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A 25,000-bushel wooden grain elevator at Newdale, on the CPR Bredenbury Subdivision in the Rural Municipality of Harrison Park, was built around 1933 by the Province Elevator Company. Sold to Manitoba Pool Elevators in 1947, it became Pool A when, in 1951, a 50,000-bushel elevator known as Pool B was constructed nearby. In late 1979, a 35,000-bushel Lake of the Woods Milling elevator dating from 1925 that Pool had purchased in 1959 was moved beside the B elevator and renovated into an annex, while a new crib annex was built on the other side of B. The original A elevator was dismantled between 1980 and 1981. When a nearby Cargill Grain elevator was purchased by Pool in 1995, it was redesignated as Pool C. The Pool B facility was closed by Agricore in June 2001 and demolished in 2004.
Agent / Buyer
Roy J. Lewis
Earl M. Leigh
Frank Svojanovski
Thomas Henry Winder
Terry Bradco
Barry Semple
Tom Messinbird
Ralph Steven Tanchak (1957-2019)
Manitoba Pool B (left) and A (right) elevators at Newdale, with UGG elevators in the background (1962)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
Manitoba Pool A (right), B (centre) and C (left) elevators at Newdale (May 1972)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
Manitoba Pool A (right), B (centre) and C (left) elevators at Newdale (1973)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
Manitoba Pool C being moved beside Pool B at Newdale (1979)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
Manitoba Pool B annex under construction at Newdale (November 1979)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
Manitoba Pool elevator at Newdale (circa 1980)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
Former Manitoba Pool, UGG, and Cargill elevators at Newdale (April 1998)
Source: George PennerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.35036, W100.20513
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Cargill Grain Elevator / Manitoba Pool Grain Elevator C / Delmar Commodities Grain Elevator (Newdale, RM of Harrison Park)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: United Grain Growers Grain Elevator / Private Elevator (Newdale, RM of Harrison Park)
Newdale, 1870-2000 by Newdale Community Historical Society, 2000, pages 103-104. [Manitoba Legislative Library, F5649.N49 New]
“Agricore shuts down elevators temporarily,” Shoal Lake Crossroads, 13 January 2001, page 3.
“Elevators open – for now,” Russell Banner, 17 April 2001, page 1.
Obituary [Ralph Steven Tanchak], Winnipeg Free Press, 28 May 2019.
We thank Shelagh Poolie (Viterra) for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 15 July 2020
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