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Commissioned in 1929 by the Winnipeg School District, the two-storey brick school was based upon architectural designs of William A. Martin in association with George W. Northwood and Cyril W. U. Chivers, and built by the construction firm of Hazelton and Walin. The structure measured 75 feet by 71 feet 4 inches and was built of reinforced concrete, Alsip’s bricks in a Flemish bond pattern, and masonry trim. In addition to the eight classrooms, it had a teachers’ lounge, Principal’s office, and auditorium in the basement.
Classes were initially held at Lord Selkirk School to start the 1929 Fall Term and began relocating to these premises in mid-September. Initially, the school’s catchment area was lower-grade students on the west side of Kelvin Street [now Henderson Highway]. Its location bisecting upon the school grounds also afforded well-separated outdoor playgrounds, with the eastern yard for boys and the western yard for girls, though this separation was later discontinued.
In 1948, to avoid confusion with Glenwood School in St. Vital, it was renamed Glenelm School. Additions were made in the late 1980s and late 1990s.
Margaret Jane “Evelyn” Corbett (1882-1955)
Dora May Little Lowry (1896-1995)
John Lorne Wright (1913-1996)
Frances Louise Martin (1924-2002)
Vernon “Vern” Peters (c1927-1998)
J. W. Hughes
Murray Stern (1923-2014)
Orin G. Cochrane
Pauline Clarke
Donald “Don” McLaren
William B. “Bill” Hinther
Ron Lowe
Brian Peterson
Shane Fox
(partial) Dora May Little
Frances C. Landers, Dora May Little, Margaret MacLeod, P. Reid, F. A. Sanderson
Cathleen L. Henderson, Frances C. Landers, Dora May Little, Margaret J. McLeod, B. Nicks, P. Reid
Cathleen L. Henderson, Frances C. Lander, Dora May Little, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
Margaret Jane “Evelyn” Corbett (grade 6), Cathleen L. Henderson (grades 2-3), Frances C. Lander (grades 1-2), Dora May Little (grades 5-6), Winnifred McGrath (grade 4), Margaret McLeod (grade 1), Maude Pogue (grades 4-5)
Cathleen L. Henderson, Frances C. Lander, Dora May Little, Winnifred McGrath, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
Cathleen L. Henderson, M. Lamb, Frances C. Lander, Dora May Little, Winnifred McGrath, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
Cathleen L. Henderson, M. Lamb, Frances C. Lander, Dora May. Little, Winnifred McGrath, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
Cathleen L. Henderson, M. Lamb, Frances C. Lander, Dora May Little, Winnifred McGrath, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
Cathleen L. Henderson, M. Lamb, Frances C. Lander, Dora May Little, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
Cathleen L. Henderson, Frances C. Lander, Dora May Little, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue, D. Williams
Cathleen L. Henderson, Dora May Little, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue, F. Riddell
E. Cox, Cathleen L. Henderson, Dora May Little, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
E. D. Cox, Cathleen L. Henderson, Dora May Little, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
E. D. Cox, Cathleen L. Henderson, Dora May Little, Margaret McLeod, Maude Pogue
M. Campbell, E. D. Cox, Cathleen L. Henderson, Maude Pogue
M. Campbell, E. Cox, V. Doe, Cathleen L. Henderson, Maude Pogue
M. P. Campbell, E. D. Cox, V. M. Doe, Cathleen L. Henderson, Maude R. Pogue, L. Wylie
M. P. Campbell, E. D. Cox, V. M. Doe, Cathleen L. Henderson, M. J. Hunter, Maude R. Pogue, A. M. Webster
Miss M. P. Campbell, Miss E. D. Cox, Mrs. V. Doe, Cathleen L. Henderson, Mrs. M. J. Hunter, Maude R. Pogue, Miss C. Simpson
Miss M. P. Campbell, Miss E. D. Cox, Mrs. V. M. Doe, Cathleen L. Henderson, Mrs. J. M. Hunter, Maude R. Pogue, Miss A. Sherebrin
Miss M. P. Campbell, Miss E. D. Cox, Mrs. V. M. Doe, Cathleen L. Henderson, Mrs. J. M. Hunter, Maude R. Pogue, Miss A. Sherebrin
Miss M. Bunting, Miss M. Campbell, Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. V. Doe, Cathleen L. Henderson, Mrs. M. J. Hunter, Maude Pogue, Miss A. Sherebrin
Miss M. Bunting, Miss M. P. Campbell, Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. V. M. Doe, Cathleen L. Henderson, Maude R. Pogue, Miss A. Sherebrin
Miss M. Bunting, Miss M. P. Campbell, Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. V. M. Doe, Maude R. Pogue, Miss A. Sherebrin, Mrs. V. Thornton
Miss M. Bunting, Miss M. P. Campbell, Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. V. M. Doe, Maude R. Pogue, Miss A. Sherebrin, Miss M. Waldon
Mrs. E. R. Black, Miss M. P. Campbell, Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. V. M. Doe, Maude R. Pogue, Miss A. Sherebrin, Miss M. Waldon
Mrs. E. R. Black, Miss M. P. Campbell, Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. Vera M. Doe, Maude R. Pogue, Mrs. M. Peterson, Miss A. Sherebrin
Mrs. G. Best, Mrs. E. R. Black, Miss M. Crowe, Miss H. Mabbee, Maude Pogue, Miss F. Reichart, Miss M. Taylor
Mrs. G. Best, Mrs. E. R. Black, Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. D. Matheson, Maude Pogue, Miss F. Reichart, Mrs. A. Scorgie
Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. M. James, Miss M. Pogue, Miss F. Reichart, Mrs J. Robinson, Mrs. A. Scorgie?, Miss S. Willoughby
Mrs. B. Cowin, Miss M. Crowe, Mrs. M. James, Mrs. M. Olafson, Maude Pogue, Miss L. Prosnyck, Mrs. A. Scorgie
Mrs. E. Burridge, Miss M. Crowe, Miss M. Karain, Mrs. J. Phelps, Miss L. Prosnyck, Mrs. A. Scorgie, Miss J. Wise
Mrs. J. Adanac, Mrs. E. Burridge, Miss G. Hamm, Miss M. E. Shoesmith, Miss K. Skeel, Mrs. B. Straszynski, Mrs. L. Snyder, Mrs. C. Warren
Mrs. E. Burridge, Miss G. Hamm, Miss G. Larson, Mrs. E. J. MacRae, Mrs. J. Marks, Mrs. B. Pinegman?, Miss K. Steel, Mrs. C. Warren
Mrs. E. Burridge, Miss J. Dueck, Mrs. J. Foth, Mrs. A. Hatten, Miss M. Kotyk, Mrs. J. Marks, Miss K. Steel, Mrs. C. Warren
Mrs. E. Burridge, Miss J. Dueck, Mrs. I. Foth, Mrs. A. Hatten, Miss R.? M.?, Miss B. Neufield, Mrs. L. Patson, Mrs. M. Ruta
Mrs. E. Burridge, Miss J. Dueck, Mrs. I. Foth, Mrs. A. Hatten, Miss B. Neufield, Mrs. C. Ousey, Mrs. L. Patson, Mrs. M. Ruta
Mrs. E. Burridge, Mrs. S. Dubois, Miss J. Dueck, Mrs. I. Foth, Mrs. B. Giesbrecht, Mrs. A. Hatten, Mrs. B. Horsburgh, Mrs. C. Ousey, Mrs. L. Patson, Mrs. M. Ruta
Glenelm School (no date)
Source: Winnipeg School Division
Glenelm School, back elevation (no date)
Source: Winnipeg School Division
Glenelm School, street view (no date)
Source: Winnipeg School Division
Glenelm School (November 2016)
Source: Nathan Kramer
Glenelm School (July 2021)
Source: George PennerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.91634, W97.11721
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Glenwood School (51 Blenheim Avenue, Winnipeg)
“Building plan includes new Elmwood School,” Winnipeg Tribune, 10 April 1929, page 3.
“Fourty-six new school rooms to be provided,” Manitoba Free Press, 10 april 1929, page 1.
“Contracts let for schools to cost $395,507,” Winnipeg Tribune, 25 June 1929, page 3.
“New school on Carmen Ave inlast steps of construction,” Elmwood Herald, 5 September 1929, page 1.
“Four rooms in new school in use,” Elmwood Herald, 19 September 1929, page 16.
“14 school appointments confirmed,” Winnipeg Free Press, 25 May 1968, page 53.
“Farenhurst to head Aberdeen School,” Winnipeg Free Press, 1 June 1968, page 6.
“Principals shuffled,” Winnipeg Free Press Weekly North Edition, 2 July 1989, page 2.
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
“New Principals named for five city schools,” Winnipeg Free Press, 21 June 2005, page B6.
Glenelm School, 96 Carmen Avenue by Murray Peterson, Peterson Projects, February 2009.
Winnipeg School Division: Celebrating One Hundred Fifty Years, 1871-2021 by Winnipeg School Division, 2021.
We thank the Winnipeg School Division and George Penner for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 5 July 2022
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