Hooey (1872-1949)
Ferguson, Lemuel Alexander (1865-1915)
Ferguson, Marion Patterson (1911-1993)
Ferguson, Robert Dickson (1866-1942)
Ferguson, Robert George (1866-1957)
Ferguson, Thomas (1868-1948)
Ferguson, Thomas Roberts (1864-1923)
Ferguson, Walter McLaren “Waddy” (1893-1963)
Ferguson, William (1853-1928)
Ferguson, William (1862-1936)
Ferguson, William Graham (1896-1964)
Fergusson, George William (1879-1963)
Fergusson, Kenneth William Campbell “K.C.” (1894-1973)
Fergusson, Lori Christine Hayes (1955-2008)
Fergusson, Robert Buchanan (1839-1890)
Ferley, George Alexander (1942-2000)
Ferley, Lorne William (1934-2014)
Ferley, Taras Dmytro (1882-1947)
Ferns, Stanley Joseph (1888-1983)
Ferrier, Charles Walter “Charlie” (1917-2005)
Ferrier, Harvey Willis (1873-1957)
Ferrier, Thompson (1856-1934)
Ferriss, Matthew (1817-1900)
Feschuk, Nicholas Patrick “Pat” (1939-2024)
Fetherstonhaugh, Edward Phillips (1879-1959)
Fetherstonhaugh, Margaret Adele Bain (1904-1975)
Fetterly, Raymond Victor “Ray” (1929-2005)
Fewchuk, Ronald William (1941-2017)
Fia, Albert Walter (1915-2004)
Fidler, Peter (1769-1822)
Fidler, Wilfred Tait (1885-1965)
Field, Corelli Collard (1869-1922)
Field, Hugh F. (?-?)
Fieldhouse, Marmaduke H. (1845-1911)
Fife [Fyfe], Willard Elwin (1873-1944)
Fijal, Roy Joseph (1925-2006)
Filkow, Kenneth Alvin (c1941-2014)
Fillmore, Charles Elwyn (1887-1984)
Fillmore, Charles Wesley (1857-1931)
Fillmore, William Parker (1882-1978)
Filteau, Richard Romeo “Dick” (1920-2013)
Finch, Calvin Wright (1863-1949)
Finch, Lloyd Hugh (1904-1967)
Findlater, Robert Barry (c1941-1966)
Findlater, William Blain (1871-1962)
Findlay, Charles (1846-1914)
Findlay, Edward Oscar (1860-1930)
Findlay, James (1840-1924)
Findlay, Thomas Burns (1902-1972)
Fines, Clarence Wilbert (1902-1994)
Fines, Gordon Richard (1911-1990)
Fines, Holmfridur Salome Einarson (1898-1943)
Fines, Lloyd George (1918-2005)
Fines, Richard A. (1871-1966)
Fingas, Elizabeth Busch (1918-2000)
Finger, Herman (1856-1929)
Finger, Orley Herman (1883-1954)
Fingland, Edith Ann (1877-1957)
Fingland, William (1862-1946)
Fink, Joseph Henry [Brother Joseph] (1874-1935)
Finkbeiner, Albert George (1892-1924)
Finkbeiner, Lorne Arnott (1922-2005)
Finkelstein, David R. (1880-1952)
Finkelstein, Manly (1898-1949)
Finkelstein, Max James (1882-1960)
Finkelstein, Moses (1873-1939)
Finlay, John Dean (1906-2001)
Finlay, William Newton (c1869-?)
Finlay, W. R. (?-?)
Finlayson, Duncan (c1795-1862)
Finlayson, John Norison (1880-1971)
Finlayson, Nicol (1794-1877)
Finley, Albert Ernest (1870-1923)
Finn, Theophilus Grant (1865-1934)
Finnbogason, Alan Bardal (1921-2019)
Finnbogason, Charles Alan (1954-2008)
Finnbogason, Wilmar Herbert “Bill” (1923-2006)
Finney, Edward (1931-1986)
Finnie, David Nicholson (1883-1969)
Finnigan, Norman Oliver (1908-1988)
Finnsdóttir, Guðrún H. (1884-1946)
Finnson, Gustaf Hildebrandur “Gus” (c1934-2019)
Firman, Michael Richard (1909-1977)
Fischer, Frederick John George (1858-1930)
Fisher, Charles Adamson Law (1842-1928)
Fisher, Edward Bailey (1873-1946)
Fisher, Frederick William (1854-?)
Fisher, George (1862-1922)
Fisher, Hannah Eleanor (1901-1996)
Fisher, James (1840-1927)
Fisher, John Brackenridge (1894-1946)
Fisher, Randolph Murray (1886-1965)
Fisher, William Mann (1858-1920)
Fishman, William Harold (1914-2001)
Fitton, George Arthur (1875-1956)
Fitzgerald, John C. (1867-?)
FitzGerald, Lionel Lemoine (1890-1956)
Fitzpatrick, Charles Alexander (1876-1951)
Fitzpatrick, Felix (1895-1967)
Fjeldsted, Gudmundur (1872-1961)
Flahiff, George Bernard (1905-1989)
Flamand, Rita (1931-2016)
Flamond, William “Wild Bill” (1944-2019)
Flanagan, Donne Alan (1964-2008)
Flanigan, Roy Lawrence (1905-2005)
Flanders, John Arlington (c1883-1952)
Flay, Faith Ellen Willis (1884-1985)
Fleck, David James “Jim” (1924-2007)
Fleming, Alexander (1841-1897)
Fleming, Charles McClelland (1905-1975)
Fleming, John (1858-1940)
Fleming, John (c1884-1960)
Fleming, John William (1868-?)
Fleming, Margaret Davidson (1901-1999)
Fleming, Sandford (1827-1915)
Fleming, William Wesley (1875-1957)
Flemming, David (1865-1941)
Fletcher, Dougald Leslie “Doug” (1906-1995)
Fletcher, Elva Murray (?-1992)
Fletcher, Harry G. (1872-?)
Fletcher, Lee (1880-1964)
Fletcher, M. J. (?-?)
Fletcher, Nicholas “Nick” (1888-1981)
Fletcher, Robert (1873-1963)
Fletcher, Samuel (?-1950)
Flett, Francis (1949-2006)
Flett, George (1775-1850)
Flett, George (1817-1897)
Flett, John (1784-1865)
Flett, Kurt L. (1956-2011)
Flett, Leonard George “Len” (1942-2020)
Flett, Roderick McLeod “Roddy” (1873-1927)
Flett, William (1815-1882)
Flett, Winona Margaret (1884-1922)
Fleury, George Melvin (1935-2021)
Flewelling, Robert Haddon (1884-1938)
Flexon, Charles (1850-1905)
Flintoft, Marion Joan Elfreda (1932-2006)
Flood, Harley L. (c1896-1953)
Flood, Joseph Charles (1924-2009)
Florence, Agnes Louisa “Nan” (1917-1991)
Florence, George (1884-1977)
Floyd, Arthur E. (1882-1962)
Floyd, Ellis Holgate (1894-1954)
Floyde, Leonard Abraham (1918-1990)
Floyde, William “Bill” (1925-1995)
Flye, Thomas (1874-1943)
Flynn, Patrick Thomas “Pat” (1948-2012)
Fogel, William (1903-1991)
Foggie, John (1889-1945)
Foley, Joseph Patrick (1878-1928)
Foley, Richard D. (1842-1912)
Folkerts, Gerald Frederick (1958-2009)
Folkestone, Gunnar S. (1904-1990)
Folster, Jean (1922-1994)
Foltz, Olga (c1926-2000)
Fonger, Donald Ross (1923-2006)
Fonseca, Alfonso Gomez (1876-1937)
Fonseca, Benjamin Gomez (1867-1915)
Fonseca, William Gomez da (1823-1905)
Fontaine, Agnes (1912-1988)
Fontaine, Albert (1914-2008)
Fontaine, Georges Louis (?-2001)
Fontaine, Theodore Niizhotay “Ted” (1941-2021)
Fontaine, Vince (c1960-2022)
Foo, Charlie Au (1898-1980)
Foote, Lewis Benjamin (1873-1957)
Foran, James Edward (1937-2014)
Forbes, James Wallace (1878-1957)
Forbes, Mary Lou (?-1989)
Forbes, Reginald Elmer “Reg” (1924-2015)
Forbes, Richard Elmer (1894-1978)
Forbes, Thelma Bessie (1910-2012)
Ford, George Washington (1868-1946)
Ford, Harry (1870-1954)
Ford, Maurice Rupert (1886-1967)
Ford, Percival Henry “Percy” (1911-1971)
Fordham, Selby Victor (1888-1959)
Foreman, Albert Stanley “Ab” (1906-2002)
Foreman, Benjamin (c1898-1981)
Foreman, Sidney (1879-1949)
Forest, Georges (1924-1990)
Forest, Grant (c1794-?)
Forfar, Donald Glen “Don” (1950-2022)
Forhan, John Wesley (1869-1949)
Forke, Robert (1860-?)
Forkin, Martin Joseph “Joe” (1899-1962)
Forlong, John Alexander (1885-1956)
Forneri, Felix Ford (1871-1955)
Forrest, Catherine Isabel “Katie” (1900-1992)
Forrest, Christopher Fortescue (1845-1934)
Forrest, Henry Woodhull “Harry” (1916-2013)
Forrest, Horatio Frederick (1839-1915)
Forrest, Horatio Frederick (1868-1923)
Forrest, Robert “Bob” (1908-2004)
Forrest, Samuel (1846-1939)
Forrest, Samuel Henry (1873-1963)
Forrester, Charles Henry (1856-1923)
Forrester, David (1859-1937)
Forrester, David Bruce Wallace (1918-2001)
Forrester, Edna Ida (?-1971)
Forrester, Gladys (1914-1998)
Forrester, Leslie Willo “Les” (1930-2021)
Forrester, Marjorie Lovering (1900-1983)
Forrester, Walter Ross (1886-1979)
Forrester, Willo Sterritt (1901-1992)
Forsberg, Nels (c1893-1963)
Forsey, Eugene Alfred (1904-1991)
Forsyth, John (1837-1918)
Forsyth, John Guthrie “Jack” (1941-2011)
Forsyth, Laura Margaret Lemon (1909-c1987)
Forsythe, Andrew “Andy” (1874-1956)
Fortescue, Joseph (1833-1899)
Fortier, Alfred “Fred” (1939-2002)
Fortier, Loftus Morton (1858-1933)
Fortin, Octave (1842-1927)
Fortinay [Fortney], George Francis (1846-1925)
Fortune, Mark (1847-1912)
Forzley, George Joseph (1935-2006)
Fosness, Arthur Williams (1890-1973)
Foss, Christopher Vaughan (1814-1890)
Fossay, Earl Vincent “Bud” (c1920-2004)
Foster, Andrew Edmond (1867-1956)
Foster, Arthur Hayward (1871-1948)
Foster, Cecil Cullen (1911-1998)
Foster, David Clarence (1899-1966)
Foster, Ernest Edward (1882-1955)
Foster, Harold (1892-1982)
Foster, Harold Jacob (1939-2024)
Foster, Hazel Arretta Vandecar (1897-1990)
Foster, James (1868-?)
Foster, Joan Mary Vassie (1900-1969)
Foster, John Russell (1853-1941)
Foster, Knox Barton (1939-2003)
Fotheringham, Edmund (1879-1960)
Foubister, James (1924-2008)
Foucher, Médéric (1838-1909)
Fouillard, Arthur Benoit (1920-2014)
Foulds, Samuel (c1803-1870)
Foulds, Thomas (1846-1922)
Fournier, Lianne Thérèse Hélène Marie (1964-2021)
Fournier, Marie Boulianne (1934-2007)
Fowell, Herbert John [Bert Gordon] (1945-2016)
Fowler, Alexander (1868-1950)
Fowler, Alfred (1861-1940)
Fowler, Frank McCalman (1921-1996)
Fowler, Frank Oliver (1861-1945)
Fowler, Frank Scott (1888-1955)
Fowler, Lois Ellen Moffatt (1955-2023)
Fowler, William Oliver (1839-1906)
Fowlie, Francis Stanley “Frank” (1890-1958)
Fowlie, Gordon James (1918-2004)
Fox, Frank Benbow (1890-1964)
Fox, Peter (1921-1989)
Fox, Stanley William (1906-1984)
Fox, Terrance Stanley “Terry” (1958-1981)
Fox-Decent, Norman Waldron “Wally” (1937-2019)
Foxe, Luke (1586-1635)
Foxwell, Ethel Viola (1889-1973)
Frain, James Bruce (1921-2002)
Frain, Jane Arthurs (1927-2016)
Frame, James Findlay (1841-1923)
Frame, Joyce Barry Smith (1915-2017)
Francis, Emerich Klaus (1906-1994)
Francis, Frederick Henhurst (1845-1895)
Francis, Marvin Henry (1955-2005)
Frank, Henry Mervin (1877-1940)
Frank, William (1857-1920)
Franklin, Benjamin (1851-1903)
Franklin, George Edmund (1910-1990)
Franklin, Henry George “Harry” (1892-1987)
Franklin, John (1786-1847)
Frantz, Charles R. (1882-1955)
Fraser, Alexander Cumming (1849-1944)
Fraser, Angus James (1871-1942)
Fraser, Annie Belle (1892-1974)
Fraser, Arthur Matheson (1852-1948)
Fraser, Byron (1855-1922)
Fraser, Chester MacMillan (1904-1975)
Fraser, David “Dave” (1933-2022)
Fraser, Donald (1860-1919)
Fraser, Donald Harvey “Don” (1918-2009)
Fraser, Finlay (1879-1948)
Fraser, Hugh Alexander (1861-1947)
Fraser, Hugh Stewart (1921-1996)
Fraser, Ina Margaret Pearson (1907-1940)
Fraser, James (1790-1862)
Fraser, James (1850-1942)
Fraser, James Alexander “Jim” (1912-1988)
Fraser, James Dale (c1875-1942)
Fraser, James Hugh (1829-1899)
Fraser, John (1841-?)
Fraser, John Alexander (1908-1962)
Fraser, John Arthur (1817-1897)
Fraser, John Foster “Jack” (1930-2021)
Fraser, John Henry (1882-1954)
Fraser, McGillvray Stuart (1860-1949)
Fraser, Oliver Stanley (1887-1957)
Fraser, Robert Arnott Gillespie “Bob” (1922-2012)
Fraser, Timothy Andrew “Tim” (1973-2007)
Fraser, Valerie Georgina (1930-2002)
Fraser, W. H. (1860-?)
Fraser, William (1832-1909)
Fraser, William (c1905-?)
Fraser, William Wallace (1921-1992)
Frayer, David Grant (1941-2021)
Frayne, Trent Gardiner (1918-2012)
Frazer, George (1858-1940)
Frazer, John Taylor (1885-1954)
Frazer, Richard Price (1885-?)
Frazer, William Gordon (1913-1998)
Fredrickson, Lois Dawn Tomes (1928-2018)
Fredrickson, Sigurdur Franklin “Frank” (1895-1979)
Fredrickson, Walter Thorvaldur (1907-1974)
Free, Shirley Ann (1956-2017)
Freear, Mary Catherine Unger (1893-1979)
Freed, Max (c1912-2010)
Freedman, Harry (1922-2005)
Freedman, Jack (c1889-1976)
Freedman, Max (1914-1980)
Freedman, Samuel (1908-1993)
Freeman, Edwin Gardiner Dunn (1890-1973)
Freemannsson [Frimannsson], Benedikt (?-1917)
Freer, James Simmons (1855-1933)
Frémont, Donatien (1881-1967)
French, Edwin Frederick “Ned” (1911-2008)
French, Jesse Carlyle (1876-1958)
French, Mary (1876-1971)
French, Washington Hector (1873-1956)
Frey, Marvin (1949-2008)
Frid, James William (1878-1944)
Fridfinnson, Kristjan “Chris” (1898-1938)
Fridfinnson, Vilhjalmur William “Bill” (1890-1941)
Fridfinnsson, Jon (1866-1936)
Frieman, Arnold (1928-2019)
Friesen, Abraham Penner (1887-1953)
Friesen, Abram M. (1909-2002)
Friesen, Abram W. “Abe” (1936-2020)
Friesen, David (1911-2007)
Friesen, David Klippenstein “D.K.” (1910-1991)
Friesen, David Wiens “D.W.” (1879-1951)
Friesen, Eira Alice “Babs” (1917-2008)
Friesen, Ernest A. (1917-2012)
Friesen, George (1926-2008)
Friesen, Hilton “Hilt” (1932-2008)
Friesen, Jacob Reimer (1878-1950)
Friesen, Katherine Loewen (1918-2015)
Friesen, Laurence Bernhard “Larry” (1927-2024)
Friesen, Peter L. (1930-2021)
Friesen, Raymond Christian “Ray” (1922-1990)
Friesen, Rhinehart F. (1914-2009)
Friesen, Theodore Erwin “Ted” (1920-2016)
Friesen, Victor (?-?)
Friesen, William (1904-1984)
Fritch, Earl Innes (1891-1983)
Frith, George Albert (1910-1974)
Fritzler, Edward Alexander (1917-2002)
Fritz-Lonergan, Maureen (?-1992)
Froese, Jacob M. (1917-2003)
Frohlinger, Martha (1914-2003)
From, Dorothea Evonne Corbett “Dot” (1935-2015)
Fromson, Joyce Bender (1939-2001)
Frost, Christabel Ceta Blevins (1911-1995)
Frost, Raymond Alfred “Ray” (1928-2014)
Frost, Richard Matthew “Matt” (1972-2005)
Fry, Henry (1859-1933)
Fry, John (1870-?)
Frye, David William “Dave” (1942-2020)
Fryer, William Oliver (1882-1963)
Fuga, Olga (1929-2024)
Fulcher, Edmund (c1885-1972)
Fulford, Albert Gilmore [Gilmour] (1877-1946)
Fulford, Ivan Glenn (1913-2021)
Fullartine, John (c1652-1738)
Fullerton, Charles Percy (1870-1938)
Fulton, Ethel Margaret Futers (1922-2014)
Fulton, Lockhart Ross (1917-2005)
Fulton, Marion Tye (1921-2013)
Fulton, Marjorie Anne (1931-2009)
Fulton, Walter J. (c1877-1949)
Fulton, William (1846-1920)
Fultz, Chester L. (1875-?)
Fultz, Rupert Roderick (1915-1988)
Funk, Jerry Wilbert “Red” (1929-2022)
Funk, Johann (1836-1917)
Funk, Mitchell Isaac (1959-2024)
Funk, Peter Henry (1906-2003)
Funnell, John Francis (1925-2021)
Fusee, Robert Hezekiah (1864-1960)
Fyles, Emma Irene Steen (1899-1985)
Fyles, William Astley Tearle (1894-1976)
Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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