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Board | Committees | Local Chairs | Advisory Committee | Staff | Sources
The Manitoba Centennial Corporation was established by Premier Duff Roblin in May 1963 to coordinate planning for Canada’s 100th anniversary in 1967 and the province’s 100th anniversary in 1970. Among its mandated projects were the construction of an arts centre in Winnipeg, which in 1968 opened as the Centennial Concert Hall, and provincial parks. The Corporation published a newsletter called The Centurion.
The first board of 15 members was appointed by Order-in-Council on 31 October 1963. The total was increased to 30 in March 1967.
A. P. B. Anderson
Miss Jean Anderson
Royal Kitchener “Roy” Armstrong (1902-1985)
Leonard A. Barkman (1920-1979)
Herman Ivan Berkowitz (1936-2017)
Cornelius Bignell (1897-1973)
James William “Jim” Burns (1929-2019)
Wilfred Laurie Burrows (1901-1995)
Donald John “Don” Campbell (1914-2001)
John Bryan Cheyne (1912-1995)
Andrew Eade Clachers (1935-2010)
Leonard Harold Claydon (1915-1971)
David Courchene (1926-1992)
Adam Cuthand (?-1994)
Russell John “Russ” Doern (1935-1987)
Marian Dudar
D. Duncan
Forbes Duncan
James Hugh Campbell Dunlop (1923-1987)
Laura Ethel Sparling Gardner (1924-2017)
Esther Gertrude Moscovitch Genser (1916-2011)
James Alan Hamilton (1927-2004)
Murray Gibson Hannah (1925-2017)
A. Rolph Huband (1929-2016)
Frederick Newton Hughes
Ronald Johannes Johnson
D. S. Kaufman
Thomas Franklin Lawson
M. M. MacFarlane
Stephen Adolph Magnacca (1902-1980)
Donald Earl Mathewson
William Douglas “Doug” McBride (1924-2003)
Frederick George “Fred” McGuinness (1921-2011)
Roderick Hugh McIsaac (1927-1997)
Alfred Maurice Monnin (1920-2013) - Vice-Chair
William Lewis Morton (1908-1980)
Nathan “Nate” Nurgitz (1934-2019)
Gordon Peter Osler (1922-2012)
Walter Paschak
Andrew Russell “Russ” Paulley (1909-1984)
Michael “Mike” Posmituck (1918-1996)
Jean Rene Prefontaine (1924-1984) - Vice-Chair
Miss Eleanor Reynolds
Burton Allen Robinson (1908-2008)
Gladys Rothwell
Nolvert Scott
Albert Edward “Ted” Scrase (1901-1984)
Marion Winnifred Searles (1930-1986)
Jack Shapira (1926-2003)
Louis Ralph “Bud” Sherman (1926-2015)
S. Arthur Sigurdson
Clarence Coates Sparling (1900-1984)
Frank L. Spencer
Maitland Bernard Steinkopf (1912-1970) - Chair
Alistair McLeod Stewart (1905-1970)
Rheal Teffaine
Edward Christopher Turner (1917-1992)
Derek James “Jim” Walding (1937-2007)
Mary A. Wawrykow (1911-1977)
Mrs. Jeune Welford
Lewis Davidson “Lew” Whitehead (1926-1996)
James Edward “Jimmy” Wilson (1914-1989)
Mrs. G. Woodward
Manitoba Centennial Centre Building Committee
To oversee construction of the Manitoba Centennial Centre
George Aitken, John Willan Graham, Frank Alexander Lavens Mathewson, Roderick Hugh McIsaac (Chair), Jack Mollison Ross (later replaced by James Ogden Turner), Charles Gordon Smith (Vice-Chair), Ian L. Wilson
Technical Requirements Subcommittee: To serve as professional advisers to the Building Committee
Ferdinand Eckhardt, Victor Feldbrill, A. K. Gee, John S. Hirsch, Leonard Stone, Richard W. M. Sutton
Organ Subcommittee: To determine the type and size of organ to be installed in the building
Victor Feldbrill, Ronald W. Gibson, Stuart Thompson, Ian L. Wilson (Chair)
Decorations Subcommittee: To identify decorations for the Centennial Centre including a foyer, ceramic screen, slide walls banners, and lobby wall designs
Public Relations
To stimulate interest in centennial activities, inform the public on progress, and provide a record of events
Mary Elizabeth Bayer, Jack Shapira (Chair)
To recommend on financing methods for the Manitoba Centennial Centre
James W. Burns (Chair), Sol Kanee, Donald McLandress, Conrad S. Riley, David Slater
Projects Approval
To receive applications from municipalities for a federal-provincial grant and the make recommendations
Charles N. Argue, Donald J. Campbell (Chair), Michael Posmituck, Jean Rene Prefontaine, Betty Sparling, Howard T. Spohn, S. Whitaker, Lewis D. Whitehead
Municipal Liaison
To keep municipalities informed on Corporation activities, to assist municipalities in working together, and assist the Projects Approval Committee
W. Douglas McBride (Chair)
Brandon Auditorium
To liaise between the Corporation and the Brandon Auditorium Centennial Committee
Lewis D. Whitehead (Chair)
Peace Garden Pavilion
To oversee construction of the Peace Garden Pavilion
Esther Genser (Chair)
Local Parks and Museums
To assist communities with their park or museum projects, to consult with the Historical Committee on the suitability of museum projects, and advise the Projects Approval Committee on the suitability of park and museum applications
Lewis D. Whitehead (Chair)
Student Exchange
To direct the Centennial Student Exchange Program
A. C. Anderson, Rev. L. Guy, Eugene H. Lange, Robert W. Lightly, Howard J. Loewen, Jean Rene Prefontaine (Chair), John E. Ridd
Dominion-Provincial Liaison
To supervise federally-organized programs in the province (Confederation Train, Confederation Caravan), to liaise with Manitoba representatives on national centennial bodies
Esther Genser (Chair)
To encourage Manitobans to appreciate the history and traditions of their province
Stuart Anderson, Hartwell W. L. Bowsfield, Murray H. Campbell, John Aaron Christianson, M. Aileen Garland, H. Frank Hall, Rev. Lucien Hardy, Ray Howard, Cornelius J. Jaenen (Vice-Chair), Mrs. Douglas McKay, W. Steward Martin, William L. Morton (Chair), Michael Posmituck, John E. Robbins, John H. Warkentin
Pioneer Recognition
To recognize those who made this province during the 1967 and 1970 centennial years
Hartwell Bowsfield, Robert W. Dalton, Michael Posmituck (Chair), Berniece A. Tweedie, John H. Wells
Hospitality, Speakers, and Reception
To arrange for speakers and guests, and to ensure that distinguished visiting guests and entertained appropriately
Laura Gardner (Chair)
Products Approval
To develop criteria for products to receive a formal corporate seal of approval, and to decide if the manufacture and/or distribution of approved products will be open, limited, or exclusive
Mary A. Wawrykow (Chair)
Provincial Flag
To assist the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council to choose a provincial flag
Clarence C. Sparling (Chair)
Aquatic Events
J. H. Ashdown, Elswood Frederick Bole (Chair), M. Burchall, A. Rolph Huband, G. Kent, D. McDonald, G. Nicholson, W. Robinson, F. Shinn, B. Simpson, A. Stephens, D. Wheeler
Athlete of the Century
Vaughan L. Baird, R. Carriere, Edwin G. Cass, J. Coleman, Larry Desjardins, P. Downton, J. Dunn, Miss R. Graham, Douglas Cole Groff, C. Haas, Syd Halter, C. Kerr, J. K. Laird, Vince Leah, William E. Lumsden, S. McPherson, J. Matheson, Orest Matiowski, Miss I. Miller, Mrs. J. Peake, Bob Picken, Conrad S. Riley, L. R. “Bud” Sherman (Chair), G. Simonis, M. Smith, Miss M. Smythe, Earl J. Tyler, Jack Wells, Don Wittman
Brigade '70
James William Astwood, A. Cammell, L. Ford, W. Hinkel, G. Humnisky, Punch Jackson, M. LaFortune, J. McCreery, J. McLean, P. McLean, G. Nicholson (Chair), Donald G. Starkell, J. Wilkinson
J. W. E. Brako, John W. Graham, Frank A. L. Mathewson, Roderick Hugh McIsaac (Chair), C. D. Smith, J. Ogden Turner, Mrs. I. Wilson (Chair)
Car Rally
Miss D. Casey, Miss I. Crofts, Miss J. Hill, R. Middleton, Mrs. R. Middleton, G. Oelkers, Marion W. Searles (Chair), Mrs. A. G. Teskey, K. VonPlaten, R. Wolyshyn
Centennial Citizens Campaign
George Aitken, George N. Andison, Richard S. Bowles (Honorary Co-Chair), William John Antliff Bulman, Albert D. Cohen, Samuel N. Cohen (Co-Chair), Hugh W. Cooper, A. R. Elliott, John F. Fraser, R. E. Grose, George W. P. Heffelfinger (Co-Chair), Milton C. Holden, W. Arthur Johnston, Mrs. W. Arthur Johnston, Sol Kanee, John A. MacAulay (Honorary Co-Chair), Archibald R. Micay, James F. Mills, Leonard D. McMurray, H. L. McKay, Kathleen Eunice Pennock, R. P. Purves, Shirley A. Richardson (Honorary Co-Chair), W. A. Rose, George H. Sellers (Co-Chair), Maitland B. Steinkopf
Centennial Coin
Herman I. Berkowitz (Chair)
Centennial Farms
Miss D. Campbell, H. A. Craig, R. Douglas, K. Dyck, Claude B. Main (Chair), Q. H. Martinson, Miss Eleanor Reynolds, Edgar S. Russenholt
Centennial Song Contest
Madeleine Bernier, Cliff Gardner, Glen Harrison, Jack Shapira (Chair), Mrs. Machelle Shapira
Children's Programs
W. Chomichuk, Miss J. Harrow, Miss N. Kostyshyn, Miss B. McLeish, Mrs. H. Sissons
James E. Wilson (Chair)
December 31st, 1969
G. G. Harrisson, W. Hutton, J. E. Wilson (Chair)
Festival '70
Maitland B. Steinkopf (Chair)
Historical Observances
Nathan Arkin, Alice E. Brown, Lionel I. Dorge, Paul G. DuVal, H. Frank Hall, Norman G. Harvey, A. Rolph Huband (Chair), Barry E. Krawchuk, Wesley C. Lorimer, Charlotte Mass, N. Elliott Rodger, Eric Stefanson, Harold Stubbs, Eric Wells
Historical Publications
Peter Brown, Murray S. Donnelly, Aileen Garland, Ivan L. Hamilton, Jack D. Herbert, Prof. J. E. Kendle, W. Steward Martin, George M. Newfield, Mrs. O. B. Parkinson, Prof. H. V. Rutherford, Sybil Shack (Vice-Chair), L. R. “Bud” Sherman (Chair), W. D. Smith, Walter E. Swayze
F. A. Armstrong, Don Betts, John B. Cheyne (Vice-Chair), W. D. Cheyne, Alan Groff, E. Vic Johnson, C. K. Parrish, Burton A. Robinson (Chair), Bert A. Sammons, Ronald F. Swaine, Jack N. E. Williams, G. Don Young
Ice Carnival
A. P. B. Anderson (Chair)
Rev. William "Bill" Block, Gay Burns, Father Couture, Rev. Canon K. Cowan (Chair), Rev. John W. Dick, Rabbi I. Glickman, Robert "Bob" Haverluk, Rev. Ernest A. Isaac, Rev. Bob Jacob, Merle Lewis, Ian MacDonald, Rev. Anthony Mavromaros, Rev. Win Mott, Rabbi J. Nesis, Tom Neufeld, Rev. Neville W. P. Phills, Father Art Seaman, Rev. Vlad Shewchuk, Rabbi J. Steinberg, Rev. R. Cam Taylor, Rev. Glen Thompson, Rev. A. M. Watt, Rob Williams
La Barriere Ceremony
Arthur Bridgwater, G. Carriere, Roland G. Couture, E. Gaboury, G. R. Hebert, Mrs. H. Lane, Donald I. MacDonald, Richard A. Wankling
License Plate Campaign
Andrew E. Clachers (Chair)
Samuel N. Cohen, Hugh W. Cooper, George Heffelfinger, Alfred M. Monnin, Kathleen Eunice Pennock (Co-Chair), W. A. Rose, Maitland B. Steinkopf (Co-Chair)
Man-Pop Festival Advisory
Russell J. Doern (Chair), D. Duncan, J. Alan Hamilton, L. R. “Bud” Sherman
Northern Festival
J. M. D. MacDonald, J. W. Quinn (Chair), Miss Eleanor Reynolds
Pioneer Recognition
Nathan Arkin, Margaret I. Barbour, Mrs. L. Cam, R. A. Chamberlain, Hugh Comack, Mrs. Louis Corrin, Fred Evans, Miss D. Hardy, Mrs. D. D. Henderson, Miss Janet MacFarlane, Rev. Bruce Miles (Chair), Edgar Russenholt, Miss Eleanor Reynolds, Walter Steininger, Mrs. B. A. Ursell, D. D. Wilton, John Yuzyk
Platform '70
David Barnet, Miss N. Kostyshyn, T. Rannick, Steve Repa
Promotion Council
Albert E. Boothe, F. Burton, Frederick G. Chafe, J. Donald Comstock, Roland G. Couture, Charles E. Dojack, R. H. Drain, Harry G. Franklin, Cliff Gardner, J. Gibson, G. R. Goodwin, W. Grogan, R. L. Hughes, A. Johnson, W. Kehler, W. B. Landes, Laurie A. Mainster, B. McCrea, Fred G. McGuinness, J. S. McLean, B. McPherson, R. MacLennon, W. McSweenie, D. Murdoch, J. Phillips, C. J. Rogers, D. Roman, B. Stephenson, Wilfred H. Vopni, Robert L. Washington
Provincial Centennial Grants
Paul N. Duval, J. Alan Hamilton (Chair), C. A. McLeod
Recognition Awards Week
F. Duncan, Fred G. McGuinness, Helen Rothwell
Regional Meetings
Don Fraser, J. Alan Hamilton, James W. Quinn, Miss Eleanor Reynolds (Chair), Ross G. Wright
School Histories
Ivan L. Hamilton, T. Kiernan, Charlotte Mass, George M. Newfield (Chair), Sybil F. Shack
School Twinning
A. C. Anderson, Mrs. E. Boyko, Mrs. E. Campbell, J. Downey, Robert W. Lightly (Chair), H. Loewen
Silver Dollar Coin
Herman I. Berkowitz (Chair)
Sport of '70
W. L. Burrows, J. B. Cheyne, James M. C. Daly (Co-Chair), Gerry P. Dennehy, Sam Fabro, Charles Gerbais, Douglas Groff, Frank B. Lamont, O. “Buck” Matiowski, Alan W. Scarth, J. H. Shaughnessy, L. R. “Bud” Sherman (Co-Chair), G. Simonis, J. S. Thompson
Young Voyageur Program (Student Exchange)
A. C. Anderson, Father L. Guy, Robert W. Lightly, H. Loewen, John E. Ridd, Mary A. Wawrykow (Chair)
Youth '70
A. Bishop, Cliff Gardner, F. Gregoire, Robert D. Guy, G. Haverluk, R. Haverluk, Alfred M. Monnin, B. Nelson, Miss L. Ouger, Jean Rene Prefontaine, Miss M. Turner, Miss D. Trotter
Maurice J. Allard
D. Andrews
Cecil Andreychuk
R. A. Andries
Valere Andries
Jim Anstett
Zephirin “Zeph” Audet (1909-1987)
Charles Bachman
David Bain
D. M. Barr
L. Barr
Roland P. Barrett
Camille Beaulieu
Lila Bily
Gudjorn Bjornsson
Landon E. Booker
Marcel Bouchard
Lloyd Bradley
John Braendle
Ivan Bray
C. L. V. Britton
Duncan Broadfoot
J. Brodeur
Ken Brooks
Margaret Brunett
Fred Burdett
Jack Burton
Richard P. Butler (Reeve)
Ross Cairns (Mayor)
V. A. Campbell
H. A. Carmichael
Pat Carr
Gaby Catellier
C. M. Clarke
Bonnie Clement
Chamber of Commerce
Amos Conchrane
Lyn Cook
R. Cook
Keith Copeland
Frank Cronshaw
A. Dack
A. E. Dacombe
Henri Damphousse
Jim Day
Adolph DeBaets
Peter Derkach
Denis Dorge
Richard Dorge
Albert Driedger (1936-2011)
W. Lorne Drummond
James Allan “Jim” Duncan (1924-2013)
David Lloyd George “Dave” Dunning (1918-2004) (Reeve)
Leon Dupont (Mayor)
Hector Dupont
Dick Edmundson
D. J. Edwards
A. E. Eisthen
Theo Eliuk
Joseph E. Emes
G. A. Farrell
Barry Filbert
John Finkbeiner
Mrs. G. Foy
Walter M. Froom (Reeve)
Claire Fulford
Oscar Gagnon
Harry Garabed
A. B. Garbolinsky
Fred Gray
Jean Louis Hacault (Reeve)
Richard Halwas
Alfred William “Bill” Hanks (1894-1985)
K. F. Hawley
Larry Heintz
Keith Hoath
Jake Hooge (Mayor)
Brownie Hooper
John Hoplock
Max Hryciuk
Erik Hurlin
Rev. D. Jackson
A. W. Janke
Elsie Janzen
Ken Jardine
Mrs. A. Jastrau
Gerald Jeanson
E. B. Johanson
John Johnson
F. A. Jones
Carl Josefchuk
Matt Kawchuk
John Khadikin
John Knight
Jack Kostiuk
M. Kotchin
Denis Kupiak
Fernand Lavergne (Mayor)
E. L. Lawrence (Reeve)
Ivan Lawrence
Gordon Lawry
Ralph C. Lawson
J. Adrien Leclerc
Mike Ledohowski
Tom Lenton
John Leptick
John Gardner “Jack” Little (Mayor)
Vern Lockhart
Peter Loewen (c1924-2010)
Mrs. M. A. MacDonald
Armond Mailhot
Norman Main
Mike Maksymyk
G. W. Manson
A. B. Martin
Ben Matchizen
Harry McBeth
John M. McIntosh (Reeve)
Dennis McMann
Mrs. H. McNally
Frank McPhaden
Denis Meilleur
Jim Menzies
Alvin Merke
Richard Meyer
John Mitchell (Reeve)
D. D. Monroe
John F. Morton
Clarence Osborne “Curly” Motheral (1912-1989)
Dwight Moxham
J. Nemetchuk (Mayor)
Walter Neskar
Vivian Nespor
Henry Neufeld
Bill Nichol
(Mayor) Mrs. B. M. Olafson
William E. Olafson
Rev. John Oldham
Norm Olfrey
Maynard Olson
J. G. Omichinski
P. Orzechowski
Henry Oshust
Constant Painchaud
John Paley
Roger Pantel
E. E. Parry
Corporal Ed Pelechaty
Edward “Ed” Peltz (1931-2016)
Ken J. Peters
Miles G. Phillips
Peter Prochychyn
Alex Rawluk
Jaroslaw “Slaw” Rebchuk (1907-1996)
Donald Reid
Alvin Remple
Louise Rey
Robbie Richmond
M. P. Riddell
W. J. Riley
N. Rimmer
D. W. Ritchie
Denise Robert
Rev. Don Robertson
Lawrence Roeland
W. A. Rolston
Ernie Romanuk
Fern Rose
Helen Rothwell
M. A. Sabourin
Mrs. Orville Sadler
S. J. Sadler
Robert Sancan
Joe Sawatsky
Faye Schultz
Anthony Shewchuk
Robert Shields
Johann Straumfjord “Joe” Sigurdson (1912-?) (Reeve)
Jacob Single
Gordon K. Smith (Reeve)
A. W. Smith
Steve Smook
C. Spratt
D. Spray
Lynn Spurway
J. Gordon Stewart (Reeve)
Arnold Stowe
Matthew Robinson Sutherland (1893-1971)
Basil W. H. Sykes (Reeve)
M. F. Szewczyk
J. P. Tanchak
Clare Tarr
Dave Thiessen
George Thiessen
Gerry Thomas
J. Torringa
C. R. Townsend
Bert Trainor
Eric Trotter
B. Truaz
H. E. Vane
Arthur Vermette (Reeve)
Martin Vertz Sr.
Frank I. Walker
Hilt Wallace
Ed Walmsley
Suzanne Warwick
Fred Werbiski
H. G. Wheeler
W. C. White
Henry F. Wiebe (Mayor)
John Williamson
Jack Wiltshare
S. Yakielashek
Dr. E. Yauck
Victor Zieroth
In the early 1960s, the Corporation appointed a 200-member Advisory Committee to organize and coordinate local activities around the province. A partial list of these “citizen members” is as follows: Maurice J. Arpin, Phil Ashdown, John Banfield (Tuxedo), Dennis Barkman, Jack Beech, Lorne Begg, Mrs. Bernice Berkowitz, Hy Bernstein, Alf A. Black (Rapid City), Dr. L. O. Bradley, Frank Boothroyd, Perry S. Bower, Bruce Bracken, Maurice Burchell, E. J. Campbell (Norway House), Daryl Chapman, Jack M. Chapman, Mrs. Sybil Cherniak, C. D. Ciley, R. H. Coats (Brandon), A. J. Coleman (Brandon), J. Clifford Cory, J. D. Craig (Brandon), Miss Patricia Desjardin, Jim Doak (Virden), J. Doig, Alvin Druxerman, P. Anne DuMoulin, Henry J. Einarson, Roy Farley (Forrest), Don Francis (Brandon), Valerie G. Fraser, Peter Freeman (Brandon), W. Burke Garnett (Russell), Sam Goodman, H. Byron Gourley, William H. Gray, Mrs. Justice R. D. Guy, Erna Hartman, Ann D. Henry, John Howarth, William D. Hurst, Jimmy James, Charles Joyce, Ian Jessiman, Arthur Johnson, Dave Kaufman, George A. Keats, A. G. Kennedy, R. A. Kipp, Mrs. Helen Klass, Gordon Lawson, Sylvan Leipsic, W. Russel Leslie, Mrs. Sinclair Levack, Brunelle Leveille, Miss Elizabeth Long, Ross Malabar, Blair McAulay, Don McCarthy, Mrs. Dorothy McConnell (Hamiota), J. Hugh McDonald, Don McGill, N. R. McMillan (Minnedosa), Frank O. Meighen, Linus Miller (Erickson), Mrs. J. M. Moore, Billy Mosienko, Stew Millet, Byron Milton, Mrs. Betty Nickerson, Tom Olenick, Bill Olson (Lundar), Miss Lois Parkhill, J. D. Penner (Steinbach), Edward B. Pitblado, William M. Rait, Dave Reimer (Steinbach), Alexander Robertson, Mrs. Arthur Ross (Melita), Marshall Rothstein, Ross Sadler (Birch River), Samuel Sair, A. J. Sawatsky (Morris), N. Serenuk (Sandy Lake), Bob Smethurst, Dick Smith, Sidney J. Spivak, Robert A. Steen, A. K. Stephens, J. E. Stewart, Mrs. Avis Stringer, Kelly Sveinson, A. R. Swanson, Andrew Swartz, Mrs. Robert Taft, Allan E. Tarr, Elmer Thompson (Flin Flon), George E. Tritschler, R. D. Turner, Ernie Vialoux (Charleswood), Christopher J. Vickers, Mrs. A. Villam (Minnedosa), Mrs. Muriel Westwood (Rivers), Ron Williams, Karl Wintemute, M. M. Wocks, and Dan Zaharia.
Mary Elizabeth Bayer (1925-2005)
Public Relations Director
Executive Director
F. E. Bell
Director (Administration & Finance)
S. M. Decker
Executive Assistant to the Chairman
George Clifford “Cliff” Gardner (1928-2003)
Program Coordinator
Executive Secretary
Rev. Walter F. McLean
Executive Director
Clair D. Smith
Project Manager
R. K. Smith
Director (Communications)
Robert “Bob” Sochasky (1950-2025)
Chief Executive Officer
E. Teillet
Director (Citizens Campaign)
P. Viau
Comptroller and Sweepstake Administrator
E. F. Willis
Director (Heritage Programs)
Other staff during the period from 1 April 1969 to 31 March 1971 (* marks summer or part-time) were: Miss A. Atkey*, Miss B. Atnikov*, J. Ato-Yeboah, Mrs. S. Barnlund, M. E. Bakal*, Mrs. L. Baker, Miss F. Belfield, Mrs. B. Bell, Miss B. A. Bell*, B. Bjorkland, Miss N. J. Bornholdt, Miss A. Bronstein*, C. A. Brygidyr*, Miss I. Clark*, H. Clearwater*, Miss E. Connor, Miss E. Corman*, G. DaRoza*, Miss D. Davidson*, G. Dawes*, B. Decker*, J. J. Dietz, Miss D. Dixon*, Miss J. E. Dolding, Mrs. J. R. Dott, C. J. C. Dunn*, Miss J. L. Empson*, Mrs. E. Fischer, Mrs. Carole Fogel, Miss D. Folster, Mrs. F. Fraser*, Mrs. O. Fraser, E. Friedman*, Major D. Gallagher*, Mrs. G. J. Gaskell*, Miss L. D. Gatey*, I. Goldman*, L. Goorachurn*, Miss A. Gregory, E. Haddad*, Mrs. C. M. Harder, Mrs. Reta Heller, J. E. Henderson, Mrs. E. Henry*, D. Hewlett, T. Hind, J. Johnston, Mrs. L. Jones*, Mrs. R. Kane, J. Kaufman*, D. Kilvert*, Mrs. F. Knight, Miss E. C. Komarchuk, Miss K. Korach*, Mrs. C. S. Krass*, Miss J. Lahti, R. Lang, Miss H. Letourneau, Miss A. M. Kitschke*, N. Lavine, B. Maguire, Miss M. Maraj, Miss S. Maretzki, Col. W. H. N. Matthews*, Mrs. J. McCrea, Mrs. V. McKechnie, T. Mercer*, Mrs. A. Montanti*, Mrs. H. Morin, Miss Karen Morris*, Miss D. E. Moyle, R. K. Muir, Miss L. D. Nelson, G. Neufeld*, R. Neufeld*, Miss J. G. Niessner, C. R. Nordman*, R. C. Norman*, E. Oliverio, Miss A. C. Packulak, Miss J. M. Packulak*, Miss E. C. Pedlar, H. Penwarden*, Miss L. Plantje, Miss P. Power*, J. W. Quinn, Mrs. L. G. Quinn, L. Ranson, B. Rathbone*, Miss G. Rau, Mrs. M. Reed, Miss J. H. Riley*, N. J. Ritchot*, Miss J. Robinson*, R. T. Robinson*, Miss E. Rochon*, Miss K. Roos, D. Ross, Miss S. J. Ross*, F. Sargeant, C. Semchyshyn*, Miss C. A. Scott, J. D. Scott, J. Shore, B. D. Sims*, Mrs. D. Silver, Mrs. B. Smaddych, Miss R. Solvason*, Mrs. R. Staniloff, B. F. Stavechny*, E. Stefanson, Miss N. J. Stewart*, R. Stewart*, Miss V. C. Stewart, Miss T. Stone*, Miss J. Sulatyski*, Miss E. Sylvestro, Mrs. G. Tennenhouse, Mrs. G. Trueman, Mrs. M. E. Trueman*, G. Vidal*, Miss A. Vinnell*, Miss M. L. Vopni*, Miss P. Watson, Mrs. D. Walker, F. Werner*, Miss G. A. Wethli*, Mrs. P. Wilson, C. H. Witney.
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: Recipients of the Manitoba Centennial Medal
Memorable Manitobans: Manitoba Order of the Crocus
Events in Manitoba History: Manitoba Centenary (1970)
“Giant team to plan for centennial,” Winnipeg Free Press, 13 September 1963, page 3.
“These Manitobans will help plan centennial,” Winnipeg Free Press, 13 September 1963, page 9.
"Centennial post goes to Monnin," Winnipeg Tribune, 9 March 1966.
“Presentation honours Bayer,” Winnipeg Free Press, 23 May 1968.
Annual Reports of the Manitoba Centennial Corporation, Manitoba Legislative Library.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 23 February 2025