TimeLinks: Credits

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The TimeLinks web site was created in 1998 by River East Transcona School Division and the University of Manitoba. As of 2008, TimeLinks is hosted and administered by the Manitoba Historical Society as a free, public service.

The TimeLinks Reference, Image Archive, Point of View Exercise and Community Profiles were created by Helen Bochonko and Chris Dooley (University of Manitoba). Layout and design of the Communities and Characters was by Darryl Bohart (River East Collegiate) with original artwork by Marilyn Mackay (River East Collegiate).

The Reference was written by Chris Dooley (University of Manitoba) and edited by Gerald A. Friesen (University of Manitoba). Image selection and scanning for the Image Archive was by Sharon McCullough (University of Manitoba) with design by Chris Dooley (University of Manitoba) and editing by Gerald A. Friesen (University of Manitoba).

Characters were created and animated by community volunteers, coordinated by Lawrence Oystryk (River East Collegiate). Their names appear below, opposite the characters they created:



Joseph Bellamare

Marel Matte

Mary Bentley

Jim Harvey

Katherine Christie

Chris Dooley

Tommy Doer

Chris Dooley

Ben Flieschmann

Marilyn Mackay

Thomas Golas

Marlon Mohammed

Bjorn Gudmundson

Marcel Matte

Rose Gunn

Karen Neumann

Marianna Kociolinska

Monika Idzikowski

Laurence Lagimodière

Roland Stankevicius

John Matias

Dick Blais

Edward McCabe

Glen McCabe

Mary McRae

Charlene Powell

Wasyl Oystryk

Lawrence Oystryk

Nellie Pickford

Linda Connor

Nan Pyzer

Deborah Begoray

Maria Ratzlaff

Gareth Neufeld

William Scott

Mike Schroeder-Hubert

Janós Sikler

Ron Struch

William Martin

Ron Munro


The TimeLinks site and Character Section were created with the financial assistance of the Distance Education Program of the Manitoba Department of Education. The Reference and Image Archive were created with financial assistance from the Heritage Grants Program of the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Citizenship. We gratefully acknowledges the Archives of Manitoba for the use of its images on this site, and especially the support of Elizabeth Blight, Head of the Still Images Section.

We recognize Helen Bochonko, Faculty of Education Computer Coordinator at the University of Manitoba, and Gerald A. Friesen, Professor in the Department of History at University of Manitoba for their support, as well as the support of the Administration at River East Collegiate.

Use of Materials

No part of this publication my be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of TimeLinks except for purposes of review or in fulfillment of requirements of a recognized academic programme.

We encourage the use of the TimeLinks materials in class projects and as teaching resources, providing a proper reference is provided.

For information about the re-publication of images in the TimeLinks collection, please contact:

Still Images Section
Archives of Manitoba
200 Vaughan Street
Winnipeg, MB
Canada R3C 1T5

Page revised: 29 August 2009