Editor, publisher.
Born at Port Arthur, Ontario on 18 September 1871, son of Cosford Chalmers Forneri and Isabella Agar, he was educated at the public schools of Kenora, Ontario when his father, a land surveyor, was deployed there. He learned the printing trade with the Rat Portage Progress and worked at the Port Arthur Herald and subsequently at Duluth (Minnesota), Vancouver (British Columbia), St. Paul (Minnesota), Chicago (Illinois), and Detroit (Michigan).
He came to Morden in 1923 and purchased the Morden Times weekly newspaper, the result of merging several papers that have previously published in Morden. He last worked as an editor/publisher in 1942.
He and wife Amy Redman (1881-1954) had one daughter, Amy Forneri (wife of ? Campbell). He was a member of the Manitoba Press Association, Typographical Union (35 years), Masons, IOOF, and Anglican church.
He died at Victoria, British Columbia on 9 April 1955 and was buried in the Ross Bay Cemetery.
Pioneers and Prominent People of Manitoba, Winnipeg: Canadian Publicity Company, 1925.
Death registrations [Amy Forneri, Felix Ford Forneri], British Columbia Vital Statistics.
“Funeral services today for Sidney newspaperwoman,” Victoria Daily Times, 10 September 1954, page 27.
“Veteran printer, Felix Forneri, passes here,” Victoria Daily Times, 9 April 1955, page 26.
We thank Darryl Toews for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 8 June 2024
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