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Designed by architect James Bertram Mitchell and built between 1912 and 1913 by contractor Sveinn Brynjolfsson, Principal Sparling School is named for educator Joseph Walter Sparling. The two-storey, 19-classroom building was occupied by eight teachers and 200 students after its official opening in August 1913. Within a decade, enrolment from the school’s ethnically mixed, middle-income neighbourhood had quadrupled. Still in operation as a school, the building is a municipally-designated historic site.
Herbert Hanford “Harry” McIntosh (1880-1953)
Otis Osborne Worden (1887-1963)
John Henry Mulvey (1861-1925)
Percy Dewart Harris (1871-1953)
John James Wilkinson (1881-1958)
Frederick Drury Baragar (1891-1964)
George Florence (1884-1977)
Terry Angantyr Arnason (1903-1982)
Allan Joseph Ryckman (1910-1982)
Cornelius Calvin Neufeld (1906-1977)
Charles Vincent Madder (1913-1993)
Emily Marjorie Shaw (c1915-2009)
Leonard W. Baron
Orin G. Cochrane
Orysia D. Velychko
M. L. Prendergast
Charles R. Brown
Garth German
Denise Smith
Lionel Pang
Allan Joseph Ryckman (1910-1982)
School Year
Jennie Johnson, William Martin, Miss Mary Richardson, Miss C. Schofield, Miss E. M. Sinclair, Miss N. Thovilson
Miss Constance Aaron, Miss J. Ellis, Miss M. Jenkins, Jennie Johnson, Miss Harriet S. Mackay, Miss M. Richardson, Miss A. B. Scarth, Miss S. Scholfield, Miss E. Sinclair, Miss N. Thorvilson
M. Cuddy, J. Ellis, M. Jenkins, Jennie Johnson, Mary E. Lamont, O. Playford, M. Richardson, A. Scarth, C. Schofield, E. Sinclair, N. Thorvildson
H. Jenkins, Jennie Johnson, Mary E. Lamont, F. E. McIntyre, E. L. Moore, O. D. Playford, A. B. Scatch, E. M. Sinclair, H. Thorvilson
N. Armstrong, M. W. Buckley, Annie R. Gall, M. E. Jenkins, Jennie Johnson, Mary E. Lamont, M. I. MacDonald, H. R. Magnusson, F. E. McIntyre, E. L. Moore, E. M. Sinclair, N. Thorvilson
M. Alexander, N. Armstrong, M. W. Buckley, Annie R. Gall, M. Jenkins, Jennie Johnson, M. Macdonald, H. R. Magnusson, E. M. McDougall, F. E. McIntyre, E. L. Moore, A. M. Parlee, L. Simpson, E. M. Sinclair, N. Thorvilson
G. Bildfell, Alice M. Brown, M. W. Buckley, M. A. Duff, Annie R. Gall, Alice I. Good, Jennie Johnson, H. R. Magnusson, B. McLean, M. J. McDonald, E. L. Moore, A. M. Parlee, L. I. Simpson, E. M. Sinclair, N. Thorvilson
G. M. Addison, Alice M. Brown, G. Bildfell, M. W. Buckley, M. K. Connolly, A. H. Dykes, M. A. Duff, Christina E. Forrester, M. E. Gale, Annie R. Gall, J. Johnson, M. Miller, H. R. Magnusson, A. McKeague, M. McLean, E. H. Sinclair, M. Snyder, N. Thorvilson, R. Whipple
G. M. Addison, G. Bildfell, Alice M. Brown, M. W. Buckley, K. Connolly, A. H. Dykes, Christina E. Forrester, Annie R. Gall, M. E. Gale, Jennie Johnson, M. Miller, H. Magnusson, B. McLean, E. Sinclair, M. Snider, I. Trowell, N. Thorvilson, R. Whipple
G. M. Addison, C. Bildfell, Alice M. Brown, M. W. Buckley, K. Connolly, A. H. Dykes, Christina E. Forrester, Annie R. Gall, M. Gale, Jennie Johnson, H. R. Magnusson, B. McLean, I. McLeod, M. Miller, E. M. Sinclair, M. Snyder, N. Thorvilson, I. Trowell, R. M. Whipple
G. Bildfell, M. Buckley, N. K. Connolly, L. A. Corbin, A. H. Dykes, Christina E. Forrester, N. Gale, Annie R. Gall, Jennie Johnson, H. Magnusson, B. McLean, H. G. McLeod, E. E. McQueen, E. M. Sinclair, M. E. Snyder, N. Thorvilson, I. Trowell, R. Whipple
G. Bildfell, L. Corbin, A. Dykes, Christina E. Forrester, M. Gale, Annie R. Gall, L. M. Greenfield, G. Hill, Jennie Johnson, A. M. Kerr, G. Marshall, B. McLean, I. G. McLeod, E. E. McQueen, E. M. Sinclair, M. E. Snyder, I. Trowell, R. Whipple
L. Corbin, L. Delaware, A. H. Dykes, Christina E. Forrester, Annie R. Gall, L. Greenfield, G. Hill, Jennie Johnson, A. M. Kerr, H. R. Magnusson, G. Marshall, B. McLean, G. McLeod, E. E. McQueen, M. Snyder, N. Tessler, I. Trowell, R. Whipple
A. Blackhall, L. Corbin, E. Craig, M. Duff, A. H. Dykes, K. English, Annie R. Gall, L. Greenfield, G. Hill, Jennie Johnson, V. Jonasson, E. Linton, H. R. Magnusson, G. Marshall, K. Smith, K. W. Smith, M. Snyder, N. Tessler
J. I. Campbell, L. Corben, E. L. Craig, M. Duff, A. H. Dykes, K. English, Annie R. Gall, G. Hill, Jennie Johnson, V. Jonasson, R. Magnusson, G. Marshall, K. Smith, K. W. Smith, M. E. Snyder, D. J. Staples, N. Tessler, R. Whiteside
D. H. Campbell, J. Campbell, L. Corben, E. Craig, Doris Allegra Crookshanks, M. Duff, A. H. Dykes, K. English, M. Fesanco, Annie R. Gall, M. Gibson, Jennie Johnson, G. Marshall, R. Parker, K. W. Smith, M. Snyder, E. Staples, M. Tessler
Elementary Department: S. Adamek, J. Campbell, L. Corben, A. H. Dykes, M. Fesanco, M. Gibson, R. Ginsberg, G. Marshall, J. Menzies, R. Parker, M. Ruccius, K. Smith, M. Snyder, D. Staples, N. Tessler. Junior High Department: Doris Allegra Crookshanks, M. A. Duff, Annie R. Gall, M. E. Johnson, G. Woodsworth
Elementary Department: J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. L. Burt, A. H. Dykes, M. Fescanco, M. Gibson, R. Ginsberg, M. C. Johnston, G. Marshall, M. McIntyre, J. Menzies, R. Parker, M. Ruccius, K. Smith, D. Staples, N. Tessler. Junior High Department: M. A. Duff, A. Gall, K. McCallum, M. Tait
Elementary Department: M. Burt, J. Campbell, I. Corben, A. H. Dykes, M. Fesanco, M. Gibson, R. Ginsberg, M. Johnstone, G. Marshall, M. McIntyre, J. Menzies, R. Parker, M. Ruccius, D. Staples, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, Annie R. Gall, S. Neil, K. Smith
Elementary Department: M. Burt, J. Campbell, L. Corben, R. Fernie, M. Fesanco, M. L. Gibson, R. Ginsberg, M. C. Johnstone, R. Magnusson, G. Marshall, M. McIntyre, E. M. Oakley, R. Parker, M. Ruccius, D. Staples, N. Tessler. Junior High Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, Annie R. Gall, S. Neil, K. Smith
Elementary Department: M. Burt, J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. Fesanco, M. Gibson, R. Ginsberg, M. Johnstone, H. R. Magnusson, G. Marshall, R. Parker, M. Ruccius, D. Staples, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, Annie R. Gall, E. B. Hay, S. Neil, K. Smith
Elementary Department: M. Burt, J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. Fesanco, M. Gibson, R. Ginsberg, J. Johnstone, R. Magnusson, G. Marshall, L. Mason, R. Parker, M. Ruccius, N. Tessler, D. Williams. Intermediate Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, E. B. Hay, Margaret E. Nix, S. Neil, K. Smith. Manual Training: R. Fernie
Elementary Department: M. Burt, J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. Fesanco, R. Ginsberg, M. C. Johnstone, R. Magnusson, L. Mason, E. Mott, R. Parker, M. Robertson, M. Ruccius, Catherine “Caye” Scott, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, E. B. Hay, John Cooke Le Neveu, Margaret E. Nix, K. Smith. Manual Training: W. Fernie
Elementary Department: M. Burt, J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. Fesanco, R. Ginsberg, M. C. Johnstone, H. R. Magnusson, L. Mason, E. W. G. Mott, R. Parker, M. Ruccius, Catherine “Caye” Scott, N. Tessler, W. Thompson. Intermediate Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, E. B. Hay, John Cooke Le Neveu, Margaret E. Nix, K. Smith. Manual Training: R. T. Fernie
Elementary Department: J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. C. Johnstone, R. Magnusson, L. M. Mason, J. Morrison (exchange), E. Mott, C. Overton, R. Parker, G. Ruccius, N. Tessler, W. Thompson. Intermediate Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, R. T. Fernie, John Cooke Le Neveu, A. Newell, Margaret E. Nix, K. Smith
Elementary Department: J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. C. Johnstone, G. Magnusson, L. Mason, M. Montgomery, E. Mott, C. Overton, R. Parker, G. Ruccius, N. Tessler, W. Thompson. Intermediate Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, M. James, John Cooke Le Neveu, M. A. Newell, K. Smith. Manual Training: R. Fernie
Elementary Department: J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. Johnston, H. Magnusson, L. Mason, M. Montgomery, E. Mott, C. Overton, R. Parker, M. Ruccius, N. Tessler, W. Thompson. Intermediate Department: G. Attenborrow, M. Duff, M. James, John Cooke Le Neveu, M. A. Newell, K. Smith. Industrial Arts: R. Fernie
Elementary Department: J. Campbell, L. A. Corben, M. C. Johnstone, H. R. Magnusson, L. M. Mason, M. Milligan, E. W. Mott, C. H. Overton, R. Parker, M. Tessler, W. Thompson. Intermediate Department: M. Duff, M. James, John Cooke Le Neveu, M. A. Newell, M. B. Jackson, K. Smith. Industrial Arts: R. Fernie
Elementary Department: J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. C. Johnstone, H. R. Magnusson, L. Mason, E. Mott, C. Overton, R. Parker, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: M. Duff, R. Fernie, M. James, M. A. Newell, J. Oddstad, M. B. Jackson, K. Smith
Elementary Department: J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. Johnstone, L. Kemp, E. Macrovicz, H. Magnusson, L. Mason, C. Overton, R. Parker, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: S. Booth, M. Duff, C. Elliot, M. A. Newell, J. H. Oddstad, K. Smith. Industrial Arts: R. T. Fernie
Elementary Department: J. Campbell, L. Corben, M. E. Johnston, M. Johnstone, L. Kemp, E. Macrovicz, H. Magnusson, L. Mason, C. Overton, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: S. Booth, C. Elliott, E. W. G. Mott, M. A. Newell, J. H. Oddstad, K. Smith. Industrial Arts: R. T. Fernie
Elementary Department: J. I. Campbell, L. A. Corben, L. Ferguson, M. E. Johnson, M. C. Johnstone, L. M. Kemp, E. Macrovics, L. M. Mason, E. O’Brien, C. H. Overton, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: S. Booth, C. Elliott, R. T. Fernie, E. W. G. Mott, J. H. Oddstad, K. Smith, N. Wilde
Elementary Department: E. Bartleman, R. Bjornsson, L. A. Corben, L. Ferguson, M. E. Johnson, M. C. Johnstone, L. M. Kemp, E. McAllister, E. Macrovicz, L. M. Mason, E. O’Brien, C. H. Overton, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: J. Harrow, E. W. G. Mott, J. H. Oddstad, N. Rey, K. Smith, H. Weichman, N. Wilde
Elementary Department: E. R. Bartleman, H. R. Bjornsson, L. A. Corben, L. M. Ferguson, E. Giles, M. Graham, M. F. Johnston, L. M. Kemp, M. Macrovicz, L. M. Mason, L. B. Morrow, C. H. Overton, N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: H. Fletcher, E. W. Mott, J. H. Oddstad, N. Rey, K. Smith, H. Wiechman, N. Wilde
Elementary Department: Miss E. R. Bartleman, Mrs. H. R. Bjornsson, Miss L. A. Corben, Miss L. M. Ferguson, Miss M. C. Johnstone, Miss L. M. Kemp, Miss E. Macrovicz, Miss L. M. Mason, Miss C. H. Overton, Miss E. Preboy, Miss E. B. Steel, Miss N. Tessler. Intermediate Department: Mrs. M. E. Leggat, Miss E. W. Mott, J. H. Oddstad, N. Roy, Miss K. Smith, Miss H. Wiechman, N. Wilde
Elementary Department: Miss E. R. Bartleman, Mrs. H. R. Bjornsson, Miss L. A. Corben, Miss L. M. Ferguson, Miss L. M. Kemp, Mrs. J. Leckie, Miss E. Macrovicz, Miss L. M. Mason, Miss C. H. Overton, Miss E. B. Steel. Intermediate Department: Miss J. Everall, Miss E. W. Mott, Mr. J. H. Oddstad, N. Rey, Miss N. Tessler, Miss H. Wiechman, N. Wilde
Elementary Department: Mrs. H. R. Bjornsson, Miss L. M. Ferguson, Mrs. J. Leckie, Miss W. Leese, Miss E. Macrovicz, Miss L. M. Mason, Miss C. H. Overton, Miss E. Steel, Mrs. E. R. Steer. Intermediate Department: Miss J. Everall, Miss E. W. Mott, J. H. Oddstad, N. Rey, Miss N. Tessler, Miss H. Wiechman, N. Wilde
Elementary Department: Mrs. H. R. Bjornsson, T. Boyanisky, Mrs. W. E. Essex, Miss L. M. Ferguson, Mrs. J. Leckie, Miss E. Macrovicz, Miss L. M. Mason, Mrs. L. L. J. McWilliams, Miss C. H. Overton, Miss E. B. Steel, Mrs. E. R. Steer. Intermediate Department: Miss J. Everall, Miss E. W. Mott, J. H. Oddstad, N. Rey, Miss N. Tessler, Miss H. Wiechman, N. Wilde
Elementary Department: Mrs. R. R. Bjornsson, T. Boyanisky, Mrs. S. Denyer, Miss L. E. Ferguson, Miss L. M. Ferguson, Miss E. S. Macrovicz, Miss L. M. Mason, Miss M. McClellan, Mrs. G. H. Rozniatowska, Miss E. B. Steel, Mrs. E. R. Steer, Mrs. M. M. Thomas, Mrs. T. Waterman. Intermediate Department: Miss J. Everall, Leslie L. Kolt, J. H. Oddstad, N. Rey, Miss N. Tessler, Miss H. Wiechman
Elementary Department: Miss J. R. M. Banash, Miss C. Bellec, T. Boyanisky, Miss L. M. Ferguson, Miss D. Gustafson, Miss M. McClennan, Mrs. G. L. McVicar, Miss S. Malmgren, Miss L. M. Mason, J. H. N. Rafknelson, Mrs. J. Rozniatowska, Mrs. T. Waterman, Mrs. M. E. A. Williams. Intermediate Department: Miss J. Everall, G. G. Harrison, Leslie L. Kolt, J. H. Oddstad, N. Rey, Dr. J. B. Sanders, Miss N. Tessler
Elementary Department: Miss J. Banash, Miss C. Bellac, Miss C. V. Day, Mrs. E. DeVoin, Miss L. Ferguson, Miss J. Goodridge, Mrs. D. Gustafson, Mrs. G. MacVicar, Miss S. Malmgren, Miss M. McClellan, J. Rafknelsson, Mrs. G. Rozniatowski, J. D. Smith. Intermediate Department: G. Butterworth, Mrs. J. Draper, G. Henwood, K. McKillop, N. Rey, M. Vaughan
Elementary Department: Miss C. Bellec, Miss C. Day, Mrs. E. De Voin, Miss H. Epp, Miss L. Ferguson, Miss Freda Halparin, Miss E. Husack, Miss G. MacVicar, Miss S. Malmgren, Miss M. McClellan, J. Rafnkelsson, Mrs. G. Rozniatoswki, J. Smith, Miss L. Wall. Intermediate Department: G. Butterworth, Mrs. J. Draper, G. Henwood, K. McKillop, N. Rey, M. Vaughan
Elementary Department: Miss J. Alexander, Miss C. Bellec, Miss C. Day, Mrs. E. DeVoin, Mrs. H. Friesen, Miss Freda Halparin, Miss G. Kasperski, Mrs. E. Lill, Mrs. G. MacVicar, Miss M. McClellan, Mrs. G. Rozniatowski, J. Smith, Mrs. E. Zetaruk. Intermediate Department: G. Butterworth, P. Humeniuk, K. McKillop, N. Rey, M. Vaughan
Elementary Department: Miss J. Alexander, Miss C. Bellec, Alice E. Brown, Miss C. Day, Mr. W. Dueck, Miss Freda Halparin, Miss G. Kasperski, Miss M. McClellan, Miss N. Romanche, Mrs. G. Rozniatowski, Mr. J. Smith, Miss F. Spratt, Miss I. Storgaard, Miss I. D. Swain, Mrs. E. Zetaruk. Intermediate Department: Mr. G. Butterworth, Mr. K. McKillop, Mr. N. Rey, Mr. G. B. Spuril, Mr. M. Vaughan
Miss J. Alexander, Mrs. M. Barton, Miss C. Bellec, Alice E. Brown, W. Dueck, Miss Freda Halparin, M. Huska, Mrs. C. McClymont, Mrs. M. Parkhurst, Miss N. Romanche, Mrs. G. Rozniatowski, Miss F. Spratt, Miss I. Storgaard, Miss I. Swain, Mrs. E. Zetaruk
Elementary Department: Miss J. Alexander, Miss C. Bellec, Alice E. Brown, Miss G. DeVries, Miss Freda Halparin, Miss D. Hanks, M. Huska, Mrs. M. Loeb, Mrs. C. McClymont, Mrs. G. Rozniatowski, Mrs. D. Smith, Miss F. Spratt, Miss I. Storgaard, Miss K. Tod, Mrs. N. Wold, Mrs. E. Zetaruk. Intermediate Department: Miss A. Forsyth
Miss J. Alexander, Miss M. Archambault, Miss C. Bellec, Mrs. E. Crossley, Miss G. DeVries, Miss Freda Halparin, Miss D. Hanks, M. Huska, Miss J. Kalbfleisch, Joseph Denis Marcel Pelletier, Miss F. Spratt, Mrs. M. Stashko, Miss I. Storgaard, Mrs. E. Thorlakson, Miss K. Todd, Miss E. Wasserman, Mrs. E. Zetaruk
Miss J. Alexander, Miss C. Bellec, Miss G. DeVries, Mrs. J. Genik, Mrs. L. Golez, Miss D. Hanks, Miss Freda Halparin, M. Huska, Mrs. M. Mondor, Joseph Denis Marcel Pelletier, Miss F. Spratt, Miss I. Storgaard, Catherine Thexton, Mrs. E. Thorlakson, Miss K. Tod, Miss E. Wasserman, Mrs. E. Zetaruk
T. Capes, Miss M. Gallagher, Miss Freda Halparin, Miss D. Hanks, Mrs. B. Kennedy, Mrs. L. McNicholl, Miss D. Murta, Mrs. H. Ollynyk, P. Osted, Mrs. L. Radonich, Mrs. L. Ready, Miss F. Spratt, Miss I. Storgaard, Mrs. E. Thorlakson, Miss K. Tod, Miss B. VanVliet, Miss J. Walkinshaw, Miss E. Wasserman
Mrs. R. M. Caligiari, Miss M. Fletcher, Miss D. Hanks, Mrs. M. Kalb, Mrs. B. Kennedy, Mrs. L. Kidder, Miss M. Loewen, Mrs. R. MacDonald, Miss D. Murta, Mrs. L. Radonich, Miss C. Robin, Miss L. Ryman, T. Senkiw, Mrs. R. Starr, Miss C. Thompson, Mrs. E. Thorlakson, Miss K. Tod, Miss J. Walkinshaw, Miss E. Wasserman
Mrs. R. Caliguiri, Miss M. Fletcher, Miss D. L. Hanks, Ms. I. M. Kalb, Mrs. B. Kennedy, Mrs. L. Kidder, Miss M. Loewen, Mrs. H. Macdonald, Mrs. D. Misener, Miss D. Murta, Mrs. L. Radonich, Mrs. E. Reid, Miss C. Robin, T. Senior, Mrs. R. Starr, Mrs. C. Thompson, Mrs. E. Thorlakson, Miss K. Tod, Miss E. Wasserman
Mrs. R. Caligiuri, Miss M. Fletcher, Miss B. Gabbs, Miss D. Hanks, Mrs. M. Kalb, Mrs. B. Kennedy, Mrs. L. Kidder, Miss M. Loewen, Mrs. H. Macdonald, Mrs. E. Munday, Miss D. Murta, Mrs. L. Radonich, Miss C. Robin, T. Senior, Mrs. R. Starr, Mrs. C. Thompson, Mrs. E. Thorlakson, Miss K. Tod, Mrs. N. Walker, Miss O. Wozniak
Principal Sparling School (no date)
Source: Winnipeg School Division
Principal Sparling School (May 2011)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.90434, W97.17479
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: Sveinn Brynjolfsson (1856-1930)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Municipally Designated Historic Sites
“New school contract,” Winnipeg Tribune, 1 August 1912, page 8.
“Opening of the Winnipeg public schools has been set for Monday next,” Winnipeg Tribune, 14 August 1913, pages 1 and 2.
“Here’s your teacher!” Winnipeg Tribune, 21 August 1914, page 6.
“School Board assigns teachers,” Winnipeg Tribune, 20 August 1915, page 9.
“Reduce staff of teachers at high schools Monday,” Winnipeg Tribune, 18 August 1916, pages 1 & 12.
“Boundaries of schools are named,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 24 August 1917, page 9.
“Complete plans to open schools Tuesday for 30,000 children,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 30 August 1918, page 14.
“Teachers are selected for various grades,” Winnipeg Tribune, 29 August 1919, page 3.
“Winnipeg schools, No. 29—Principal Sparling,” Manitoba Free Press, 18 November 1922, page 5.
Principal Sparling School (1150 Sherburn Street), Winnipeg Historical Buildings Committee, March 1993.
Winnipeg School Division: Celebrating One Hundred Fifty Years, 1871-2021 by Winnipeg School Division, 2021.
We thank the Winnipeg School Division for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 1 February 2025
Historic Sites of Manitoba
This is a collection of historic sites in Manitoba compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. The information is offered for historical interest only.
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