Historic Sites of Manitoba: Strathmillan School (339 Strathmillan Road, Winnipeg)

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Around early 1915, a group of local citizens petitioned to have a school established in their vicinity and the St. James School Board duly erected a one-room schoolhouse at this site. It took the name of the adjacent road which, in turn, was named Strathmillan because it was midway between the estate of Lord Strathcona and property at Sturgeon Creek owned by farmer Donald McMillan. The school opened for classes in May 1915 for fifteen students in grades 1 to 3. With limited exception, that grade range remained consistant until the school closed in June 1933. The building stood vacant for two years until, in 1935, it was sold to the municipality and moved to 200 Thompson Drive (about N49.87708, W97.26720). On 4 February 1937, it was officially opened by opened by Brigadier-General Alex Ross as a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. It was later used as office and business space.

Residential development during the 1950s brought an influx of children to the area so plans were made for a new school. Original plans had called for it to be built on Mount Royal Road. They changed when school board official Aidan Conklin felt the location was too close to the landing strip at the nearby Stevenson Field (now the Winnipeg International Airport). So the school was ultimately built on the same site as the original one-room school, with a sod-turning ceremony held in spring 1953. The single-storey, brick and stone building was designed by Winnipeg architect John Nelson Semmens and erected by general contractors Arlington Builders Limited at a cost of $153,000.

In the fall of 1953, students slated to attend Strathmillan School were housed temporarily at Linwood School until January 1954, when the new building opened with twelve classrooms and an auditorium. It was completed at a cost of $230,000. An official opening ceremony occurred on 3 March 1954. By the fall of 1954, six more classrooms had been added to the structure by Arlington Builders Limited at a cost of $49,000 and, in 1955, the central part with twelve more classrooms was built. An east wing containing twelve classrooms was added in 1961.





James Weir “Jim” Cowan (1910-1959)


Ervyn Milne “Erv” Houck (1905-1993)


Ronald Edward “Ron” Littlejohn (1935-2017)


Leonard Harvey “Len” Goldsborough (1931-2012)


William Theodore “Bill” Betz (1936-2022)


David James Bertnick (1947-2017)




Sharon Smith




Arlene E. Billeck


Susan “Sue” Marlatt





Mary Winifred Caldwell (1894-1962)


Norah Winnifred Maude Thompson (1899-1992)


Miss M. Campbell




Miss Sophia Moffett
Alberta Louella “Bert” Hendy (1907-1989)


Bertha “Birdie” Ellison (1921-2012)
Alberta Louella “Bert” Hendy (1907-1989)


Jules Raymond “Jack” Van Den Bossche
Alberta Louella “Bert” Hendy (1907-1989)


David William “Dave” Frye (1942-2020)


Miss Marilyn Mensforth


Hardy Enns


Gordon Payne


Daniel Maharaj


Wenda Engbrecht


Peter Sawatsky (1926-2006)


Darryl Sigurdur Johnson (1944-2024)


Candace Borger




Vona Edgar




Margaret Ann Attenborrow




Ron Sigurdson
Lorraine Prokopchuk


Jennifer Fraser




Patrick Betz




Sandra Lazar


Among the early teachers of Strathmillan School were Ruth Barker (Fall 1915 - Spring 1916), Louise Beale (Fall 1916 - Spring 1917), Margaret Elizabeth Pildrem (Fall 1917 - Spring 1919), ? (Fall 1919 - Spring 1924), Dorothy M. Holland (Fall 1924 - Spring 1926), ? (Fall 1926 - Fall 1927), Islay McKinnell (Spring 1928 and Fall 1928 substitute, daughter of W. C. McKinnell), Luella Martin (Fall 1928 substitute), Miss W. Smith (December 1928 substitute), Pearl Brock (January-June 1929), Florence I. Pollock (September-November 1929), A. J. Mowat (November-December 1929 substitute), M. E. Goodeve (December 1929 substitute), Kathleen Hannah Dugale Alty (January-June 1930 & Fall 1930 - Spring 1932), and Helen Mar Collette (Fall 1932 - Spring 1933).

School Year



Mr. G. L. Argue, Mrs. I. Atkins, Miss E. Chambers, Miss I. M. Essery, Mrs. Joyce Frame, Mrs. Anne R. Harper, Miss S. Johnson, Mrs. M. Kerr-Wilson, Mrs. R. Lundy, Miss W. McKelvy, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Mr. A. Pelechaty, Miss I. Sosnowski, Mr. H. Whitfield


Miss E. Chambers, Miss Diane Coles, Mrs. Jane Court, Miss Margaret Cranston, Miss Joyce Cryderman, Miss M. Essery, Rose Ann Fehr, Mrs. Joyce Frame, Mrs. Anne R. Harper, Thomas R. Jaffray, Miss S. M. Johnson, Mrs. M. Kerr-Wilson, Mrs. Catherine A. Laird, Mrs. R. Lundy, Miss W. McKelvy, Miss Ellen Minor, John Neufeld, Mrs. June Norris-Elye, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Mr. A. Pelechaty, Mrs. Frances Robinson


Brian A. Burnett, Miss E. Chambers, Mrs. Hilda Chambers, Miss Diane Coles, Mrs. Jane Court, Miss Margaret Cranston, Miss Joyce Cryderman, Miss Irene Dick, Miss Doreen Dracass, Mrs. Joyce Frame, Miss Jean Hall, Mrs. Anne R. Harper, Mrs. Diane Heimbach, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Mrs. E. J. Hunt, Thomas R. Jaffray, Miss S. M. Johnson, Mrs. M. Kerr-Wilson, Mrs. R. Lundy, Miss S. McCulley, Mrs. Mary McKerchar, Dickson Murdoch, John Neufeld, Mrs. Muriel O’Neill, Mr. A. Pelechaty, Miss Pauline Pentlichuk, Mrs. Frances Robinson, Mrs. Martha Wonnick


Miss Jean Adams, Brian A. Burnett, Miss E. Chambers, Mrs. Hilda Chambers, Mrs. June Court, Mr. E. Courtice, Miss Margaret Cranston, Miss Joyce Cryderman, Mrs. Irene Dick, Mrs. Joyce Frame, Susan I. Godfrey, Miss J. Hall, Miss Eleanor Handley, Mrs. Anne R. Harper, Mrs. Diane Heimbach, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mr. I. Herasymuik, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Mrs. E. J. Hunt, Thomas R. Jaffray, Miss S. Johnson, Mrs. M. Kerr-Wilson, Mrs. R. Lundy, Miss S. McCulley, Mrs. Mary McKerchar, Miss Irene Mozol, Mr. J. Norris-Elye, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Mrs. A. Pelechaty, Miss J. Rowan, Agnes Selin, Mrs. Martha Wonnick


Miss Jean Adams, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, K. Caswell, Miss E. Chambers, Mrs. Hilda Chambers, Miss Margaret Cranston, Miss Joyce Cryderman, Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss H. Dolynchuk, Miss L. Fruhn, Mrs. E. Graham, Miss J. Hall, Mrs. Anne R. Harper, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Mrs. E. J. Hunt, Thomas R. Jaffray, Miss S. Johnson, Mrs. M. Kerr-Wilson, Mrs. E. Lundy, Miss D. Magnusson, Miss S. McCulley, Miss Irene Mozol, John Neufeld, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Miss SYlvia Pallett, Miss M. Rankin, Miss K. Reid, Mr. H. Repko, Mrs. A. Selin, Miss M. Strath, Mrs. Martha Wonnick


Miss Jean Adams, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Mrs. Hilda Chambers, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Jean Dickson, Mrs. G. Ferguson, Miss L. Fruhn, Joe Gosski, Mrs. E. Graham, Mrs. Anne R. Harper, Miss Barbara-Ann Harrison, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. J. Hickey, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Thomas R. Jaffray, Miss S. Johnson, Mrs. E. Kelner, Mrs. M. Kerr-Wilson, Mrs. R. Lundy, Miss D. Magnusson, Miss S. McCulley, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Miss M. Rankin, Miss K. Reid, Mr. M. Spack, Miss M. Strath, Mrs. Irene Thompson, Mrs. Enid M. Wallace, Mrs. Martha Wonnick


Miss Jean Adams, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Miss E. Conklin, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mrs. Irene Dick, Mrs. J. Dick, Mrs. H. Friesen, Miss L. Fruhn, Mrs. E. Graham, Miss S. Harvey, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. J. Hickey, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Miss S. Johnson, Mr. B. Kells, Mrs. E. Kelner, Mrs. J. MacLennan, Miss D. Magnusson, Mrs. B. Manthei, Miss S. McCulley, Mr. G. Merrick, Mrs. C. Munroe, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Miss K. Reid, Miss A. Scinocca, Mrs. J. Segall, Miss S. Slate, Mr. L. Stephens, Miss M. Strath, Mrs. Irene Thompson, Mrs. Enid M. Wallace


Miss Jean Adams, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Miss S. Cara, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mr. D. Crook, Mrs. Irene Dick, Mrs. J. Dick, Mrs. H. Friesen, Miss L. Fruhn, Mrs. E. Graham, Mrs. D. Gray, Miss S. Harvey, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. J. Hickey, Mrs. J. Hiltz, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Mrs. N. Lenkewich, Mrs. J. MacLennan, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mr. G. Merrick, Mrs. C. Munroe, Mrs. S. McPherson, Mrs. P. Nordquist, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Mrs. I. Packer, Miss J. Robson, Miss S. Slate, Mrs. Irene Thompson, Mrs. Enid M. Wallace, Miss D. Westrum


Miss Jean Adams, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Mrs. L. Bennett, Mrs. L. Black, Miss J. Brookbanks, Miss M. Campbell, Miss S. Cara, Mrs. J. Cran, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mr. D. Crook, Mrs. Irene Dick, Mrs. J. Dick, Mrs. H. Friesen, Mrs. I. Goldsbrough, Mrs. E. Graham, Mrs. P. Halbrow, Miss J. Halvorson, Mrs. J. Hickey, Mrs. J. Hiltz, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Miss K. Kendall, Mrs. N. Lenkewich, Mrs. J. MacLennan, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mrs. Vivien McLeod, Mr. McPhedrain, Mrs. S. McPherson, Miss E. Miller, Mrs. S. Harvey, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Miss S. Slate, Mr. L. Stephens, Mrs. A. Taplin, Mr. L. Tarbuth, Mrs. Irene Thompson, Jack Van Den Bossche, Mrs. Enid M. Wallace


Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Miss J. Brookbanks, Mrs. D. Buffie, Miss G. Campbell, Miss E. Conklin, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mr. D. Crook, Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. K. Frester, Mrs. H. Friesen, Mrs. I. Goldsbrough, Miss J. Halvarson, Miss S. Harvey, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. J. Hickey, Mrs. J. Hiltz, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Mrs. P. Holbrow, Mrs. N. Lenkewich, Miss H. Lennox, Mrs. J. Littlejohn, Miss Lysecki, Mr. D. MacDonnell, Mrs. H. McFadyen, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mrs. Vivien McLeod, Mr. R. McPhedrain, Mr. G. Merrick, Mrs. P. Nordquist, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Miss E. Quintaine, Mr. D. Scott, Miss S. Slate, Mrs. A. Taplin, Mr. L. Tarbuth, Jack Van Den Bossche, Mrs. Enid M. Wallace, Mrs. L. Wincure


Mrs. Inez Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Miss M. Ash, Mrs. M. Bartlett, Miss M. Beaman, Miss G. Boyd, Mr. W. Brown, Miss G. Campbell, Mrs. C. Clark, Miss E. Conklin, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mr. D. Crook, Mrs. Irene Dick, Mrs. Marie Dohan, Miss B. Ficehurst, Mrs. K. Frester, Mrs. H. Friesen, Miss J. Fry, Mrs. I. Goldsbrough, Miss J. Halvarson, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Miss D. Hewett, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Mrs. Holbrow, Mrs. N. Lenkewich, Miss H. Lennox, Miss E. Lysecki, Mr. D. MacDonnell, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mrs. H. McFayden, Mrs. Vivien McLeod, Mr. G. Merrick, Miss B. Quintaine, Mr. D. Scott, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Jack Van Den Bossche, Mrs. Enid M. Wallace, Mrs. S. Warren, Mrs. L. Wincure


Mrs. Inez Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Richard Anton, Miss M. Beaman, Miss G. Boyd, Mr. W. Brown, Miss G. Campbell, Mrs. Beverley Carson, Mrs. C. Clark, Miss E. Conklin, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mr. D. Crook, Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Miss B. Ficehurst, Miss D. Fomasson, Mrs. K. Frester, Miss J. Halvarson, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Miss D. Hewett, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Mrs. P. Holbrow, Miss P. Law, Miss Liggett, Miss A. Lovering, Mrs. N. Lenkewich, Miss E. Lysecki, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mr. G. Merrick, Mrs. H. McFayden, Mrs. Vivien McLeod (grades 3, 4), Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Miss D. Osborne, Mrs. E. Phillips, Mr. D. Scott, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mr. L. Tarbuth, Mrs. Enid M. Wallace, Mrs. S. Warren, Mrs. L. Wincure, Miss B. Wohl


Mrs. Inez Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Richard Anton, Miss G. Boyd, Mrs. Annie Cairns, Miss G. Campbell, Miss D. Campeau, Mrs. Beverley Carson, Mrs. J. Crandall, Mrs. C. Clark, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mrs. B. Debreuil, Mrs. Irene Dick (grade 5), Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Pauline Fidelak, Mrs. Katherine Fuhr, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Miss D. Hewett, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Miss A. Jamison, Mrs. H. Kerr, Miss L. Kotelko, Mrs. N. Lenkewich, Miss L. Liggett, Miss A. Lovering, Mrs. H. MacFayden, Mr. H. Mann, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mrs. Vivien McLeod, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Miss M. Palen, Mr. R. Pearson, Mrs. E. Phillips, Miss D. Roche, Miss B. Sigurdson, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs. S. Warren, Mr. T. Watt, Miss L. Wincure, Miss B. Wohl


Mrs. Inez Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Richard Anton, Miss D. Basler, Mrs. J. Birch, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Mrs. Annie Cairns, Miss G. Campbell, Mrs. Selma Carruthers, Mrs. Beverley Carson, Miss C. A. Chester, Mrs. J. Crandall, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Miss L. Falsoner, Mrs. Pauline Fidelak, Mrs. K. Fisher, Miss J. Graham, Mrs. D. Heiron, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. Mildred Hogg, Miss L. Kotelko, Mrs. H. MacFayden, Mr. H. Mann, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mrs. Vivien McLeod, Mrs. B. McMillan, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Glen Osborne, Mrs. W. Paine, Mr. R. Pearson, Mrs. Eve Phillips, Mrs. Diana Purdy, Miss Dorothy Roche, Miss G. Rubin, Mrs. Arlene Solomon, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Sandra Warren


Mrs. Inez Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Richard Anton, Mrs. Mary Barker, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Mrs. Annie Cairns, Mrs. Selma Carruthers, Mrs. Beverley Carson, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mrs. Irene Dick, Mrs. Marie Dohan, Mrs. Wilma Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Pauline Fidelak, Mrs. Katherine Fuhr, Miss Gail Graham, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. Gaylene Morton, Mrs. Marilyn Lindberg, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Glen Osborne, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Anne Richen, Miss Dorothy Roche, Mrs. Isabel Scott, Mrs. Arlene Solomon, Ronald Struch, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Evelyn Ternier, Mrs. Sandra Warren, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


Mrs. Inez Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Mrs. Donna Baker, Mrs. Mary Barker, Miss Linda Bourke, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Miss Margaret Cranston, Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Wilma Duncan, Miss Janet Dyck, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Pauline Fidelak, Mrs. Katherine Fuhr, Mrs. Brian Hildebrand, Mrs. Linda Kautz, Mrs. Helen MacFadyen, Harry Mann, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mrs. Verna McCallum, Miss Marilyn McIntosh, Mrs. Ruby McLeod, Mrs. Ethel McPhail, Mrs. Melba Miller, Mrs. Lorraine Minaker, Mrs. Muriel O'Neill, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Coreen Pierce, Mrs. Rose Pratt, Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Anne Richen, Mrs. Frances Ripley, Miss Dorothy Roche, Mrs. Dorothy Rowe, Mrs. Nadia St. Jean, Mrs. Isabel Scott, Mrs. Alice Smith, Miss Marsha Smith, Ron Struch, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Evelyn Ternier, Mrs. Ann Topping, Mrs. Martha Wonnick, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


Mrs. Inez Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Mrs. Donna Baker, Mrs. Mary Barker, Miss Linda Bourke, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Mrs. Anne Cairns, Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Wilma Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Pauline Fidelak, Miss Diane Garrett, Miss Linda Ginsberg, Edwin Heidman, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Linda Kauta, Miss Virginia Kalichak, Wayne Luba, Mrs. Verna McCallum, Miss Marilyn McIntosh, Mrs. Vivian McLeod, Mrs. Barbara McMillan, Harry Mann, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mrs. Lorraine Minaker, Mrs. Odette Pachet, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Viola Pollock, Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Anne Richen, Miss Dorothy Roche, Mrs. Nadia St. Jean, Mrs. Alice Smith, Barry Steel, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Gilbert Taylor, Mrs. Evelyn Ternier, Miss Donna Thomas, Mrs. Ann Topping, Mrs. Martha Wonnick, Mrs. Vera Woodhatch, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4), William Zdan


Mrs. Monique Allard, Mrs. Inez Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Mrs. Donna Baker, Mrs. Mary Barker, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Miss Lynda Bukoski, Mrs. Linda Craig (Bourke), Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Wilma Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Miss Diane Garrett, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. E. Knight, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse (Garrett), Miss Darlene Lazenby, Wayne Luba, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Mrs. B. MacMillan, Mrs. Vivian McCallum, Mrs. Vivian McLeod, Rudolf “Rudy” Martens, Mrs. Joan McLean, Mrs. Linda Minaker, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Odette Pachet, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Ann Richen, Mrs. Gail Roberts, Mrs. Virginia Robertson, Mrs. Russnak, Mrs. Nadia St. Jean, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Evelyn Ternier, Miss Donna Thomas, Douglas Thompson, Mrs. Ann Topping, Mrs. Sharon Turner, Mrs. Martha Wonnick, Mrs. Vera Woodhatch, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Mrs. Linda Craig (Bourke), Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Wilma Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Dolores Feteke, Miss Pat Friesen, Mrs. Alda Gillies, Alberta L. “Bert” Hendy, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Linda Jauncey, Mrs. Marian Kampen, Mrs. Elizabeth Knight, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse (Garrett), Miss Darlene Lazenby, Miss M. Leutchford, Wayne Luba, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Miss May MacLennan, Miss S. McDermit, Mrs. Joan McLeod, Mrs. Margo Mitchell, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Odette Pachet, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Linda Pisa, Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Gail Roberts, Mrs. Marcia Russnak, Mrs. Virginia Robertson, Mrs. Nadia St. Jean, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Evelyn Ternier, Miss Donna Thomas, Douglas Thompson, Mrs. Janis Thurmeier, Mrs. Sharon Turner, Miss M. Wieler, Miss Susan Wilson, Mrs. Martha Wonnick, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, John Arnold, Mrs. Mary Barker, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Mrs. Pam Butchard, Mrs. Linda Butler, Mrs. Linda Craig (Bourke), Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Dolores Feteke, Mrs. Pauline Fidelak, Miss Pat Friesen, Mrs. Alda Gillies, Mrs. Lois Hamm, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Marian Kampen, Mrs. Elizabeth Knight, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse (Garrett), Miss Darlene Lazenby, Wayne Luba, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Miss May MacLennan, Mrs. Sharon McKinney, Mrs. Joan McLean, Mrs. Vivian McLeod, Mrs. Margo Mitchell, Mrs. Margaret Moncure, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Odette Pachet, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Virginia Robertson, Mrs. Lorraine Silver, Miss Lorraine Smith, Mrs. Nadia St. Jean, Miss C. Strickland, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Evelyn Ternier, Miss Donna Thomas, Douglas Thompson, Miss Susan Wilson, Mrs. Martha Wonnick, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, John Arnold, Miss S. Barbour, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Mrs. Darlene Currie (Lazenby), Miss Marcia David, Mrs. Irene Dick, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Lorraine Doiron, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Dolores Feteke, Mrs. Pauline Fidelak, Miss Pat Friesen, Joseph Adelard Leo Gendreau, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Colleen Hudson, Mrs. Marian Kampen, Mrs. Donna Kennington (Thomas), Mrs. Patricia Krowetz, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse (Garrett), Wayne Luba, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Miss May MacLennan, Mrs. Joan McLean, Mrs. Vivian McLeod, Mrs. D. S. Nielson, Miss Jean Norwell, Miss Gail Osland, Mrs. Odette Pachet, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. P. Plett (Friesen), Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Virginia Robertson, Mrs. Lorraine Silver, Mrs. Nadia St. Jean, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Evelyn Ternier, Douglas W. Thompson, Miss M. Warnica, Miss B. S. Webb, Miss Susan Wilson, Mrs. Martha Wonnick, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, John Arnold, Mrs. Jean Birch, Mrs. Evelyn Brimacombe, Mrs. Darlene Currie (Lazenby), Miss Marcia David, Mrs. Angeline “Angie” Davidson, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. G. Dunlop, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Dolores Feteke, Mrs. Diana “Dee” Ford, Joseph Adelard Leo Gendreau, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Marian Kampen, Mrs. Donna Kennington (Thomas), Mrs. Patricia “Pat” Krowetz, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse (Garrett), Wayne Luba, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Miss May MacLennan, Mrs. Joan McLean, Mrs. Vivian McLeod, Miss Jean Norwell, Miss Gail Osland, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Pat Plett (Friesen), Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Virginia Robertson, Mrs. Lorraine Silver, Mrs. Nadia St. Jean, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Evelyn Ternier, Mrs. Lorraine Thompson, Miss Susan Wilson, Mrs. Martha Wonnick, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, John Arnold, Mrs. Jean Birch, Mrs. Darlene Currie, Mrs. Angeline “Angie” Davidson, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Dolores Fekete, Mrs. Diana Ford, Joseph Adelard Leo Gendreau, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Marian Kampen, Mrs. Donna Kennington, Mrs. Patricia “Pat” Krowetz, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Miss May MacLennan, Mrs. Vivian McLeod, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Pat Plett, Mrs. Dorothy Prefontaine, Mrs. Diana Purdy, Mrs. Lorraine Silver, Mrs. Nadia St. Jean, Rick Strongman, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Gail Surman, Mrs. Lorraine Thompson, Miss Susan Wilson, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


Mrs. Beatrice Andresen, John Arnold, Mrs. Angeline “Angie” Davidson, Miss Marie Dohan, Ken Donovan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Dolores Fekete, Mrs. Diana Ford, Joseph Adelard Leo Gendreau, Greg Hershman, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Donna Kennington, Mrs. Patricia “Pat” Krowetz, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse, Mrs. Sheila Lunan, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Miss May MacLennan, Mrs. Vivian McLeod, Mrs. Margo Mitchell, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Pat Plett, Mrs. Dorothy Prefontaine, Miss Vicky Strom, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Gail Surman, Mrs. Lorraine Thompson, Miss Susan Wilson, Miss Dorothy Y. Young (grade 4)


John Arnold, Mrs. Pat Baker, Mrs. Mary Berch, Mrs. Esther Bornn, Mrs. Angeline “Angie” Davidson, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Dolores Fekete, Mrs. Diana Ford, Greg Hershman, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Donna Kennington, Andy King, Miss Mylah Kroeker, Mrs. Patricia “Pat” Krowetz, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse, Mrs. Sheila Lunan, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Miss May MacLennan, Mrs. Vivian McLeod, Mrs. Margo Mitchell, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Eva Phillips, Mrs. Dorothy Prefontaine, Miss Vicky Strom, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Gail Surman, Mrs. Kathy Thompson


John Arnold, Mrs. Pat Baker, Mrs. Joyce Barber, Mrs. Mary Berch, Mrs. Esther Bornn, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Merle Eyford, Mrs. Dolores Fekete, Greg Hershman, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Pat Houle, Mrs. Leanne Keffer, Mrs. Donna Kennington, Andy King, Mrs. Diane Krahn, Miss Joanne Kraus, Miss Mylah Kroeker, Mrs. Patricia “Pat” Krowetz, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Miss May MacLennan, Mrs. Margo Mitchell, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Dorothy Prefontaine, Ms. Joy Simpson, Mrs. Mary A. Starodub, Mrs. Bert Steinhauer, Miss Vicky Strom, Jacob “Jake” Suderman, Mrs. Gail Surman, Mrs. Jane Talnicoff, Mrs. Kathy Thompson


John Arnold, Mrs. Pat Baker, Mrs. Joyce Barber, Mrs. Eileene Belvin, Mrs. Mary Berch, Mrs. Esther Bornn, Mrs. Pam Butchard, Miss Marie Dohan, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Dolores Fekete, Mrs. May Goral, Greg Hershman, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey, Mrs. Leanne Keffer, Mrs. Donna Kennington, Andy King, Miss Joanne Kraus, Miss Mylah Kroeker, Mrs. Patricia “Pat” Krowetz, Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse, Robert “Bob” MacKinnon, Mrs. Margo Mitchell, Miss Jean Norwell, Mrs. Dorothy Prefontaine, Tom Smith, Mrs. Mary A. Starodub, Mrs. Bert Steinhauer, Miss Vicky Strom, Mrs. Gail Surman, Mrs. Kathy Thompson


John Arnold (special education), Mrs. Joyce Barber (teacher’s aid), Mrs. Eileene Belvin (teacher’s aid), Mrs. Mary A. Berch (grade 4), Mrs. Sharon Bockstael (teacher’s aid), Mrs. Esther Bornn (grades 2 & 3), Mrs. Pam Butchard (special education), Mrs. Ruth Duncan (grade 5), Mrs. May Goral (grade 4), Greg Hershman, Mrs. Josephine “Jo” Hickey (grade 3), Mrs. Donna Kennington (grade 3), Andy King (grade 5), Miss Joanne Kraus (special education), Mrs. Diane Lajeunesse (grade 2), Mrs. Bernice Lewis (grade 1), Robert “Bob” MacKinnon (grade 6), Miss Lynne McKenzie (grade 1), Mrs. Margo Mitchell (special education), Miss Cathie Morgan, Mrs. Grace Nedotiafico (teacher’s aid), Mrs. Dorothy Prefontaine, Mrs. Judy Rannard, Mrs. Susan Reimer, Tom Smith (grade 6), Mrs. Mary A. Starodub (kindergarten), Mrs. A. J. “Bert” Steinhauer (teacher’s aid), Miss Vicky Strom, Mrs. Gail Surman (grades 1 & 2), Mrs. Kathy Thompson


Mrs. Joyce Barber, Mrs. Eileene Belvin, Mrs. Mary Berch, Mrs. Sharon Bockstael, Mrs. Esther Bornn, Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Mrs. May Goral, Ms. Leslie Greeniaus, Greg Hershman, Mrs. Donna Kennington, Andy King, Andrew Krashewski, Miss Joanne Kraus, Mrs. Dianne Lajeunesse, Dennis Leonard, Mrs. Bernice Lewis, Dave Maharaj, Miss Cathie Morgan, Mrs. Grace Nedotiafko, Miss Gloria Northwood, Mrs. Dorothy Prefontaine, Mrs. Susan Reimer, Miss Jane Simpson, Mrs. Mary Starodub, Mrs. A. J. “Bert” Steinhauer, Miss Vicky Strom, A. J. “Bert” Steinhauer, Gail Surman, Mrs. Kathy Thompson


Joyce Barber, Mrs. Eileene Belvin, Mary A. Berch Bodnarus, Esther Bornn, B. Girardin, May Goral, Leslie Greeniaus, Greg Hershman, Donna Kennington, Andrew Krashewski, Dennis Leonard, Bernice Lewis, Cathie Morgan, Susan Reimer, Jane Simpson, Mary A. Starodub, A. J. “Bert” Steinhauer, Vicky Strom


Joyce Barber, Mary A. Berch Bodnarus, A. Brown, D. Carter, Ruth Duncan, B. Girardin, Sheldon Goldberg, May Goral, Leslie Greeniaus, Loa Henry, Greg Hershman, Donna Kennington, Andrew Krashewski, P. Krowetz, Bernice Lewis, D. Maharaj, Cathie Morgan, B. Muns, Susan Reimer, P. Sawatsky, Jane Simpson, Mary A. Starodub, A. J. “Bert” Steinhauer, Vicky Strom, G. Surman, L. Werntz


Joyce Barber, D. Bramadat, Mrs. D. Carter, H. Dotten, J. Fraser, B. Girardin, Sheldon Goldberg, N. Hanley, Donna Kennington, Andrew Krashewski, Joanne Kraus, Bernice Lewis, D. Maharaj, Cathie Morgan, Susan Reimer, Jane Simpson, Mary A. Starodub, A. J. “Bert” Steinhauer, Vicky Strom, Gail Surman, C. Szuminsky


Incomplete list: Mrs. J. Fraser (grade 6), Cathie Morgan


Incomplete list: Mrs. J. Fraser (grade 6), Cathie Morgan


Incomplete list: Cathie Morgan


Incomplete list: Cathie Morgan




Shirley Bender, Pauline Burmachuk, Catherine Cameron Logan, Lenna Causon, Deborah Danyluk-Schmidt, Allison Filmon Carvey, Nancy Fisher-Moore, Daria Franco, Jacqueline Gagne, Karyn Hope, Janet Houston-Froese, Heather Khan, Simone Kirwan, Mylah Kroeker, Blythe Lodwick, Kimberley Massaroni, Heather Matthewson, Michael McKenzie, Andrew Morphy, Patricia Opalko, David Penner, Celia Plett, Patricia Richardson Mason, Roslyn Roberts, Nelson Soltess, Sherri Steuart, Debora Stewart

Photos & Coordinates

The original Strathmillan School building, used from 1915 to 1933, later a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion at 200 Thompson Drive

The original Strathmillan School building, used from 1915 to 1933, later a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion at 200 Thompson Drive (circa 1974)
Source: St. James Assiniboia School Division

The original Strathmillan School building

The original Strathmillan School building (October 2014)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough

Strathmillan School

Strathmillan School (May 2020)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough

Strathmillan School

Strathmillan School (May 2020)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.88167, W97.25032
denoted by symbol on the map above

See also:

Memorable Manitobans: John Nelson Semmens (1879-1960)

Manitoba Business: Arlington Builders Limited


Manitoba School Records Collection, St. James School District No. 7 (Strathmillan School) Daily Registers, GR10672, Archives of Manitoba.

“Youthful vandalism is reported at meeting of St. James School Board,” Winnipeg Tribune, 26 August 1936, page 6.

“Council would shift burden of hospital costs,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 3 February 1937, page 19.

“F. L. Walker honored by legion branch,” Winnipeg Free Press, 30 May 1942, page 2.

Rural Municipality of St. James Building Permit 5832/1953, Box A1261, City of Winnipeg Archives.

“New school ends staggered hours in St. James,” Winnipeg Free Press, 8 January 1954, page 22.

Rural Municipality of St. James Building Permit 6615/1954, Box A1261, City of Winnipeg Archives.

“Congratulations to the St. James School Board on another modern addition to their school system,” Winnipeg Free Press, 2 March 1954, page 9.

“Congratulations to the St. James School Board,” Winnipeg Tribune, 4 March 1954, page 13.

“Address List, Municipal School District of St. James No. 7,” St. James Assiniboia School Division.

Obituary [Mary Winnifred Caldwell], Dauphin Herald and Press, 3 October 1962, page 3.

A History of Strathmillan School, St. James Assiniboia School Division, circa 1974.

Obituary [Alberta Louella Hendy], Winnipeg Free Press, 12 December 1989, page 36.

“St. James - Assiniboine School Board,” Winnipeg Free Press, 15 May 1993, page A11.

“School marks 50 years of memories,” Winnipeg Free Press, 8 October 2003, page 73.

Obituary [Mary Antonia Bodnarus Berch], Winnipeg Free Press, 24 September 2016.

Henderson’s Winnipeg and Brandon Directories, Henderson Directories Limited, Peel’s Prairie Provinces, University of Alberta Libraries.

We thank the St. James Assiniboia School Division, Mari-Jean Nachtigall, Cathie Morgan Matula, Nan Smith, Dorothy Young, Len Goldsborough, Nathan Kramer, and Victor Krenz for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 4 February 2025

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