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This one-storey school on Grant Avenue in Winnipeg was designed by architect William Isaac “Bill” Enns and constructed in 1955. Named for renowned Canadian physician William Osler (1849-1919), in 1957 the original ten classrooms and gymnasium were expanded to include four more classrooms. The school closed in June 1991 and the remaining students went to J. B. Mitchell School or Brock Corydon School. The building continued to be used for educational programs by the Winnipeg School Division. The school was officially reopened as a French-only facility on 4 October 2016.
William Norval Donald (c1914-1980)
Dorothy Harriet Mabel East (1914-1984)
Larry W. Legrange
A. Kondziela
Dolores L. Hebert
Karen Loveridge
Dominique Ostermann
School Year
Mrs. N. Carter, Eric V. Hjartarson, Mrs. E. McIntosh, Miss H. Paterson, Miss S. Prucyk, Miss E. Schwarz, Miss F. Spratt, Miss M. Waldie, Miss M. Wright
Miss N. Carter, Mrs. S. Chzerning, Mrs. T. Epp, Eric V. Hjartarson, Miss H. Paterson, Mrs. M. A. Peters, Miss S. Prucyk, Miss E. Schroeder, Miss E. Schwarz, Miss M. Waldie, Miss D. Whyte, Miss M. Wright
Mrs. M. Bobby, Mrs. N. Carter, Mrs. G. Goodridge, Miss D. Hemstreet, Eric V. Hjartarson, Mrs. R. Kulha, Miss F. Lowe, Mrs. T. Meissner, Mrs. M. Peters, Miss S. Prucyk, Miss E. Schwarz, Miss G. Variger, Miss M. Waldie, Miss M. Wright
Mrs. E. Ard, Miss E. M. Birthwistle, Mrs. N. Carter, Mrs. G. Conley, Miss H. Dyck, Miss J. Graham, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Miss S. Prucyk, Miss E. Schwarz, Mrs. J. Kojcieszek, P. Tymos, Mrs. G. Winick, Miss M. Wright
Mrs. E. Ard, F. Betker, Miss E. Birtwistle, Mrs. N. Carter, Mrs. G. Conly, Miss J. Dickson, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Mrs. J. Nebbs, Miss E. Schwarz, Miss D. Sturhahn, Miss E. Thomas, Mrs. S. Washington, Mrs. G. Winick
Mrs. E. Ard, F. Betker, Miss P. Block, Mrs. N. Carter, Mrs. G. Conley, Miss J. Dickson, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Mrs. J. Nebbs, Miss E. Schwarz, Miss E. Thomas, Mrs. D. M. Van Dusen, Mrs. S. Washington, Mrs. G. Winick
Mrs. F. Ard, F. Betker, Miss P. Block, Miss J. Dickson, Miss E. Hindorff, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Miss L. Naylor, Mrs. J. Nebbs, Miss E. Schwarz, Miss J. Smith, Miss E. Thomas, Mrs. M. Van Dusen, Mrs. G. Winick
Mrs. E. Ard, Mrs. V. Baker, F. Betker, Miss P. Block, Mrs. T. K. Brown, Miss J. Dickson, Miss I. Herkl?, Mrs. E. Hindmarsh, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Mrs J. Nebus, Miss E. Thomas, Miss J. Tod
Mrs. V. Baker, Mrs. F. Betker, Miss J. Block, Mrs. J. Bryan, Miss E. Greenberg, Mrs. E. Hindmarsh, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Mrs. M. McCrea, Mrs. M. Stevens, Mrs. S. Thiessen, Miss E. Thomas
Miss C. Badger, F. Betker, Miss P. Block, Mrs. N. Crostin, Miss E. Greenberg, Mrs. F. Hindmarsh, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Mrs. M. McCrea, Miss E. Neufeld, Miss E. Oman, Mrs. M. Stevens, Miss E. Thomas
F. Betker, Miss E. Glenn, Mrs. C. Gordon, Miss E. Greenberg, Miss M. Hinther, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Mrs. M. A. Macdonald, Miss R. McNeil, Miss E. Oman, Miss J. Robertson, Mrs. M. Stevens, Miss E. Thomas, Mrs. M. Walker
F. Betker, Mrs. C. Brister, Miss E. Glenn, Mrs. C. Gordon, Miss E. Greenberg, Mrs. R. Kulba, Miss F. Lowe, Miss R. McNeil, Mrs. A. Macdonald, Mrs. F. Martin, Mrs. N. Nordlinger, Miss J. Robertson, Mrs. M. Stevens, Miss E. Thomas, Mrs. M. Walker
Sir William Osler School (July 2016)
Source: Nathan KramerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.85633, W97.19073
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: William Isaac “Bill” Enns (1923-2006)
“Reception Tuesday for Dorothy East,” Winnipeg Free Press, 20 June 1974, page 66.
“[News Release / Media Invite] Celebrating the re-opening of Ecole Sir William Osler,” 29 September 2016, Winnipeg School Division.
Winnipeg School Division: Celebrating One Hundred Fifty Years, 1871-2021 by Winnipeg School Division, 2021.
We thank Lisa Morantz for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 5 February 2025
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