MHS Centennial Organization: Manitoba Association of School Trustees / Manitoba School Boards Association

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Presidents | Secretaries / Executive Directors | Sources

The Manitoba School Trustees Association was established as a result of an organizational meeting held at Brandon on 3-5 April 1907. Initially, it was known as the Department of School Administration of the Manitoba Educational Association and changed its name the following year to the School Trustee’s Department.

It was incorporated as the Manitoba School Trustees Association in 1943. It divided into separate urban and rural associations in late 1952 (called the Manitoba Urban Trustees Association and Manitoba School Trustees Association, respectively) but the two entities re-merged in 1965, becoming the Manitoba Association of School Trustees. It was renamed the Manitoba School Boards Association in 1990.


Samuel MacMorine
Samuel MacMorine (1907-1908)

John Archibald McKerchar
John Archibald McKerchar

Alexander Morrison Campbell
Alexander Morrison Campbell

William Horne Bewell
William Horne Bewell

John Livingstone Brown
John Livingstone Brown (1913-1915)

Ira Stratton
Ira Stratton

William Iverach
William Iverach

Samuel Henry Forrest
Samuel Henry Forrest (1919-1920)

James Allison Glen
James Allison Glen (1920-1924)

Joseph Aldéric Marion
Joseph Aldéric Marion (1924-1926)

Henry Nesbitt MacNeill
Henry Nesbitt MacNeill (1926-1931)

Arthur Thomas “Tom” Hainsworth
Arthur Thomas “Tom” Hainsworth

Matthew James Stanbridge
Matthew James Stanbridge

John N. McFadden
John N. McFadden (1937-1939)

Wallace Conrad “Wally” Miller
Wallace Conrad “Wally” Miller

James Dowsett
James Dowsett [Minnedosa]

Duncan Lloyd Cameron
Duncan Lloyd Cameron (1942-1944)

James Anthony Cuddy
James Anthony Cuddy (1944-1946)

George Arthur Fitton
George Arthur Fitton (1946-1948)

Albert James “Bert” MacLeod
Albert James “Bert” MacLeod

James Anthony Cuddy
James Anthony Cuddy (1951-1954)

Abram Jacob Thiessen
Abram Jacob Thiessen (1954-1958)

Oswald Morton McKay
Oswald Morton McKay (1958-1960)

Réne Préfontaine
Réne Préfontaine

R. W. McPherson
Robert W. McPherson [Hartney]

Ron Parkinson
Ron Parkinson
[St. Boniface]

Alvin Chown Hamilton
Alvin Chown Hamilton (1964-1966)

Glen Harrison Lowther
Glen Harrison Lowther (1966-1968)

Bertrun Elwood “Bert” Glavin
Bertrun Elwood “Bert” Glavin

Dorwin Kenneth “Ken” Compton
Dorwin Kenneth “Ken” Compton

William “Bill” Norrie
William “Bill” Norrie (1970-1971)

Walter W. “Wally” Robson
Walter W. “Wally” Robson

Joseph C. Stangl
Joseph C. Stangl

Dean D. Durston
Dean D. Durston

Maureen Lucille Miller Hemphill
Maureen Lucille Miller Hemphill


Ken Burgess
Ken Burgess

Margaret Trott
Margaret Trott

Ed Hart
Ed Hart

Allen “Al” Rouse
Allen “Al” Rouse

John Murray
John Murray

Myrtle I. Zimmerman
Myrtle I. Zimmerman

David Robert “Bob” Rose
David Robert “Bob” Rose

George Marshall
George Marshall

John Johnson
John Johnson

Linda Laughlin McIntosh
Linda Laughlin McIntosh


Doug Mosset
Doug Mosset

Judith Diane Opitz “Judy” Silver
Judith Diane Opitz “Judy” Silver


Vern Kulyk
Vern Kulyk

Brenda Leslie
Brenda Leslie

Robert “Bob” Gladstone
Robert “Bob” Gladstone

Eric Leonard Jonasson
Eric Leonard Jonasson

Lorn Bergstresser
Lorn Bergstresser

Gail Watson
Gail Watson

Marinus Van Osch
Marinus Van Osch

Carolyn Duhamel
Carolyn Duhamel

Betty Green
Betty Green

Roy Schellenberg
Roy Schellenberg

Leonard “Len” Schieman
Leonard “Len” Schieman

Doug McGiffin
Doug McGiffin

Rey Toews
Rey Toews

Donald “Don” Dunnigan
Donald “Don” Dunnigan

Linda Archer
Linda Archer

Garry Draper
Garry Draper

Ruth Ann Furgala
Ruth Ann Furgala

Yolande Dupuis
Yolande Dupuis

Hugh Coburn
Hugh Coburn

Robert Rivard
Robert Rivard

Floyd Martens
Floyd Martens

Ken Cameron
Ken Cameron

Alan M. Campbell
Alan M. Campbell

Sandy Nemeth
Sandy Nemeth


Presidents (Manitoba Urban Trustees Association)

William Graham Ferguson
William Graham Ferguson

Anne Ethel “Nan” Murphy
Anne Ethel “Nan” Murphy

Leslie James Bennett
Leslie James Bennett

Lorimer Burnett Shilson
Lorimer Burnett Shilson

Arthur Henry Day
Arthur Henry Day

Glen Percy Sutherland
Glen Percy Sutherland

Cecil Roy Durston
Cecil Roy Durston

Roy Joseph Matas
Roy Joseph Matas

Edward Lawrence Reynolds
Edward Lawrence Reynolds

Aidan Hamilton Conklin
Aidan Hamilton Conklin



Secretaries / Executive Directors

John Thomas Haig
John Thomas Haig (1907-1913)

Hugh Walter Cox-Smith
Hugh Walter Cox-Smith

Robert Love
Robert Love

Bethel Harold Stinson
Bethel Harold Stinson

Gail Godfrey
Elva Bell

Gail Godfrey
Nina Antoinnette Yaremovich Partrick

Gail Godfrey
Gail Godfrey

Gail Godfrey
Dona Richter

Alexander C. Anderson
Alexander C. “Sandy” Anderson

Norman G. Harvey
Norman Gilbert “Norm” Harvey


Jerry MacNeil
Jerry MacNeil

Carolyn Duhamel
Carolyn Duhamel

Nathanael Joshua Watt
Nathanael Joshua “Josh” Watt




See also:

Manitoba Organization: Manitoba Educational Association

Manitoba Organization: Manitoba Teachers’ Society

Manitoba Women Trustees, Manitoba School Boards Association.

50th Convention Anniversary Slide Show, Manitoba School Boards Association.


“Government aid for rural schools is urged by Beck,” Winnipeg Tribune, 14 January 1941, page 13.

“School Board notes,” Selkirk Enterprise, 23 October 1952, page 1.

“Minister predicts school aid increase,” Brandon Sun, 24 November 1959, page 3.

“Trustee groups here vote to amalgamate, to set up new body,” Winnipeg Free Press, 19 June 1965, page 118.

History of the Manitoba School Boards Association.

We thank Karen Harrington and Joshua Watt for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 7 January 2025