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The Elm Creek School District was established in May 1894 at Elm Creek, in the Rural Municipality of Grey. A school building was erected in 1905 on a design by Winnipeg architect Frank Robert Evans. In July 1918, it became Elm Creek Consolidated School when it merged with Castleton School No. 976, Dakota School No. 1056, Fairhall School No. 1923, Giltedge School No. 1678, Maplestead School No. 1090, Stapleton School No. 1882, Tracy School No. 1066, and Webster School No. 1919. During the summer of 1920, the district issued $45,000 of debentures to pay for alterations and addition to existing schoolhouse. It was later amalgamated into the Midland School Division.
A monument, on the site of Elm Creek Consolidated School, was erected in 1992 for the Elm Creek centennial year and dedicated to the pioneers, teachers, and students of Elm Creek School.
James Jackson Keith (1872-1949)
Washburn Van Dusen (1869-?)
William Thompson Shipley (1870-1922)
Clifford Cornish (1880-1944)
Joseph Cooper Iliffe (1866-1937)
John Wesley Harris (1866-?)
James Corrigill (1857-1922)
Arthur Victor Balam Lamont (1887-1937)
George Patrick Stevens (c1888-1988)
Ella M. Whitmore
John Blain Stewart (1882-?)
Eleanor Boyce (1898-1997)
John Alfred Hammond (1898-1988)
Maxwell Addison Parker (1912-2004)
Henry Royal Dwyer (1905-1996)
Robert Lloyd Hedley (1920-1982)
Henry Lambert Williams (1890-1976)
Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (1923-2011)
Laurel Edwin Shewchuk
Among the early teachers of Elm Creek School were M. A. Cameron (Fall 1894), Susan P. Johnston (Spring 1895 - Spring 1896), Walter Thomas Gough (Fall 1896 - Spring 1897), Hattie Wilson (Fall 1897 - Spring 1898), Edward Crawford (Fall 1898 - Spring 1900), and James Jackson Keith (Fall 1900).
School Year
James Jackson Keith (all grades, Spring; senior grades, Fall), Maddie Wilson (junior grades, Fall)
records not available
records not available
Washburn Van Dusen (senior grades), ? (junior grades)
Lucy Jean Clandenning (junior grades, Fall; later married James Duxbury), Washburn Van Dusen (senior grades), Linnie R. Kennedy (junior grades, Spring)
Lucy Jean Clandenning (? grades, Spring), Washburn Van Dusen (senior grades, Spring), Raylena Huggins (? grades, Fall), Irene P. Nelson (? grades, Fall), William Thompson Shipley (senior grades, Fall), Pearl M. Tinline? (? grades, Spring)
Clifford Cornish (senior grades, Fall), Raylena Huggins (? grades), Irene P. Nelson (? grades, Spring), Lena Patrick (? grades, Fall), William Thompson Shipley (senior grades, Spring)
(January-June only:) Clifford Cornish (senior grades), Lena Patrick (? grades), Ivy Thornkson? (? grades)
Clifford Cornish (senior grades), Maud Emes, Raylene [Raylena?] Huggins
Miss Maud Emes, Eva Hayward, Joseph Cooper Iliffe (senior grades)
Miss Tena Comrie (August-December), Edith C. Dunbar (January-June), Miss Lizzie B. Hiltz, Joseph Cooper Iliffe (senior grades)
Edith C. Dunbar, Miss Sara C. Frederickson, John Wesley Harris (senior grades)
Mrs. Ivy J. Blakely (grade 1, January-June), James Corrigill (senior grades), Annie R. Gall, Miss Ray? Gillespie (c.May-June), Miss E. A. Higgins (August-c.May), Miss E. F. Jamieson (grade 1, August-December)
Alice Brownlow, James Corrigill (senior grades), Miss Dora Faryon, Miss Aleda Tupper
Alice Brownlow (grades 3-4), James Corrigill (grades 9-12), Dora Faryon (grades 5-8), Aleda Tupper (grades 1-2)
Alice Brownlow (grades 3-4), James Corrigill (grades 9-12), Dora Faryon (grades 5-8), Aleda Tupper (grades 1-2)
James Corrigill (grades 9-12), Marjorie Dagg (beginners & grade 1), Astallia M. Harrison (grades 5-8), Sadie Eloise Forbes (grades 2-4)
Marjorie Dagg (grades 6-8, September-December), Arthur Victor Balam Lamont (grades 9-11), E. W. G. Mott (grades 1-2), E. Irene Thompson (grades 6-8, January-June), Mary Ethel Wilson (grades 1-2)
Arthur Victor Balam Lamont (grades 9-11), Janie M. Sinclair (grades 3-5), E. Irene Thompson (grades 6-8, August), Mary Ethel Wilson (grades 1-2), Amelia C. Winger (grades 6-8, August-December)
Ivy C. Duncan (grades 1-2), James Martin (grades 6-8, September-December), Anna Hollins Muckle (grades 6-8, January-June), George Patrick Stevens (grades 9-11), Marjorie J. Wilson (grades 3-5)
Mary Robinson Dutton (grade 1), Ellen Ada Haight (grades 6-8), Ethel McArthur (grades 4-5), George Patrick Stevens (grades 9-11), Dorothy R. Wilkins (grades 2-3)
Mary Robinson Dutton (grade 1), Ellen Ada Haight (grades 6-8), Ethel McArthur (grades 4-5), George Patrick Stevens (grades 9-11), Dorothy R. Wilkins (grades 2-3)
Jessie Watson Craig (grades 4-5), Annie L. Day (grades 6-8, September-December), Melissa Lee (grades 2-3), Mildred A. Olson (grades 1-2), Alma B. Pearson (grades 6-8, January-June), George Patrick Stevens (grades 9-11)
Dorothy G. Aldis (grades 4-5, September-December), M. Kathleen Loree (grade 1, January-June), Mildred A. Olson (grades 1-2, September-December), Ethel Rinn (grades 4-5, January-June), George Patrick Stevens (grades 9-11, September-December), Ethel Stevenson (grades 2-3, September-December), Kathleen Walmsley (grades 6-8), Ella A. Whitmore (grades 9-11, January-June), Ruby Wood (grades 2-3, January-June)
Gertrude Brown (grades 2-3), Jessie M. Cosens (grades 1-2), Ethel Rinn (grades 4-5), John Blain Stewart (grades 9-11), K. Walmsley (grades 6-8, September-October), Ruby Wood (grades 6-8, October-June)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 9-11), Gertrude Brown (grades 2-3, October-June), Jessie M. Cosens (grade 1), Ethel Rinn (grades 4-5), Dorothy R. Wilkins (grades 6-8), Ruby Wood (grades 2-3, September)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 10-12), Margaret Masson (grades 7-9), Frances Pearl (grades 1-2), Ethel Rinn (grades 5-6), Linnie Y. Wilson (grades 3-4)
Eleanor Bird (grades 7-9, September-December; grades 7-8, January-May), Eleanor Boyce (grades 9-11), Frances Pearl (grades 1-2), Ethel Rinn (grades 5-6, September-December), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6, January-June & grades 7-8 June substitute), Linnie Y. Wilson (grades 3-4)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 9-11), Martha Alice Ohberg (grades 7-8), Annie E. Saunders (grades 3-4), Vera Margaret Sinclair (grades 1-2), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 10-11), Ivodell Viola Busby (grades 3-4), Vera Margaret Sinclair Halliday (grades 1-2), Wilhelmine Murriel Malcolmson (grades 7-9), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 9-11), Muriel May Brill (grades 7-8), Dorothy Harnott Dutton (grades 3-4), Jessie Oliver “Ollie” Wood (grades 1-2), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 9-11), Dorothy Harnott Dutton (grades 3-4), Helen Flora Wiechman (grades 7-8), Jessie Oliver “Ollie” Wood (grades 1-2), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 9-11), Dorothy Harnott Dutton (grades 3-4), Helen Flora Wiechman (grades 7-8), Jessie Oliver “Ollie” Wood (grades 1-2), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 9-11), Dorothy Harnott Dutton (grades 3-4), Henrietta Watson (grades 1-2), Helen Flora Wiechman (grades 7-8), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Eleanor Boyce (grades 9-11), Dorothy Harnott Dutton (grades 3-4), Henrietta Watson (grades 1-2), Helen Flora Wiechman (grades 7-8), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
John Alfred Hammond (grades 9-11), Margaret Jean Nichol (grades 1-2), Mary Eleanor Rathwell (grades 3-4), Helen Flora Wickham (grades 7-8), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
John Alfred Hammond (grades 9-11), Margaret Jean Nichol (grades 1-2), Mary Eleanor Rathwell (grades 3-4), Helen Flora Wiechman [Wickham?] (grades 7-8), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
John Alfred Hammond (grades 9-11), Helen Merle Heney (grades 7-8), Margaret Jean Nichol (grades 1-2), Mary Eleanor Rathwell (grades 3-4), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Arthur Archibald Foster (grades 9-11), Helen Merle Heney (grades 7-8), Margaret Jean Nichol (grades 1-2), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Mary Eleanor Rothwell (grades 3-4), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Victor George Beirnes (grades 9-10), Helen Merle Heney (grades 7-8), Margaret Jean Nichol (grades 1-2), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Mary Eleanor Rothwell (grades 3-4), Ruby Wood (grades 5-6)
Florence M. Adrain (grades 7-8), Irene Frances Tufts (grades 1-2), Myrtle Mary Isabel Harvey (grades 3-4), Narrol M. Lynd (grades 9-10), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Clara Doreen Sampson (grades 5-6)
Myrtle Mary Isabel Harvey (grades 3-4, September-February), Florence Martha Adrain McMillan (grades 7-8), William Malcolm McMillan (grades 9-10), Edith Muriel Parker (grades 5-6, January-June), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Clara Doreen Sampson (grades 5-6, September-December), Elizabeth “Beth” Shaw (grades 3-4, March-June), Irene Frances Tufts (grades 1-2)
Lillian Mary McLaughlin Beavis (grades 1-2), Hermina Johnson (grades 7-8, September-February), Florence Martha Adrain McMillan (grades 7-8, March-June), William Malcolm McMillan (grades 9-10), Edith Muriel Parker (grades 5-6), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Elizabeth “Beth” Shaw (grades 3-4)
Ferne Elda Bell (grades 7-8), Grace McKinnon? (August-?, grades 1-2), Olive Mildred McMahon (grades 9-10), Edith Muriel Parker (grades 5-6, wife of M. A. Parker), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Elizabeth “Beth” Shaw (grades 3-4), Frances Muriel Wilman (grades 1-2, January-June), Mrs. D. R. Woods (?-December, grades 1-2)
Ferne Elda Bell (grades 7-8), Marjorie Ann Dewar (grades 9-10), Edith Muriel Parker (grades 5-6), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Elizabeth “Beth” Shaw (grades 3-4), Frances Muriel Wilman (grades 1-2, January-June), Hazel M. Woods (grades 1-2, August-December)
Constance Grace Franzmann (grades 1-2), Martha Sophia Hanson (grades 7-8), William Malcolm McMillan (grades 9-10), Edith Muriel Parker (grades 5-6), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Elizabeth “Beth” Shaw (grades 3-4)
Bodvar Jon Skuli Bodvarsson (grades 9-10), Constance Grace Franzmann (grades 1-2), Martha Sophia Hanson (grades 7-8), Edith Muriel Parker (grades 5-6), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Eldera Ida M. Sissons (grades 2-3)
Constance Grace Franzmann (grades 1-2), Martha Sophia Hanson (grades 7-8), Edith Muriel Parker (grades 5-6), Maxwell Addison Parker (grades 11-12), Eldera Ida M. Sissons (grades 3-4), Maude Shewfelt (grades 9-10)
Henry Royal Dwyer (grades 11-12), Constance Grace Franzmann (grades 7-8), Rachel Eliza McCaw (grades 5-6, wife of R. R. Roy), Margaret Aileen MacLean (grades 3-4), Joyce Leona Mason (grades 1-2), Robert Roger Roy (grades 9-10)
Henry Royal Dwyer (grades 11-12), Constance Houston (grade 1), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 7-8), Margaret Aileen MacLean (grades 3-4), Rachel Eliza McCaw (grades 5-6), Joyce Leona Mason (grade 2), Robert Roger Roy (grades 9-10)
Alfred Pierre Champagne (grades 9-10), Bernice Violet Coulthard (grades 5-6), Henry Royal Dwyer (grades 11-12), Gladys Patricia Fleming (grade 1), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 7-8), Joyce Leona Mason (grade 2), Geraldine Norah Poersch (grades 3-4, wife of A. I. Slawson), Alice Marie Rousseau (grade 11)
Barbara I. Dean (grades 9-10), Henry Royal Dwyer (grades 11-12), Gladys Patricia Fleming (grade 1), Grace Beverley Grant (grades 5-6, August-November), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 7-8), Ina Margaret McIntyre (grades 5-6, November-December), Joyce Leona Mason (grade 2), Janet Agnes Nisbet (grades 5-6, January-June), Geraldine Norah Poersch (grades 3-4)
Jean K. Ames (grades 3-4), Olive Louise Clubine (grade 11), Angela Fitzpatrick (grade 2), Robert Lloyd Hedley (grade 12), Linda Hildebrandt (grade 1), Albert Huebner (grades 9-10), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 7-8), Lily Sedun (grades 5-6)
Donalda Marion English (grades 5-6), Garrath Alexander Germain (grades 9-10), Grace Eleene Gorrie (grades 3-4), Robert Lloyd Hedley (grade 12), Linda Hildebrandt (grade 1), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 7-8), Minna Martens (grade 2, September-February), Nancy Olive Rodd [Rudd?] (grade 2, March-June)
Velma Grace Campbell (grades 3-4), Donalda Marion English (grades 5-6), Leona Falk (grade 1), Helen Jean Hampton (grade 11), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 7-8), Bovis? Margolis (grades 9-10), Agnes Jean Tarr (grade 2), Henry Lambert Williams (grade 12)
Paul Alexiuk (grades 7-8), Velma Grace Campbell (grades 3-4), Donalda Marion English (grades 5-6), Leona Falk (grade 1), Mr. J. Geler (grades 9-10, September), Mary Laing (grades 9-10, September-April), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grade 12), Agnes Jean Tarr (grades 2-3), Shirley M. Woods (grade 11), Nicholas Yarish (grades 9-10, May-June)
Paul Alexiuk (grades 7-8), Velma Grace Campbell (grade 4), Odette Marie Boille (grades 9-10), Leona Falk Henders (grade 1), Joan Hodgson (grades 5-6, wife of Leonard Harvey Goldsborough), Chester E. Johnson (grade 11), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grade 12), Viola Christina Smith (grades 2-3)
Paul Alexiuk (grades 7-8), Paul H. Anderson (grade 10), Velma Grace Campbell (grades 4-5), Philomene Courcelles (grade 9), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 11-12), Stella Rose Martens (grades 2-3), Donna Mae Moor (grades 5-6), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1)
Paul Alexiuk (grade 10), Leona Falk Henders (grades 5-6, November-June), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 11-12), Grace Neufeld (grade 2, August-March), Thomas A. Park (grades 7-8), Julia Elizabeth Russell (grade 3-4), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Helen Beryl Tefs (grade 2, April-June), Donalda M. Tibbett (grades 5-6, September-October), Donald Clifford Woods (grade 9)
M. Funk (grades 3-4?), Leona Falk Henders (grades 5-6), Thomas A. Park (grades 7-8), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Helen Beryl Tefs (grades 2-3)
Ellen Jeannette Davis (grades 5-6), Carol Elizabeth Mae Gray (grades 7-8), Margaret Selma Martens (grade 4), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Helen Beryl Tefs (grades 2-3)
Ellen Jeannette Davis (grade 5), Carrol Elizabeth Mae Gray (grade 7), Myrna Ann Gray (grades 4 & 6), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Helen Beryl Tefs (grades 2-3)
Ellen Jeannette Davis (grades 3-4), Lawrence Alexander Dyrkacz (grades 7-8), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Ronald Victor Sigurdson (grades 5-6), Helen Beryl Tefs (grade 2)
Lawrence Alexander Dyrkacz (grade 7), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Laurel Edwin Shewchuk (grade 8), Sarah Marlene Shewchuk (grades 5-6), Helen Beryl Tefs (grade 2), Grace Margaret Toews (grades 3-4)
Jerelyn Roberta Cassels (grade 3), Joan Diana Clifford (grade 6), Maureen Elizabeth Hall (grade 4), Earl Keith McMurchy (grade 5), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Laurel Edwin Shewchuk (grade 8), Sarah Marlene Shewchuk (grade 7), Helen Beryl Tefs (grade 2)
Jerelyn Roberta Cassels (grade 3), Joan Diana Clifford (grade 6), Marie Ella Hlagie (grade 4), Earl Keith McMurchy (grade 5), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Laurel Edwin Shewchuk (grade 8), Sarah Marlene Shewchuk (grade 7), Helen Beryl Tefs (grade 2)
Joan Diana Clifford (grade 6), Margaret Alice Dyrkacz (grade 4), Elizabeth Shaw (grade 1), Laurel Edwin Shewchuk (grade 8), Sarah Marlene Shewchuk (grade 7), Barbara Thiessen (grade 3), Donalda Marion English Tibbett (grade 5), Irene Justine Warkentin (grade 2)
Among the other teachers of Elm Creek School was Dorothy Irene Madill Hudson.
Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (1923-2011)
School Year
Paul Alexiuk (grade 10), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 11-12), Donald Clifford Woods (grade 9)
Paul Alexiuk (grade 10), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 11-12), Audrey Marilyn Purvis (grade 9)
Paul Alexiuk (grade 10), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 11-12), Donald Clifford Woods (grade 9)
Paul Alexiuk (grade 10), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grades 11-12), Donald Clifford Woods (grade 9)
Paul Alexiuk (grade 11), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grade 12), Maude Sisson (grade 10), Donald Clifford Woods (grade 9)
Paul Alexiuk (grade 11), Marshall Joel Kennedy (grade 9), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grade 12), Maude Sisson (grade 10), Donald Clifford Woods (grade 9)
Paul Alexiuk (grade 11), Marshall Joel Kennedy (grade 9), Ivan Hugh Lounsbury (grade 12), Maude Sisson (grade 10), Donald Clifford Woods (grade 9)
Paul Alexiuk (grade 12), Diana Jean Dunsmore (grade 10), Mrs. A. Fisher (grade 11, 1966), A. L. Petkau (grade 11), Morris Pickering (grade 10), Donald Clifford Woods (grade 9)
Elm Creek School (circa 1905)
Source: Education Department Report, 1905, Manitoba Legislative Library.
Elm Creek School (no date)
Source: Audrey & Duncan Waddell
Elm Creek School (no date) by J. H. Plewes
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-2, page 4.
Elm Creek School (1968)
Source: Archives of Manitoba, Architectural Survey, Elm Creek 1.
Elm Creek School commemorative monument (August 2010)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Elm Creek School commemorative monument (January 2024)
Source: Rose KuzinaSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.67454, W97.99681
denoted by symbol on the map above
Annual Reports of the Manitoba Department of Education, Manitoba Legislative Library.
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada, 1800-1950 by Robert G. Hill, Toronto.
Summative half-yearly returns for school districts (A 0051), GR0571, Archives of Manitoba.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Elm Creek School District No. 812 - Daily Registers, GR2085, Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Elm Creek School District No. 812 - Cash Books, GR2085, Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Elm Creek School District No. 812 - Cash Books, GR7164, Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Elm Creek School District No. 812 - Minute Books, GR2654, Archives of Manitoba.
Corporate Security registered documents (ATG 0089), #21 School District of Elm Creek, GR12576, Archives of Manitoba.
Corporate Security registered documents (ATG 0089), #32 Consolidated School District of Elm Creek, GR12576, Archives of Manitoba.
Municipal borrowing files (MA 0039), Elm Creek School District #812, GR1799, Archives of Manitoba.
“Elm Creek [Principal Van Dusen ...],” Manitoba Free Press, 23 July 1904, page 16.
“Personal [W. Van Dusen, of Elm Creek ...],” Manitoba Free Press, 26 December 1904, page 5.
Ripples from the Creek by Edith Anne Baragar, 1969, pages 94-98.
We thank Rose Kuzina and Darryl Toews for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 6 April 2024
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