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Located at Whitemouth, in the Rural Municipality of Whitemouth, this collegiate was designed by the architectural firm of Zunic and Sobkowich and built by Winnipeg-based Louis Ducharme and Associates in 1961. The facility originally had seven classrooms, a library, commercial room, science lab, and auditorium, along with separate quarters for staff, including teachers, principal, nurse, and janitor, and additional space for a kitchen, utilities, and storage. It was officially opened as part of the Agassiz School Division on 15 September 1961.
In 1971, the building was significantly expanded and notable alterations to the existing structure were made based on designs of Ward Macdonald Cockburn McLeod McFeetors Architects. All remaining classroom capacity at Whitemouth Elementary was then relocated here and local K-12 education was unified under the Whitemouth School name at this site, which was officially re-opened on 17 December 1971.
Donald S. Smith
Alexander John Shewchuk (1933-2015)
Before 1961
Nicholas Andrusko (grade 9), John Smith Couling (grade 12), John Ronald Hattie (grade 11), Mary Ellen Molloy (grade 11), Demetrios Protopsaltis (grade 10), William John Schultz (grade 9), Alexander John Shewchuk (grade 10)
Nicholas Andrusko (grade 12), Benjamin Foreman (grade 11), John Ronald Hattie (grade 10), Mary Ellen Molloy (grade 9), Walter Alan Ennis Peterkin (grade 10), Claude Edison Ramcharan (grade 9), William John Schultz (grade 9), Alexander John Shewchuk (grade 11)
Nicholas Andrusko (grade 10), James Bevington-Wolfe (grade 11), Benjamin Foreman (grade 11), John Ronald Hattie (grade 11), Mary Ellen Molloy (grade 9), John Daniel Runke (grade 10), Jack Segal (grade 9), Elsie Lee Shewchuk (grade 9)
Nicholas Andrusko (grade 10), John Smith Couling (grade 11), John Ronald Hattie (grade 12), Mary Ellen Molloy (grade 9), James Bevington-Wolfe (grade 11), John Daniel Runke (grade 10), Jack Segal (grade 9), Elsie Lee Shewchuk (grade 9)
Marcel Boulet (grade 10), Edith Eleanor Doyle (grade 11), Garry Henry Doyle (grade 11), John Ronald Hattie (grade 12), Pamela Joanne Lorner (grade 9), Donald Henry Nichol (grade 9), Elsie Lee Shewchuk (grade 10)
Belva Jean Armstrong (grade 11), Glenn C. Butchart (grade 12), Hazel Dubek? (grade 9), John Ronald Hattie (grade 11), Valerie Clarice Mroz (grade 9), Donald Henry Nichol (grade 10), Clifford Eugenie Pirie (grade 12), Dennis Gordon Wazny (grade 10)
Belva Jean Armstrong (no grade), Dan F. Black (grade 11), Glenn C. Butchart (grade 12), Brian William Goodman (grade 10), John Ronald Hattie (grade 11), Irwin Horst Kujat (grade 12), James Michael Kulbaba (grade 9), Valerie Clarice Mroz (grade 10), Donald Henry Nichol (grade 9)
Brian William Goodwin? (grade 10), Belva Jean Armstrong Ferley (grade 11), John Ronald Hattie (grade 12), Christine Hnatiw (grade 11), Irwin Horst Kujat (grade 12), James Michael Kulbaba (grade 9), Nancy Barbara Moir (no grade), Donald Henry Nichol (grade 10), Jennie Mary Treytiak (grade 9)
Norman Chodirer (grade 10, September), Graham C. Eagleton (grade 9), Belva Jean Armstrong Ferley (grade 11), Frances Mary Gillespie (grade 12), Judith Ann Hamilton (commercial), John Ronald Hattie (grade 12), Robert Neil Keating (grade 10, September-June), James Michael Kulbaba (no grade), Thomas Clifford Miller (grade 9), William Nowosad (grade 10), Jennie Mary Treytiak (grade 11)
William Chochinov (no grade), Leslie H. Colmer (grade 11), Frances Mary Gillespie (grade 10), Judith Ann Hamilton (grade 12), John Ronald Hattie (grade 12), Carol Mae Lumgain (grade 10), Thomas Clifford Miller (grade 9), Valerie Clarice Mroz (grade 11), Donald Harry Nichol (grade 9), Irvin Roy Peters (grade 9)
Before 1971
Alexander John Shewchuk (1933-2015)
George Alexander Ferley (1942-2000)
Before 1971
Mary Lois Alpers (kindergarten), Roger Broekaert (grades 4-6 remedial), Herve Laurent Caron (grade 7), Joanne Elizabeth Clark (grade 4), William Chochinov (grade 10), Judy Colleen Cook (grade 1), Sandra Lea Finnie (grade 7), Vivian Jean Friedrick (grade 3), Carolyn V. Gabrielle (grade 5), Terence Alexies “Terry” Gabrielle (grade 8), Mary Frances Gillespie (grade 11), Robert David Goos (grade 9), Derek Allen Graham (grade 3), John Ronald Hattie (grade 12), Marlene Albertine Hutlet (grade 2), Edwin Nick Kohut (grade 4), Karen Louise Korlak (special education), Sherry Jane Lamont (grade 2), Beverley Anne Lovenuk (grade 1), Carol Mae Lumgain (grade 10), Tanis Margaret McDonald (grade 9), William Donald McDonald (physical education), Thomas Clifford Miller (librarian), Donald Harry Nichol (grade 12), Irvin Roy Peters (grade 9), Irene Victoria Plesh (grade 7), Lillian M. Rodgers (grade 6), Donna Mae Shedbolt (grade 6), Ray Alexander Steinhoff (grade 8), Darlene Janice Storsley (grade 11), John Mark Zebrun (grade 5)
Mary Lois Alpers (kindergarten), Roger Broekaert (grades 7-8 remedial), Herve Laurent Caron (grade 7), William Chochinov (grade 10 & guidance councillor), Joanne Elizabeth Clark (grade 4), Sandra Lea Finnie (grade 1), Carolyn V. Gabrielle (grade 5), Terence Alexies “Terry” Gabrielle (grade 7), Mary Frances Gillespie (grade 11), Jacqueline France Grace (special education; educatable mentally handicapped), Derek Allen Graham (grade 3), John Ronald Hattie (grade 12), Zora Virginia Henderson (grade 5), Marlene Albertine Hutlet (grade 2), Wanda Dale Kennedy (grade 10), Edwin Nick Kohut (grade 4), Karen Louise Korlak (grade 1), Beverley Anne Lovenuk (grade 3), Carol Mae Lumgain (grade 9), Tanis Margaret McDonald (grade 11), William Donald McDonald (physical education), Thomas Clifford Miller (librarian), Donald Harry Nichol (grade 9), Sherry Jane Lamont Perkins (grade 2), Irene Victoria Plesh (grade 7), Lillian M. Rodgers (grade 6), Elizabeth Ann Sheldon (grade 12), Elsie Lee Shewchuk (resource), Ray Alexander Steinhoff (grade 8), John Mark Zebrun (grade 5)
Whitemouth Collegiate (circa November 1967)
Source: Archives of Manitoba, Manitoba Local Government Boundaries Commission,
File 116B - Whitemouth Collegiate.
Aerial view of Whitemouth Collegiate (August 2023)
Source: George PennerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.95572, W95.97589
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Manitoba Business: Zunic and Sobkowich
Memorable Manitobans: Jean-Louis Ducharme (1909-1970)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Whitemouth School / Whitemouth Elementary (Whitemouth, RM of Whitemouth)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Whitemouth Lake School No. 1672 (RM of Piney)
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
“Whitemouth Collegiate official opening Friday,” Springfield Leader, 12 September 1961, page 1.
Schools in Manitoba - Volume 2, Whitemouth Elementary - File 116B, Local Government Boundaries Commission, March 1968, Archives of Manitoba.
“Tender notice - Whitemouth School,” Winnipeg Free Press, 11 March 1971, page 71.
“Whitemouth news,” Steinbach Carillon, 8 December 1971, page 2.
“Whitemouth School opening,” Springfield Leader, 21 December 1971, page 90.
“Elma news [I regret to report that our assistant principal George Ferley ...],” Steinbach Carillon, 26 June 1974, page 23.
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
We thank George Penner for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 20 July 2024
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