Memorable Manitobans: Lilburne Lorne Dawson (1877-1942)


Born in Ontario on 2 October 1877, he earned a BA degree and came to Manitoba by 1900, working as a teacher while saving up to fund his law studies. He was Principal of Craigilea School (1901-?) at Belmont and was Principal of Rathwell School (1904-1906). In April 1906, he travelled to Regina, Saskatchewan to begin articling under barrister William Trant. On 23 August 1911, he married Ellen Orrock Emmond (1881-1962, daughter of James Emmond and sibling of Robert William Emmond) at the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk. They had three children: John Lorne “Jack” Dawson (1912-?), Harold Austin Dawson (1914-?), and Donald Robert Dawson (1918-?) and the family lived at Regina where he worked as a lawyer. He died in 1942 and was buried in the Regina Cemetery.


1901 Canada census, Automated Genealogy.

1921 and 1926 Canada censuses, Library and Archives Canada.

Birth registrations [John Lorne Dawson, Harold Austin Dawson, and Donald Robert Dawson], Saskatchewan Vital Statistics.

Marriage registrations, Manitoba Vital Statistics.

Summative half-yearly returns for school districts (A 0051), GR0571, Archives of Manitoba.

“At the city hotels [Winnipeg: ... L. L. Dawson, Rathwell ...],” Manitoba Free Press, 15 July 1903, page 6.

“Local notes [L. L. Dawson, of Rathwell ...],” Winnipeg Tribune, 18 November 1904, page 11.

“City and General [Mr. L. L. Dawson ...],” Manitoba Free Press, 12 April 1906, page 20.

“Mrs. J. Emmond, early Treherne settler, passes,” Winnipeg Free Press, 24 April 1933, page 3.

Regina Cemetery burial transcriptions, FindAGrave.

This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer.

Page revised: 27 March 2023

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

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