Memorable Manitobans: Freda Simonson (1891-1971)

Pianist, music teacher.

Born at Winnipeg on 24 February 1891, daughter of Olof Simonson and Sigrid Hammerberg, she was educated in Winnipeg schools. Her parents came to Manitoba from Jämtland, Sweden in 1882 and farmed at Lac du Bonnet. She studied with Carl Breggren and Milan Sokoloff then started teaching piano in 1918. She was a medalist in the Earl Grey competition, open to pianists of the Dominion of Canada, held at the Walker Theatre of Winnipeg in 1911. She was a member of the Women’s Musical Club, Manitoba Music Teachers Association, and Aolian Club; she founded the Swedish Musical Club and the Aberdeen School Association; and gave many recitals before the musical clubs of Winnipeg and on local radio broadcasts. She moved to Calgary, Alberta in 1955 where she died on 28 November 1971. She was buried in Elmwood Cemetery.


Birth registration, Manitoba Vital Statistics.

Pioneers and Prominent People of Manitoba, Winnipeg: Canadian Publicity Company, 1925.

Obituary, Winnipeg Free Press, 1 December 1971, page 46.

We thank Keith Jones and Glenna Davis for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 22 February 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

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