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The first school in Dauphin, the two-classroom Central School, was built in 1897. With a growing population, it was replaced in 1900 with a two-storey, eight-classroom brick building, known as School No. 1, on the same site on Burrows Avenue. The building was destroyed by fire on 4 January 1909, as a result of a fire that started in the basement.
Its two-storey, twelve-classroom brick replacement was designed by local architect Joseph Henry Bossons and built later in 1909. It was named Mackenzie School, allegedly to commemorate railway builder William Mackenzie (1849-1923) who constructed the first railway to the Dauphin region. This school was destroyed by fire on 12 December 1926.
A replacement was designed by Winnipeg architect John Nelson Semmens and built in 1927. The two-storey brick structure was a fine example of the subdued Collegiate Gothic style. Originally used for primary and secondary grades, the building is now used as a Middle School, with secondary students going to Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School housed in a separate building as of 1971.
In 1947, the Dauphin Ochre School Area No. 1 (now known as the Dauphin Ochre School Division) established the Dauphin Composite High School, and elementary grades were transferred to the newly opened Henderson School. Former primary classrooms were then converted for agricultural, commercial, home economics, and technical courses. The renovations cost $86,515 to complete and the building was opened officially on 15 May 1948 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony officiated by Dauphin MLA Robert Hawkins, local School Inspector Wilfrid G. Booth, Winnipeg School Board (WSD) Chairman George P. MacLeod, WSD Technical Director Mr. A. N. Robertson, WSD architect William A. Martin, Brandon School Board (BDS) Chair George A. Fitton, BDS Technical Education Director Mr. R. J. Johns, RM of Ochre River Reeve Dr. Finlay McLennon, Dauphin Mayor William L. Bullmore, RM of Dauphin Reeve John Potoski, and Chief School Inspector Clifford K. Rogers.
Albert E. Kydd
Allan B. Fallis (1873-1948)
William Robeson
Alonzo Cyrus Crosby (1853-1923)
David Scott Woods (1884-1966)
Malcolm K. Harding
G. W. Spencley
William James Henderson (?-1945)
George James Elliott (1869-1948)
W. N. Ball
J. Th. Jonasson
Henry Johnston “Harry” Everall (1877-1933)
Howard Robert Haines (1891-1974)
Gordon Minto Churchill (1898-1985)
Albert Edward Reid (1902-1990)
Sidney George Denham (1909-1989)
Herbert Clarence Ray (1902-1990)
Norris George Aitken (1913-2001)
John Pshebniski
Anthony J. Drebnisky
George Alexander Ferley (1942-2000)
School Year
School No. 1: Miss Hunt (grades 4-5), Miss Lynch (grades 2-3), Miss Scarth (primary). Collegiate: Alonzo Cyrus Crosby, William Harry King, Miss McConnell, Miss Swift
Norris G. Aitken (guidance, Latin, history), Anthony J. Drebnisky (chemistry, science), Miss Elsie Anderson (home economics), Miss Muriel Bedford (mathematics, English), Morgan Brown (history, English, geography), Peter Caruk (science, physics), Robert Dale (agriculture), Walter Dowd (French, Latin), Herbert Irvine Dunn (English, mathematics), Robert Dyne (English, history), Mabel Arletta Geisel (mathematics, science), Miss Aeriel Genik (English, geography), Miss Mary Hamilton (art, music, English), John Holden (drafting, metal shop), Gerald Lepper (drafting, wood shop), Olive McMahon (French, mathematics, librarian), Jack Nixon (physical training, health, physics), Frank Scardina (English, history), Mrs. Melvin Solar (shorthand, typing), Miss Olga Sowiak (typing, office practice, commercial), Anne Marie Stadnyk (physical training, health, mathematics)
Norris G. Aitken (guide, history), Elsie Anderson (home economics), Muriel Bedford (mathematics, English), Eugenia Basaraba (typing, recordkeeping, office practice), Morgan Brown (history, English, geography), Peter Caruk (physics, science), Donald Crook (French, English), Mrs. C. N. Dahlgren (music), Anthony J. Drebnisky (chemistry, science, Michael Dudar (science, mathematics), Mrs. A. Durston (assistant librarian, French, Latin, shop maths), Robert Dyne (English, history), Mabel Arletta Geisel (mathematics, science), Michael Kotyluk (English), James Lawrence (agriculture, shop), Gerald Lepper (drafting, woodshop, electricity), Richard McDonald (physical training boys, health boys, business arithmetic, mathematics, literature), Mrs. R. McDonald (physical training girls, health girls, composition), Olive McMahon (librarian, mathematics, French, spelling), Jack Nixon (French), Olga Sowiak (shorthand, typing), John Morris Stokotelny (drafting, metal shop, automotive, sheet metal), Mrs. F. Wadsworth (geography, English), Frank Wadsworth (history, English)
Norris G. Aitken (guidance), Mrs. Olga Bate (shorthand, typing), Eugenia Basaraba (office practice, typing, business arithmetic, recordkeeping), Valentine Berthaudin (mathematics, French), Morgan Brown (history, geography, English), Peter Caruk (physics, science, chemistry, biology), Donald Cronk (French, England), Mrs. Ursula Dahlgren (music), Anthony J. Drebnisky (chemistry, guidance), Michael Dudar (science, spelling), Mrs. Kathleen Durston (assistant librarian, mathematics), Louise Durston (advertising, recordkeeping, spelling, composition, typing, business arithmetic), Robert Dyne (English, history), Mabel Arletta Geisel (mathematics), Adam Juce (mathematics, science, French, history), Michael Kotyluk (English), James Lawrence (agriculture, farm shops, shop mathematics, science), Gerald Lepper (drafting, wood shop), David McDonald (drafting, metal shop), Richard McDonald (boys physical training, boys health, mathematics), Mrs. Verda McDonald (girls physical training, girls health, English), Olive McMahon (librarian, spelling, French, mathematics), John Milner (geography, English), Robert Munson (history, English), John L. Nixon (French), Donna Pawlyshyn (geography, history, English, mathematics), Mrs. Lorraine Woods (home economics)
Norris G. Aitken (guidance, history), Anthony J. Drebnisky (chemistry, guidance), Mrs. C. Bate (shorthand, typing), Morgan Brown (history, English, geography), Miss Patricia Chippendale (home economics), Donald Cronk (French, English), Mrs. C. N. Dahlgren (music), Mrs. R. W. Dicks (spelling, French), Mrs. A. J. Drebnisky (home economics), Michael Dudar (science, spelling, history), Mrs. A. Durston (librarian), Miss Louise Durston (typing, office practice, recordkeeping, business arithmetic), Robert F. Dyne (English), Mabel Arletta Geisel (mathematics), Mrs. A. Gowanlock (home economics, English), Adam J. Juce (mathematics, chemistry, physics), Stanley Konopski (geography, mathematics, science), Martin Koroscil (English, history), Metro Kozak (science, spelling, French, history), Gerald Lepper (science, shop mathematics, woodwork), Mrs. Helen Leswick (girls health, girlsphysical education), Garry Nicholson (electrical shop), David McDonald (machine shop), Robert Szewczyk (science, boys health, boys physical education), John Milner (geography, spelling, physics), Mrs. W. Volkers (history, spelling, mathematics, French, English), Mrs. H. Wilson (mathematics, French)
Walter Bialobzyski, John Bilowus, Manual Boguski, Morgan Brown, Robert Bulow, William Clark, Donald Cronk, Mrs. Isobel Dicks, Michael Dudar, Mrs. Kathleen Durston, G. Dutchession, Lawrence Gandza, Miss Mabel Geisel, Mrs. M. E. Getz, Mrs. Esther Gowanlock, Adam Juce, Stanley Konopski, Martin Koroscil, Gerald Lepper, Mrs. Eugenie Lodge, Miss Janice Love, Mrs. Sylvia Madsen, Mrs. John Main, A. E. Malanchuk, Larry MacDougall, David McDonald, Miss June McMillan, Garry Nicholson, Mrs. Adeline Olson, T. Produchny, Adelard Ouimet, Miss R. Robertson, Miss Sylvia Rystephaniuk, John Suderman, William Sul, Mrs. Norma Volkers, Bruce Watson, Mrs. Ferne Wilson
Walter Bialobzyski, John Bilowus, Manual Boguski, Morgan Brown, Robert Bulow, William Clark, Donald Cronk, Mrs. Isabel Dicks, Donald Dodd, Michael Dudar, Mrs. Kathleen Durston, Mrs. Betty Durston, Lawrence Gandza, Miss Mabel Geisel, Mrs. Esther Gowanlock, Ernest Harrison, Adam Juce, Martin Koroscil, Gerald Lepper, Mrs. Eugenie Lodge, Miss Janice Love, Miss Joanne MacDonell, Miss Lula MacLeod, Arnold Malanchuk, Mrs. June McDougall, Larry McDougall, David McDonald, Garry Nicholson, Mrs. Adeline Olson, Tom Podruchny, Adelard Ouimet, Donald Ramcharan, Miss Ruby Robertson, Miss Sylvia Rystephanick, Mrs. Audrey Snodgrass, John Suderman, Mrs. Norma Volkers, Bruce Watson, Harold Wattis, Mrs. Ferne Wilson
Walter Bialobzyski (French), John Bilowus (literature, composition, geography), Manual Boguski (history, science), Morgan Brown (history, literature, composition, English), Robert Bulow (science, chemistry, spelling), John Carter (literature, composition, literature), William Clark (literature, composition, English), Donald Cronk (French, literature, composition), Mrs. Isabel Dicks (French, spelling), Michael Dudar (history), Mrs. Elizabeth Durston (literature, composition), Mrs. Kathleen Durston (librarian, spelling), Isbrandt Friesen (automotive, mechanics, drafting), Lawrence Gandza (physics, geography), Miss Mabel Geisel (mathematics, guidance), Matthew Samuel Pritchard Glowe (literature, composition), Ernest Harrison (mathematics, chemistry), Adam Juce (chemistry, guidance), Abe Klassen (science, literature, composition), Martin Koroscil (history, science), Ernest Kuch (biology, chemistry, geography), Gerald Lepper (industrial arts, drafting), Mrs. Eugenie Lodge (typing, business arithmetic), Miss Janice Love (girls physical education), Miss Lula MacLeod (home economics), Mrs. Hattie Main (music, composition, history), Arnold Malanchuk (mathematics, spelling), David McDonald (shop mathematics, shop science, health), Mrs. June McDougall (typing, office practice, bookkeeping, spelling), Larry McDougall (boys physical education), Gary Nicholson (electricity, drafting, spelling), Mrs. Adeline Olson (home economics), Adelard Ouimet (industrial arts), Melville Pearce (French, health, spelling), Mrs. Audrey Snodgrass (shorthand, bookkeeping, law, composition), John Suderman (mathematics, history, composition), Christopher Trylinski (electricity, shop mathematics, drafting, science), Mrs. Norma Volkers (mathematics, French, spelling), Miss Emma Wallace (general business, business principals, economics, bookkeeping), Bruce Watson (literature, composition, spelling), Mrs. Ferne Wilson (mathematics)
Samuel Donen, ?
Marie Gregorash Kaleta, ?
Marie Gregorash Kaleta, ?
Marie Gregorash Kaleta, ?
Marie Gregorash Kaleta, ?
Marie Gregorash Kaleta, ?
Marie Gregorash Kaleta, ?
Marie Gregorash Kaleta, ?
Michael Belinsky, Manual Boguski, Elizabeth Durston, John Dyrkacz, Alex Fedirchuk, Rita Fisher, Patricia Horner, Marie Gregorash Kaleta, Peter Kokolski, Lorraine Laporte, Patrice Letain, Lula MacLeod, William McCallum, Don Maki, Peter Melnyk, Barry Nadolny, Joyce Orisko, Adelard Ouimet, Victoria Pisiak, John Stuart Plohman, Marvin Procyshyn, Judy Rottman, Arthur Roy, Gerald Shewchuk, Terry Trembach, John Urichen, Emma Wallace, Robert Wilson, Bonnie Zimmer, Edward Zimmer
Michael Belinsky, Manuel Boguski, Linda Christie, John Dyrkacz, Alex Fedirchuk, Rita Fisher, Peter Kokoloski, Lorraine Laporte, Patrice Letain, Lula Macleod, Inky Mark, William McCallum, Peter Melnyk, Barry Nadolny, Joyce Orisko, Adelarde Ouimet, Victoria Pisiak, John Stuart Plohman, Lois Powne, Marvin Prochshyn, Judy Rottman, Arthur Roy, Gerald Shewchuk, Terry Tremach, John Urichen, Robert Wilson, Elizabeth Wilton, Bonnie Zimmer, Edward Zimmer
Michael Belinsky (grade 8), Manuel Boguski (guidance), Linda Christie (grade 9), William Davidson (grade 7), John Dyrkacz (grade 8), Alex Fedirchuk (grade 7), Rita Fisher (grade 9), Judy Hearson (grade 8), Peter Kokolski (grade 7), Wendy-Lea Leskiw (grade 7), Patrice Letain (grade 9), Lulu MacLeod (grade 9), William McCallum (grade 8), Peter Melnyk (grade 9), Austin Miller (native education), Barry Nadolny (grade 9), Joyce Orisko (EMH), Adelard Ouimet (industrial arts), Victoria Pisiak (librarian), John Stuart Plohman (grade 8), Lois Powne (grade 8), Marvin Procyshyn (grade 9), Dennis Rudy (ungraded), Gerald Shewchuk (resource), Joanne Tokar (grade 9), Terry Tremback (grade 7), John Urichen (grade 7), Robert Wilson (grade 7), Bonnie Zimmer (grade 8), Edward Zimmer (grade 9)
Mike Belinsky (grade 8), Manuel Boguski (guidance), Linda Christie (business), William Davidson (grade 7), Catharine Dubesky (grade 7), John Dyrkacz (grade 8), Alex Fedirchuk (grade 7), Rita Fisher (grade 9), Judy Hearson (grade 8), David Juce (grade 9), Peter Kokolski (grade 7), Patrice Letain (grade 9), Lulu Macleod (grade 9), William McCallum (grade 8), Peter Melnyk (grade 9), Austin Miller (remedial), Joyce Orisko (EMH), Adelard Ouimet (industrial arts), Victoria Pisiak (librarian), John Stuart Plohman (grade 8), Lois Powne (grade 8), Marvin Procyshyn (grade 9), Dennis Rudy (special), Gerald Shewchuk (resource), Joanne Tokar (grade 9), Terry Tremback (grade 7), John Urichen (grade 7), Robert Wilson (grade 7), Bonnie Zimmer (grade 8), Edward Zimmer (grade 9)
Among the other teachers of Dauphin Collegiate was Stella Howelko.
Architectural drawing of Mackenzie School (1909)
Source: Dauphin Herald, 3 June 1909, page 1.
The original Mackenzie School (no date)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough, 2012-0100
The original Mackenzie School (no date)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough, 2014-0323
Mackenzie School after the fire (1926)
Source: Fort Dauphin Museum
Postcard view of the second Mackenzie School (no date)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough, 2011-0065
Mackenzie School (May 2014)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Mackenzie School (February 2020)
Source: George PennerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N51.14968, W100.04589
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: John Nelson Semmens (1879-1960)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: School No. 2 / Whitmore School / Dauphin Normal School (First Street SW, Dauphin)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School (330 Mountain Road, Dauphin)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: McKenzie School No. 235 (Municipality of Pembina)
“School notes,” Dauphin Herald, 26 November 1908, page 1.
“Dauphin school burned,” Manitoba Free Press, 5 January 1909, page 3.
“School No. 1 in ashes,” Dauphin Herald, 7 January 1909, page 1.
“Tenders,” Dauphin Herald, 27 May 1909, page 5.
“Mackenzie School burns to the ground,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 16 December 1926, page 1.
“Dauphin pays for government experiment,” Winnipeg Tribune, 30 April 1948, page 6.
“Ceremony officially opens 2 new schools,” Winnipeg Free Press, 17 May 1948, page 4.
“Portable teacherages,” Winnipeg Tribune, 6 September 1948, page 6.
“Larger school area scheme still in experimental stage,” Winnipeg Free Press, 10 May 1949, page 8.
“Dauphin citizens feel burdened by cost of new composite school” by Clare Tisdale, Winnipeg Free Press, 11 May 1949, page 11.
“Dauphin-Ochre large school unit raises standards,” Winnipeg Free Press, 24 February 1955, page 6.
Annual Reports of the Manitoba Department of Education, Manitoba Legislative Library.
“Record-breaking enrollments expected here in collegiate, elementary schools,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 1 September 1955, page 1.
“All-time high enrollments expected for town schools,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 30 August 1956, page 1.
“Town schools open today, high enrollments expected,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 29 August 1957, page 1.
“Total of 110 teachers assigned to schools in Dauphin-Ochre area,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 4 September 1958, page 1.
“Teaching staff for area schools increases to 132 for opening 1963-64 term,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 21 August 1963, page 1.
“All area schools open classes next Tuesday, 131 on teaching staffs,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 26 August 1964, page 1.
“All schools in area open classes Sept. 1 – 133 on teaching staffs,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 25 August 1965, page 1, 8.
“Twelve new faces among staff at Dauphin-Ochre schools,” Dauphin Herald, 6 September 1978, page 2.
“Dauphin Ochre teaching staff down slightly from last term,” Dauphin Herald, 12 September 1979, page 19.
“Teachers for 1980/81,” Dauphin Herald, 27 August 1980, page 16.
“School bells ring today,” Dauphin Herald, 2 September 1981, page 4.
Obituary [Anne Marie Stadnyk], Winnipeg Free Press, 8 November 2014.
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
Manitoba Permit Teachers of World War II, compiled by Louisa Loeb, Winnipeg: Hyperion Press Ltd., 2007.
We thank Rob McInnes, Nathan Kramer, George Penner, and Al Gray for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 26 December 2024
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