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One of two monument, erected in 1980 in the village of Gunton in the Rural Municipality of Rockwood, was dedicated to pioneers of the Gunton district. The town had its beginning in 1904 when Donald Gunn began a limestone quarry just south of the present village. The first post office was known as Gunnview. In 1906, John Gunn purchased the 80-acre village site from Samuel Herron and had the land surveyed into town lots. Twenty-two English families settled in Gunton in 1909 and, by 1914, up to 500 men were employed in the local quarry. The Gunton Anglican Church was built in 1906, the Gunton Methodist Church in 1907, and the Gunton School (designed by Winnipeg architect H. R. Eade) was constructed of local limestone in 1911. The outbreak of the First World War forced the closure of the quarries but Gunton remained an active farm community.
A second monument was unveiled in November 2000 in commemoration of Gunton men, known as the “Gunton Rangers”, who joined the Fort Garry Horse (10th Canadian Armoured Regiment), and served with Canadian forces during the Second World War.
Mr. J. Wolfe
J. S. McGowan
William Meldrum (1884-1959)
Frederick “Fred” Morgan (1870-1936)
Clifford George Williamson (1904-2002)
Thomas William Ebbern (1879-1970)
Frank I. Tindall
Samuel Stewart Bryan (1889-?)
Jane Agnes Nisbet (1902-1959)
Kenneth Donald Bruce
Edward James Marshall (1901-1964)
A. M. Young
Arnold Marshall Leech (1911-1998)
Michael Richard Firman (1909-1977)
Marion Elizabeth Todd Pye (1912-2002)
Julius George Toews (1893-1981)
J. R. Lord
Daniel Stasiuk (1914-2013)
Ronald C. Beech
Weston Sweet (1899-1994)
Edward L. “Ed” Bourrier
Constance Gertrude Spratt “Connie” Guthrie (1912-1971)
William Sanford “Bill” Kirbyson (1908-1995)
Gaston Garry Gelinas
School Year
Edward L. “Ed” Bourrier (grades 7-8), Roderic Bruce Buschau (grades 4-7), Ethel Irene Drummond (grades 1-3)
Edward L. “Ed” Bourrier (grades 6-8), Roderic Bruce Buschau (grades 4-5), Ethel Irene Drummond (grades 1-3)
Edward L. “Ed” Bourrier (grades 6-8), Odile Pauline Bourrier (grades 3-5), Ethel Irene Drummond (grades 1-2)
Edward L. “Ed” Bourrier (grades 6-8), Odile Pauline Bourrier (grades 3-5), Ethel Irene Drummond (grades 1-3)
Ethel Irene Drummond (grades 1-3), Constance Gertrude Guthrie (grades 6-8), Eileen Gail Waluk (grades 4-5)
Elaine Katherine Arseny (grades 3-5), Ethel Irene Drummond (grades 1-2), William Sanford Kirbyson (grades 6-8)
Ethel Irene Drummond (grades kindergarten-2), William Sanford Kirbyson (grades 6-8), Thomas Frank Tyler (grades 3-5)
Ethel Irene Drummond (grades 1-3), Gaston Garry Gelinas (grades 7-8), Thomas Frank Tyler (grades 4-6)
Ethel Irene Drummond (grades 1-3), Gaston Garry Gelinas (grades 7-8), Thomas Frank Tyler (grades 4-6)
Among the other teachers of Gunton School were Rhoda May Gibbs Small, Archie Carmichael, and Annie B. Fraser.
Gunton School (circa 1911)
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspector Photos GR2664, C65.
Gunton School (no date) by H. D. Cumming
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-2, page 130.
Gunton School (August 1937)
Source: Archives of Manitoba, George Harris Fonds, Acc. 1979-141, P7453, Album 20, Page 66.
Gunton School (July 1973)
Source: Archives of Manitoba, George Harris Fonds, Acc. 1979-141, P7448, Album 2, Page 82.
Gunton commemorative monuments (July 2010)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Gunton commemorative monuments (June 2020)
Source: George Penner
Gunton commemorative plaque (June 2024)
Source: Milan LukesSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.31917, W97.26683
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Greenridge School No. 211 (RM of Rockwood)
Memorable Manitobans: John Gunn (1850-1936)
“Tenders,” Manitoba Free Press, 3 October 1910, page 2.
Annual Reports of the Manitoba Department of Education, Manitoba Legislative Library.
100 Years of History: Rockwood Municipality by Rockwood Municipality History, 1982.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Gunton Consolidated School District #1507 - Daily Registers, GR2043, Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Gunton Consolidated - School Division #21 - Daily Registers, GR2043, Archives of Manitoba.
We thank George Penner and Milan Lukes for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 10 November 2024
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