Memorable Manitobans: Members of the Thirty-Fifth Legislative Assembly of Manitoba (1990-1995)

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The Assembly was elected on 11 September 1990.






11 October 1990

6 March 1991



7 March 1991

4 December 1991



5 December 1991

25 November 1992



26 November 1992

6 April 1994



7 April 1994

30 November 1994



1 December 1994


21 March 1995

The following persons were members:

Gary Albert Filmon
Gary Albert Filmon


Denis Rocan
Denis Rocan

William H. “Binx” Remnant
William H. “Binx” Remnant


Beverly Bosiak
Beverly Bosiak
(Deputy Clerk)

Bonnie Greschuk
Bonnie Greschuk
(Clerk Assistant)

Patricia Chaychuk
Patricia Chaychuk
(Clerk Assistant)

Judy White
Judy White
(Clerk Assistant)

Cliff Morrissey
Cliff Morrissey

Dennis Gray
Dennis Gray




Reginald Bygott Alcock
Reginald Bygott Alcock


Steven Ashton
Steven Ashton

Rebecca Catherine “Becky” Barrett
Rebecca Catherine “Becky” Barrett


Sharon Carstairs
Sharon Carstairs

(River Heights)

James Gordon “Jim” Carr
James Gordon “Jim” Carr


Marianne Cerilli
Marianne Cerilli

Gulzar Singh Cheema
Gulzar Singh Cheema

(The Maples)

David Chomiak
David Chomiak

Edward James Connery
Edward James Connery

(Portage la Prairie)

James Glen Cummings
James Glen Cummings

(Ste. Rose)

Louise Dacquay
Louise Dacquay
(Seine River)

Leonard “Len” Derkach
Leonard “Len” Derkach


Gregory Dewar
Gregory Dewar

Gary Albert Doer
Gary Albert Doer


James Erwin “Jim” Downey
James Erwin “Jim” Downey


Albert Driedger
Albert Driedger


Gerald “Gerry” Ducharme
Gerald “Gerry” Ducharme


Paul Edwards
Paul Edwards
(St. James)

Harry John Enns
Harry John Enns


James Arthur “Jim” Ernst
James Arthur “Jim” Ernst


Clifford Brian Evans
Clifford Brian Evans


Leonard Salusbury “Len” Evans
Leonard Salusbury “Len” Evans

(Brandon East)

Gary Albert Filmon
Gary Albert Filmon


Glen Marshall Findlay
Glen Marshall Findlay


Jean Friesen
Jean Friesen


Neil Gaudry
Neil Gaudry

(St. Boniface)

Harold Gilleshammer
Harold Gilleshammer


Avis Gray
Avis Gray
(Crescentwood, by-election 15 September 1992)

Elijah Harper
Elijah Harper


Edward Helwer
Edward Helwer

George Hickes
George Hickes
(Point Douglas)

Gary Kowalski
Gary Kowalski
(The Maples,
by-election, 21 September 1993)

Kevin Lamoureux
Kevin Lamoureux

Oscar Lathlin
Oscar Lathlin

(The Pas)

Marcel Laurendeau
Marcel Laurendeau
(St. Norbert)

Gordon MacKintosh
Gordon Mackintosh
(St. Johns, by-election 21 September 1993)

Jim Maloway
Jim Maloway

Clayton Sidney Manness
Clayton Sidney Manness


Douglas Martindale
Douglas Martindale

Gerry McAlpine
Gerry McAlpine
(Sturgeon Creek)

Norma McCormick
Norma McCormick
by-election 21 September 1993)

James Collus “Jim” McCrae
James Collus “Jim” McCrae

(Brandon West)

Linda Laughlin McIntosh
Linda Laughlin McIntosh


Bonnie Bester Mitchelson
Bonnie Bester Mitchelson

(River East)

Harold Neufeld
Harold Neufeld

Donald Warder Orchard
Donald Warder Orchard


Brian William Pallister
Brian William Pallister

(Portage la Prairie, by-election 15 September 1992)

Jack Penner
Jack Penner


John Stuart Plohman
John Stuart Plohman


Darren Praznik
Darren Praznik
(Lac du Bonnet)

Daryl Reid
Daryl Reid

Jack Reimer
Jack Reimer

Shirley Hurst Render
Shirley Hurst Render

(St. Vital)

Eric Robinson
Eric Robinson
(Rupertsland, by-election 21 September 1993)

Denis Rocan
Denis Rocan

David Robert “Bob” Rose
David Robert “Bob” Rose

(Turtle Mountain)

Conrado De Regla “Conrad” Santos
Conrado De Regla “Conrad” Santos


Harry Schellenberg
Harry Schellenberg

by-election 21 September 1993)

Eric Stefanson
Eric Stefanson
(Kirkfield Park)

Jerry Storie
Jerry Storie
(Flin Flon)

Ben Sveinson
Ben Sveinson
(La Verendrye)

Rosemary Lynn Vodrey
Rosemary Lynn Vodrey

(Fort Garry)

Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
(St. Johns)

Rosann Harapiak Wowchuk
Rosann Harapiak Wowchuk

(Swan River)

See also:

Events in Manitoba History: Manitoba Provincial Election (1990)

Events in Manitoba History: Manitoba Provincial By-Elections (1992-1993)


We thank Christopher Adams, Oliver Bernuetz (Legislative Library of Manitoba), the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, and Tracey Goncalves for providing information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 27 December 2024

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