Part 1:  Who Are the Dakota?

What is their history in Canada? How did the relationship between them and Canada evolve?

1. Dakota Origins
2. The British Connection
3. The Arrowsmith Map
4. The Dakota Claim
5. Border People
6. The Minnesota Uprising
7. The “Sioux Wars.”

Part 2: The Dakota Experience in Manitoba

1. Pre-Contact
2. Dakota Reservations
3. Dakota-Settler Relations
4. Reserve Farmers
5. The Flee Island Dakota Community

Part 3: The Transition Period

1.The Refugee Debate
2. The Dakota Fortified Camps of the Portage Plain
3. Dakota - Nakota Wars
4. George Custer and the 7th Cavalry
5. Indians At The Fair
6.The Transition to Reserve Life

Part 4: The Turtle Mountain Reserve

1. Establishment
2. Closure
3. Mission School
4. Community

Part 5. Education & Schools

1. Residential Schools
2. Keeping the Language Alive
3. Hartland Goodtrack - Dakota Speaker
4. Names.docx

Part 6: Notable People

1. Doris Pratt
2. Sitting Eagle
3. Eva McKay
4. Sitting Bull
5. Chief Franklin Brown
6. Inkpaduta

Part 7: Moving Forward

1.The Sioux Chef (Dakota Cuisine in Minneapolis)
2. Seeds of Knowledge (Eugene Ross & Foraging)
3. Self Government