Memorable Manitobans: 2000

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1999 | 2001

The following Memorable Manitobans died in 2000:

John Douglas Adamson (1932-2000)

Perry Lynn Allan (c1941-2000)

William Obadiah “Obie” Baizley (1917-2000)

James Irving Bateman (1911-2000)

Norris Davidson Belton (1914-2000)

Francis H. Benoit (c1922-2000)

Henri Bergeron (1925-2000)

Joan Pollock Graham Birdwood [Baroness Birdwood] (1913-2000)

Alan Andrew Borger (1933-2000)

Perry Stafford Bower (1903-2000)

Dorothy Brummitt-Feasby (?-2000)

Lorne Avery Chapple (1920-2000)

Christodoulos K. Christodoulides (1936-2000)

Jacques Collin (1927-2000)

James Keith Cooper (1931-2000)

Arthur Edmund “Art” Coulter (1909-2000)

Desmond Francis Cox (1913-2000)

Wawrzyniec “Lawrence” Drapala (1899-2000)

Howard Melville Dunfield (1912-2000)

Stella Howelko Dunn (1916-2000)

Emmanuel Victor Edmond “Ed” Emond (1917-2000)

Samuel Robert “Sam” Ewart (1920-2000)

Lois Mae Falloon (1910-2000)

Eveline Partridge Farlinger (1899-2000)

George Alexander Ferley (1942-2000)

Elizabeth Busch Fingas (1918-2000)

Olga Foltz (c1926-2000)

Terence Fowler (1925-2000) - SHOF

James Clayton Gilson (1926-2000)

Fredrick Harvey Glazerman (1943-2000)

Robert Grant Graham (1931-2000)

Michael Gregorash (1919-2000)

Elman Keisler Guttormson (1929-2000)

Antoine Hacault (1926-2000)

Harry Myrislaw Harapiak (1938-2000)

Winnifred Isabelle Steen “Winnie” Hatch (1911-2000)

Charles William Havelock (1906-2000)

Douglas James Henning (1947-2000)

Ann Maud Donnelly Henry (1914-2000)

Jack Howard Hogan (1931-2000)

Joseph Barry “J.B.” Hughes (1928-2000)

William Donald Hurst (1908-2000)

Leon Jalbert (1903-2000)

Victoria Jason (1945-2000)

Helgi Jones (1916-2000)

Floyd Wilfred Keller (1918-2000)

Joseph C. “Joe” Kerr (?-2000)

Alan Abraham Klass (1907-2000)

Walter Klymkiw (1926-2000)

Walter Edwin Kroeker (1915-2000)

Arthur J. Lacerte (1915-2000)

Harry Ladobruk (1923-2000)

Auguste Laroche (1934-2000)

Arthur Alexander Leach (1915-2000)

George Lecoq (1905-2000)

E. Shirley Lee (?-2000)

Philip Guy Lexier (1958-2000)

Kathy Robin Litman (1959-2000)

Robert Newton “Bob” Lowery (1915-2000)

Gelda Marian Lowther (1920-2000)

John Walter Grant MacEwan (1902-2000)

James Heron Main (1910-2000)

Nadine Chidley Malcolm (1911-2000)

John Stuart “Jack” McMahon (1904-2000)

Allan Randolph McPherson (1914-2000)

Morley Meredith (1922-2000)

Walter Michalchyshyn (1909-2000)

Ernest Hutchison Moncrieff (1909-2000)

Victor Frederick Motts (1908-2000)

Richard Malcolm “Dick” Mutchmor (1928-2000)

Barbara L. Pentland (1912-2000)

Arthur Gordon Pruden (1920-2000)

Arthur Vincent “Art” Rampton (1920-2000)

Arthur Allan Rich (1922-2000)

David Robert “Bob” Rose (1933-2000)

Bruce LeRiche Rudd (1936-2000)

Alexander McInnes “Mac” Runciman (1914-2000)

Rachel Margaret “Rae” Scott (1906-2000)

Elizabeth Suzanne Semkiw (1940-2000)

Ronald Victor Shearer (1907-2000)

Clarence Day Shepard (1914-2000)

Hugh “Tubby” Sinclair (c1917-2000)

Nicholas “Niel” Slykerman (c1936-2000)

Adam Grant Smith (1916-2000)

Elizabeth Todd “Betty” Stewart (1930-2000)

George Jackson Strang (1934-2000)

Archibald James McClacherty “Archie” Thom (1907-2000)

Norman George Thomson (1911-2000)

Margaret Kilvington Trott (1912-2000)

Alfred Elton van Vogt (1912-2000)

Fernand Viau (1909-2000)

Erik Harald Wadelius (1913-2000)

Adrian Philip Wedding (c1914-2000)

Thomas Melvin Whitley (1906-2000)

Noah [Noach] Witman (1904-2000)

Daniel Abraham “Abe” Yanofsky (1925-2000)

Casimir “Kas” Zabowski (1911-2000) - SHOF

If you know a noteworthy Manitoban who died in 2000, whose biography should be added to the Memorable Manitobans collection, please submit their information here. Criteria for inclusion in the collection are given here.


We thank Nathan Kramer for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 4 August 2024

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.

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