by Prof. George Bryce This collection of biographies of Manitobans was compiled by the Canadian History Company, and published at Toronto and Montreal in 1906. Most of those featured in the book were living at that time, so no information on death dates was provided. Where possible, these have been added to this online version. Online version 2008, Manitoba Historical Society |
Name begins: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
See also:
Convention of Forty (1870)
Governors of Red River Settlement (1812-1870)
Provisional Government of Manitoba / Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia (1870)
Lieutenant-Governors of Manitoba (1870-present)
Premiers of Manitoba (1870-present)
Legislative Assemblies of Manitoba (1870-present)
Speakers of the Manitoba Legislature (1871-present)
Legislative Council of Manitoba (1871-1876)
Manitoba Members of Parliament (1870-present)
Manitoba Recipients of the Order of Canada
Manitoba Recipients of the Order of Manitoba
Manitoba Order of the Buffalo Hunt
Manitoba Judges (1870-present)
Manitoba Senators (1870-present)
Adams, Charles (1858-1931)
Adams, David Elder (1859-1919)
Adams, Frank W. (1861-1935)
Adamson, Alan J. (1857-?)
Agnew, John Hume (1863-1908)
Aikenhead, Joseph (1857-1910)
Aikins, James Albert Manning (1851-1929)
Aikins, James Cox (1823-1904)
Aikins, John Somerset (1850-1911)
Alexander, William Wilson (1850-?)
Allan, James Beresford (1841-?)
Allan, William Rae (1864-?)
Anderson, Edward (1867-?)
Andrew, George (1851-1929)
Andrews, Alfred Augustus (1865-1912)
Arbuthnot, John (1861-1931)
Arkell, Francis Ernest “Frank” (1864-1929)
Armington, Milton Josiah (1851-?)
Armitage, Joseph Samuel (1849-1922)
Armstrong, Hugh (1858-1926)
Ashdown, James Henry (1844-1924)
Bailey, Wilson Shannon (1843-1916)
Baine, James Duncan (1855-1922)
Baird, Hugh Northcote (1877-1963)
Baldwin, James Matthias (1857-?)
Banfield, Armine Frederick (1850-1908)
Bannister, William Alfred (1875-1956)
Banting, Charles Robert (1852-?)
Barber, Edmund Lorenzo (1849-1909)
Barclay, Robert (1840-1907)
Barr, George (1871-?)
Barrett, Gregory (1867-1952)
Barrowclough, Samuel Lees (1868-1944)
Baskerville, Charles Augustus (1853-1933)
Beaubier, Thomas Jefferous (1830-1915)
Beliveau, Hormisdas (1860-?)
Bell, Charles Napier (1854-1936)
Black, William Allan (1862-1951)
Black, George Montegu (1875-1959)
Black, Thomas (1856-1914)
Black, John W. (1859-?)
Blair, John (1854-?)
Bolton, Burton William (1869-?)
Bonnar, Robert Andrew (1860-1932)
Bonny, James Rippoth (1850-1924)
Borthwick, Hugh Jamieson (1824-1916)
Boyce, Edward (1855-1919)
Briggs, Edward (1854-?)
Bright, Albert (1854-1925)
Brock, Jeffry Hall (1850-1915)
Brown, Edward (1865-1947)
Brown, John (1854-?)
Browne, George (1852-1919)
Bryan, George Francis (1850-1919)
Bryans, James (1843-1907)
Bryce, George (1844-1931)
Brydges, Frederick Henderson (1852-1928)
Brydon, William (1847-1930)
Buck, Thomas Henry (1859-1929)
Burrows, Theodore Arthur (1857-1929)
Byrnes, Henry (1839-1931)
Cadham, James Henry (1850-1907)
Callander, John Curtis (1875-1918)
Cameron, Douglas Colin (1854-1921)
Campbell, Robert Joseph (1851-?)
Campbell, Peter (1844-?)
Carruthers, George Frederick (1846-1918)
Carthew, John Richard (1863-1916)
Chaffey, Benjamin Elswood (1859-1953)
Chapin, Festus (1848-1907)
Chapman, Thomas (1850-1933)
Chevrier, Horace (1875-1935)
Clark, Douglas A. (1872-1954)
Clark, William (1840-1919)
Clark, Charles Whitefield (1845-?)
Clement, Stephen Emmett (1867-?)
Codd, Alfred (1843-1916)
Codville, John James (1851-1915)
Congdon, Arthur (1863-?)
Cowan, James (1831-1910)
Cowan, William James (1866-1924)
Cox, Frederic John Charles (1860-1939)
Cranston, Charles H. (1867-1910)
Crawford, John (1856-1928)
Crawford, William Edward (1865-?)
Cross, William Henry (1852-1928)
Crotty, Henry Samuel (1843-1923)
Crowe, George Reading (1852-1924)
Cunningham, Henry Clarkson (1864-1941)
Curran, John Philpot (1858-1928)
Currie, William (1834-1931)
Curry, Duncan Steele (1852-1925)
Daly, Thomas Mayne (1852-1911)
Darrach, Robert (1855-1943)
Davidson, Alexander (1853-1920)
Davidson, James Henry (1862-1911)
Davis, Fred Langdon (1867-1951)
Dawson, Alexander (1849-1928)
Deacon, Thomas Russ (1865-1955)
Dennison, Albert (1859-1918)
Dickie, Noble (1854-1910)
Dingwall, Donald Ross (1851-1913)
Drewry, Edward Lancaster (1851-1940)
Drewry, Frederick William (1855-1927)
Driscoll, John William (1841-1912)
Drysdale, John Andrew (1870-1908)
Eadie, James (1862-1940)
Elliott, George Andrew (1860-1923)
Evans, Thomas Dixon Byron (1860-1908)
Evans, Richard Dermot (1852-1923)
Fairbairn, James (1845-1912)
Fieldhouse, Marmaduke H. (1845-1911)
Fleming, John (1858-?)
Fleming, John William (1868-1928)
Fonseca, William Gomez da (1823-1905)
Forrest, Christopher Fortescue (1845-1934)
Fowler, Frank Oliver (1861-1945)
Frame, James Findlay (1841-1923)
Fraser, Alexander C. (1849-?)
Fry, Henry (1859-1933)
Fry, John (1870-?)
Galloway, Roper (1855-1924)
Galt, George Frederick (1855-1928)
Galt, John (1856-1933)
Garrioch, W. Scott (1863-1956)
Georgeson, William (1859-?)
Gibson, James Spence (1858-1933)
Glines, George A. (1849-?)
Gordon, James Thomas (1858-1919)
Gordon, William (1846-1936)
Gourley, Robert John (1878-1976)
Graban, Charles (1852-1945)
Graburn, Christopher (1839-?)
Graham, Herbert Clement (1856-?)
Griffin, James Young (1857-1939)
Grundy, James Anson (1858-1933)
Hadskis, George Hugh (1838-1915)
Hagel, Nathaniel Francis (1846-1915)
Haggart, Alexander (1850-1927)
Hall, Robert (1849-1911)
Hallett, Frank Taylor (1873-1941)
Hamilton, Daniel (1866-1935)
Hamilton, Jonathan Joseph (1850-1928)
Hammond, William John (1851-1926)
Hanbury, John (1855-1928)
Handscomb, Sidney Till (1868-?)
Haney, John Raglan (1855-1937)
Hannah, John (1857-?)
Hargraft, Alexander Ross (1860-1919)
Harris, Edward John (1862-1953)
Harris, John Walter (1845-1926)
Harrison, Richard Moorsom (1862-1925)
Hart, John Arthur (1857-?)
Haverson, John Henderson (1854-1932)
Hay, Arthur George (1862-1931)
Heap, James (1830-1909)
Helliwell, Charles Viney (1846-1931)
Henderson, William (1859-1921)
Herriot, William (1843-1927)
Hespeler, William (1830-1921)
Hetherington, Robert Briggs (1844-1920)
Higginbotham, Joseph Frederick (1868-?)
Higham, James (1863-1909)
Hobbs, James Aaron (1863-1932)
Hooper, Samuel (1851-1911)
Horn, David (1849-1933)
Hosmer, Edward Arthur Christopher (1853-1921)
Houkes, Albert Lee (1868-1942)
Howden, James Henry (1860-1938)
Hughes, Anthony James (1859-1937)
Hughes, Joseph Henry (1857-1917)
Hughes, Thomas Alfred Martin (1868-1943)
Hurt, Robert John (1861-1935)
Hutchings, Elisha Frederick (1855-1930)
Hutchinson, Hodgson Wilberforce (1862-?)
Inglis, John (1858-1941)
Innes, James (1854-1935)
Jackson, George Nelson (1861-1944)
Jackson, Samuel Jacob (1848-1942)
James, Edwin Alfred (1865-?)
Johnson, James (1855-1929)
Joslin, William Wellington (1863-1939)
Kelly, Andrew (1852-1930)
Kelly, Thomas (1855-1939)
Kennedy, William James (1857-1912)
Kennedy, John (1867-?)
Kerr, David (1855-?)
Kirkcaldy, James (1866-1957)
Laird, David (1833-1914)
Lait, William Barnes (1855-1928)
Lanigan, William Blackstock (1861-1952)
Lawlor, Thomas James (1853-1937)
Lawrence, George (1857-1924)
Lee, Thomas (1860-?)
Leech, John Hillyard (1866-1930)
Leech, Richard Edward Albert (1859-?)
Leslie, John (1852-?)
Leslie, Norman George (1856-1916)
Lindsay, Jonathan (1862-?)
Lochead, John S. (1853-?)
Lock, Thomas H. (1862-?)
Locke, Corbet (1854-1932)
Lockhart, Thomas (1833-?)
Love, John (1856-?)
Lundy, Frank Bostwick (1860-1910)
Macdonald, Daniel Alexander (1858-?)
Macdonald, Hugh John (1850-1929)
Machaffie, William Andrew (1865-1943)
MacIntyre, Lachlan Currie (1850-1917)
Macpherson, Ritchie (1859-1954)
MacVicar, Edwin Larwill (1875-?)
McBean, Bruce (1873-1959)
McClain, Samuel (1862-?)
McClure, Gavin (1860-?)
McConnell, Benjamin James (1861-1923)
McCrae, James Wellington (1857-1930)
McCuish, Donald John (1845-1900)
McCurquodale, Colin York Campbell (1846-1920)
McDiarmid, Alfred Reginald (1878-?)
McDonald, Duncan (1856-1920)
McFadden, David Henry (1856-1935)
McGill, Joseph Allan (1855-1912)
McInnis, Stanley William (1865-1907)
McIntyre, Archibald Hector (1857-?)
McIntyre, Peter Campbell (1854-1920)
McKay, Hector M. (1850-1924)
McKechnie, John (1844-1918)
McKenzie, Albert Edward (1870-1964)
McKerchar, Daniel Willis (1864-?)
McKinnon, Donald Chester (1844-1908)
McLaren, Archibald (1856-1918)
McLaren, William Gray (1858-1943)
McLaughlin, Howard Douglas (1878-1949)
McLean [MacLean], Daniel (1854-1908)
McLennan, Duncan (1861-1906)
McMeans, Lendrum (1859-1941)
McMicken, Alexander (1837-1916)
McMillan, William Wallace (1852-?)
McPherson, Hugh (1845-1916)
McPhillips, George (1848-1913)
McRae, Alexander C. (1862-?)
McWilliams, William Henry (1860-?)
Manning, Robert Furby (1856-?)
Manville, Herbert Alex (1868-1968)
March, Frank Morrison (1863-1944)
Marlatt, Samuel Reid (1853-?)
Martin, Isaac Walter (1863-?)
Maulson, George Joseph (1852-1923)
Maw, Joseph (1854-1916)
Meikle, Harry (1857-1931)
Meredith, Henry (1844-1917)
Miller, William White (1846-?)
Monkman, Albert (1850-1913)
Monteith, Robert (1843-1930)
Montgomery, Thomas (1851-1914)
Montgomery, Oswald (1856-1926)
Montgomery, Weston (1871-1934)
Morden, Wilmot Freeman (1851-1930)
Mott, Ezra Arthur (1869-?)
Muir, Robert (1850-1908)
Mulvey, Stewart (1834-1908)
Munroe, George Fraser (1849-1912)
Murphy, Gabriel B. (1856-?)
Murray, George White (1856-1933)
Musgrove, George (1855-1934)
Myers, Robert Hill (1856-1921)
Nanton, Augustus Meredith (1860-1925)
Nation, Frederick (1861-?)
Nation, Jasper (1862-1939)
Newman, Frederick Leslie (1859-1942)
Newman, Thomas Alexander (1848-?)
Newton, Charles Henry (1851-1919)
O'Donnell, John Harrison (1838-1912)
Olafsson, Gisli (1855-1909)
Oldfield, John Henry (1857-1924)
Parrish, William Linton (1860-1949)
Paterson, Robert Walter (1876-1936)
Pattison, James William (1860-1917)
Pearson, Ernest William (1861-1936)
Percival, Thomas May (1851-1936)
Pineo, William Macdonald (1863-1941)
Pitblado, Isaac (1867-1964)
Ramsay, Peter Belhaven Hamilton (1864-1952)
Rankin, Andrew Douglas (1860-1926)
Rea, James Fraser (1858-1937)
Reesor, David Anson (1860-1940)
Reid, Alexander (1860-?)
Renton, John (1825-1907)
Richardson, Robert Dennis (1854-1946)
Richardson, Robert Lorne (1860-1921)
Richardson, William (1859-1933)
Riley, Robert Thomas (1851-1944)
Rimer, Francis West (1849-1907)
Roberts, James Alfred (1858-?)
Robinson, Jerry (1844-1930)
Robinson, Thomas (1854-1908)
Robinson, Joseph Montgomery (1850-?)
Roblin, Redmond Palen (1853-1937)
Rocan, Maxime (1841-1912)
Roche, William James (1859-1937)
Rochon, E. J. (?-?)
Roddick, George (1831-1910)
Rogers, Robert (1864-1936)
Ross, Adam Edward (1866-?)
Ruddell, John Henry (1859-1906)
Russell, John Hamilton Gordon (1863-1946)
Rutherford, Thomas (1833-1912)
Ruttan, Henry Norlande (1848-1925)
Ryan, Thomas (1849-?)
Ryan, Joseph O’Connell (1841-1938)
Salts, William Hall (1856-?)
Schaffner, Frederick Lawrence (1855-1935)
Schmidt, Julius H. (1858-?)
Schooley, Sloan (1853-1929)
Scott, Alexander Lawrie (1871-?)
Scott, Frederick William (1867-?)
Scott, James (1845-1928)
Scott, John Archibald (1860-1913)
Scott, Robert Riddell (1865-1938)
Scott, Robert Ross (1857-1924)
Scott, Stuart (1851-1941)
Scott, Thomas (1841-1915)
Scott, William (1860-1939)
Sexsmith, George (1845-?)
Sharpe, Thomas (1866-1929)
Shaw, Arthur Wellesley (1856-1931)
Shaw, George Herbert (1869-?)
Shea, Patrick (1854-1933)
Sheldon, Charles (1860-1904)
Shillinglaw, Walter Henderson (1864-1957)
Shirriff, James (1851-1930)
Simpson, Robert Mills (1864-?)
Simpson, Charles Myron (1873-?)
Simpson, John (1856-?)
Skynner, Henry John (1857-1945)
Slater, Andrew Earnest (1861-?)
Smith, Alborn Charles (1833-?)
Smith, Gilbert C. (1847-1945)
Smith, James (1858-?)
Smith, John E. (1849-1919)
Smith, John Obed (1864-1937)
Smith, Roderick (1850-1925)
Smith, William Patterson (1850-1937)
Snelgrove, Alfred Henry (1870-1939)
Soames, George (1867-1929)
Sowden, William Henry “Squire” (1823-1907)
Speirs, John Tully (1860-1925)
Spence, James (1815-1900)
Spink, Samuel (1850-1916)
Sprague, Daniel Emes (1848-1924)
Stephens, George Frame (1851-1921)
Stevenson, William W. (1850-1934)
Stewart, Arthur (1854-1913)
Stirton, James (1847-1927)
Stobart, Frederick William (1859-1935)
Strang, Robert (1868-1906)
Stratton, Ira (1865-1943)
Strome, Isaiah Root (1852-1942)
Stuart, James (1853-?)
Swinford, Herbert (1849-1932)
Taylor, Thomas William (1852-1924)
Taylor, Richard Ratcliffe (1851-1911)
Tees, James (1854-1906)
Telford, Donald McLeod (1845-1921)
Thompson, Harry Cowan (1879-1946)
Thompson, George Bowles (1865-1932)
Thompson, Robert Schuyler (1844-1930)
Thompson, John W. (1858-1914)
Thomson, Charles John (1840-1911)
Thomson, John (1851-1929)
Thomson, Richard S. (1857-1933)
Tilt, Capel (1871-?)
Tomalin, William John C. (1858-1922)
Tupper, James Stewart (1851-1915)
Walker, David Marr (1835-1920)
Walker, William (1850-?)
Wallace, James Stoddart (1865-1944)
Waller, Henry Edwin (1868-?)
Watson, Robert (1853-1929)
Watson, Johnston (1862-1957)
Welch, Alexander Robert (1873-1961)
Wellband, William (1846-1914)
Wemyss, John (1861-1926)
West, Charles Henry (1849-1905)
Wheeler, Charles Henry (1838-1917)
Whitla, Robert James (1846-1905)
Whyte, William (1843-1914)
Williams, John (1828-1907)
Williams, Frank (1862-1918)
Wilson, Andrew Elswood (1876-?)
Wilson, William (1852-1922)
Winearls, Herbert Hugh (1863-1943)
Winkler, Valentine (1864-1920)
Wood, George Duncan (1858-1907)
Wright, Archibald (1854-1932)
Wright, James Albert (1857-?)
Young, Ainslie Lunham (1868-1938)
Young, Finlay McNaughton (1852-1916)
Younge, Joseph William (1853-1932)
Page revised: 11 November 2017
Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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