Memorable Manitobans: Members of the Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly of Manitoba (1966-1969)

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The Assembly was elected on 23 June 1966.






5 December 1966

4 May 1967



7 March 1968

25 May 1968



27 February 1969


22 May 1969

The following persons were members:

Charles Dufferin “Duff” Roblin
Charles Dufferin “Duff” Roblin

(Premier, June 1958 to November 1967)

Walter Cox-Smith Weir
Walter Cox-Smith Weir

(Premier, November 1967 to July 1969)

James Herbert Bilton
James Herbert Bilton


Charland Prud'hommeCharland Prud’homme

Jack Reeves
Jack Reeves
(Assistant Clerk)

Frank Skinner
Frank Skinner



William Obadiah Baizley
William Obadiah Baizley


Leonard A. Barkman
Leonard A. Barkman


Gordon Wilbert Beard
Gordon Wilbert Beard


James Herbert Bilton
James Herbert Bilton

(Swan River)

Oscar Ferdinand Bjornson
Oscar Ferdinand Bjornson

(Lac du Bonnet)

Joseph Paul Borowski
Joseph Paul Borowski

by-election 20 February 1969)

Douglas Lloyd Campbell
Douglas Lloyd Campbell


John Benson Carroll
John Benson Carroll

(The Pas)

Saul Mark Cherniack
Saul Mark Cherniack

(St Johns)

Leonard Harold Claydon
Leonard Harold Claydon

(Wolseley, by-election 20 February 1969)

Rodney Stewart Clement
Rodney Stewart Clement


James Cowan
James Cowan

(Winnipeg Centre)

Donald William Craik
Donald William Craik

(St. Vital)

Earl Phillip Dawson
Earl Phillip Dawson


Laurent Louis Desjardins
Laurent Louis Desjardins

(St. Boniface)

Russell John Doern
Russell John Doern


Edward Ingo Dow
Edward Ingo Dow

(Turtle Mountain, by-election 4 March 1968)

Henry J. Einarson
Henry John Einarson

(Rock Lake)

Harry John Enns
Harry John Enns


Edward Gurney Vaux Evans
Edward Gurney Vaux Evans

(Fort Rouge)

Thelma Bessie Forbes
Thelma Bessie Forbes


Peter Fox
Peter Fox


Jacob M. Froese
Jacob M. Froese


Harry Edward Graham
Harry Edward Graham

20 February 1969

Sidney Green
Sidney Green


Elman Keisler Guttormson
Elman Keisler Guttormson

(St. George)

William Homer Hamilton
William Homer Hamilton


Ben Hanuschak
Ben Hanuschak


Lemuel Harris
Lemuel Harris


Thomas Paterson Hillhouse
Thomas Paterson Hillhouse


Joseph Ernest Jeannotte
Joseph Ernest Jeannotte


George Johnson
George Johnson


Gordon Ellwood Johnston
Gordon Ellwood Johnston

(Portage la Prairie)

Warner Herbert Jorgenson
Warner Herbert Jorgenson

(Morris, by-election 20 February 1969)

Michael Kawchuk
Michael Kawchuk

(Ethelbert Plains)

Fred Theodore Klym
Fred Theodore Klym


Reginald Otto Lissaman
Reginald Otto Lissaman


Sterling Rufus Lyon
Sterling Rufus Lyon

(Fort Garry)

Peter Paul Masniuk
Peter Paul Masniuk


Donald Morris McGregor
Donald Morris McGregor


Malcolm Earl McKellar
Malcolm Earl McKellar


James Wallace McKenzie
James Wallace McKenzie


Stewart Edgertson McLean
Stewart Edgertson McLean


Saul Alecs Miller
Saul Alecs Miller

(Seven Oaks)

Gildas Laurent Molgat
Gildas Laurent Molgat

(Ste. Rose)

Carolyne Alexandra Morrison
Carolyne Alexandra Morrison


Stephen Clifford Patrick
Stephen Clifford Patrick


Andrew Russell Paulley
Andrew Russell Paulley


Charles Dufferin “Duff” Roblin
Charles Dufferin “Duff” Roblin


Philip Markus Petursson
Philip Markus Petursson


Harold Proctor Shewman
Harold Proctor Shewman


Nelson Menno Shoemaker
Nelson Menno Shoemaker


Sidney Spivak
Sidney Spivak

(River Heights)

Douglas Moncreiff Stanes
Douglas Moncreiff Stanes

(St. James)

Robert Ashley Steen
Robert Ashley Steen

(St. Matthews)

John Peter Tanchak
John Peter Tanchak


Samuel Uskiw
Samuel Uskiw


Albert Vielfaure
Albert Vielfaure

(La Verendrye)

James Douglas Watt
James Douglas Watt


Walter Cox-Smith Weir
Walter Cox-Smith Weir


Charles Hubert Witney
Charles Hubert Witney

(Flin Flon)




See also:

Events in Manitoba History: Manitoba Provincial Election (1966)

Events in Manitoba History: Manitoba Provincial By-Elections (1968-1969)


This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 19 November 2023

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