Link to:
42nd Assembly (2019-2023) | All Assemblies
The Assembly was elected on 3 October 2023.
9 November 2023
7 November 2024
19 November 2024
The following persons were members:
Wabanakwut “Wab” Kinew
2023-2027 )
Nello Altomare
Uzoma Asagwara
(Union Station)
Wayne Balcaen
(Brandon West)
Jeff Bereza
(Portage la Prairie)
Tyler Blashko
Diljeet Brar
Ian Bushie
Jodie Byram
Renée Cable
Jennifer Chen
(Fort Richmond)
Carla Compton
(Tuxedo, by-election 18 June 2024)
Kathleen Cook
Billie Cross
(Seine River)
Jelynn Dela Cruz
Jasdeep Devgan
Wayne Ewasko
(Lac du Bonnet)
Nahanni Fontaine
(St. Johns)
Kelvin Goertzen
Josh Guenter
Carrie Hiebert
Grant Jackson
(Spruce Woods)
Derek Johnson
Nellie Kennedy
Ibrahim “Obby” Khan
(Fort Whyte)
Wabanakwut “Wab” Kinew
(Fort Rouge)
Trevor King
Ron Kostychyn
Bob Lagasse
(Dawson Trail)
Amanda Lathlin
(The Pas-Kameesak)
Cindy Lamoureux
(Tyndall Park)
Tom Lindsey
(Flin Flon)
Robert Loiselle
(St. Boniface)
Jim Maloway
Malaya Marcelino
(Notre Dame)
Mike Moroz
(River Heights)
Jamie Moses
(St. Vital)
Mike Moyes
Konrad Narth
(La Verendrye)
Lisa Naylor
Greg Nesbitt
(Riding Mountain)
Logan Oxenham
(Kirkfield Park)
David Pankratz
Richard Perchotte
Doyle Piwniuk
(Turtle Mountain)
Eric Redhead
Adrien Sala
(St. James)
Mintu Sandhu
(The Maples)
Tracy Schmidt
Rachelle Schott
(Kildonan-River East)
Ron Schuler
Glen Simard
(Brandon East)
Bernadette Smith
(Point Douglas)
Heather D. Stefanson
Lauren Stone
Mark Wasyliw
(Fort Garry)
Jeff Wharton
(Red River North)
Matt Wiebe
Rick Wowchuk
(Swan River)
See also:
Events in Manitoba History: Manitoba Provincial Election (2023)
Events in Manitoba History: Manitoba Provincial By-Elections (2024)
Events in Manitoba History: Manitoba Provincial By-Elections (2025)
We thank the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba and Tracey Goncalves for providing photographs used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 18 February 2025
Memorable Manitobans
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