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Based on designs of the Winnipeg architectural firm of Pratt Lindgren and Associates, the school was constructed in the summer and fall of 1962 by the F. W. Sawatzky Construction Company. Opened on 14 January 1963, the school had six teachers for grades 1 to 6 with a total enrollment of 196 students. By 1968, enrollment had peaked at 925 students then dropped when Voyageur School opened, stabilizing around 600 by the early 1970s.
Nicholas “Nick” Kohuch (1926-2015)
John Abram Neufeld (c1927-2015)
David William “Dave” Frye (1942-2020)
Candace Borger
Linda Daniels
Robert “Bob” Watson
Patrick Betz
Sandra Simonson
Jenness Moffatt
Harry Sheldon
William Francis “Bill” Moore (1938-2022)
Anne Masniuk
John Carlyle
Mr. G. Payne
School Year
Helen Esther Bock (grade 2), Gladys Jane Bodnarus (grade 2), Roxie Edworthy (grade 1), Evelyn Margaret Landy (grade 5), Coralie Evelyn Lawrence (grades 3-4), Gisele Pauline Marion (grades 5-6), Elma Patterson (grade 4)
Gladys Jane Bodnarus (grade 2), Miss T. Deneschuk (grade 1), Evelyn Margaret Landy (grade 5), Miss J. Loat (grade 3), Mrs. E. Patterson (grade 4), Mr. H. Sheldon (grade 6)
Andrea Capri, Tinda Clifford, Kimberly Cochrane, Jane Couch, Catherine Kaufmann, Brenda Anne Lemesurier (wife of Ivan Gordon Lemesurier), Kyle Lizotte, Claire Pisni, Leah Posillipo, Leanne Price, Donna Spado, Christopher Spradbrow, Pamela Sterzer, Kellie Straub, Andrea Thiessen, Kristy Wake, Erin Wilson, Miranda Yarmey
Crestview School (May 2020)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Crestview School (September 2021)
Source: Nathan KramerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.89058, W97.30187
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Manitoba Business: Pratt Lindgren Snider Tomcej and Associates
Manitoba Business: F. W. Sawatzky Construction Company / FWS Group
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Crestview School No. 2068 (Municipality of Swan Valley West)
“Tender,” Winnipeg Free Press, 14 June 1962, page 50.
Crestview School, St. James-Assiniboia School Division #2, History, 1963-, St. James Assiniboia School Division.
“Fund-raising effort pays off with new play structure at Crestview School,” Winnipeg Free Press Community Review West, 14 February 1996, page 1.
“Kindness is catching at Crestview School,” Winnipeg Free Press Community Review West, 17 February 1999, page 1.
“Crestview School celebrating 40th with Come and Go Tea,” Winnipeg Free Press Neighbours South, 14 April 2004, page 3.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Crestview School (Kirkfield Park School District No. 30) - Daily Registers, GR9926, Archives of Manitoba.
Henderson’s Winnipeg and Brandon Directories, Henderson Directories Limited, Peel’s Prairie Provinces, University of Alberta Libraries.
Obituary [Gladys Jane Bodnarus], Winnipeg Free Press, 11 June 2022.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
We thank Dorothy Young for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 5 October 2024
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