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This is an alphabetical listing of construction contractors and firms that have worked in Manitoba at some point in the past, linked where available to pages providing examples of their work.
Name begins: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Adams, Charles J. (1884-?)
Akins, William John (c1874-1955)
Akman, Aaron (1880-1962)
Akman, Abram “Lefty” (1912-1996)
Akman, Richard Stephen “Richie” (1953-2024)
Aldinger, Albert Henry (1877-1942)
Anderson, Alexander Beattie (1862-1937)
Anderson, Peter (1884-1955)
Andrews, William Thomas (1851-1925)
Archibald, George Hughes (1877-1959)
Badger, John Connors (1867-1934)
Babienko, Frank Theofan (1894-1997)
Baert, Gerard Alphonsus “Gerry” (1906-1971)
Bailey, James Edward (1873-1946)
Baldry, George Ephraim (1883-1959)
Barclay, James (1826-1912)
Barker, Rupert Joshua (1874-1956)
Bears, Alfred Henry (1857-1936)
Bell, William (1863-1936)
Benjaminson, Edward Benjamin “Eddie” (1914-1973)
Benjaminson, Skuli (1879-1970)
Bergman, Jon Tryggvi (1874-1941)
Birch, Clement Arthur (1888-1968)
Bird, Hubert John Allen (1889-1965)
Biron, Joseph Adolphe (1864-1938)
Bjornsson, Arni Bjorn (1901-1986)
Blackwell, John Ernest (1877-1974)
Bockstael, Robert Theodore (1923-2017)
Bockstael, Theodore (1874-1958)
Boivin, Arthur Rivers (1878-1951)
Bonnett, Arthur John (1874-1942)
Borger, Johann Heinrich [John Henry Borger] (1872-1946)
Borrowman, LeRoy Franklin (c1885-1957)
Bratton, Thomas Alfred (1868-1953)
Brown, Norman (1873-1956)
Brown, Samuel “Sam” (1871-1959)
Brydon, William (1847-1930)
Brynjolfsson, Sveinn (1856-1930)
Bullock, Alfred Edward (1871-1957)
Burnett, Philip (1848-1936)
Burton, Stanley Douglas “Stan” (1925-2014)
Butterworth, Thomas (1883-1963)
Cadham, James Henry (1850-1907)
Carr, John (1859-1937)
Carter, William Henry (1874-1962)
Cass, Edward (1849-1932)
Chubb, Frederick John (1846-?)
Claydon, Ebenezer (1880-1954)
Cohen, Abraham (1876-1944)
Cohen, Reuben [Rubin] (c1865-1955)
Cope, Frederick Thomas (1862-1930)
Couture, Joseph Eugene (1898-1958)
Cross, William Wardell (1860-1939)
Darling, Harry (1881-1962)
Davidson, Alexander (1851-1920)
Davidson, Frederick Niven “Fred” (1885-1949)
Davidson, Viglundur [Wiglundur] Andrjesson (1884-1938)
Davidson, William James (1879-1969)
Desrochers, Adelard (1867-1936)
Dolmer, John (1858-1949)
Donner, Benjamin (1881-1958)
Ducharme, Jean-Louis (1909-1970)
Ducharme, Wilfrid Joseph “Wilf” (1917-1980)
Dudeck, Stanley Kenneth “Stan” (1927-2011)
Epton, George William (1890-1952)
Fusee, Robert Hezekiah (1864-1960)
Fitzgerald, John C. (1867-?)
Fleming, William Wesley (1875-1957)
Fletcher, Lee (1880-1964)
Fonger, Donald Ross (1923-2006)
Ford, George Washington (1868-1946)
Fraser, Finlay (1879-1948)
Fraser, W. H. (1860-?)
Fulcher, Edmund (c1885-1972)
Gass, James Barton (1881-1954)
Gelley, Joseph Edmond (1830-1897)
Genser, Harry (?-?)
Genser, William (1883-1971)
Girling, William Henry (1874-1941)
Girvin, John Alexander (1851-1931)
Greene, Loftus John (1846-1913)
Grey, Aaron (1865-1962)
Groff, Franklin Bricker “Frank” (1883-1943)
Guay, Joseph Lorenzo (1890-1962)
Gunn, John (1850-1936)
Haldorson, Haldor (1875-1951)
Halford, George Thomas Clark (1857-1933)
Hall, Charles Wesley (1866-1945)
Hallgrimson, Lindal Josafat (1882-1968)
Halls, Frank Ernest (1872-1950)
Hanbury, John (1855-1928)
Hanbury, William (1858-1940)
Harper, William Arthur (1879-1962)
Harrington, Thomas M. (1847-1937)
Hartmier, John George (1875-1949)
Hashimoto, Hiro (1923-2000)
Hazelton [Hazleton], Herbert Torrence (1868-1939)
Hedges, Patrick Henry (c1883-1957)
Heilig, Abraham (c1871-1922)
Heslip, John E. (1870-1955)
Hicks, John Christie (1856-1917)
Higgens, Edwin Charles “Ted” (1882-1957)
Hill, Wilson (1852-1929)
Hinds, Frederick “Fred” (1864-1935)
Hindson, Thomas Cooper (1852-1934)
Hirsh [Hirsch], Harry (1880-?)
Hodgins, William James (1853-1935)
Holmes, William James “Billy” (1871-1951)
Horner, William (1860-1916)
Irish, William Arthur (1872-1941)
Isbister, John George (1877-1949)
Isenberg, Jacob
Iverson, Walter Hanson (1884-1952)
Jackson, Alfred (1858-1935)
Jackson, James “Jim” (1889-1961)
Jackson, John (1887-1986)
Jackson, Thomas (1862-1935)
Jamieson, Alexander (1868-1959)
Johannesson, Halldor (1876-1932)
Johannesson, Jonas (1863-1935)
Johannson, Asmundur Petur (1875-1953)
Johnson, Joseph (1862-1930)
Johnston, Edward Allan (1869-1923)
Keller, Ernest (1935-2010)
Kelly, James Michel (1873-1969)
Kelly, Martin (1855-1925)
Kelly, Martin Patrick (1882-1946)
Kelly, Michael (1844-1923)
Kelly, Thomas (1855-1939)
Kitchen, Daniel “Dan” (1865-1930)
Klassen, Benjamin F. (1931-2003)
Lailey, William James “Jim” (1879-1951)
Langford, Alexander “Alex” (1887-1961)
Latimer, James Gerald (1842-1927)
Lear, Richard Henry (1861-1945)
Lee, William F. (1853-1919)
Leitch, Peter (1887-1947)
Lewiston, Theodore E. (?-?)
Lissaman, Frank Cecil (1870-1954)
Lissaman, Reginald Otto (1908-1974)
Lobel, Sigmund (1868-1950)
Lount, Charles Taylor (1887-1971)
Lount, Frank Reade (1890-1976)
Lount, Graham Conrad (1921-2016)
Lowery, Edward (1843-1893)
Lowery, Robert Newton (1882-1962)
Lundman, Arvid (c1894-1962)
Lyall, Peter Douglas (1878-1945)
Macaw, Arthur (1880-1958)
Macdonald, Archibald (1851-1921)
Macdonald, Hector Frederick (1857-1898)
MacDonald, Robert Johnstone (1875-1949)
Malcom, David (1871-1935)
Malcom, Wilbert Guy “Bert” (1895-1980)
Mannix, Frederick Stephen (1881-1951)
Manser, William Thomas (1869-1958)
Matthews, James Alexander (1886-1954)
Maurer, Adolph Vincent (1872-1961)
May, Frederick William Stuart “Fred” (1903-1974)
McBain, Andrew (1840-1927)
McBean, Cyrus (1848-1918)
McComb, Samuel (1844-1907)
McDiarmid, James (1855-1934)
McDiarmid, John “Jack” (1862-1943)
McKenzie, Archibald C. (c1863-1919)
McQuarrie, John (1849-1929)
Metcalfe, Christopher (1867-1947)
Miller, John (c1895-1972)
Milord, H. J. (?-?)
Mitchell, Andrew R. (1844-1922)
Mitchell, George Andrews (1857-1909)
Mitchell, Richard (?-?)
Morrow, John James (1874-1962)
Moses, Frank (1874-?)
Moxam, William (1882-1950)
Neil, James Henry (1862-1927)
Neilson, John L. (?-?)
Neustaedter, Henry (1911-2008)
Newman, William (1866-1952)
Norell, Axel Martin (1880-1958)
Oddson, Thorsteinn (1864-1934)
Orr, Robert (1870-1946)
Overgaard, Haakon Magnus Leonard (c1885-1974)
Pachal, Louis A. (1871-1925)
Pain, Franklin Coulson (1884-1934)
Palmer, William John (1874-1943)
Parker, James W. (1869-?)
Paterson [Patterson], Robert Drummond (1835-1928)
Paulson, Oscar (c1891-1969)
Pearson, Nels (1887-1963)
Pétursson, Bjorn (1871-1946)
Pétursson, Rögnvaldur (1877-1940)
Pollock, Alexander (1882-1957)
Pope, George Arthur (1876-1950)
Popeski, Nathan (1884-1970)
Powell, Francis “Frank” (1842-1937)
Pullmer, Lewis (1876-1945)
Reid, James Murray (1882-1933)
Rempel, Isbrand “Ike” (1916-1965)
Ritchie, Sinclair Balsor (1855-1933)
Roe, John Alexander (1875-1965)
Rooke, Walter Edwin (1882-1958)
Ross, Duncan James (1865-1947)
Ross, Hugh (1856-1894)
Ross, Neil (1867-1951)
Rourke, William Henry (1850-1918)
Rubin, Victor (c1871-1945)
Saul, John (1840-1928)
Saul, John Alexander (1861-1939)
Sawatzky, Franz Wiebe “Frank” (1904-1999)
Schioler, Knud Birch (1891-1974)
Scott, W. H. (?-?)
Seeley, David Franklin “Dave” (1943-2006)
Senecal, Joseph-Azarie (1841-1917)
Sharp, Charles Wallace (1852-1924)
Sharp, George Wallace (1886-1975)
Sharpe, Thomas (1866-1929)
Sheane, James (c1864-1961)
Shepley, Leslie Harmon (1874-1959)
Sheps, Benjamin “Ben” (c1880-1964)
Sigurdson, Randver “Andy” (1890-1963)
Sigurdsson [Sigurdson], Halldor “Dori” (c1885-1974)
Simmons, Arthur (1879-1950)
Simkin, Saul (1915-1994)
Simpson, Christopher Hickey “Chris” (1861-1928)
Smith, James W. (1843-1917)
Snider, Edward Ralph (1868-1954)
Sparrow, Frank Allen (1878-1967)
Stanier, James Edward “Jim” (1924-1998)
Stirrett, George (1853-1940)
Sutherland, John (1860-1943)
Suzuki, Kaoru (1924-2011)
Suzuki, Jun (1920-2001)
Suzuki, Toru (1922-2012)
Sveinsson, Johannes Maris (1875-1953)
Swanson, Anders Wilhelm “Bill” (c1912-1988)
Taubensee, John Guenther (1930-2009)
Taylor, Bentley (1877-1960)
Thorarinson, Metusalem Jonsson “Salli” (1888-1946)
Toshack, William Eneas (1882-1928)
Toye, Smith (1858-1953)
Tremblay, Joseph Albert (1881-1938)
Tremblay, Joseph Hector (1878-1917)
Turner, Edwin John (1878-1934)
Turner, Robert Edwin “Bob” (?-1988)
van Ginkel, Frank (1926-2002)
Vogel, Joseph (?-?)
Vopni, Jon Jonnson (1864-1956)
Walin, Claes Sanford (1863-1926)
Wallace, John James (1865-1936)
Waller, Arthur Chadwick (1870-1943)
Watson, Robert (1856-?)
Waugh, James (1860-1927)
White, Alfred Edward (1885-1955)
White, James (1861-1941)
Wilson, John Edward (1878-1956)
Wilson, Wesley Rivers (1878-1954)
Wood, Daniel David (1859-1925)
Woodward, Alexander A. (?-?)
Workman, Ernest Robert (1881-1965)
Worswick, James (1876-1951)
Worthington, Roy Lyon (1871-1941)
Wright, David (1848-1917)
Wyatt, Robert Nicholas (1877-1954)
Wyndels, Firmin (c1888-1929)
Zetterlund, John (1859-1933)
Zulak, Steve (c1922-1981)
A. Akman and Son / Akman Construction
G. A. Baert Construction Company
Benjaminson Construction Company
Boland Brothers Construction Company
Carter-Halls-Aldinger / Commonwealth Construction Company
Claydon Brothers Construction Company / Claydon Construction Limited
Daykin Scott Construction Company
F. W. Sawatzky Construction Company / FWS Group
Genser Brothers Construction Company
Hazelton & Walin [Hazleton & Walin]
Kelly Brothers / Manitoba Construction Company / Kelly Brothers and Mitchell / Thomas Kelly and Sons
Kelly-Simpson Construction Company / National Construction Company
B. F. Klassen Construction Company
M and M Construction / Macaw and Macdonald
MacDonald Brothers Sheet Metal and Roofing Company
Manitoba Bridge and Iron Works
Manitoba Engineering Company / Wyatt Construction Company
Mills and Shepley / Shepley Construction Company
Nelson River Construction Company
Peter Leitch Construction Company
Poole Construction / PCL Construction
Progress Construction Company / Bockstael Construction Company
Saul and Irish Construction Company / W. A. Irish and Company
Sutherland Construction Company
Suzuki Brothers Construction Company
Taubensee Construction Company
Winnipeg Roofing Company / Winnipeg Construction Company / Winnipeg Building Supplies Company
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: Architects of Manitoba
Obituary [Hiro Hashimoto], Winnipeg Free Press, 24 November 2000.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 23 February 2025
Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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