Memorable Manitobans
This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. We acknowledge that the collection contains both reputable and disreputable people. All are worth remembering as a lesson to future generations.
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See also:
Convention of Forty (1870)
Governors of Red River Settlement (1812-1870)
Provisional Government of Manitoba / Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia (1870)
Lieutenant-Governors of Manitoba (1870-present)
Premiers of Manitoba (1870-present)
Legislative Assemblies of Manitoba (1870-present)
Speakers of the Manitoba Legislature (1871-present)
Legislative Council of Manitoba (1871-1876)
Manitoba Members of Parliament (1870-present)
Manitoba Recipients of the Order of Canada
Manitoba Recipients of the Order of Manitoba
Manitoba Order of the Buffalo Hunt
Manitoba Judges (1870-present)
Manitoba Senators (1870-present)
Representative Men of Manitoba This collection of photographs of prominent Manitoba men was compiled in 1902. It was described as “A gallery of men, whose energy, ability, enterprise and public spirit have produced the marvellous record of the prairie province.” The Tribune Publishing Company, Winnipeg, 1902. |
A History of Manitoba: Its Resources and People by Prof. George Bryce, Toronto: The Canadian History Company, 1906.
Manitobans As We See ‘Em, 1908 and 1909 This remarkable collection comprises 213 caricatures of prominent Manitoba men from the early 1900s, at a time when Winnipeg’s economy was booming and its place in the development of Western Canada was assured. The men were so well known that no further description was necessary. Published c1909, by the Newspaper Cartoonists’ Association of Manitoba Online version © 2007, Manitoba Historical Society. |
The Story of Manitoba by F. H. Schofield, Winnipeg: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1913.
Pioneers and Prominent People of Manitoba, Winnipeg: Canadian Publicity Company, 1925.
Pioneers and Early Citizens of Manitoba, Winnipeg: Manitoba Library Association, 1971.
Dictionary of Manitoba Biography by John M. “Jack” Bumsted, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1999.
Development of this collection was made possible, in part, with financial support from the Manitoba Heritage Grants Program.
The Manitoba Historical Society is grateful for the contributions of many people to the development of this collection, including the following:
Alan Arnett MacLeod Adams, Holly Adams, Don Addison, Doug Allan, Pat Allan, Robert Alldritt, Peter Allison, Grant Anderson, LeAnn Anderson, Donald Andrew, Michael Andrews, Peter Andrusiak, Mary Angus-Yanke, Gary Annable, Jim Argue, Colleen Armstrong, Paul Armstrong, E. James Arnett, Janet Arnett, Terry Arnett, Anna Arrol, Margaret-Ann Lowes Ashton, James Astwood, Nick Atkinson, Edmund A. Aunger, Louise Ayotte, Valerie Bailey, Marilyn Baker, Diane Balfour, Garth Balint, Monica Ball, Beth Balsillie, Jacob Barclay, Stan Barclay, Donna Barraclough, Sharon Baum, Lynne Bereza, Donna Berg, Norma Bergman, Dorine Best, Bonnie Bileski, Charles Bird, Lissa Bjornson, Jim Blanchard, Lucien Bleau, Audrey Blommaert, Stephanie Boissonneault, Lynne Bootes, Vivan Boulos, Marie-Hélène Bourdeau, Marilyn Boyle, Susan Bracken, Mary Lou Bradley, Arthur Braid, Virginia Braid, Elizabeth Braunlin, Nels Bremner, Deborah Bridge, Jill Brooks, R. J. Brotherhood, Diane Brown, Brian Bruser, Anthony Bryant, Deirdre Bryden, Linda Brydon, Donald Bryk, Christine Buckley, Heather Buggie, Catharine Buie, John Buie, Carole Burman, James A. Burns, Jim Busby, Wendy Cairns, John Calder, Véronique Cantin, Barbara Carmichael, David Carr, Robert Carr, Marguerite Carter-Kerr, Lorena Chalkey, Pat Chandler, Arthur Chapman, Ray Chapman, Richard Chartier, Lawrie Cherniack, Matthew Chisholm, Joan Christensen, Robert Clark, Janice Clarke, Christine Clement, Marcia Clement, Jonathan Coe, Sam Coghlan, Agnes Collins, Alex Collins, Ceridwen Collins-West, Murray Conklin, Judy Cook, Kelly Cook, Cathy Cooke, Georgia Cordes, William Harvey Couling, Jane Cousens, Dave Craig, David Crawley, Darelen Crone-Todd, Mike Crosby, Alan Crossin, Marilyn Crossley, Avril Cude, Penelope Cummine, Nancy Findlater Cutway, Brian Cyr, L. Daniells, Wallace Darichuk, Yolanda Davidowich, Allan Dawson, Karen Edgerton, Elizabeth Day, David Delcourt, Olivier Delcourt, Evelyn Ward de Roo, Markus Derrer, Isabelle Devereux, Stacey Devereaux, Reid Dickie, Jan Dixon, Susan Dixon, Kenneth F. Doig, Caryn Douglas, Grant Doupe, Harry Brian Down, Jennifer Doyle, Leslie Drewniak, Crystal Ducharme, Louise Dufort, Leslie Dunford, Shelley Dunlop, Michael Dupuis, Lea Duval, Lindsay DuVal, Alice-Marie Dyck, Dennis Egan, Irene Elliott, Charlene Enns, Stefan Epp, Anne Evans, Areta Evans, Alan Evans-Hendrick, Monika Feist, David G. Ferguson, Greg Ferguson, James Findlater, Sandra Findlay, Mary Finnegan, Joel Fishman, John Ford, Susan Forsyth, Michael Fry, Jane Fudge, Ronald Fusee, Ross and Maureen Gage, Blair Galston, Robert Galston, John Allan Garland, Marilyn Gelinas, Nelson Gerrard, Lee Gibson, Helen Gillespie, Susan Gillmeister, Elizabeth Ginn-Fyon, Daneille Giroux, Gordon Goldsborough, Leonard H. Goldsborough, Douglas Goodbun, Gerry Goodridge, Robert Goodwin, Norman Gould, Alexander Graham, Angela Graham, David Graham, Sharon Granger, Ryan Grant, Anne Grape, Darlene Green, Shawn Greenberg, Ed Greenburgh, Laurena Greene, Scott Greenlay, Ernesto Griffith, Shae Griffith, Jackelyne Gudz, Kerry Guenter, Sylvia Guertin-Riley, Carrie Guilbault, John Gunn, Henry Gutman, Michael Guttormson, William DuVal Guy, Denise Hahn, Megan Halprin, Reese Halter, Peggy Hamilton, Margerett Hansen, Signy Hansen, Kenneth Hanssen, Julia Harding, Gillian Harkness, Wendy Hart, Nathan Hasselstrom, Peter William Hay, George Henderson, Barbara L. Hendy, Lynda Hiebert, Conrad Hild, Barbara Newcombe Hill, Fred Hill, Gord Hines, Cora Hoeppner, Alan Holl, Gordon Hoskin, Liz Houghtling, Doris Hovorka, Fran Howard, Jamie Howison, Joyce Hubble, Alison Hunt, Gael Huntley, Mark Huston, Gill Hutchinson, Julie Hutton, Sheila Ingle, Arnold Irvine, John Isbister, Robert Bowes Jackson, Grace Jacobs, Susan Janzen, William Henry Jenkins, Becky Johnson, Kathy Johnson, Susan Johnson, James Johnstone, Alan Jones, Keith Jones, Sarah Jones, Bill Kable, Erik Kamermans, Barbara Kamienski, Len Kaminski, Stephanie Karsten, Frances Kasper, Guy Gavriel Kay, Andrew Kear, Kris Keen, Joseph Keeper, Maurice Kendall, Craig Kennedy, James Kenney, Ross Keough, Phyllis Ketcheson, Brenda Keyser, David Kimmel, Dennis R. King, Carole Kirby, Janet Kirkconnell, Steve Kirkland, Robert Klassen, Jerry Klinger, Randy Kohuch, Frank Korvemaker, James Kostuchuk, Ted Krasicki, Monica Kreiter, David J. Kroft, Arthur Krolman, L. D. Laird, Charlie Lamb, Audrhea Lande, Marc Lapensée, Martin Lasan, Michel Lavoie, Joanne Leathem, Gerard LeBlanc, Tracy Ledyard, Huguette Le Gall, Harriet Lehrbaum, Lynn Lewis, Sharon Light, Daniel Lindley, Anne Lindsay, Blaine Little, Virginia Lockett, Lyle Lockhart, Norie Lousley, Dennis Lovie, Peter Lyall, Donald Macbeth, Chris Macdonald, Shaun Machesney, Douglas MacKay, Sydney MacKenna, Danalyn MacKinnon, Candace Macpherson, Connor Mah, Keith Maitland, Katherine Maki, Dunc Malcolm, Linda Maliteare, Suzanne Marion, Alison Marshall, Barbara Martin, Geoff Martin, Jane M. Mather, Bill Matheson, Elizabeth Matheson, Fitz Matheson, Howard Mathieson, Laura Matychuk, Peter Maxfield, Roger Maxwell, Elaine May, Kathryn Mayberry, Brian Mayes, Tony Mayes, Sara Mazzoni, Judith McAnanama, Elizabeth Anne McBride, James McClelland, Jean McCollum, Jim McCullough, Valerie McCully, Gordon McDiarmid, Serena McDiarmid, Carole McDonald, Dennis McDonald, John W. McDonald, Patrick McDougall, Colin McElrea, Shelley McFarlane, Eileen McIntyre, Benjamin McKay, Bruce McKenzie, Kathy McKibbin, Jane McLaughlin, Sharon Ingalls McLean, Stuart McLean, Carol Sisson McLeod, Eleanor McMurchy, Alison McNeill-Hordern, Kathy McPhail, Lisa McRorie, Dr. Peter Meehan, Brenda Meninger, Brian Midwinter, Brenda Wardrop Miller, Jordan Miller, Megan Miller, Brent Mitchell, Gordon Mitchell, Grant Mitchell, Vic Mollot, Jane Moody, Cheryl Moore, Richard K. Moore, Kent Morgan, Gordon A. Morley, Anne Morton, Shawn Morton, William Morton, John Mott, Dana Murray, Linda Murtsell, Gerald Neufeld, Caroline Newcombe, Bill Newell, Joan Newton, Marjorie Nicholson, Judy Nixon, Dianne Nolin, Kenneth Normand, Rick Northwood, Donna O'Keefe, Louise Olson, Robert Onysko, David Osborne, Benjamin Hugh Osler, Gord Pace, Barbara Lee Page, David Palmquist, Bobbi Jo Panciera, Juliann Parsons, John Parton, Jill Paskewitz, Jean Paterson, Jeanette Paynter, Faye Pearson, Betty Peloquin, Pandita Pemberton, Janet Penrose, William J. Perdue, John Perrin, David Peters, Ray Phillips, Sandra Phillips, Alan Philp, Alison Poetker, Kelli Polsinelli, Robert Potter, Bruce Pratt, David Pratt, Bob Préfontaine, John Prins, Charlotte Proctor, Elaine Proctor, Lawrence Prout, John Quinton, Elizabeth Radford, Cliff Ralph, Dolores Proulx Rapinchuk, Bill Reimer, Helga Margrét Reinhardsdóttir, Norine Reiser, Norma Richards, Virginia Richards, Pierre Riley, Tim Roark, Wendy Stalker Robertson, Sandy Robinson, Claudette Rocan, David Rodas-Wright, Charlotte Root, Daniel Ross, Mary Louise Ryan, Ron Sanderson, Ivan Saxton, Perry Schulman, Sally Schultz, Paul Seaman, Craig Sefton, Peggy Sharpe, Diane Shaw, Lisa Shore, Valda Shrimpton, Jacky Shum, Susan Sienema, Warren Sigfusson, Paul Silverstone, Elaine Simpson, Lawrence R. Sinclair, Charmeyn Sinclaire, Dianne Singleton, Gail Singleton, Karen Skinner, Hope Smith, Jim Smith, Joy Smith, Marta Smith, Robert Smith, Ron Smith, Geraldine Sookorukoff, Fred Soronow, Luther Sousa, Kelly Southworth, Tanya Spahmann, Wayne A. Stacey, Carol Stanley, Peter Staples, Ed Stephens, Bill Stevens, Christopher Stevenson, George Stewart, Peter Stockdill, Stephanie Stokes, Donald F. Stott, Bonnie Stovel, Nancy Streuber, Joanne Struch, C. Terry Sturk, Alix Sullivan, Brian Sumner, Grant Sutherland, George Tacik, Ed Taillefer, Sherrianne Talon, Isobel Hills Tamney, John Taylor, Peter Duncan Thomas, Peter Wesley Thompson, Verna D. Thompson, Willard Allen Thompson, Donna Thorvaldson, Jason Tiller, Kathy Tod, David L. Towers, Brenda Triggerson, Jason Tucker, Michelle Turenne-Smith, Joan Turner, Keith Turner, Mark Turner, Shelley Turner, Elizabeth Vaitkus, Sylvia Valentine, Louise Van Belleghem, Kathy Van Dusen, Megan Vannucci, Harvey Van Sickle, Mark R. Vanstone, Bruce Varcoe, Charlene Wadelius, Allison Wadge, Amy Best Wadley, Gerald Wadley, Lori Wakelam, Vicki Wallace, Richard Ward, Janet L. Washbon, Marcie Waugh, Joseph P. Wawrykow, Marianne Wawrykow, Jan Webb, Terry Webber, Linda Wessels, Trevor Westwood, Pat Hughes Wheatley, Janet White, Bruce Wiebe, Niall Williams, Rod Wilson, Lynne Wingate, Ian Witney, Mendy Wolchock, Kaye Wolstenholme, Dianne Wood, Edgar Wright, Rick Yarish, Donald D. Young, Maria Zbigniewicz, and Dorothy Zetterberg.
Page revised: 2 September 2023