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Designed by Winnipeg school architect J. B. Mitchell and built between 1910 and 1912, St. John’s Technical High School opened for classes in 1912. Its twin, Kelvin Technical High School, opened around the same time for students from the southern part of the city.
With exteriors of Tyndall stone and red brick, the interior floor plans for the two schools were identical. The basement housed rooms for “technical” instruction in machining, woodworking, electrical work, mechanical drawing, and plumbing; dressing rooms for the gymnasium; the boiler room; four toilets; and two offices for teachers. On the ground floor was the auditorium, gymnasium, eight classrooms, household science room, and four toilets. On the second floor was a balcony overlooking the auditorium, a running track over the gymnasium, five classrooms, library, commercial classroom, typewriting classroom, and rest rooms and toilets for teachers. Finally, the third floor had eight classrooms, chemical and physical laboratories, museum, and two toilets. Altogether, there were 38 rooms where instruction was done. At the time of their construction, the schools were thought to be the most thoroughly modern schools in Canada.
In 1960, an addition to the building designed by architect William Isaac Enns was made for use by the St. John’s Junior High School which transferred here from Machray School. The original St. John’s building served the community into the 1960s. By that time, its layout was seen as obsolete and its structure and mechanical systems needed repairs. Rather than make a large capital investment for renovations, a new St. John’s school was constructed nearby and the old building was demolished in 1967.
Noteworthy alumni of St. John’s High School include Burton Cummings, Monty Hall, Sybil Shack, Louis Slotin, Arnold Spohr, David Steinberg, Adele Wiseman, Abe Yanofsky, and Joe Zuken.
Inside the school are plaques commemorating school alumni who died in the First World War and Second World War.
Alexander Charles Campbell (1874-1951)
George Joseph Reeve (1886-1968)
John Elwood Ridd (1896-1986)
Allan Joseph Ryckman (1910-1982)
Richard Malcolm “Dick” Mutchmor (1928-2000)
Heather E. Sharman
Ronald Walter Baron (1935-2021)
Robert M. Wilkes
Ruth S. Suderman
Dushant Persaud
Linda Bulka
Doug Taylor
Dwight Nugent Ridd (1900-1976)
Rose Eileen McCord (1897-1961)
Lorne Albert Finlay McIntyre (1903-1966)
Stanley Norman McFarlane (1915-1978)
Henry Hewson “Harry” Guest (1920-1985)
Henry Bert “Hank” Promislow (1924-1998, husband of H. M. Promislow)
Frank Isaak
Henry Bert “Hank” Promislow (1924-1998)1969-1971
Frank Isaak
Henry Bert “Hank” Promislow (1924-1998)
Maurice Stephan Vaughan1971-1975
William Andrew “Bill” Hallonquist (1931-2002)
Henry Bert “Hank” Promislow (1924-1998)
Maurice Stephan Vaughan1975-1988
Clay Bottrell
Patricia Burgess
School Year
Elementary Department: Miss B. M. Bradshaw, Miss E. Buckley, Miss E. G. Connell, Miss L. P. Corbett, Miss A. B. Dougall, Miss T. Fox, Miss L. Redmond, Miss N. Sullivan. Collegiate Department: Mr. W. D. Bailey, Clifford Cornish, Mr. W. R. Cottingham, Miss M. E. Day, Miss K. Haffner, Miss S. C. Irwin, Mr. E. W. Jefferson, Miss G. Miesner, Miss F. Polson, Mr. G. J. Price, Mr. J. H. Russel. Technical Department (joint with Kelvin Technical High School): Mrs. Brostedt (music), Mr. W. Mulock, Mr. S. T. Newton, Miss Stalschmidt (art), Miss A. Sterritt, Miss Trotter (physical culture), Mr. R. B. Vaughan, Mr. E. Williams, Mr. J. M. F. Wilson, Mr. A. Yates
Elementary Department: Miss E. G. Connell, Miss L. P. Corbett, Miss F. Fox, Miss M. Grease, Miss E. MacAulay, Miss D. J. McManus, Miss Eva Smith, Miss N. Sullivan. Collegiate Department: Mr. W. F. Baskerville, Clifford Cornish, Miss M. E. Day, Mr. G. Gallimore, Dr. Gillen, Miss K. E. Haffner, Herbert W. Huntley, Miss S. C. Irwin, Mr. E. W. Jefferson, Mr. J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, Miss Newton, Mr. H. Pascoe, Miss F. B. Polson, Mr. G. Price, George J. Reeve, Miss H. Ross, Mr. H. J. Russell, Miss V. Towner
Elementary Department: Miss L. Corbett, Miss E. McIntosh, Miss C. E. Mitchell, Miss J. Sutherland, Miss E. Truesdale, Miss L. A. Weir. Collegiate Department: Mr. W. F. Baskerville, Clifford Cornish, Miss M. E. Day, Miss Florence Dodd, Miss Emily Fabian, Mr. F. Foye, Mr. G. Gallimore, Dr. C. T. Gillen, Miss K. E. Haffner, Herbert W. Huntley, Mr. S. C. Irwin, Mr. E. W. Jefferson, Mr. Skuli Johnson, Mr. John Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, Mr. H. Pascoe, Walter J. Phillips, Miss F. B. Polson, Mr. G. G. Price, Miss H. E. Ross, Mr. H. J. Russell
Elementary Department: L. P. Corbett, L. McCord, E. P. McIntosh, F. Mellors, C. E. Mitchell, J. Sutherland, E. Truesdale, L. A. Weir. Collegiate Department: W. F. Baskerville, Clifford Cornish, M. E. Day, F. E. Dodd, Minnabell A. Dowler, Miss Emily Fabian, T. Foye, G. Gallimore, C. F. Gillen, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, E. W. Jefferson, T. C. Jerrom, S. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, H. Pascoe, Walter J. Phillips, F. B. Polson, G. G. Price, George J. Reeve, R. J. Russell, A. C. Thompson
Elementary Department: L. P. Corbett, L. McCord, E. P. McIntosh, F. Mellors, Chrissie E. Mitchell, E. Truesdale, L. A. Weir. Collegiate Department: W. F. Baskerville, Clifford Cornish, M. S. Day, F. E. Dodd, Minnabell A. Dowler, M. C. Dunbrack, Miss Emily Fabian, T. Foye, G. Gallimore, C. F. Gillen, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, T. C. Jerrom, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, H. A. Nicholson, H. Pascoe, Walter J. Phillips, George J. Reeve, H. J. Russell, A. C. Thompson
Elementary Department: E. Hicks, A. MacDonald, L. McCord, M. McCord, E. P. McIntosh, C. E. Mitchell, B. C. O’Brien, E. Truesdale, L. A. Weir. Collegiate Department: W. K. Baskerville, Clifford Cornish, M. E. Day, Minnabell A. Dowler, F. E. Dodd, M. C. Dunbrack, Miss Emily Fabian, K. E. Haffner, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, T. C. Jerrom, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, E. G. Newton, H. A. Nicholson, H. Pascoe, Walter J. Phillips, E. Reaney, George J. Reeve, H. J. Russell, A. C. Thompson, W. T. Whiteford
Elementary Department: A. Calder, M. Crease, F. Forrester, E. Hicks, M. McCord, E. P. McIntosh, M. McMannus, F. Mellors, B. C. O’Brien, I. Steeper, E. Truesdale, L. A. Weir. Collegiate Department: W. F. Baskerville, Clifford Cornish, M. E. Day, F. E. Dodd, M. C. Dunbrack, Miss Emily Fabian, G. Gallimore, C. F. Gillen, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, J. MacDougall, C. McConkey, H. A. Nicolson, H. Pascoe, Walter J. Phillips, George J. Reeve, H. J. Russell, A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson
Elementary Department: E. Hick, E. McIntosh, D. McLeod, L. McCord, M. Willoughby. High School Department: Frederick D. Baragar, M. E. Day, F. E. Dodd, M. C. Dunbrack, C. M. Ewing, Miss Emily Fabian, F. Fox, K. E. Haffner, M. Hamilton, E. G. Hewton, M. Horner, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, Oliver V. Jewitt, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. Lightcap, C. McConkey, F. J. McDonald, J. L. McDougall, L. Middlebrooke, Walter J. Phillips, H. A. Nicholson, J. E. Parkin, George J. Reeve, H. J. Russell, Henry E. Snyder, A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. Turner
G. Bacon, Frederick D. Baragar, W. F. Baskerville, B. Bulman, M. Cumming, M. E. Day, J. P. Duffin, Miss Emily Fabian, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardiner, K. E. Haffner, M. M. Horner, E. G. Hewton, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, J. Jones, W. P. Johnson, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, H. J. McDonald, J. L. McDougall, Rose E. McCord, F. E. McColl, G. M. McKerchar, H. A. Nicoson, R. W. O’Neill, H. Pascoe, Walter J. Phillips, David A. Patterson, George J. Reeve, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, E. J. Skarel, G. E. Snider, P. L. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, I. M. Thomas, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, Ada Turner, W. Whiteford
D. Allison, Frederick D. Baragar, W. F. Baskerville, B. Bulman, Clifford Cornish, M. Cummings, J. P. Duffin, G. Finesilver, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardiner, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, M. M. Horner, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, W. P. Johnson, John Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, H. J. McDonald, J. L. McDougall, G. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicholson, R. W. O’Neill, H. Pascoe, David A. Patterson, George J. Reeve, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, G. E. Snider, P. L. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, I. A. Thomas, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. Turner, W. F. Whiteford
D. Allison, Frederick D. Baragar, W. F. Baskerville, Clifford Cornish, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, G. Gallimore, J. A. Gardiner, K. E. Haffner, M. Horner, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, D. Luke, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, J. McDougall, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, E. G. Newton, H. A. Nicholson, W. R. O’Neill, H. Pascoe, David A. Patterson, Walter J. Phillips, George J. Reeve, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, G. E. Snider, P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, W. Whiteford
D. Allison, Frederick D. Baragar, W. F. Baskerville, Clifford Cornish, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardiner, K. E. Haffner, M. M. Horner, Herbert W. Huntley, S. C. Irwin, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, D. H. Luke, J. L. MacDougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, E. G. Newton, H. A. Nicholson, W. R. O’Neill, H. Pascoe, David A. Patterson, George J. Reeve, J. H. Russell, L. E. Scholes, G. E. Snider, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. L. Whiteford
D. Allison, Frederick D. Baragar, W. F. Baskerville, T. Carson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardner, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, M. M. Horner, S. C. Irwin, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, D. H. Luke, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicholson, W. R. O’Neill, H. Pascoe, David A. Patterson, John E. Ridd, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, G. E. Snider, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, Frederick D. Baragar, W. F. Baskerville, T. Carson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardner, K. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, M. M. Horner, S. C. Irwin, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, D. H. Luke, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicholson, David A. Patterson, John E. Ridd, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, G. E. Snider, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, Frederick D. Baragar, W. F. Baskerville, T. Carson, Linden J. Crocker, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardiner, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, M. M. Horner, S. C. Irwin, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, D. H. Luke, J. L. Macdougall, F. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicholson, David A. Patterson, John E. Ridd, H. J. Russell, L. Scholes, E. Snider, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, W. F. Baskerville, Christopher T. Best, T. Carson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, Linden J. Crocker, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardiner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, M. M. Horner, S. C. Irwin, W. P. Johnson, R. J. Johns, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. Lightcap, D. H. Luke, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, J. L. McDougall, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicholson, David A. Patterson, John E. Ridd, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, G. E. Snider, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, T. Carson, Linden J. Crocker, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardiner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, M. M. Horner, S. C. Irwin, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, D. H. Luke, J. L. MacDougall, F. E. McColl, M. L. McKerchar, A. W. Muldrew, H. Nicholson, David A. Patterson, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, G. E. Snider, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. Whiteford
D. Allison, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, T. Carson, T. Coleman, Linden J. Crocker, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, K. E. Haffner, E. G. Hewton, M. M. Horner, S. C. Irwin, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, B. L. Lightcap, D. M. Luke, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicholson, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, G. E. Snider, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, A. E. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, Miss T. V. Carson, Miss T. L. Coleman, Linden J. Crocker, Miss I. Cumming, Miss M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, Miss Haffner, Miss E. G. Hewton, Miss M. M. Horner, Miss S. C. Irwin, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, Miss M. C. Johnston, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, Miss B. L. Lightcap, Miss D. H. Luke, Miss J. L. Macdougall, Miss F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, Miss M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, Miss H. A. Nicolson, Miss M. M. Norton, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, H. J. Russell, Miss L. E. Scholes, J. B. Smalley, G. E. Snider, Miss P. L. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, Miss A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, Miss A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, T. Coleman, S. Cormack, Linden J. Crocker, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, K. E. Haffner, M. Horner, S. C. Irwin, J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicholson, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, T. Rolston, H. J. Russell, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, Linden J. Crocker, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, K. E. Haffner, M. M. Horner, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, J. E. MacDougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, E. A. Nicholson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. A. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford, F. D. Yates
D. Allison, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, J. A. S. Gardner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, G. Gallimore, M. M. Horner, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicolson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, Henry E. Snyder, A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, J. Avery, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, M. J. Cadwell, E. Collison, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, K. Haffner, M. M. Horner, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, Edith Annie Lawrence, B. L. Lightcap, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, Alfred W. Muldrew, H. A. Nicolson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, A. E. Turner, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford, W. T. Woods
D. Allison, J. Avery, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, M. J. Cadwell, E. Collisson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, D. Falconer, G. Gallimore, J. A. S. Gardner, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, K. E. Haffner, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, B. L. Lightcap, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, H. A. Nicholson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, Leslie G. Robinson, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, James C. Wherrett, W. T. Whiteford, M. T. Woods
D. Allison, J. Avery, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. Burrows, M. J. Cadwell, E. Collisson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, R. J. Johns, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicholson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, Leslie G. Robinson, I. Robson, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, M. Wilcox, M. T. Woods
D. Allison, J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Burrows, M. J. Cadwell, G. M. Churchill, E. Collisson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, Jean Isabella Keith Garrow, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, M. M. Horner, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, R. Kernaghan, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicolson, M. E. Owens, Dwight N. Ridd, John E. Ridd, Leslie G. Robinson, I. Robson, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson, Charles J. Triggerson, W. T. Whiteford, M. T. Woods
D. Allison, J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville (industrial arts), James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Burrows, M. J. Cadwell, E. Collisson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, H. Hutchison, W. P. Johnson, J. Jones, E. R. Kernaghan (home economics), M. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, M. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicholson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell, John E. Ridd, Leslie G. Robinson, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson, M. T. Whiteford
J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, W. F. Baskerville (industrial arts), James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Burrows, M. J. Cadwell, E. Collisson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, H. Hutchison, W. P. Johnson, E. R. Kernaghan (home economics), W. Korchik, T. Lloyd, J. L. Macdougall, F. E. McColl, M. McColl, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicolson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell, W. Puttee, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson, M. T. Whiteford
D. Allison, J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Burrows, M. J. Cadwell, E. Collisson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, H. Hutchison, W. P. Johnson, W. Korchik, J. L. Macdougall, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicholson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell, W. Puttee, D. H. Ross, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson
D. Allison, J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount (industrial arts), C. J. Burrows, E. Collisson, I. Cumming, M. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, E. S. Heys, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, H. Hutchison, W. P. Johnson, O. Krett, J. L. Macdougall, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicolson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell (home economics), D. H. Ross, L. E. Scholes, L. P. Snider, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson
D. Allison, J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount (industrial arts), C. J. Burrows, I. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin (industrial arts), Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore (industrial arts), Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, E. S. Heys, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, H. Hutchison (industrial arts), W. P. Johnson, J. L. Macdougall, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar (home economics), George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicolson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell (home economics), D. H. Ross (industrial arts), L. E. Scholes, Jack Silverberg, L. P. Snider, Rudolph A. Storch (industrial arts), M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson
D. Allison, J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount (industrial arts), C. J. Burrows, I. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin (industrial arts), Thomas O. Durnin, G. Gallimore (industrial arts), Elsie Lydia Gauer, Frederick C. Grusz, E. S. Heys, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, H. Hutchison (industrial arts), W. P. Johnson, J. L. Macdougall, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar (home economics), George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicolson, M. E. Owens, L. Pettingell (home economics), D. H. Ross (industrial arts), L. E. Scholes, Jack Silverberg, L. P. Snider, Rudolph A. Storch (industrial arts), M. W. Thierry, A. A. C. Thompson
D. Allison, J. Avery, A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Currows, E. Collisson, I. Cumming, Victor S. Dotten, J. P. Duffin, Thomas O. Durnin, Thomas Ambrose Farenhurst, G. Gallimore, Elsie Lydia Gauer, F. Harder, E. S. Heys, Orville E. Holmes, M. M. Horner, H. Hutchison, W. P. Johnson, George H. Laycup, J. L. Macdougall, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, H. A. Nicolson, M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, L. Pettingell, D. H. Ross, Jack Silverberg, L. P. Snider, I. Stewart, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, M. Vant, A. Werier, R. Whiteside, M. T. Woods
D. Allison, J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Burrows, E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, I. Cumming, Stewart G. Dack, Victor S. Dotten, Thomas O. Durnin, Thomas Ambrose Farenhurst, G. Gallimore, Elsie Lydia Gauer, E. Handel, F. Harder, E. S. Heys, Orville E. Holmes, H. Hutchison, W. P. Johnson, George H. Laycup, E. MacKay, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Rose E. McCord, M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, L. Pettingell, Beulah Arnold Ross, D. H. Ross, Jack Silverberg, L. P. Snider, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, M. Vant, R. Whiteside, J. V. Wilkinson, M. T. Woods
D. Allison, Miss J. M. Avery, A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Burrows, Miss M. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Thomas O. Durnin, Thomas Ambrose Farenhurst, G. Gallimore, Elsie Lydia Gauer, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, E. S. Heys, Orville E. Holmes, Miss E. Humphries, H. Hutchison, W. P. Johnson, J. Katz, George H. Laycup, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Rose E. McCord, Miss J. MacDougall, Miss M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss M. Ritchie, Beulah Arnold Ross, D. H. Ross, Jack Silverberg, Miss L. P. Snider, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, M. T. Woods
A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Burrows, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Thomas O. Durnin, Thomas Ambrose Farenhurst, G. Gallimore, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, Miss H. B. Hawryluk, E. S. Heys, Orville E. Holmes, H. Hutchison, Miss E. Humphries, W. P. Johnson, George H. Laycup, Miss J. L. Macdougall, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Rose E. McCord, Miss M. L. McAllister, Rose E. McCord, Miss M. L. McKerchar, George M. Newfield, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, Miss M. Ritchie, Beulah Arnold Ross, D. H. Ross, Jack Silverberg, Miss L. P. Snider, Miss M. H. Speers, Miss H. Staples, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, M. T. Woods
D. Allison, Miss D. Baig, A. Bailey, James W. Beer, Jack Blount, C. J. Burrows, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Thomas O. Durnin, Thomas Ambrose Farenhurst, G. Gallimore, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, Miss H. B. Hawryluk, E. S. Heys, H. Hutchison, Miss E. Humphries, W. P. Johnson, Mrs. L. Kelly, George H. Laycup, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Rose E. McCord, Miss M. L. McKerchar, K. A. McKillop, Miss R. R. Mitchell, George M. Newfield, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, Miss M. Ritchie, Beulah Arnold Ross, Jack Silverberg, Miss K. Smith, Miss L. P. Snider, Miss H. Staples, Arthur John Charles Starr, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, M. T. Woods
D. Allison, Miss D. Baig, James W. Beer, C. J. Burrows, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Thomas O. Durnin, Thomas Ambrose Farenhurst, G. Gallimore, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, Miss H. B. Hawryluk, E. S. Heys, Miss E. Humphries, R. Hunt, W. P. Johnson, Mrs. L. Kelly, George H. Laycup, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Rose E. McCord, Miss M. L. McKerchar, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, Miss M. Ritchie, Beulah Arnold Ross, Jack Silverberg, Miss K. Smith, Miss L. P. Snider, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, M. T. Woods
D. Allison, Miss D. Baig, James W. Beer, C. J. Burrows, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Thomas O. Durnin, Thomas Ambrose Farenhurst, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, Miss H. B. Hawryluk, E. S. Heys, Miss E. Humphries, R. Hunt, W. P. Johnson, Mrs. L. Kelly, M. Manishen, Miss E. J. MacKay, John Lorne McAllister, Miss M. L. McKerchar, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, E. Popiel, Miss M. Ritchie, Beulah Arnold Ross, Jack Silverberg, Rudolph A. Storch, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. R. Willows
D. Allison, Miss D. Baig, James W. Beer, C. J. Burrows, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Thomas O. Durnin, Thomas Ambrose Farenhurst, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, Miss H. B. Hawryluk, Miss E. Humphries, R. Hunt, W. P. Johnson, George H. Laycup, Anne Marguerite Loutit, M. Manishen, Miss E. J. MacKay, John Lorne McAllister, Miss M. L. McKerchar, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, E. Popiel, Miss M. Ritchie, Beulah Arnold Ross, Jack Silverberg, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows, W. J. Woodrow
Miss D. Baig, James W. Beer, C. J. Burrows, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Thomas O. Durnin, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, Miss H. B. Hawryluk, Miss E. Humphries, R. Hunt, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, George H. Laycup, Anne Marguerite Loutit, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Miss M. L. McKerchar, A. Muldrew, Mrs. E. J. Nixon, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, E. Popiel, Miss M. Ritchie, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows, William J. Woodrow
Miss D. Baig, James W. Beer, C. J. Burrows, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Miss D. J. Cooke, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, Miss H. B. Hawryluk, R. Hunt, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, Miss E. Knapp, George H. Laycup, Anne Marguerite Loutit, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Miss E. McCord, Miss M. L. McKerchar, M. McPherson, A. Muldrew, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, E. Popiel, Miss M. Ritchie, A. Romanow, Beulah Arnold Ross, M. W. Thierry, Mrs. I. Wettlaufer, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows, William J. Woodrow
Miss D. Baig, James W. Beer, C. J. Burrows, Mrs. H. B. Charney, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Marjorie G. Dance, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, R. Hunt, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, Miss E. Knapp, George H. Laycup, M. Manishen, John Lorne McAllister, Rose E. McCord, S. McFarlane, Miss M. L. McKerchar, M. McPherson, A. Muldrew, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, E. Popiel, Miss M. Ritchie, A. Romanow, Beulah Arnold Ross, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, Miss I. Wettlaufer, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows
Frederick D. Baragar, James W. Beer, Miss D. Bokofsky, C. J. Burrows, Mrs. H. B. Charney, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Miss J. Garrow, Miss E. Handel, F. Harder, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, Miss E. Knapp, George H. Laycup, M. Manishen, Miss M. L. McKerchar, M. McPherson, A. Muldrew, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, Miss L. Pettingell, E. Popiel, H. Promislow, Miss M. Ritchie, A. Romanow, Beulah Arnold Ross, M. W. Thierry, R. Hunt, Miss M. Vant, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows
James W. Beer, Miss D. Bokofsky, Peter Brown, C. J. Burrows, Mrs. H. B. Charney, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, A. Diamond, Miss J. Garrow, Miss E. Handel, Miss L. Hodgson, R. Hunt, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, Miss M. Kidd, Miss E. Knapp, George H. Laycup, M. Manishen, Miss M. L. McKerchar, M. McPherson, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, H. Pollock, E. Popiel, H. Promislow, Miss M. Ritchie, Miss F. B. Robinson, A. Romanow, Beulah Arnold Ross, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, T. Vause, James C. Wherrett, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows
James W. Beer, Miss D. Bokofsky, Peter Brown, C. J. Burrows, Mrs. H. B. Charney, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Mrs. E. Davidow, A. Diamond, Mrs. S. Gannon, Miss J. Garrow, Miss E. Handel, Miss L. Hodgson, R. Hunt, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, J. Kahana, Miss E. Knapp, George H. Laycup, Miss A. Loutit, M. Manishen, Miss M. L. McKerchar, M. McPherson, Miss M. E. Owens, Miss J. Parkinson, R. Pastuck, H. Pollock, E. Popiel, H. Promislow, A. Romanow, Beulah Arnold Ross, E. Schreyer, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, T. Vause, James C. Wherrett, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows
Junior High School (from January 1961): Miss F. M. Doiron, Miss E. Elias, Mrs. B. Finch, Miss J. Foster, J. Frater, G. M. Goodman, Miss M. Hyman, Mrs. A. Kedziora, W. Korchik, Miss J. Kortash, B. Margolis, Cecil Drummond Muldrew, G. Olfert, Miss D. ?
James W. Beer, Miss D. Bokofsky, F. Borowski, Miss B. L. Brown, Peter Brown, C. J. Burrows, Mrs. H. B. Charney, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Stewart G. Dack, Mrs. F. Dardier, Mrs. E. Davidow, A. Diamond, L. A. Friedman, Mrs. S. Gannon, Miss J. Garrow, Donald J. F. Hadfield, A. E. Hammond, Miss E. Handel, Ben Hanuschak, Mrs. D. Harvey, Miss L. Hodgson, W. Holowka, R. Hunt, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, J. Kanana, Miss E. Knapp, Miss A. Loutit, Mrs. M. Lyons, M. Manishen, Miss M. L. McKerchar, M. McPherson, Miss R. Michnowsky, Miss M. E. Owens, R. Pastuck, E. Popiel, W. Prochuk, H. Promislow, Beulah Arnold Ross, J. D. Smith, William P. Solypa, M. W. Thierry, Miss M. Vant, T. Vause, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows
James W. Beer, Miss D. Bokofsky, Miss R. J. Brown, Peter Brown, C. J. Burrows, Mrs. H. B. Charney, Miss M. V. Christie, Miss E. Collisson, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Miss F. M. Cubbon, S. G. Dack, Mrs. E. Davidow, A. Diamond, H. Dmytryshyn, Miss F. Doiron, Jean Taylor Endersby, Mrs. T. Frechette, L. A. Friedman, Mrs. S. Gannon, K. Gerstmar, Mrs. P. Gilbert, G. Goodman, Mrs. J. C. Graham, Miss R. Grosser, Donald J. F. Hadfield, Elsa Handel, Ben Hanuschak, W. Hinkel, Miss L. Hodgson, W. Holowka, R. Hunt, Miss M. Hyman, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, J. Kahana, Miss E. Knapp, W. Korchik, A. Laser, Miss E. Lavender, D. Lawrence, M. Manishen, B. Margolis, D. McNair, B. D. Melman, Miss R. Michnowsky, Miss M. Milgrom, D. Oldroyd, H. J. Ostermann, Miss M. E. Owens, H. Paetkau, B. Pastuck, Mrs. Z. Piotrowsky, B. Pippy, Miss R. Piper, Harold Pollock, E. Popiel, Milo A. Procaylo, W. Prochuk, H. Promislow, Mrs. I. Shaw, J. D. Smith, William P. Solypa, M. W. Thierry, Douglas A. Thomson, Miss M. Vant, Miss R. Whiteside, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows, Mrs. J. Witwicki
James W. Beer, Miss D. Bokofsky, Miss R. L. Brown, Peter Brown, Miss E. J. Burdzy, C. A. Burrows, Mrs. H. B. Charney, Miss M. V. Christie, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Miss P. Dansereau, A. Diamond, H. Dmytryshyn, Miss F. Doiron, Jean Taylor Endersby, L. A. Friedman, K. Gerstmar, Mrs. P. Gilbert, Mrs. G. Goodman, Miss R. Grosser, Donald J. F. Hadfield, Elsa Handel, Ben Hanuschak, Harvey H. Herstein, Mrs. M. M. Hijmns, W. Hinkel, Miss L. Hodgson, Miss S. J. Holowka, W. Holowka, R. Hunt, Miss M. Hyman, C. W. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, J. Kahana, Miss E. Knapp, W. Korchik, A. Laser, Miss E. Lavender, I. H. Lockett, M. Manishen, B. Margolis, D. McNair, Miss M. McWilliams, D. B. Melman, Miss R. Michnawsky, Miss M. Milgrom, Mrs. H. Nicolie, D. Oldroyd, H. J. Ostermann, Miss M. E. Owens, H. Paetkau, R. Pastack, Mrs. Z Poitrkowsky, B. Pippy, Miss R. Piper, N. M. Podolsky, Harold Pollock, B. M. Polonsky, E. Popiel, M. Procsylo, W. Prochuk, Mrs. I. Shaw, E. Skahar, J. D. Smith, William P. Solypa, M. W. Thierry, Douglas A. Thomson, H. T. Tobias, Mrs. M. D. Tracy, D.M. Turner, Miss M. Vant, J. Wilkinson, A. D. Willows, F. A. Wilson, Mrs. J. Witwield
K. Beard, James W. Beer, Miss D. Bokofsky, Joseph R. “Bud” Boyce, Peter Brown, Miss S. Buhl, C. Burrows, Mrs. H. Charney, Miss M. Christie, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Robert Walter Cross, Mrs. B. Davidow, A. Diamond, H. Dmytryshyn, Jean Taylor Endersby, B. Ferniuk, I. Friedman, G. Goodman, Miss E. Handel, W. Handel, Harvey H. Herstein, Mrs. P. Ho, J. Hodgkinson, Miss L. Hodgson, Mrs. M. Holowka, W. Holowka, F. Humniski, R. Hunt, Miss M. Hyman, C. Johnson, W. Johnson, M. Karpiak, Miss E. Knapp, Miss H. Korba, W. Korchik, Miss C. Kostaniuk, W. Kowalski, A. Laser, Miss E. Lavinder, J. Leamen, Miss L. Lusk, M. Manishen, B. Margolis, D. McNair, Miss M. McWilliams, B. Melman, Miss S. Mercer, Miss M. Milgram, H. Osterman, H. Peatkau, Miss J. Parks, R. Pastuck, Miss M. Peters, Mrs. Z. Patrokowsky, S. Pppy, B. Polonski, E. Popiel, M. Procaylo, W. Prochuk, S. Putnam, Miss D. Reimer, K. Rodgers, C. Sobohan, William P. Solypa, Catherine Thexton, M. Thierry, D. Turner, Miss M. Vant, A. Willows, A. Wilson, Mrs. I. Witsicki, T. Wolie, Mrs. S. Woods
Miss J. Baker, E. Bavasah, W. Bochinski, Miss B. Bokhaut, Miss D. Bokofsky, Joseph R. “Bud” Boyce, Miss S. Buhl, P. Burdz, R. E. Butler, A. Carr, P. Carruthers, Mrs. H. Charney, Miss M. Christie, O. Cochrane, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Robert Walter Cross, A. Diamond, H. Dmytryshyn, Jean Taylor Endersby, L. Friedman, M. L. Gordon, Mrs. C. Graham, Miss E. Handel, Harvey H. Herstein, W. Hinkel, Mrs. P. Ho, J. Hodgkinson, Miss L. Hodgson, Mrs. M. Holowka, W. Holowka, R. Hunt, C. W. Johnson, M. Karpiak, Miss E. Knapp, W. Korchik, Miss H. Korba, Miss C. Kostaniuk, P. Kozoris, A. Laser, Miss E. Lavender, G. Leggera, Miss L. Lusk, S. MacDougall, M. Manishen, B. Margolis, D. McNair, Miss M. McWilliams, B. Melman, Miss S. Mercer, Miss M. Milgrom, Miss E. Montgomery, Miss C. Moore, Miss J. Moore, Dennis Nazeravich, G. Nicholson, H. Osterman, Miss J. Parks, R. Pastuck, Miss M. Peters, Mrs. Z. Piotrkowsky, B. Pippy, B. Polonski, E. Popiel, M. Procaylo, W. Prochuk, S. Putnam, K. Rodgers, C. Schindler, R. Shand, Miss A. Smith, William P. Solypa, Miss L. Stonyk, Mrs. V. Taylor, Miss S. Teplitsky, Catherine Thexton, M. Thierry, U. Toews, D. Turner, Miss M. Vant, A. Willows, F. Wilson, Mrs. J. Witwicki, T. Wolfe, Mrs. L. Woods, Mrs. C. Yau
Miss J. Baker, E. Bavasah, W. Bochinski, B. Boland, Joseph R. “Bud” Boyce, W. Bristow, Miss S. Buhl, P. Burdz, A. Carr, D. Caruthers, Mrs. H. Charney, O. Cochrane, Mrs. D. Cooper, Dominic Enrico Costantini, Robert Walter Cross, Mrs. E. Dawson, A. Diamond, J. Doerksen, Jean Taylor Endersby, M. L. Firman, L. Friedman, M. L. Gordon, Mrs. J. Graham, Miss E. Handel, W. Hinkel, J. Hodgkinson, Miss L. Hodgson, W. Holowka, Mrs. B. J. Israels, C. W. Johnson, M. Karpiak, Mrs. A. Kedziora, Miss E. Knapp, Miss H. Korba, W. Korchik, P. Kozoris, Miss C. Kostaniuk, Miss M. R. Kraut, E. W. Kustra, Miss C. Laird, A. Laster, G. Leagero, Miss H. Los, D. McNair, Miss M. McWilliams, M. Manishen, A. Mansour, Miss M. Manusow, B. Margolis, Miss B. Martin, B. Melman, Miss S. Mercer, D. Morland, D. Morros, Dennis Nazeravich, Mrs. N. Neufeld, G. Nicholson, H. Ostermann, Miss E. Owen, Mrs. W. Parent, Miss J. Parks, R. Pastuck, Miss M. Peters, Mrs. Z. Piotrokowsky, Mrs. M. Pluhar, B. Polonski, P. Press, Miss C. L. Prichodko, W. Prochuk, Mrs. D. Randell, Miss D. Reimer, M. Robertson, Mrs. J. Romeyn, L. M. Rosolowich, L. G. Rozelle, Miss P. Salmon, Miss A. Smith, G. Soble, B. Sookram, D. Stasiuk, Miss L. Stonyk, Mr. H. Swandel, Mrs. V. Taylor, Miss S. Teplitsky, Catherine Thexton, M. Thierry, Miss H. Wellwood, D. White, Mrs. C. Willis, A. Willows, F. Wilson, Mrs. J. Witwicki, T. Wolfe
Among the other teachers of St. John’s High School were Henry Andrew Moroz, Margaret Gow, John Lawrence Thistlethwaite, and Victoria Morris “Vicki” Cielen.
St. John’s High School under construction (circa 1911)
Source: Winnipeg School Board, Annual Report 1921, Legislative Library of Manitoba.
St. John’s High School (no date)
Source: Winnipeg School Division
The present-day St. John’s High School (July 2019)
Source: Rose Kuzina
First World War casualties among St. John’s High School alumni (no date)
Source: Honouring Our Veterans, St. John's AlumniSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.92492, W97.13425
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Kelvin Technical High School (55 Harrow Street, Winnipeg)
Memorable Manitobans: William Isaac “Bill” Enns (1923-2006)
Birth Date
Death Date
Wilfrid Forsyth Alward
52nd Battalion, Canadian Infantry
23 March 1899
28 September 1918
Thomas Raymond Andrews DCM
[St. Giles]Clerk
43rd Battalion, Canadian Infantry
23 November 1896
13 October 1918
George William Battershill
[Next of Kin]Clerk
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
10 March 1894
17 April 1917
John Wesley Bears
[Next of Kin, St. Giles]Bookkeeper
8th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
30 December 1892
27 October 1916
Reginald Campbell
[St. Giles]Porter
29th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
26 March 1896
20 April 1916
Hubert George Conder
10th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery
5 December 1896
29 December 1916
Gordon Percy Dennis
43rd Battalion, Canadian Infantry
21 April 1896
01 October 1918
Robert Roy Edwards DCM
[Next of Kin, St. Giles]Clerk
Canadian Army Service Corps
29 November 1894
12 June 1918
John A. Fahey
[Next of Kin]None
28th Battalion,Canadian Infantry
21 December 1896
6 November 1917
William Sidney Gallie
[Grain Exchange]Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company
42nd Wing, Royal Flying Corps
16 August 1917
George Raymond Howard
[Next of Kin]Grocer
78th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
1 September 1897
9 April 1917
Milton George Johnson
[Next of Kin]Clerk
5th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
18 April 1898
15 August 1917
John William Johnston
[Next of Kin]Mechanic
78th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
Lance Corporal
13 May 1895
24 August 1918
William Gardner Leighton
[Next of Kin, St. Giles]Mechanic
11th Field Company, Canadian Engineers
25 August 1897
9 April 1917
John Stirling MacInnes
[Next of Kin, Osler Hammond & Nanton, Westminster]Clerk
7th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
7 March 1897
9 April 1917
Royal Naval Air Service
Flight Sub Lieutenant
7 October 1896
23 June 1917
Donald Alexander McIvor
[108th Battalion, Landmark Lodge, John Black Memorial]Student at Law
16th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
10 March 1894
2 September 1917
Clifford James McMillan
[Next of Kin]Student
12th Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps
23 July 1896
14 November 1917
Frank Moorhouse
[Next of Kin]None
27th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
3 August 1897
15 September 1916
27th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
26 June 1895
15 September 1916
Donald Seward Pearce
[Next of Kin]Clerk
8th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
19 July 1899
29 September 1918
Wilfrid Anson Pybus
[Next of Kin, Vimy Ridge]Student
44th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
27 August 1897
10 April 1917
George Phillip Rau
27th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
15 November 1896
6 November 1917
Thomas Edward Smith
[Law Society, Next of Kin]Law Student
London Regiment (Post Office Rifles), British Army
Second Lieutenant
30 May 1897
5 September 1918
Robert Wilfred Summerscales
[Engineering, Selkirk]Civil Engineer
7th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
5 August 1896
8 June 1917
John Harry Trueman
[Merchants Bank, Next of Kin, St. John's Anglican]Bank Clerk
8th Battalion, Canadian Infantry
8 June 1898
10 November 1917
“Winnipeg’s new technical high schools – Kelvin and St. John’s,” Manitoba Free Press, 22 April 1911, page 52.
“City schools staff assembling in Sept.,” Winnipeg Tribune, 29 August 1912, page 8.
“Opening of the Winnipeg public schools has been set for Monday next,” Winnipeg Tribune, 14 August 1913, pages 1 and 2.
“Here’s your teacher!” Winnipeg Tribune, 21 August 1914, page 6.
“School Board assigns teachers,” Winnipeg Tribune, 20 August 1915, page 9.
“Reduce staff of teachers at high schools Monday,” Winnipeg Tribune, 18 August 1916, pages 1 & 12.
“Boundaries of schools are named,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 24 August 1917, page 9.
“Complete plans to open schools Tuesday for 30,000 children,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 30 August 1918, page 14.
“Teachers are selected for various grades,” Winnipeg Tribune, 29 August 1919, page 3.
“Miss M. Horner gets school music post [Elsa Handel],” Winnipeg Tribune, 26 November 1946, page 11.
Obituary [Rose Eileen McCord (1897-1961)], Winnipeg Free Press, 10 October 1961, page 30.
“Winnipeg School Board tells who is teaching where,” Winnipeg Free Press, 31 August 1963, page 18.
“Teachers, Principals of Winnipeg Schools listed,” Winnipeg Free Press, 29 August 1964, page 12.
Obituary [Beulah Arnold Ross], Winnipeg Free Press, 5 May 1966.
“20 school board appointments made,” Winnipeg Free Press, 20 May 1971, page 3.
Obituary [Hank Promislow], Winnipeg Free Press, 11 July 1998, page C7.
“New principals named,” Winnipeg Free Press Community Review, 11 July 2001, page 28.
Obituary [Jean Taylor Rockey], Winnipeg Free Press, 20 January 2018.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
School division student yearly attendance reports (E 0758A), Archives of Manitoba.
Winnipeg School Division: Celebrating One Hundred Fifty Years, 1871-2021 by Winnipeg School Division, 2021.
We thank the Winnipeg School Division, Rose Kuzina, Marianne Cumming, Alvin Finkel, and Darryl Toews for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 16 March 2025
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