Memorable Manitobans: Clarence Baker (1928-2006)

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Clarence Baker
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Farmer, municipal official, MLA (1986-1988).

Born at Cromwell on 7 July 1928, son of Anton and Pauline Baker, he was raised a farmer and also worked in bush camps in the winter. On 22 September 1951, he married Ilenne Weidman (?-2004) and they raised five children on their farm. In recognition of his hard work, he was recognized as Mr. Manitoba Farmer in 1984. He served as a councillor and Reeve for the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead and was elected the MLA for Lac du Bonnet at the 1986 general election. He was involved on numerous board of directors, including Manitoba Crop Insurance, Manitoba Pool Elevators, Knights of Columbus, Beausejour and District Hospital, Canadian Power Toboggan Championship, Beausejour Lions Club, and Beausejour Curling Club (President, 1965-1966). He died on 15 October 2006.


Obituary, Winnipeg Free Press, 18 October 2006.

This page was prepared by John Redekopp.

Page revised: 29 January 2025

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

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