This collection of biographies of Manitobans was compiled by the Canadian Publicity Company, and published at Winnipeg in 1925. Most of those featured in the book were living at that time, so no information on death dates was provided. Where possible, these have been added to this online version. An introduction to the history of Manitoba, written by librarian W. J. Healy, has been omitted. © 1925, Canadian Publicity Company, Publishers Printed and bound by |
Name begins: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
See also:
Convention of Forty (1870)
Governors of Red River Settlement (1812-1870)
Provisional Government of Manitoba / Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia (1870)
Lieutenant-Governors of Manitoba (1870-present)
Premiers of Manitoba (1870-present)
Legislative Assemblies of Manitoba (1870-present)
Speakers of the Manitoba Legislature (1871-present)
Legislative Council of Manitoba (1871-1876)
Manitoba Members of Parliament (1870-present)
Manitoba Recipients of the Order of Canada
Manitoba Recipients of the Order of Manitoba
Manitoba Order of the Buffalo Hunt
Manitoba Judges (1870-present)
Manitoba Senators (1870-present)
Prominent People is designed by the publishers to provide arecord of the men and women who, in one capacity or another, are contributing to and making possible the growth and development of Manitoba. In former times the history of a country could be traced in the biographies of its great men; but in these days of democratic institutions and universal franchise, the true history of a country is the record of the masses, for it is the masses who, through their representatives and by their individual services and sacrifices, give to a country a noble or ignoble place among the nations.
Public memories, sometimes, are short-lived, and history records only the names of those who stand out most prominently in the great events of the times. The aim of Prominent People is to create a lasting memorial not only for the great men, but also for those lesser personages in all walks of life who, by their toil and sacrifices, are laboring for the advancement of Manitoba, and are the real moulders of its destiny. The publication of such a work is especially appropriate at this time to commemorate the services rendered both at home and abroad by so many of our men and women during the recent Great War, in the interests of the Empire and the cause of democracy throughout the world.
The publishers of this work are especially anxious to point to the large number of native sons of Manitoba in its pages; to their affiliation with its Colleges, University and Schools, and to the officers and men who served and achieved distinction in the European War.
In its pages will be found descendants of the early Hudson’s Bay Company’s officers, the Kildonan Settlers, men who came with the Wolseley Expedition, pioneer farmers of the early 1870s and ‘80s, pioneers and early settlers of its different localities.
This book is not designed as a work of praise, but of facts. One’s education, professional or business training and experiences, and status in the community are facts which no man or woman should hesitate to see in print, and which the public have a right to know.
The book will have a value for the historian quite beyond its use as a current work of reference. It is hoped it will do its part in making all the sons and daughters of this province better known to each other, and will give a bird’s-eye view of their usefulness and contribution to the confederated provinces of the Dominion.
Considerable care has been taken to secure accuracy, but if mistakes occur – as they are liable to occur in a work of this nature – we shall be grateful if they are called to our attention so that they may be rectified in future editions.
Walter McRaye, Editor
Acheson, Thomas Stuart (1876-1954)
Ackland, Clifford Maxwell (1885-1957)
Adams, William (1874-1936)
Adamson, John Evans (1884-1961)
Aikins, James Albert Manning (1851-1929)
Alder, Ellis David (1896-?)
Aldous, Montague (1850-?)
Alexander, William Thomas (1875-?)
Allan, William Rae (1864-1926)
Allison, William Talbot (1874-?)
Anderson, Adam David (1890-1971)
Anderson, Edward (1867-?)
Anderson, Edward Albert (1864-1942)
Anderson, James (1847-?)
Anderson, Thomas Cuthbert (1888-1964)
Andrew, Samuel (1867-1933)
Andrews, Fletcher S. (1869-1949)
Andrews, James Bernard (1889-?)
Armstrong, George Perry (1885-1952)
Armstrong, George Thomas (1881-1941)
Arnold, William James (1898-?)
Aronovitch, A. Herman (1882-?)
Ashdown, James H. (1844-1924)
Atkinson, Charles Lorraine (1876-?)
Axford, Frederick Thomas (1859-1935)
Bailey, Norman Samuel (1891-1961)
Bailey, Thomas Edward (1886-1967)
Bain, Donald Henderson (1874-1962)
Baine, James Emmons (1889-1972)
Baines, George Edward (1882-1926)
Baird, Andrew Browning (1855-1940)
Baird, James Bryson (1859-?)
Baker, Richard Wesley (1872-1947)
Baldwinson, Baldwin Larus (1856-?)
Balfour, Isabella Maude Foley (1870-1933)
Balfour, William (1868-1957)
Banfield, Jose Alexander (1868-1937)
Barclay, Ida Virginia Burns (1877-1935)
Barclay, Robert (1845-1932)
Bardal, Sigurgeir (1891-1980)
Barker, Robert Lester (1886-?)
Barker, W. J. (1875-?)
Barnes, Edgar Charles (1878-1945)
Barry, James Alexander (1886-?)
Bathgate, James Loughrin (1872-1934)
Batho, George Robert (1873-?)
Batty, Frederick (1870-1947)
Bawlf, William R. (1881-?)
Beattie, John Alexander (1860-1933)
Bedford, Robert (1890-1957)
Bell, Charles Napier (1854-1936)
Bell, Robert Duncan (?-?)
Bell, Walter Roy (1885-?)
Benard, Aime (1873-?)
Bennest, Edwin Henry (1875-1971)
Bennett, Leslie James (1893-?)
Bernier, Joseph (1874-?)
Berry, James (1845-?)
Bessette, Joseph Edgar (1897-?)
Bevington, Timothy Arthur Dent (1881-1966)
Bildfell, Jon Jonsson (1870-1955)
Bird, Frederick Valentine (1885-?)
Birks, Gerald Alfred (1894-1991)
Bishop, William Alfred (1864-1928)
Bissett, Edgar Douglas Richmond (1889-?)
Bissett, Ernest Henry (1866-1930)
Black, Francis Mollison (1870-?)
Black, Norman John (1881-1955)
Black, Robert (1894-1963)
Blair, Samuel A. (1878-?)
Blake, Matthew Robert (1876-?)
Bloxam, W. J. (1875-?)
Bolton, Earl Stewart (1883-1960)
Bolton, Ferris (1853-?)
Bond, George Frederick Daniels (1889-1963)
Boulton, Charles Arkall (1841-1899)
Bourke, William (1863-1943)
Bourns, William Andrew (1886-?)
Bower, Thomas Tofield (1867-1968)
Bowler, William Henry (1865-1929)
Bowley, Herbert John (1880-1950)
Boyd, William J. (1887-?)
Brabant, Angus (1865-1928)
Bracken, John (1883-1969)
Bradley, William Arthur (1878-1935)
Braid, Joseph Edwin (1877-1947)
Bray, George Herbert (1877-1966)
Brayfield, Hugh Cuthbert Heighington (1890-1968)
Breen, Thomas George (1877-1957)
Brenton, J. H. (1898-?)
Brereton, Wilfred Proctor (1879-1969)
Bricker, Edwin G. (1883-1956)
Brisbin, George Walton (1881-1957)
Broadfoot, John Campbell (1895-1986)
Brock, Eustache Alexander (1887-1977)
Brockwell, Harold Edward (1870-1945)
Brown, Robert (1863-?)
Brown, Thomas J. (1869-c1925)
Browne-Wilkinson, Eric (1888-1939)
Bruce, George Edwin (1874-1954)
Bryan, Samuel Stewart (1889-?)
Buchanan, John Ernest (1862-?)
Bulman, William John (1870-1938)
Burgess, William James (1896-1981)
Burman, Walter (1880-1948)
Burns, Edgar L. (1868-?)
Burns, George Walter (1886-?)
Burns, William H. (1878-?)
Burritt, Amelia Lemon (1822-1929)
Burrows, Theodore Arthur (1857-1929)
Burt, William (1875-1949)
Bush, Joseph Sanger (1867-1927)
Butcher, Francis Joseph (1874-1951)
Cameron, Archibald Peter (1886-1969)
Cameron, Marie Christina (1897-1990)
Cameron, Neil (1863-1935)
Campbell, Archibald Forbes (1854-1943)
Campbell, Isaac (1853-1929)
Campbell, John Archibald (1872-1963)
Campbell, Minnie Julia Beatrice (1862-?)
Campbell, W. D. (?-?)
Cannon, Charles R. (1866-1951)
Cannon, David (1844-1925)
Carroll, Edmund (1886-?)
Carruthers, George James (?-?)
Carter, John Thomas (1878-?)
Carter, William Henry (1874-1962)
Cassin, Thomas (1847-1927)
Casselman, Ezra (1860-1941)
Chalmers, Robert Kennedy (1872-1949)
Chalmers, William (1868-?)
Chandler, John Wills (1883-1945)
Chapman, A. B. (1863-?)
Charlebois, Ovide (1862-?)
Cherrier, Alphonsus Avila (1849-?)
Chevrier, Horace (1875-1935)
Ching, John (1850-1927)
Chisholm, Archibald Dickson (1857-1930)
Chown, Eric Vickers (1897-?)
Christie, Ernest Lisle (1864-?)
Clare, Eva (1885-1961)
Clarke, Webster Talcott (1867-?)
Clarke, William George (1876-1935)
Clubb, William Reid (1884-1962)
Cockrill, Ashton Dennis (1887-1931)
Cockburn, Bert (1891-?)
Coddington, Henry (?-?)
Cole, Louise Olive (1881-1965)
Coleman, Edwin Abram (1878-?)
Coleman, George Benjamin (1865-1943)
Collin, Louis Joseph (1856-1927)
Collin, Louis Donat (1882-1969)
Colquhoun, Morton Scott (1887-?)
Compton, George (1872-?)
Compton, William (1850-1925)
Congdon, Arthur (1863-?)
Connolly, Charles Edward (?-?)
Cook, John William (1853-?)
Coppinger, Harry (1888-1975)
Cork, Samuel Lawrence (1877-1971)
Cornelius, Mary Bell Evans (1864-1951)
Cory, John Garrett (1875-1948)
Cowan, Harry James (1873-?)
Cox, Frederick John Charles (1860-?)
Coyne, James Bowes (1878-?)
Craig, Richard W. (1877-?)
Crampton, Leonard William (1876-?)
Crawford, Mary Elizabeth (1876-?)
Crawford, Robert (1862-?)
Creelman, William John (1872-?)
Croll, Herbert Alexander (1872-1957)
Crosby, John Frank (1871-?)
Cross, Stanley Fletcher (1890-1968)
Crummy, Eber (1852-1939)
Cull, Henry James (c1878-1953)
Cunningham, Harry Clarkson (1864-1941)
Dafoe, John W. (1866-1944)
Dalzell, Walter (1883-1972)
Davidson, James Albert (1882-1949)
Davis, Charles William (1856-1930)
Davis, Frederick Langdon (1867-?)
Dawson, Thomas Walter (1848-?)
Deacon, Edgar Allan (1887-?)
Deacon, Thomas Russ (1865-1955)
Deason, Joseph Edward (1875-1950)
de Bocharme, Henry Robert Visart (1872-1958)
Deeks, Frederick Harley (1895-1980)
De Pauley, William Cecil (1893-1968)
Detchon, Henry (1871-?)
Dingwall, Donald Waverley (1881-1935)
Dinsdale, George (1887-?)
Donaldson, John Milton (1896-1970)
Douglas, Thomas Nicholas (1858-1936)
Down, Alfred C. (1885-?)
Down, Wesley (1860-?)
Downie, John Crawford (1864-1942)
Dowse, Francis Robert (1876-1948)
Doyle, Albert Seymour (1865-1954)
Drewry, Frederick William (1855-?)
Drewry, William Starkey (1884-1947)
Drummond, Robert (1873-1955)
Drummond-Hay, Humphry Ringler (1886-?)
Dubienski, Bernard Bronislaw (1891-1981)
Dudley, Guildford F. (1887-1968)
Duncan, Derward Alton (1895-1990)
Duncan, James (1857-1937)
Dunlop, Alexander (1856-1930)
Dunsmore, Robert Nelson (1866-1949)
Dunwoody, James Moore (1892-1972)
Dutton, William Paine (1872-1942)
Duxbury, James (1873-1961)
Dyer, Hugh Marshall (1861-1938)
Dyer, William Alexander (1866-1931)
Dyke, Carlton (1894-1929)
Dysart, Andrew Knox (1875-1952)
Dysart, Arthur Long (1886-1964)
Edmison, John Henry (1875-1932)
Ellard, Isaac Clayton (1886-1960)
Elliott, Raymond Kerr (1892-?)
Erzinger, John (1855-?)
Evans, James Howell (1884-1953)
Evans, William Sanford (1869-1950)
Evanson, William Henry (?-?)
Fahrni, Gordon Samuel (1887-1995)
Fahrni, Roy C. (1884-?)
Fahrni, Stanley Harrison (1889-1975)
Fallis, James Alexander (1858-1927)
Fargey, John Hayes (1853-1930)
Farmer, Seymour James (1878-?)
Fawkes, Arthur Walter Ellson (1880-1949)
Ferg, Francis Milton (1889-?)
Ferguson, Colin Campbell (1878-1938)
Ferguson, Robert Dickson (1866-?)
Findlay, Edward Oscar (1860-1930)
Finkelstein, Manly (1898-1949)
Finkelstein, Max James (1882-1960)
Finkelstein, Moses (1873-1939)
Finlayson, John Norison (1880-1971)
Finn, Theophilus Grant (1865-1934)
Fischer, Frederick John George (1858-1930)
Fleming, John William (1868-1928)
Fletcher, Robert (1873-1963)
Floyd, Ellis Holgate (1894-1954)
Forbes, James Wallace (1878-1957)
Forke, Robert (1860-1934)
Forneri, Felix Ford (1871-1855)
Forrest, Samuel (1845-1939)
Forrester, David (1859-1937)
Fortin, Octave (1842-?)
Foster, James (1868-?)
Frank, Henry Mervin (1877-1940)
Franklin, Henry George “Harry” (1892-1987)
Fraser, Oliver Stanley (1887-1957)
Frazer, John Taylor (1885-?)
Gagnon, Ernest (1884-1964)
Galt, Alexander Casimir (1853-1936)
Galt, George Frederick (1855-1928)
Garland, John J. (1873-1925)
Garland, Robert Allan (1876-1970)
Gayton, John Edwin (1849-1923)
George, John Milton (1887-1972)
Gervais, Mastai (1862-?)
Gibbs, Walter Henry Gabriel (1872-1952)
Gibson, Lorne Alexander (1880-1952)
Gibson, Wallace Robert (1891-1973)
Gillespie, John Cowan (1863-1936)
Gillespie, Robert Alexander (1881-1965)
Gilmour, Daniel (1870-1929)
Glassco, John Girdlestone (1879-1948)
Glenn, George Albert (1879-1949)
Goldstine, Max (1852-?)
Gooderham, Harold Dean (1881-1945)
Gordon, Charles William (1860-1937)
Gordon, Henry Bruce (1855-1931)
Gordon, Herbert Andrew (1868-?)
Gorrie, Charles Clinton (1885-?)
Graham, Archibald Roy (1887-?)
Graham, Herbert Walter (1878-1938)
Grant, Milton Daniel (1874-1956)
Grassie, William (1872-?)
Gray, Charles Frederick (1879-1954)
Gray, Herbert (1866-1924)
Green-Armytage, John Crichton (1872-?)
Greenway, Edward Thornton (1877-1956)
Greer, Richard Forbes Townsend (1888-1974)
Griffith, David Wesley (1879-1943)
Grove, Frederick Philip (1871-1948)
Gunn, John Alexander (1878-1960)
Gunn, William Gordon (1892-1973)
Guy, Robert Dunbar (1880-1971)
Halcrow, Horace (1882-1945)
Hall, Gavin Allan (1898-?)
Hallgrimsson, Fridrik (1872-c1925)
Halpenny, Jasper (1869-1930)
Halpenny, Lillian B. (1877-1956)
Hamilton, Elizabeth Belinda Johnston (1863-1930)
Hamilton, Daniel Salmon (1864-1929)
Hamilton, Duncan McDonald (1874-1952)
Hamilton, Frank Alvin Earnest (1881-1964)
Hamilton, Frederick Charles (1871-1949)
Hamilton, James William (1865-1945)
Hannesson, Hannes Marino (1884-?)
Hansen, H. Jacob (1890-?)
Hansford, Jeffery Ellery (1864-1932)
Hanson, Harold Stuart (1891-1984)
Hardy, Joseph Robson (1890-1966)
Harrison, Robert (1883-1953)
Hart, John Arthur (1857-1946)
Hart, Walter T. (1867-1948)
Hartley, Thomas Leonard (1869-1952)
Harwood, Oscar L. (1881-1945)
Hassard, George Alexander (1875-1944)
Hassard, Harvey Jason (1879-1939)
Hasslefield, Charles Frederick (1876-?)
Hay, James Gray (1874-1950)
Healy, William J. (1867-1950)
Heaps, Abram Albert (1885-1954)
Hearn, Amy Browning (1861-1943)
Hebert, Jean-Baptiste Theobald (1894-1972)
Heeney, William Bertal (1873-1955)
Heming, Walter William (1875-1938)
Hennessy, Patrick (1885-1940)
Heppner, Maxwell (1881-1957)
Herriot, William (1862-?)
Hewitt, James Wesley (1876-?)
Hill, Alan Ridgeway (1891-1931)
Hillhouse, Thomas Paterson (1896-1991)
Hind, Ella Cora (1861-1942)
Hodgson, Harold Cleveland (1883-?)
Hogarth, John Coleman (1855-1949)
Holman, Jacob Hall (1853-1927)
Holmes, Samuel Edward (1885-1974)
Home, Robert H. (1862-?)
Horn, Alexander J. P. (1863-1944)
Horner, Ralph Joseph (1848-?)
Howden, Gordon Thompson “Doc” (1875-1937)
Howden, James Henry (1860-1938)
Hudson, Albert Blellock (1875-1947)
Hugg, Jabez Bowen (1872-?)
Hughes, Jonathan (1842-1938)
Hunt, Edward Gilbert (1876-1943)
Hunt, Robert (1856-1936)
Hunt, Theodore Alexander (1871-1934)
Hunt, William Harold (1884-1976)
Hurst, Albert Reginald (1892-?)
Inkster, Colin (1843-1934)
Irving, Alexander Jones (1881-1966)
Isaacs, Hyman Davis (1900-1998)
Isaacs, John Myer (1892-1979)
Jackson, Frederick Wilbur (1888-1958)
Jacob, Robert (1879-1944)
James, Thomas William (1883-?)
Jamieson, Frederick Lawrence (1888-1978)
Jeffery, Charles Norman Fitzgerald (1860-1941)
Jewers, Ernest John (1890-?)
Johannsson, Johann Gestur (1886-1978)
Johnson, Albert Christopher (1867-1938)
Johnson, Thomas Herman (1870-1927)
Johnson, Thomas Thorvald (1891-1953)
Johnston, Adam (1863-1937)
Johnston, Clarence Woods (1888-?)
Johnston, Henry Joseph (1876-1964)
Johnston, James William (1872-1937)
Jolliffe, Alfred Davis (1856-1929)
Jonasson, Einar S. (1887-?)
Jordan, Robert (1856-1944)
Kahanovitch, Israel Isaac (1872-?)
Keith, Clarence Garfield (1881-1964)
Kellet, John Grieve (1886-1959)
Kellett, Richard (1866-?)
Kemp, James Clyde (1881-1944)
Kemp, William (1874-1956)
Kennedy, Ella MacTavish (1886-1953)
Kennedy, John (1867-?)
Kennedy, William W. (1882-?)
Kervin, John Douglas (1891-1967)
Ketchen, Huntley Douglas Brodie (1872-?)
Ketcheson, Wilfred Duncan (1896-1969)
Killam, George Knight (1878-1942)
King, W. E. (1884-?)
King, W. Stanley (1882-?)
King, William Duncan (1883-1931)
King, William John (1869-?)
Kingston, Thomas (1863-?)
Kircaldy, James (1866-?)
Kirk, Charles Douglas (1878-1935)
Knisley, Mary Christina (1879-?)
Kurth, Burton Lowell (1890-1977)
Laidlaw, Robert Simpson (1877-1949)
Lamont, Joseph Laurie (1891-1955)
Lanigan, Albert G. (1864-1932)
LaRose, Arthur (1866-1949)
Laughlin, John Bell (1879-?)
Lauman, George Arthur (1893-1988)
Laurendeau, Narcisse Albert (1884-1945)
Laut, Agnes (1871-?)
Lavoie, I. J. (1864-?)
Lawson, Albert Byron (1868-1945)
Lawson, Henry (1861-1935)
Lawson, William Robert (1865-?)
Lea, Mary (1844-1927)
Leatherdale, William Long (1878-1945)
Lee, Thomas (1882-?)
Lennox, George Gilmour (1869-?)
Lightfoot, James (1879-1930)
Lindsay, Charles Cameron (1864-?)
Lindsay, Norman James (1874-?)
Locke, Corbet (1854-1932)
Longworth, Francis Reginald (1891-1955)
Loucks, Walter Muckleston (1869-1938)
Lowery, Robert Newton (1882-1962)
Lowry, William George (1880-1968)
Lyon, George Robert Douglas (1880-1932)
Lyons, Manson Ainslie (1879-1965)
Lyster, Lillie Maud (1876-1958)
McArthur, Frederick Joseph Gustin (1874-1934)
McAskill, Roderick (1874-?)
MacBrayne, Eion MacGregor (1890-1963)
McCashin, James Wilson (1876-1929)
McClelland, Elizabeth (1846-1931)
McClung, Nellie L. (1873-1951)
McCreery, Jane Dagg McGovern “Maude” (1890-1983)
MacDonald, Alexander (1843-1928)
MacDonald, Daniel Alexander (1858-?)
MacDonald, Frederick Savage (1867-1930)
Macdonald, George William (1875-?)
Macdonald, Hugh John (1850-1929)
MacGranachan, William (1882-1965)
Maclean, John Neil (1870-1942)
McDonald, John (1856-?)
McDougall, William Harkness (1865-1933)
MacDowell, Louise (?-?)
McElrea, Frank Borland (1883-1957)
McFadyen, Arthur Mitchell (1891-1941)
McGill, Henry (1854-?)
McGillivray, Archibald (1874-?)
McGilvray, David Warnock (1865-1947)
McLelland, George Arthur (1877-1964)
McGregor, Joseph (1852-1930)
McIntyre, Archibald Hector (1857-?)
McIntyre, Archibald James (1886-?)
McIntyre, Daniel J. (1852-1946)
MacIntyre, Duncan Scott (1899-?)
McIntyre, Joseph (1877-?)
MacKay, Daniel Sayne (1878-1943)
McKay, Donald Alfred Pringle (1883-1957)
MacKay, Hugh (1864-1934)
McKay, John McGregor (1886-1970)
MacKay, John Alexander (1870-1938)
McKay, Percival James (1891-1957)
McKay, Robert (1879-1949)
McKee, Josiah (1873-?)
McKellar, Malcolm (1847-1928)
Mackenzie, Colin Young (1884-1964)
McKenzie, Richard (1858-1931)
Mackenzie, William Ferguson (1898-1964)
McKinnell, William Clarke (1874-?)
McKinnon, Peter Duncan (1852-1940)
McLachlan, John Alexander (1869-1947)
McLaren, Martin Alfred (1888-?)
McLean, Daniel (1868-1950)
MacLean, Neil John (1870-1946)
McLenaghen, James Osborne (1892-?)
MacLeod, Allan Arnett (1899-1918)
McLeod, D. L. (1874-?)
Mcmillan, Daniel Hunter (1846-?)
McMorran, Gordon Alexander (1885-1966)
McMurray, Mildred Beatrice (1892-1959)
McNeil, George (1873-1967)
McNeill, Lachlan (1869-?)
McNichol, Andrew Robert (?-?)
McPherson, Alexander Nugent (1867-1938)
MacPherson, Ewan Alexander (1878-?)
McQuay, Russell Bateman (1889-?)
MacRae, Mrs. K. (?-?)
Macara, William Elliott (1859-?)
Machray, Robert (1831-1904)
Mainwaring, Henry Albert (1847-1929)
Manning, Arthur J. (1875-?)
Manning, Frank (?-?)
Margolius, George (1866-1941)
Marion, Joseph Alderic (1864-1954)
Markle, Mervyn Clemens (1876-1935)
Martin, Harry James (1876-1955)
Martin, Mary E. (?-?)
Masson, Charles Tolmie (1880-1927)
Mathers, Thomas Graham (1859-1927)
Matheson, Elizabeth Beckett (?-?)
Matheson, Samuel Pritchard (1852-1942)
Matheson, William A. (1859-?)
Matthews, James Ewen (1869-?)
Meighen, Arthur (1874-1960)
Meiklejohn, Henry John (1859-1943)
Mellish, David Leopold (1883-?)
Melvin, James Wilfred (1877-1965)
Menzies, Adam Fisher (1887-1958)
Metcalfe, William Edward (1863-?)
Millejour, Joel (1864-?)
Miller, Joseph Charles (1891-1987)
Miller, Thomas Easson (1887-1963)
Mitchell, Alice Leone (1874-1946)
Mitchell, Irwin Lyman (1882-1956)
Mitchell, James Bertram (1852-1945)
Mitchell, John Fletcher (1862-1943)
Moffit, Louis Wilfred (1887-1959)
Mollot, Gabrielle (1875-1931)
Monteith, John H. (1873-?)
Montgomery, Wesley (1883-?)
Moore, Charles Howard (1887-1968)
Moore, William (1872-1956)
Morris, John William (1891-1959)
Morrison, John Francis “Frank” (1876-1963)
Morrisson, Wilson (1897-?)
Morrow, John (1855-1935)
Morton, Thomas William (1862-1945)
Muir, W. G. (1890-?)
Mullaly, Joseph Henry (1866-1929)
Mullins, Henry Alfred (1861-?)
Mulvey, James T. (1878-?)
Mulvey, John H. (1861-1925)
Munn, William James (1886-1936)
Munro, Henry Barron “Harry” (1882-1974)
Munroe, Edmund (1875-?)
Munson, Neville (1892-1976)
Murphy, Grover Glenn (1886-1968)
Murphy, Thomas Gerow (1883-1971)
Murray, Adam Henry Stewart (1878-?)
Murray, James (1878-1973)
Murray, William Anderson (1886-1964)
Nanton, Augustus (1860-1925)
Nelson, Percival Hudson "Percy" (1871-1942)
Newman, Frederick Leslie (1859-?)
Newton, Christopher H. (?-?)
Newton, Frederic Young (1870-?)
Newton, George Mode (1877-1946)
Newton, Walter Selkirk (1881-1950)
Ney, Frederick James (1884-1973)
Nichol, Catherine Scott (1859-1930)
Norris, Frederick Corbett (1880-1957)
Norris, Tobias Crawford (1861-1936)
Nott, Herbert Arthur (1880-1963)
O'Brien, M. C. (1868-?)
Offen, Thomas William (1881-1959)
Oliver, Ernest Augustine Henry Alzemon N. (1861-1955)
Oliver, Reginald Marchant (1888-1964)
Olson, Carl Jonas (1884-1951)
Olver, Roland Earl (1892-1968)
Ormond, Daniel Mowat (1885-1974)
Orr, Philip Henry (1882-1964)
Osborne, William Frederick (1873-1950)
Osler, Hugh Farquharson (1881-1943)
Ostenso, Martha (?-?)
Paget, Alfred Percy (1874-1960)
Palmer, George Hastings (1881-1947)
Palsson, Helga (1906-?)
Parker, Charles C. (1877-?)
Parsons, Robin Chester (1890-1947)
Paterson, Robert Walter (1876-1936)
Penman, James (1848-1927)
Pennefather, John Pyne (1833-1913)
Pennefather, Richard FitzGerald (1862-1929)
Perdue, William Egerton (1850-1933)
Phillips, Arthur Edward (1884-1943)
Philipps, Henry John (1877-1944)
Pickard, John W. (1892-?)
Pitblado, Isaac (1867-1964)
Porte, Thomas J. (1867-?)
Potter, David Grant (1893-1956)
Prefontaine, Albert (1861-?)
Prendergast, James Emile Pierre (1858-?)
Preudhomme, Jules (1877-?)
Pridham, Edwin Allee (1883-?)
Prior, Herman Garfield (1884-1984)
Prud'homme, Joseph Henry (1882-?)
Prud'homme, Louis Arthur (1853-?)
Prugh, William Albert (1891-1971)
Pugh, Sidney Walter (1883-1943)
Pulford, Henry Lloyd (1896-1949)
Ram, Humphrey Scott (1885-?)
Rankine, David F. (1893-?)
Redpath, Charles (1872-1952)
Reid, Adam (1868-?)
Reid, John Young (1872-1945)
Richardson, Charles Leonard (1884-1939)
Richardson, James Armstrong (?-?)
Riddell, John Henry (1863-?)
Riddell, Walter (1882-?)
Ridgeway, Robert Weston (1878-1946)
Ridley, John S. (1882-?)
Riley, R. T. (?-?)
Rioch, Margaret George (?-?)
Robertson, John McLeod (1870-1941)
Robertson, Mary Lang (?-?)
Robertson, Robert Thompson (1864-?)
Robertson, William (1860-?)
Robinson, Jerry (?-?)
Robinson, Thomas D. (1838-?)
Roblin, Rodmond Palen (1853-1937)
Rochetti, Joseph (1879-?)
Rogers, Robert (1864-?)
Rogers, William Edgar (1889-1979)
Ross, Andrew Murray Smith (1880-1943)
Ross, Daniel Gordon (1867-1951)
Ross, Frederick William (1879-1968)
Ross, Hugh Cuthbert Melville (1898-?)
Ross, Robert Lachlan (1869-1943)
Rothnie, James E. (1887-1937)
Rowe, Clarissa Graham (1872-1945)
Rowe, William James (1872-1947)
Rowley, Charles Walsh (1869-1944)
Roy, Louis Philippe (1889-1963)
Rumball, Mark C. (1857-?)
Russell, Elizabeth (1890-?)
Rutherford, William George (?-?)
Ruttan, Charles Millidge (1883-?)
Ryley, Alfred Argue (1861-1932)
Samuel, Herbert Julius (1882-1926)
Sanderson, John Sutherland (1840-1930)
Sandy, George William (1867-1943)
Saults, George Henry (1861-1955)
Sayer, Charles Richard (1866-1953)
Schneider, William Henry (1860-1929)
Schultz, Ivan (1891-1974)
Schultz, Otto Reginald (1886-1973)
Schweitzer, Valmore Eric (1894-1955)
Scotney, Reginald Norman (1876-1930)
Scott, Douglas J. (?-?)
Scott, Victor Lloyd (1898-1952)
Scrimes, Walter Willson (1854-1928)
Sedziak, Francis “Frank” (1877-1952)
Semmens, John Nelson (1879-1960)
Seton, Ernest Thompson (1860-1946)
Seward, Margaret Jade (1852-?)
Shankland, Robert (1887-1968)
Shanks, Robert Hance (1858-1932)
Shadwick, Philip (1862-1932)
Sharp, Charles Jackson (1863-1953)
Shaw, Frank Walter (1888-1940)
Shea, Patrick (1854-1933)
Shepard, Clarence Day (1872-1949)
Shewfelt, Robert Baird (1871-1944)
Sifton, Clifford (1861-1929)
Simonson, Freda (1891-1971)
Simpson, Robert Mills (1865-?)
Simpson, William John (1869-?)
Sinclair, Charles Cuthbert (1870-1944)
Sinclair, John Dingwall (1874-1947)
Sinclair, Robert George (1884-?)
Sinnott, Alfred Arthur (1877-?)
Sinnott, Thomas Storey (1866-1949)
Smaill, James Wellington (1860-?)
Smellie, Albert Gale Parker (1862-1936)
Smith, Charles (1862-1930)
Smith, David (1867-?)
Smith, Harold Van Wort (1879-1964)
Smith, J. Ambrose (1878-?)
Smith, John Obed (1864-?)
Smith, John (1854-?)
Smith, John Coyle (1873-1952)
Smith, Peter James (1863-?)
Smith, W. A. (1862-?)
Snider, Claude Hilton (1872-1935)
Snow, Matthew (1858-?)
Soulis, G. Roy (1882-1945)
Southam, Walter John (1868-1940)
Spalding, John (1886-?)
Sparks, Theodore Arthur (1883-?)
Speechly, Harry Martindale (1866-1951)
Spencer, Eli Edwin (1896-1988)
Speirs, John Tully (1860-1925)
Spinks, William Hooey (1873-1949)
Stacpoole, Dick A. (1869-?)
Steen, Ephriam Ure (1862-1926)
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur (1879-?)
Stephansson, Stephan (1887-1934)
Stephen, George (1876-?)
Stephens, George F. (1885-?)
Stephens, Harry (1865-?)
Stephens, John Grongar (1868-1951)
Stevens, Frederick (1856-1939)
Stevenson, William Frederick (1824-1928)
Stewart, David Alexander (1874-1937)
Stewart, George Henry (1874-1947)
Stewart, John William Willoughby (1868-1936)
Stewart, Robert William (1857-1932)
Stiles, Harry B. (?-?)
Storey, Charles James (1859-1942)
Stovel, Gordon (1894-?)
Stratton, Durward Portland (1876-1950)
Stubbs, Lewis St. George (1878-1958)
Stuckey, Janson H. (?-?)
Suffield, Joseph Devereux (1878-1949)
Sullivan, Arthur (1881-?)
Swain, Richard Joseph (1874-1969)
Swan, Robert Rennie (1876-1952)
Sweatman, William Andrew Travers (1879-1941)
Tait, John (1858-?)
Talbot, Philippe A. (1879-?)
Taylor, Fawcett Gowler (1878-?)
Taylor, Frank Trafford (1891-1943)
Taylor, John (1834-1925)
Taylor, William (1835-1898)
Taylor, William J. (1865-?)
Templeton, Charles Perry (1884-1929)
Tergesen, Hans Petur (1863-1954)
Thomas, Wilfrid William Henry (1875-?)
Thomson, John (1851-1929)
Thornton, Robert Stirton (1863-1936)
Thorson, Joseph Thorarinn (1889-?)
Tilt, Capel (1871-1938)
Treble, Cecil Diment (1898-1968)
Trotter, Stuart Fowden (1885-1918)
Trueman, Walter Harley (1870-1978)
Tuckwell, Ronald Wesley (1890-1991)
Tupper, William Johnston (1862-1947)
Turnbull, James Holt (1858-1943)
Turner, Hyles Egbert (1855-1936)
Van Reimsdyk, L. J. F. (?-?)
Vanstone, Charles Morley (1870-?)
Verner, Thomas Henry (1862-1930)
Villardson, John (1870-1929)
Vivian, Lewis (1875-1948)
Wadge, Herbert William (1872-1954)
Wallcraft, John (1867-1939)
Walker, C. P. (?-?)
Wansbrough, Cuthbert Cole (1878-1953)
Warde, Leo (1888-?)
Warren, Lloyd A. H. (1879-1949)
Watson, Melford Scelden (1890-1979)
Watson, Robert (1853-1929)
Watson, Robert (1882-?)
Watts, Ernest William (1879-?)
Waugh, Richard Deans (1868-1938)
Waugh, R. J. (1875-?)
Weatherhead, George Forrest (1874-1948)
Webb, Alfred John (1889-1958)
Webb, Ralph Humphreys (1886-1945)
Weidman, Hiram L. (1863-1933)
Weidman, Mordecai S. (1864-1952)
Weir, Thomas A. (?-?)
Wells, George Anderson (1877-?)
Weston, William Alfred (1882-?)
Whelpley, Ernest Harold (1890-1960)
White, William Carruthers (1859-1938)
Whitehead, Joseph Blyth (1865-?)
Whitla, Henry Walter (1874-1956)
Wiggins, Clarence M. (1889-?)
Wilkinson, Percy (1889-1976)
Willets, Charles Richard Edward (1880-1931)
Williams, Victor George (1874-1944)
Wilkinson, Samuel (1865-1941)
Wilson, Andrew (1863-1923)
Wilson, Fred Carlyle (1893-1950)
Wilson, Joseph J. (1851-?)
Wintemute, Peter Alvey (1887-1958)
Wood, Francis Henry (1869-?)
Wood, W. B. (1878-?)
Wright, Ernest Gordon (1888-?)
Yeo, Robert John (1885-1951)
Yewdall, Hyman (1879-1947)
Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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