TimeLinks: Manitoba From 1910 to 1920

Search | Image Archive | Reference | Communities | POV | Lesson Plans | Credits

TimeLinks is designed to help people explore themes and ideas in Manitoba History between 1910 and 1920. It provides a general overview of the period and to assist users in the selection of topics for essays and projects.

The TimeLinks Image Archive gives you access to over two thousand images from Manitoba's history. While the images are primarily photographs, the collection also contains maps, pamphlets, brochures, posters, advertisements, and selected pages from newspapers, magazines and product catalogues.

TimeLinks is concerned primarily with the decade from 1910 to 1920. There are also some more recent photographs, primarily of representative housing types, and they are used where no photograph contemporary to the period is available.

How to Use TimeLinks

There is a navigation bar running across the top of every screen. Use this bar to search for specific terms in the collection or look at a list of articles related to the topic.

Search: Find images in the Archive using place names and words in their descriptions.

Image Archive: Images are sorted by category. Click on a category title to bring up a list of image titles that fit the category. Images are listed in all categories which apply to them.

Reference: Select a highlighted link from any of the categories in the list. Clicking on one of these links will bring up a page containing a short description or explanation of the person, theme or event named and a related image. Imbedded in the text of every page are a number of links to related pages. Click on the highlighted text to view these pages

Communities: Information on some communities in Manitoba and the characters who lived there during the period from 1910 to 1920.

POV: In the last days of July 1914, recents immigrants to Winnipeg braced themselves for war in Europe. Through the pages of ethnic press, various points of views on the potential conflict were expressed by members of each community.

Lesson Plans: Teachers can view lesson plans and ideas for using the Image Archive as an activity for your classes.

Credits: The people who created TimeLinks.

Use of Images

The scanned images on this site are protected under Canadian copyright law.

No image located on this site may be reproduced without permission, except for purposes or review of legitimate academic use. Use in student work is encouraged. Images in this collection may be reproduced without permission as a part of assigned student work or by a teacher for use in the classroom. If so reproduced, a proper citation must be provided. Citations are given at the bottom of each image reference page in a standard format.

Images must not be re-posted in any form on the Internet without the permission of the Manitoba Historical Society and the Archives of Manitoba. Please click here for more information.

Page revised: 29 August 2009