Memorable Manitobans: Alexandra Irene Gnazdowsky “Sandra” Schultz (1937-2012)

Educator, administrator.

Born on 3 August 1937, daughter of Anna Melnychuk (1901-1994) and Roy Gnazdowsky (?-1970), she attended the Manitoba Teachers’ College and graduated from the Univesity of Manitoba (BA degree). She taught at Dominion City School / Dominion City Elementary School (1956-1961) where she met Leonard Alvin “Len” Schultz (b.1936). They married in 1959 and had two daughters. She then taught in the Seven Oaks School Division before both she and Len taught at Inuvik, Northwest Territories for three years. They returned to Dominion City in 1966 where she taught at Emerson Elementary School (1966-1972) and was both teacher (1972-1973) and Principal (1972-1973) of Dominion City Primary School. She later retired from teaching at Roseau Valley School (?-1995).

She was Chair of the RM of Franklin Centennial Book Committee, Chair of the Morris Health Board, Vice-Chair of the Southeastern Regional Health Authority, Vice-Chair of the Borderland School Division, and President of Franklin Service to Seniors.

She died at the Morris Hospital on 2 December 2012 and was buried in the Dominion City Cemetery.


Marriage registrations [Annie Melnychuk and Roy Gniazdowski], Manitoba Vital Statistics.

Dauphin estate files (ATG 0064A), #8655 Roy Gnazdowsky, GR3478, Archives of Manitoba.

Obituary [Anna Gnazdowsky], Winnipeg Free Press, 2 April 1994, page C8.

Obituary, Winnipeg Free Press, 3 December 2012, page 28.

Dominion City Cemetery burial transcriptions, FindAGrave.

This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer.

Page revised: 3 August 2024

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

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