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The Eagleton Consolidated School District was established formally in August 1907 and, in 1908, a temporary classroom was built at this site in the village of Eagleton, as Tilston (in what is now the Municipality of Two Borders) was known at that time. The village was renamed the following year, but the school name remained unchanged.
In January 1910, the original building was replaced by a two-storey, two-room brick veneer structure, built on a stone basement on a two-acre property at a cost of $7,000. Accommodating students in grades 1 to 11, it became Tilston Consolidated School around 1910. The present one-storey, four-room school was built in 1947, on a design by Winnipeg architect Ewart Fitz Munn, and the old building was demolished.
Over time, as student enrollment declined, grades were closed: grade 11 in June 1963, grades 9 and 10 in June 1966, and grades 7 and 8 in June 1968. The school was taken over by the Antler River School Division in January 1968. By June 1987, there were 17 students from Kindergarten to grade 6 and the school was finally closed.
A commemorative monument, with the original school bell and a replica of the former school building, was erected during a school reunion held on 5 August 1990. The school building now stands vacant, containing scattered household items.
Clarence Moore (1884-1977)
Charles Millard Hoar (1885-1969)
J. Irving Herkes
Olga L. Clee
John Barry de Bediak Saunderson (c1877-?)
Leon LeRoy Nichols (1886-1983)
Jean “Jeannie” Brown
Violet M. Adams
Anna Angell
John Blain Stewart (1882-?)
John Alfred Hammond (1898-1988)
Florence Irene Robinson Hayter (1901-1948)
Alys Danton Hunter “Alice” Robertson (1912-1995)
Jean L. McLeod
Walter Fahrig (1889-1937)
Jean E. McLeod
Robert William “Bobby” Bend (1914-1999)
James R. Nicol
William Henry “Bill” Bradley (1909-1977)
Frederick James Hall (1892-1977)
William John “Bill” Dutka (?-2008)
Ronald E. Stacey
Willard Ervin Rife (1890-1970)
George Ivan McBurney (1929-2019)
Robert B. Land
R. Bawtinhimer
Larry Verner Moldowan (1940-2013)
Among the early teachers of Eagleton School were Miss Lilly LaPointe (1908), Miss Myrtle Shaw (Spring-Fall 1909), George Edgerton Snider (Spring-Fall 1910), and George W. Hurst (Spring 1911 - Spring 1913).
Lilly LaPointe [LaPoint] (junior grades, Spring), Clarence Moore (all grades, Fall; senior grades, Spring)
Eleanor E. Hanlen [Hamlin?] (grades 1-4, Spring), Charles Millard Hoar (grades 5-9), Lilly M. LaPointe [LaPoint] (grades 1-5, Fall)
Olga L. Clee (grades 5-10, February-June), Eleanor E. Hanlen [Hamlin?] (grades 1-4), J. Irving Herkes (grades 5-10, August-February)
Olga L. Clee (grades 1-4), John Barry de Bediak Saunderson (grades 5-10)
Leon LeRoy Nichols (grades 5-10), Janet Louisa May More (grades 1-4)
Leon LeRoy Nichols (grades 5-9), Janet Louisa May More (grades 1-4)
Leon LeRoy Nichols (grades 4-10), Janet Louisa May More (grades 1-3)
Jean “Jeannie” Brown (grades 6-10), Elvira Collen (grade 1, August-December; grades 1-2, January-June), Elizabeth Pearl McDonald (grades 2-5)
Jean “Jeannie” Brown (grades 7-11), Janet Lees (grades 1-3, August-December), Elizabeth Pearl McDonald (grades 3-7, August-December; grades 3-6, January-June), Wilda Manson (grades 1-3, January-June)
Jean “Jeannie” Brown (grades 7-11), Elizabeth Pearl McDonald (grades 4-6), Gertrude E. McRae (grades 1-3)
Jean “Jeannie” Brown (grades 7-11), Gertrude E. McRae (grades 1-2), Lena Morden (grades 3-6)
Violet A. Adams (grades 7-11), Gertrude E. McRae (grades 1-2), Lena Morden (grades 3-6)
Among the other teachers of Tilston Consolidated School were Elizabeth Pearl McDonald (1927-1930), Elvira Collen (1927-1928), Doris Bulloch (1925-1926), Violet Kerr (1925-1927), Florence Taylor (1926), Ethel Robertson (1926-1927), Ruby Wood (1926-1927), Ida Jane Finnan (1926-1927), Gladys Muir (1927-1928), Donna Mae Curry (1928), Anne Mary Smith (1928), Mae Berry (1929), Pearl Riddell (1929-1934), Edna Sheir (1929-1934), Ruth Bradley (1930-1931), Ted Armstrong (1932-1934), Gertrude Dobbyn (1933-1937), Edith King (1934-1936), May Pollock (1937-1939), Frances Peacock (1937-1940), Harold A. Mouritsen (1939-1940), Jean Armstrong (1941-1942), Janet Wilson (1941-1942), William McMurchy (1941-1942), Elsie Stowe (1942-1943), Mary Graham (1942-1943), Jean E. Donald (1944-1946), Marie Brydon (1944-1946), Marjorie Spencer (1946-1950), Gwen Tooth (1946-1950), Betty Munro (1946-1950), Ellen Schellenbergh (1946-1950), Mary Thomas (1946-1950), Georgene Lucy (1960), Hazel Adams (1960), Lila Garrett (1960), Berna Adamson (1960), Betty Birch (1960), Lila Wheelans (1962-1963), C. W. Anderson (1962-1963), Robert Krein (1962-1963), Lynn Switzer (1963-1967), Marian Switzer (1963-1967), Grace Nolan (1963-1965), Lila Wheelans (1963-1965), Lorraine Pelletier (1963-1965), Gertrude Bateman (1963-1970), Joyce Marcino (1963-1965), Glenn Tweed (1963-1965), Hazel Lamport (1965-1967), Mike Gavezer (1965-1967), Mary Chalmers (1965-1967), Grace Hall (1965-1970), Ruth Land (1968-1970), R. W. Huestis, W. F. Dzadow, Beatrice Siska, John Albrecht, Denise Olivier, Mrs. Ann Careme, Mrs. Velma MacDonald, Olga Zemlack, M. Lysack, Miss McQuaig, Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. Metcalfe, Eugene Burtnyk, Loretta Berkis, Valerie Smith, Sheila Clark, Ted Allan, Beverley Redshaw, Movis Halls, Darcie Herbert, Miss J. Gibb, and Beth Curtis.
Tilston School (circa 1911)
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspector Photos GR2664, C65.
Tilston School (1920s) by George Hunter
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-2, page 117.
Tilston School monument, replica and building (October 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Tilston School (circa 1986)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Public School Buildings Inventory, slide 11.
The former Tilston School building (October 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Interior of the former Tilston School building (October 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Interior of the former Tilston School building (September 2021)
Source: Rose KuzinaSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.39528, W101.31339
denoted by symbol on the map above
Board of Education registers (A 0050), GR7643, Archives of Manitoba.
Summative half-yearly returns for school districts (A 0051), GR0571, Archives of Manitoba.
Board of Education meeting minutes and office files (A 0052), GR1622, Archives of Manitoba.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
Consolidation of Rural Schools in Manitoba, Special Report of the Department of Education for the Year 1912, Manitoba Legislative Library.
Annual Reports of the Manitoba Department of Education, Manitoba Legislative Library.
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
Reflections of Time: A History of the RM of Albert by RM of Albert History Book, 1984. [Manitoba Legislative Library, F5648.A43 Ref]
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
We thank Rose Kuzina for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 4 October 2023
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