This collection of biographies of early Manitobans was compiled by the Manitoba Library Association, and published in 1971. Those included in the collection lived prior to 1920, and came from all walks of life: politics, professions, business and finance, armed services, arts, pioneers, and others. © 1971, Manitoba Library Association, |
Browse surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | Mc | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | W | Y
See also:
Convention of Forty (1870)
Governors of Red River Settlement (1812-1870)
Provisional Government of Manitoba / Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia (1870)
Lieutenant-Governors of Manitoba (1870-present)
Premiers of Manitoba (1870-present)
Legislative Assemblies of Manitoba (1870-present)
Speakers of the Manitoba Legislature (1871-present)
Legislative Council of Manitoba (1871-1876)
Manitoba Members of Parliament (1870-present)
Manitoba Recipients of the Order of Canada
Manitoba Recipients of the Order of Manitoba
Manitoba Order of the Buffalo Hunt
Manitoba Judges (1870-present)
Manitoba Senators (1870-present)
In 1964 the need for a comprehensive source of names of pioneers and early citizens of Manitoba was first discussed. The task of compiling such a work was undertaken as a project of the Manitoba Library Association, and a committee was formed to select names and prepare biographical sketches.
It was decided that the period of time to be covered would end at 1919 and that the selection of names would be made from the following categories: politics, the professions, business and finance, the armed services, the arts, pioneers, and any others who had made a significantcontribution to the life of the province. The committee is concerned that there may be regrettable omissions but hopes that this volume includes most of those who shared in some measure in the early development of Manitoba.
The committee acknowledges the contributions of many people in the preparation of these biographical outlines but is especially indebted to Mr. Hartwell Bowsfield, former Archivist; to Mr. John Bovey, Archivist; and to Mr. Barry Hyman, Assistant Archivist of the Province of Manitoba.
In the publication of this volume the Manitoba Library Association has been aided by a grant from the Government of the Province of Manitoba.
Marjorie Morley
Chairman, Dictionary of Manitoba Biography Committee of the Manitoba Library Association
Winnipeg, Manitoba
January 1971
Members of the Committee:
Marjorie Morley, Chairman
Magdalen Brownlee
Kathleen Gillespie
Margaret Mackenzie
Mona Martin
Violet Parker
Adams, David Elder (1859-1919)
Agnew, John Hume (1863-1908)
Agur, Robert Henry (1856-1913)
Aikins, James Cox (1823-1904)
Aikins, J. Somerset (1850-1911)
Aird, Alexander A. (c1855-1916)
Alsip, William (1833-1912)
Anderson, Charles Daniel (1829-1914)
Anderson, David (1814-1885)
Anderson, James (1840-1891)
Anderson, Thomas Alderson (1855-1919)
Andrews, Alfred A. (1865-1912)
Archibald, Adams George (1814-1892)
Ardagh, William D. (1828-1893)
Atkinson, George E. (1870-1913)
Bain, John Farquhar (1849-1905)
Baker, George William (1854-1917)
Ballantyne, Robert Michael (1825-1894)
Balsillie, John (1839-1906)
Banfield, Armine Frederick (1850-1908)
Bannatyne, Andrew Graham Ballenden (1829-1889)
Bannatyne, Annie McDermot (c1830-1908)
Bannerman, Donald (1803-1880)
Barber, Edmund Lorenzo (1834-1909)
Barclay, Robert (1840-1907)
Barnston, George (1800-1883)
Bartlett, James W. (1851-1892)
Bathgate, Robert Dundas (1837-1905)
Bedson, Samuel Lawrence (1842-1891)
Begg, Alexander (1839-1897)
Beioley, Joseph (c1785-1859)
Belcourt, Georges Antoine (1803-1874)
Bell, John (1799-1868)
Bell, John Headingley (1840-1897)
Bell, William R. (1845-1913)
Benson, Edward (1843-1904)
Bernier, Thomas Alfred (1844-1909)
Betournay, Louis (1825-1879)
Biggs, Samuel Clarke (1851-1911)
Bird, Curtis James (1838-1876)
Bird, George (c1792-1856)
Bird, James Curtis (c1773-1856)
Bjarnason, Jon (1844-1914)
Black, Alexander (1847-1913)
Black, George (?-1919)
Black, Hugh (1846-1918)
Black, John (1817-1879)
Black, John (1818-1882)
Black, William R. (1855-1919)
Borthwick, Hugh Jamieson (1824-1916)
Boswell, Charles Musgrave (1849-1907)
Boulton, Charles Arkoll (1841-1899)
Bourgeau, Eugene (1813-1877)
Bourke, Edwin (1836-1915)
Bown, Walter Robert (c1831-1903)
Boyd, Alfred (c1836-1908)
Brock, Jeffry Hall (1850-1915)
Brown, Corydon Partlow (1848-1891)
Brown, John Hyslop (1860-1917)
Brown, Philip (1836-1913)
Bruce, John (1830-1910)
Bruce, John (1831-?)
Brydges, Charles John (1827-1889)
Buckingham, William (1832-1915)
Budd, Henry (c1812-1875)
Bulger, Andrew (1789-1858)
Bunn, John (c1800-1861)
Bunn, Thomas (1764-1853)
Bunn, Thomas (1830-1875)
Burden, “Dick” (?-1908)
Burman, William Alfred (1857-1909)
Burridge, James (1841-1912)
Button, Thomas (?-1634)
Cadham, James Henry (1850-1907)
Cadot, Jean Baptiste (1761-1818)
Cameron, Duncan (c1764-1848)
Cameron, John Dugald (1777-1857)
Campbell, Alexander M. (1856-1910)
Campbell, Colin H. (1859-1914)
Campbell, Glenlyon Archibald (1863-1917)
Campbell, Robert (1808-1894)
Carey, Daniel (?-1889)
Carney, Thomas (c1830-1905)
Carruthers, George F. (1846-1918)
Cartwright, George (1848-1911)
Cauchon, Joseph Edouard (1816-1885)
Chaboillez, Charles Jean Baptiste (1736-1808)
Champion, Henry Thomson (1847-1916)
Chenier, Felix (1843-1910)
Chevrier, Noé (Noah) (1846-1911)
Chipman, Ada Jane Borradaile (1857-1913)
Christie, Alexander (1792-1874)
Clarke, Francis Ignatino (1849-1916)
Clarke, Henry Joseph H. (1833-1889)
Clouston, James (?-c1874)
Cockran, William (1798-1865)
Colcleugh, F. Walter R. (?-1907)
Colcleugh, Frederick William (1845-1907)
Colcleugh, James (1841-1918)
Coldwell, William (1834-1907)
Colvile, Eden (1819-1893)
Conklin, Elias George (1845-1901)
Constantine, Charles (c1847-1912)
Cook, William Hemmings (c1766-1846)
Cornish, Francis Evans (1831-1878)
Coutlee, Louis William (1851-1917)
Cowan, James (1831-1910)
Cowan, William (1818-1902)
Cowie, Isaac (1848-1917)
Cowley, Abraham (1816-1887)
Crawford, William (1847-1897)
Crofton, John Folliott (1801-1885)
Crosby, Watson M. (1857-1897)
Cunningham, James (1823-1915)
Cunningham, Robert (1836-1874)
Daly, Thomas Mayne (1852-1911)
Dancer, Charles Henry (1850-1939)
Daniels, Edward G. (1853-1918)
Davidson, John Andrew (1852-1903)
Dawson, Simon James (1820-1902)
Decorby, Jules (1841-1916)
Deegan, Thomas D. (1856-1916)
Delorme, Pierre (1831-1912)
Denig, Edwin Thompson (1812-1858)
Despatis, Andre-Augustin Forget (1835-1881)
Dick, William Robert (1821-1904)
Dingwall, Donald Ross (1851-1913)
Donaldson, Hugh S. (1829-1904)
Douglas, Charles S. (1852-1917)
Doupe, Joseph (1837-1910)
Dow, John Munroe (1841-1911)
Drever, William (1821-1887)
Dubuc, Joseph (1840-1914)
Duffin, Simon (1843-1900)
Dutton, John (1888-1919)
England, William S. (1868-1908)
Ermatinger, Francis (1798-1858)
Esplin, Charles (1834-1905)
Evans, James (1801-1846)
Evans, Thomas Dixon Byron (1860-1908)
Faford, Theogene (c1850-1890)
Fairchild, Frank A. (1849-1898)
Falcon, Pierre (1793-1876)
Faraud, Henri (1824-1890)
Farrer, Edward (1850-1916)
Ferguson, Alexander Hugh (1853-1911)
Fergusson, Robert Buchanan (1839-1890)
Fidler, Peter (1769-1822)
Finlayson, Duncan (c1795-1862)
Finlayson, Nicol (1794-1877)
Fleming, Alexander (1841-1897)
Foley, Richard D. (1842-1912)
Fonseca, William Gomez da (1823-1905)
Fortune, Mark (1847-1912)
Franklin, John (1786-1847)
Fraser, William (1832-1909)
Freemannsson (Frimannsson), Benedikt (?-1917)
Gaboury, Marie-Anne (c1782-1875)
Garry, Nicholas (c1782-1856)
Garson, William C. W. (1856-1911)
Gerrie, Robert (1830-1908)
Gilbert, Thomas Walter (1850-1890)
Gilroy, Thomas (1848-1905)
Girard, Marc Amable (1822-1892)
Glass, David (1829-1906)
Goiffon, Joseph R. (1824-1910)
Gow, George F. (1835-1911)
Gowler, Oliver (1812-1866)
Gowler, Mary (1816-1879)
Grandin, Vital Justin (1829-1902)
Grant, Cuthbert James (1796-1854)
Green, James (?-1892)
Greenfield, Joseph (1845-1910)
Greenway, Thomas (1838-1908)
Haldane, John (?-1857)
Hamilton, Robert (1842-1911)
Handscomb, Aquilla Barber (1835-1908)
Handscomb, Charles W. (1867-1906)
Hargrave, James (1798-1865)
Hargrave, Joseph James (1841-1891)
Hargrave, Letitia (1813-1854)
Harmon, Daniel Williams (1778-1843)
Harriott, John Edward (1797-1866)
Harrison, David Howard (1843-1905)
Harrower, James (1833-1892)
Hart, Thomas (1835-1912)
Hay, Edward Henry George Gunter (1840-1918)
Hettle, John (1842-1897)
Heubach, Fred (c1859-1914)
Hill, Alfred (1850-1907)
Hill, James Jerome (1838-1916)
Hill, Robert B. (1838-1900)
Hill, Thomas (1849-1917)
Hind, Henry Youle (1823-1908)
Hislop, Charles (1841-1919)
Hooper, Samuel (1851-1911)
Howard, Rice Meredith (c1849-1887)
Howard, Thomas (1845-1903)
Howell, Hector Mansfield (1842-1918)
Hunt, Frank Larned (1825-1903)
Hunter, James (1817-1881)
Inkster, John (1799-1874)
Ironside, Robert (1854-1910)
Irvine, Acheson Gosford (1837-1916)
Isbister, Alexander Kennedy (1822-1883)
James, Charles (“Dublin Dan”) (1854-1911)
Jameson, Richard Willis (1851-1899)
Jérémie, Nicolas (1669-1732)
Johnson, Francis Godschall (1817-1894)
Jones, James Robert (c1852-1916)
Jones, Lyman Melvin (1843-1917)
Kane, Paul (1810-1871)
Kauffman, Uhlric (1785-1865)
Kavanagh, Francois-Xavier (1829-1922)
Keele, Frank S. (c1859-1918)
Keith, George (c1785-1859)
Kennedy, Eleanor E. (Cripps) (1825-1908)
Kennedy, John Wesley (1845-1910)
Kennedy, William (1813-1890)
Kennedy, William J. (1857-1912)
Kennedy, William Nassau (1839-1885)
Kenrick, Edgar Boteler (1863-1905)
Ketchen, A. P. (1866-1908)
Killam, Albert Clements (1849-1908)
King, John Mark (1829-1899)
Kirchhoffer, John Nesbitt (1848-1914)
Kittson, Alexander (1853-1883)
Kittson, Norman Wolfred (1814-1888)
Lagimodière, Jean Baptiste (c1777-1855)
Lambert, Joseph Honore Octave (1852-1910)
Langevin, Louis Philippe Adelard (1855-1915)
Larocque, François Antoine (1801-1815)
Larocque, Joseph (c1787-1866)
La Vérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes (1685-1749)
Laurie, Patrick Gammie (1833-1903)
Lawler, Patrick (1835-1905)
Leggo, William (1822-1888)
Logan, Alexander (1841-1894)
Logan, Robert (1773-1866)
Lundy, Francis J. (1842-1912)
Lundy, Frank Bostwick (?-1910)
Luxton, William Fisher (1844-1907)
Lynch, James Spencer (1841-1894)
Lynch, Walter (?-1908)
Lynn, Washington Frank (c1835-1906)
Lyon, W. H. (?-1897)
Lyons, Robert Fern (1856-?)
McArthur, Archibald A. (1845-1912)
Macarthur, Duncan (1840-1907)
McBain, David Graham (1831-1897)
McBeth, Alexander (c1740-1847)
McBeth, Robert Jr. (c1848-1914)
McBeth, Robert Sr. (1800-1886)
McCreary, William Forsythe (1855-1905)
McCulloch, John “Jack” K. (1869-1918)
McDermid, Duncan W. (1858-1909)
McDermot, Andrew (1789-1881)
McDonald, Donald Cromwell (1879-1917)
MacDonald, Ewen (1839-1909)
McDonald, John (c1822-1912)
McDonald, Kenneth Nathaniel L. (1851-1905)
McDonald, Robert (1829-1913)
Macdonell, Alexander Greenfield (?-1835)
Macdonell, John Alexander (1854-1912)
Macdonell, Miles (1769-1828)
McDougall, Adam Gerrond (1836-1907)
McDougall, George Millward (c1820-1876)
McDougall, James (1840-1915)
McDougall, John Chantler (1842-1917)
McDougall, William (1822-1905)
McInnis, Stanley William (1865-1907)
McKay, Angus (1836-?)
McKay, James (1828-1879)
McKay, John Richards (c1791-c1876)
Mackeand, Alfred (1849-1887)
McKechnie, John (1844-1918)
McKenny, Henry (1826-1886)
McKenzie, Archibald C. (c1863-1919)
McKenzie, Donald (1783-1851)
McKenzie, Frederick (?-1888)
McKenzie, Kenneth (1822-1911)
McLaren, Archibald (1856-1918)
McLaren, John Angus (1860-1912)
McLean, Daniel (1854-1908)
Maclean, John (1828-1886)
McLenaghen, James (c1848-1919)
MacLeod, Alan Arnett (1899-1918)
McLeod, John (1788-1849)
McLeod, Kenneth (1828-1904)
McLeod, W. W. (1847-1912)
McMicken, Alexander (1837-1916)
McMicken, Gilbert (1813-1891)
McMicken, Hamilton Grant (1852-1919)
McMillan, James (1783-1858)
McMurray, William (?-1877)
McNerney, Charles John (?-1907)
McPhillips, Francis (1846-1913)
McPhillips, Henry Thomas (1850-1913)
McRae, Duncan (1813-1898)
Machray, Robert (1831-1904)
McRobie, William Orme (1838-1908)
McTavish, John H. (1837-1888)
MacTavish, William (?-1870)
McVicar, George Duncan (1846-1889)
Magnusson, Johannes (1852-1917)
Mariaggi, Frank (c1847-1918)
Marshall, Henry John (1840-1911)
Martin, Alphonse Fortunat (1849-1905)
Mather, John B. (c1846-1892)
Matheson, Alexander (1827-1911)
Matheson, Donald (1833-1907)
Matheson, Donald (1838-1909)
Matheson, John (c1814-1898)
Matheson, John (1837-1909)
Maw, Joseph (1854-1916)
Maxwell, George (1823-1911)
Mickle, Charles Julius (1848-1919)
Middleton, Frederick Dobson (1825-1898)
Miller, James Andrew (1839-1886)
Minty, George Dyett (1869-1911)
Moberly, Walter (1832-1915)
Monkman, Albert (1850-1918)
Montague, Walter Humphries (1858-1915)
Montgomery, Christopher C. (1852-1902)
Morris, Alexander (1826-1889)
Morton, Thomas Lewis (1846-1914)
Mowat, Edward (c1786-c1862)
Muir, Robert (1850-1908)
Mulvey, Stewart (1834-1908)
Mulvihill, Jeremiah M. J. (c1840-1913)
Munck (Munk), Jens (1579-1628)
Munro (Munroe), Alexander (1824-1911)
Munroe, George (1797-1864)
Munroe, George Fraser (1849-1912)
Murray, Alexander (1839-1913)
Murray, Alexander Hunter (1818-1874)
Murray, David B. (1844-1908)
Nairn, Stephen (1838-1900)
Neilson, William J. (1854-1903)
Nelson, Robert (1830-1912)
Newton, Charles H. (1851-1919)
Nicholson, Richard J. (1864-1890)
Nisbet, James S. (1823-1874)
Nixon, Edward B. (1858-1918)
Nixon, Thomas (1823-1904)
Nolin, Charles (1823-1907)
Norquay, John (1841-1889)
O'Connor, James (1830-1905)
O'Donnell, John Harrison (1838-1912)
O'Donoghue, William B. (?-1878)
O'Donohoe, Martin J. (1868-1909)
Ogletree, Francis (1826-1916)
O'Grady, John Waller de Courcy (1854-1914)
O'Loughlin, John Miles (1849-1906)
O'Loughlin, M. R. (1853-1917)
Omand, John (1823-1905)
O'Meara, James Dallas (1849-1901)
O'Reilly, John (1844-1914)
Owen, David Dale (1807-1860)
Palliser, John (1817-1887)
Parent, Jacques (1862-1918)
Patrick, William (1852-1911)
Peebles, Adam John Laing (1812-1902)
Peguis (c1774-1864)
Pelly, Robert Parker (1790-1825)
Pennefather, John Pyne (1833-1913)
Penrose, James (1845-1918)
Pentland, Thomas Harry (1852-1912)
Pentreath, Edwyn Sandys Wetmore (1846-c1913)
Phillips, Wilford (1858-1918)
Pitblado, Charles Bruce (1836-1913)
de Plainval, Louis Nathal (?-1890)
Polson, Alexander (1777-1857)
Polson, Angus (1822-1891)
Polson, John (1810-1890)
Power, Richard (c1851-1880)
Prendergast, Joseph Albert (1862-1918)
Prince, William (?-1918)
Pritchard, Hugh (1830-1912)
Pritchard, John (1777-1856)
Pritchard, Samuel (1827-1913)
Provencher, Joseph Norbert (1787-1853)
Pruden, John Peter (c1778-1868)
Prud’homme, Joseph Francois (1866-1910)
Rae, John (1813-1893)
Richards, Albert Elswood (1848-1917)
Richards, Albert Norton (1822-1897)
Richardson, Edward (1879-1919)
Riel, Jean Louis (1817-1864)
Riel, Louis “David” (1844-1885)
Rindisbacher, Peter (1806-1834)
Ritchot, Joseph-Noel (1825-1905)
Robertson, Alfred G. (1863-1910)
Robertson, Colin (c1779-1842)
Robertson, James (1839-1902)
Robertson, John Palmerston (1841-1919)
Ross, Alexander (1783-1856)
Ross, Arthur Wellington (1846-1901)
Ross, Charlotte Whitehead (1842-1916)
Ross, Donald (1797-1852)
Ross, Israel Merritt (1842-1911)
Ross, James (1835-1871)
Ross, John Hugo (1875-1912)
Ross, Roderick (c1834-1909)
Ross, William (c1780-1855)
Royal, J. Côme Séraphin (1858-1882)
Royal, Joseph (1837-1902)
Ruddell, John Henry (1859-1906)
Russell, John (c1850-1905)
Rutherford, Thomas (1835-1912)
Ruttan, Arthur Charles (1878-1918)
Ryan, Matthew (1810-1888)
St. John, Frederick Edward Molyneaux (1838-1904)
Sayer, Guillaume (c1796-?)
Scarth, William Bain (1837-1902)
Schultz, John Christian (1840-1896)
Scoble, Thomas Clarkson (1840-1900)
Scott, Thomas (1846-1870)
Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, Fifth Earl of (1771-1820)
Semple, Robert (1776-1816)
Senecal, Joseph (1841-1917)
Setter, Andrew (1777-1870)
Sheppard, William (1841-1916)
Sifton, John Wright (1833-1912)
Sigurdsson, Stefan (1864-1917)
Simpson, George (1792-1860)
Simpson, George A. (1843-1905)
Smith, Donald Alexander (Lord Strathcona) (1820-1914)
Smith, Robert (1839-1885)
Smith, Thomas (1843-1890)
Smith, William Osborne (1831-1887)
Smith, William Robert (c1792-1869)
Smithurst, John (1807-1867)
Somerset, John Beaufort (1843-1901)
Sparling, Joseph Walter (1843-1912)
Spence, James (1815-1900)
Spence, Thomas (1832-1900)
Spencer, Alfred (1872-1907)
Spink, Samuel (1850-1916)
Steele, Samuel Benfield (1848-1919)
Steen, James E. (1846-1909)
Stewart, Arthur (1854-1913)
Stewart, Donald Alexander (1852-1897)
Stewart, James (1826-1911)
Strang, Andrew (1849-1913)
Sutherland, Alexander MacBeth (1849-1884)
Sutherland, James (c1777-1844)
Sutherland, John (1821-1899)
Sutherland, Robert (1830-1907)
Sutherland, William Robert Douglas (1858-1909)
Suttie, James (1827-1918)
Swales, Thomas (1836-1909)
Taché, Alexandre Antonin (1823-1894)
Tait, Robert (1830-1912)
Tait, William (1793-1872)
Tait, William Auld (1826-1900)
Tanner, John (c1780-?)
Taylor, James Wickes (1819-1893)
Taylor, John (1812-1884)
Taylor, John Barton (1830-1891)
Taylor, Thomas (1833-1917)
Taylor, Thomas (1835-1908)
Taylor, William Agutter (1846-1914)
Tees, James (1854-1906)
Thibault, Jean Baptiste (1810-1879)
Thom, Adam (1802-1890)
Thompson, Gisli M. (1863-1908)
Thompson, John W. (1858-1914)
Thompson, Samuel Jacob (1845-1909)
Trimble, William (1840-1916)
Tucker, George A. (1836-1916)
Tuckwell, Alfred J. (1854-1911)
Tupper, James Stewart (1851-1915)
Tupper, Richard La Touche (1845-1904)
Tuttle, Charles Richard (1848-1918)
Wagner, William (1820-1901)
Waldron, Joseph C. (1846-1901)
Wallbridge, Lewis (1816-1887)
Walsh, James Morrow (1843-1905)
Walton, Archibald (1849-1903)
Washburn, Albert Stephen (c1841-1887)
Waugh, Richard (1830-1908)
Wesbrook, Henry Shaver (1842-1913)
West, John (1778-1845)
Whellams, Creasey J. (1842-1918)
Whimster, James (1812-1900)
Whimster, Peter (c1852-1919)
White, George Avery (1820-1885)
Whiteford, James William (1847-1888)
Whitehead, Charles (1836-1919)
Whitehead, Joseph (1814-1894)
Whitford, Samuel (1820-1911)
Whitla, Robert J. (1846-1905)
Whyte, William (1843-1914)
Wilkes, Charles R. (1825-1910)
Willey, Arthur (1850-1907)
Williams, Joseph (1832-1909)
Wills, John (c1777-1815)
Wilson, Andrew (c1849-1909)
Wilson, Robert (1855-1919)
Winnett, John William (1853-1905)
Winram, John J. (1841-1910)
Winram, William James (1838-1891)
Wolfe, Joseph (1832-1900)
Wolseley, Garnet Joseph (1833-1913)
Wood, Edmund Burke (1820-1882)
Wood, James H. (1828-1906)
Woodworth, J. E. (1837-1889)
Wright, Archibald Francis (1842-1912)
Amelia Yeomans (1842-1913)
David Young (1847-1931)
David Young (1848-1887)
Finlay McNaughton Young (1852-1916)
George Young (1821-1910)
John Pringle Young (?-1918)
Robert Evans Young (1861-1911)
James Yuill (1836-?)
Alexander Begg, The Creation of Manitoba, Toronto,1871.
Alexander Begg, Ten Years in Winnipeg, 1879.
T. C. B. Boon, The Anglican Church from the Bay to the Rockies, Toronto, 1962.
George Bryce, History of Manitoba, Toronto,1898.
George Bryce, John Black, Toronto, 1898.
Canadian Parliamentary Guides, 1862- Ottawa. Various years.
CanadianPress Association, History of Canadian Journalism, Toronto,1908-1959, 2 vols.
Encyclopedia Canadiana, Ottawa, 1957, 10 vols.
Gunn, Donald, History of Manitoba byDonald Gunn and C. R. Tuttle, Ottawa, 1880.
Healy, W. J., Women of Red River, Winnipeg,1923.
Heeney, William Bertal, John West and His RedRiver Mission, Toronto, 1920.
Heeney, William Bertal, Leaders of the Canadian Church, Toronto,1918-1920, 2 vols.
Henderson's Manitoba and Northwest Territories,Directory 1876-77-.
Hill, Robert B., Manitoba: History of its Early Settlement, Development and Resources,Toronto,1890.
Martin Kavanagh, The Assiniboine Basin, Winnipeg, 1946.
Kristjanson, Wilhelm, The Icelandic People inManitoba, Winnipeg, 1965.
Le Jeune, Louis Marie, Dictionnaire generalde biographie ... Ottawa, 1931, 2vols.
Lindal, Walter J., The Icelanders in Canada, Winnipeg, 1967.
Margaret Arnett MacLeod, Cuthbert Grant ofGrantown, Toronto, 1963.
Margaret McWilliams, ManitobaMilestones, Toronto, 1928.
ManitobaLegislative Library, Biography scrapbooks, 1886-1919.
ManitobaPharmaceutical Association, Historical Committee, The History of Pharmacy in Manitoba, 1878-1953,Winnipeg, 1954.
Metcalfe, J. H., The Tread of the Pioneers, Toronto,1932.
Ross Mitchell, Medicine in Manitoba; the Story of its Beginnings, Winnipeg, 1954.
Morgan,Henry James, Canadian Men and Women of the Time, 1st ed. Toronto, 1898, 2nd ed. Toronto, 1912.
Morice, Adrien Gabriel, History of the Catholic Church in Western Canada, Toronto, 1910.
Morice, Adrien Gabriel, Dictionnaire historique des Canadiens et des Métis françaisde l'ouest, Quebec, 1912.
William L. Morton Manitoba,a History, Toronto, 1957.
Oliver,Edmund Henry, The Canadian North-West, Ottawa, 191415, 2 vols.
Pioneers and Prominent People of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 1925.
Pritchett, John Perry, The Red River Valley1811-1849, New Haven, 1942.
Public Archives of Manitoba,Archibald Collection.
Public Archives of Manitoba, Davis Collection.
Public Archives of Manitoba, Church Registers,1817‑
Public Archives of Manitoba, Red River Census,1932‑
Robertson, John P., Political Manual of the Province of Manitoba and theTerritories, Winnipeg, 1887.
Rose, George M., Cyclopaediaof Canadian Biography, Toronto, 1886-88, 2 vols.
Schofield, Frank Howard, TheStory of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 1913, vols. 2 & 3.
Stanley, George F. G., Louis Riel, Toronto,1963.
Steen,James Elder, Winnipeg, the Capital of Manitoba and Trade Centre of the Canadian North-West, Winnipeg, 1904.
Stone, C. G., Brandon College: a History 1899-1967 by C. G. Stone and F. Joan Garnett, Brandon, 1967.
Roy St. George Stubbs, FourRecorders of Rupert's Land, Winnipeg, 1967.
Roy St.George Stubbs, Lawyers and Laymen of Western Canada, Toronto, 1939.
Tassé, Joseph, Les Canadiens del'ouest, Montreal, 1878.
Joseph Burr Tyrrell, DocumentsRelating to the Early History of Hudson Bay, Toronto, 1931(Champlain Society Publication 28).
Wallace, William Stewart, Dictionaryof Canadian Biography, Toronto, 1945.
Wallace, William Stewart, DocumentsRelating to the North-West Company, Toronto,1934, (Champlain Society Publication 22).
Le Manitoba, 1881-1926.
Le Métis, St.Boniface, 1871-1881.
Nor'wester, Red River Settlement, 28 December 1859 -26 October 1869.
Winnipeg Citizen, May-June 1919.
Winnipeg Daily Sun, 17 August 1881 - 4 July 1885.
WinnipegFree Press [Manitoba Free Press], 1874‑1971.
Winnipeg Telegram, 1878-1920.
Winnipeg Tribune, 1890‑1971.
Canadian Historical Review, 1920‑1971.
Historical and Scientific Society ofManitoba Transactions first series 1882;new series 1928; third series 1944-, Manitoba Pageant vol.1, 1956-1971, Winnipeg.
Western Municipal News, 1906-1971, Winnipeg
Page revised: 2 July 2022
Memorable Manitobans
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