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The origins of Nelson McIntyre Collegiate date to 1914, with the establishment of a High School at Tache School. In 1927, with the establishment of the Norwood School Division, Tache High School was renamed Norwood Collegiate Institute and, in 1940, students were relocated to a temporary structure at the west corner of Highfield Street at St. Mary’s Road. This original structure was demolished in the summer of 1956 and a new facility, based on designs of the Winnipeg architectural firm of Smith Carter Katelnikoff, opening in the Fall Term of 1956. It was renamed in commemoration of Nelson King McIntyre, who died a few weeks before the official opening ceremony on 15 November 1956. Referred to originally as N. K. McIntyre Collegiate, it eventually became Nelson McIntyre Collegiate.
The school’s gymnasium, opened on 21 March 1977, is named for J. W. “Jim” Downey. In July 1986, a fire ravaged the school. While repairs were being made, many classes were held at the nearby Ecole Precieux-Sang. At the reopening on 15 November 1987, a plaque was unveiled by Mrs. Agnes McIntyre, widow of Nelson McIntyre, and Minister of Education Roland Penner.
Before 1926
See Tache School
William George Smith (1873-1943)
Wellington Geddes Rathwell (1887-1951)
Harry Bingham Donnelly (1888-1980)
Ronald Victor Shearer (1907-2000)
Kathleen Allen
H. C. Edwards
R. F. Town
James Leslie “Jim” Hunt (1953-2006)
Robert T. “Bob” Town
Terry Parsons
Ralph Wagner
Gail Frances Moss Atkins (c1950-2021)
Daniel McKenty Slater (1909-1975)
School Year
Mr. B. Bean, Mr. B. Bevacqua, Mr. B. Bryan, Mr. B. Busch, Mr. R. Downie, Mrs. B. Edkins, Mrs. B. Faulkner, Mr. C. Ferchoff, Mr. B. Fernando, Mrs. M. Gunson, Mr. J. Hunt, Mr. H. Jackson, Maurice Kohut, Mr. K. Koth, Mrs. L. Leslie, Mr. E. Loiselle, Mr. L. Morlock, Mr. P. Narth, Mr. N. Neumann, Mr. G. Nuytten, Mr. B. Peckham, Mr. J. Preston, Mr. B. Presunka, Mr. R. Prior, Mr. L. Radakovits, Mr. D. Ramcharan, Mrs. S. Riches, Mrs. G. Sabot, Mr. W. Slobik, Ms. J. Thomas
Among the other teachers were Vera Derenchuk, Lorne William Ferley (1960-1971), David Reuben George “Dave” Lawson (1954-1970), Margaret Gow (1954), Laura Elfreda Shanks, Caroline “Carrie” “Parkie” Parkinson, George Harold Laycup, Jim Hunt, Gerry Zado (c1945-1950), Mary Leith McColl (?-1933), Trevor W. Percy, Mr. Radikovich, Henry Zacharias, Miss Garland (typing), and Frederick Edward “Fred” Tinkler.
Nelson McIntyre Collegiate (May 2020)
Source: Nathan Kramer
Nelson McIntyre Collegiate (May 2018)
Source: Nathan KramerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.87599, W97.12044
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Manitoba Business: Smith Carter and Katelnikoff
Memorable Manitobans: Nelson King McIntyre (1905-1956)
Annual Reports of the Manitoba Department of Education, Manitoba Legislative Library.
“St. Boniface school pupils to take park at dedication,” Winnipeg Free Press, 12 May 1937, page 25.
“Norwood Collegiate students attend graduation Thursday,” Winnipeg Free Press, 18 June 1938, page 21.
“Norwood trustees to explain bylaw,” Winnipeg Free Press, 28 September 1955, page 16.
“Tender notice [Norwood Collegiate Institute],” Winnipeg Free Press, 20 October 1955, page 38.
“School tender notice,” Winnipeg Free Press, 22 October 1955, page 50.
“Sealed tenders will be received for the demolition of the Norwood Collegiate building,” Winnipeg Free Press, 16 March 1956, page 38.
“Yearbook hustle at Newton, United,” Winnipeg Free Press, 30 March 1957, page 45.
Obituary [Myrtle May Thompson], Winnipeg Free Press, 5 August 1975, page 33.
“Nelson Mac celebrates at official opening,” Winnipeg Free Press Weekly South Edition, 22 November 1987, page 8.
“Reunion draws tears,” Winnipeg Free Press, 24 September 1989, page 69.
“Dogs may hunt drugs in high school lockers,” Winnipeg Free Press, 14 October 1997, page A1.
“St. Boniface School Division No. 4,” Winnipeg Free Press, 12 January 2002, page D11.
“Major milestones on way for school,” Winnipeg Free Press North/Northeast Community Review, 12 February 2003, page 12.
“Snaks are back,” Winnipeg Free Press Neighbours South, 17 March 2004, page 2.
“Nelson McIntyre Collegiate,” Winnipeg Free Press, 21 April 2004, page N11.
“75 years of secondary education in Norwood 1914 to 1989,” History of Nelson McIntyre Collegiate.
Henderson’s Winnipeg and Brandon Directories, Henderson Directories Limited, Peel’s Prairie Provinces, University of Alberta Libraries.
We thank Brenda Ealing and Victor Krenz for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 31 October 2024
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