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Designed by local architect J. B. Mitchell, a cornerstone was laid on 10 September 1904 by Jacob Herbert Dulmadge, Chairman of the school management committee, using an engraved silver trowel. Inside the cornerstone was a box containing statements of the building contract prices along with copies of the latest Public Schools’ Act, Annual Report of the Department of Education, Annual Report of Winnipeg School Board, plans and specification for rural schools, program of studies, regulations for religious exercises in public schools, a photograph of Lord Strathcona, an assortment of silver Canadian coins and local Winnipeg newspapers, and a list of prominent federal, provincial, municipal, and school officials.
Built on McGregor Street between Burrows and Alfred avenues, the school opened for classes in March 1905. The three-storey brick structure had ten classrooms and an assembly hall. By 1911, the school was sufficiently overcrowded that a 13-room extension was added to it. After serving the community for nearly 60 years, the building was demolished in 1963-1964, replaced by a structure designed by architect William Isaac “Bill” Enns and opened in 1962.
William James Sisler (1868-1956)
Joseph Marshall (1876-1959)
Verne Henry Essery (1887-1973)
Arthur Foster Brown (1900-1996)
Robert Hugh Wellwood (1901-1983)
Wilfred Gilbert Pearce (1893-1975)
Alexander Noble (1913-1971)
Ernest William Nemish (1913-2002)
Harold Bernard
William B. “Bill” Hinther
Neil McAlpine
Garth German
Anatasia Sych-Yereniuk
Susan Darazsi
School Year
Miss Acheson, Miss C. Barbour, Miss M. Cameron, Miss A. M. Cole, Miss E. McCallum, Miss O. McLean, Miss E. Moore
Miss R. Cruikshanks, Miss H. D. Forrest, Miss E. I. Gillespie, Miss A. Graham, Miss R. McDonald, Miss O. McLean, Miss H. V. Reed, Edna Irene Talbot
Miss J. M. Booth, Miss M. Bradshaw, Miss O. Christie, Miss W. Copus, Miss E. I. Gillespie, Miss N. Houlding, Miss E. McDonald, Miss Olive McLean, Miss E. Peddar, Miss M. Platt, Miss W. M. Reid, Miss F. Russell, Edna Irene Talbot
Miss D. Bliss, Miss J. M. Booth, Miss M. S. Christie, Miss A. W. Copus, Miss R. Cruikshanks, Miss E. I. Gillespie, Ethel Irwin, Miss E. McDonald, Miss Alice McLean, Miss O. McLean
Miss Blanchard, Miss D. Bliss, Miss M. S. Christie, Miss R. Cruikshank, Miss E. I. Gillespie, Miss E. McDonald, Miss O. McLean, Miss C. L. Sutherland, Miss E. Talbot, Miss E. Watt
Miss Asselstine, Miss Blanchard, Miss Blanchard (kindergarten), Miss Christie, Miss Cruickshank, Miss Denby, Miss Dumeresq, Miss Emily Fabian, Miss Ethel S. Gillespie, Miss Christine Graham, Miss McAuley, Miss McDonald, Miss McDougall, Miss M. McKeague, Miss O. McLean, Miss Sutherland, Miss Watt, Miss Williston
Miss L. V. Asselstine, Miss E. L. Blanchard, Miss E. M. Blanchard, Miss E. Brownell, Miss M. S. Christie, Miss Alice Cuthbert, Miss L. Dumaresq, Miss Emily Fabian, Miss E. I. Gillespie, Miss C. Graham, Miss Mary Kenny, Miss E. MacDougall, Miss E. MacDonald, Miss O. McLean, Miss E. E. McQueen, Miss M. McWilliams, Lizzie Redman, Miss R. M. Simpson, Miss K. W. Smith, Miss Gladys Strum, Miss C. L. Sutherland, Miss E. Watts, Miss C. Williston
Miss M. Barken, Miss E. L. Blanchard, Miss E. M. Blanchard, Miss E. Brownell, Miss M. Christie, Miss O. Coutanche, Miss L. Dumaresq, Miss E. Gillespie, Miss C. Graham, Miss C. Lipschitz, Miss G. Lush, Miss E. Macdonald, Miss E. Macdougall, Miss O. MacLean, Miss J. B. Manchester, Miss E. E. McQueen, Miss M. Neil, Lizzie Redman, Miss Della Riddell, Miss K. Smith, Miss R. C. Sokolofski, Miss C. Sutherland, Miss E. Talbot, Miss E. Watt, Miss C. Williston
R. Atkinson, M. Barker, M. C. Christie, O. Coutanche, L. Dumaresque, E. Gill, E. G. Gillespie, C. Graham, Jonina Johnson, G. Lush, E. MacDonald, E. MacDougall, E. MacQueen, M. McIntyre, E. Morrison, M. I. Morrow, N. Moyle, M. Neil, D. Riddle, K. Smith, E. Talbot, E. Watts, C. Williston
M. K. Anderson, Miss Constance Aaron, M. E. Barker, M. S. Christie, E. J. Drever, L. Dumaresq, E. Gill, E. Gillespie, C. Graham, J. Johnson, E. Macdonald, E. McDouglass, E. E. McQueen, E. Morrison, M. J. Morrow, H. A. Neil, D. M. Riddle, K. W. Smith, D. Tysoe, C. Williston, I. Wallace
M. E. Barker, E. Beath, M. S. Christie, E. Drever, E. I. Gillespie, C. Graham, J. S. Johnson, E. MacDonald, S. K. Maguire, E. McDougall, McKenzie, E. E. McQueen, E. M. Morrison, M. Morrow, M. Neil, H. Perrin, C. Pickering, D. K. Riddle, B. Stovel, Helen Tracy, I. J. Wallace, C. Williston, H. S. Wilson
M. E. Barker, A. C. Blackhall, M. S. Christie, E. J. Drever, J. Emes, E. I. Gillespie, R. Gourvitch, C. Graham, A. Jackson, J. S. Johnson, E. E. Kemp, E. Macdonald, S. K. Maguire, E. M. Morrison, M. Morrow, M. A. Neil, H. Perrin, C. Pickering, J. M. Riddeil, M. P. Sharpe, Charlotte Smith, G. Stevenson, H. M. Tracey, C. Williston
M. I. Baird, A. Blackhall, M. E. Barker, M. S. Christie, E. Drever, E. I. Gillespie, C. Graham, J. S. Johnson, E. E. Kemp, M. Koreska, M. H. Leonard, M. Morrow, E. McDonald, M. Neil, O. Osowsky, J. M. Riddell, G. Stevenson, Charlotte Smith, M. P. Sharp, M. Swalwell, H. M. Tracey, I. Wallace, C. Williston
J. Acheson, M. Baird, M. E. Baker, E. Beairsto, M. Byers, F. Costell, T. Coulthard, E. J. Drever, B. Duncan, A. Frawley, E. Gillespie, C. Graham, M. Herbert, F. Lipsett, E. Macdonald, M. McGregor, M. Morrow, M. Neil, J. Osoksky, S. Papiernick, J. Riddell, Thirza Smith, M. Strang, C. Williston, V. Williston
J. Aitcheson, M. E. Allen, M. E. Barker, F. Costell, T. M. Coulthard, A. Frawley, C. Graham, A. M. Kerr, M. Koreska, J. H. Machan, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. G. McMillan, J. Osowsky, S. Papiernick, M. M. Reddon, J. Riddell, L. Smith, M. I. Smith, T. Smith, M. Strang, E. P. Wallace, E. M. Willcock, V. Williston
J. Acheson, M. E. Allen, M. E. Barker, J. Connaghan, T. M. Coulthard, M. Dagg, A. Frawley, A. M. Kerr, M. Koreska, J. M. Machan, E. S. McCuaig, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, L. McRobert, F. Miller, J. Osowsky, S. Papiernick, W. Puttee, J. Riddell, M. I. Smith, M. Strang, E. P. Wallace, V. Williston
J. Aitcheson, M. E. Allen, M. Barker, J. Connoghan, F. Costell, T. Coulthard, M. Dagg, E. Edwards, A. Frawley, M. Koreska, J. M. Machan, S. McCuaig, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, L. McRobert, F. Miller, W. Puttee, J. Riddell, G. M. Robertson, M. I. Smith, M. Strang, A. Tonkin, E. P. Wallace
J. Aitcheson, M. E. Allen, J. M. Campbell, J. Connoghan, T. M. Coulthard, M. Dagg, E. L. Edwards, A. Frawley, M. Koreska, J. Machan, S. E. McCuaig, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. Perkins, W. M. Puttee, W. M. Reinhardt, J. M. Riddle, G. M. Robinson, M. I. Smith, R. Stoller, E. J. Sullivan, R. F. Tyndall, E. P. Wallace, E. G. White, V. Williston
E. Abra, J. Aitcheson, J. M. Campbell, J. Connoghan, T. M. Coulthard, M. Dagg, E. L. Edwards, A. Frawley, M. Koreska, J. M. Machan, L. McClure, S. E. McCuaig, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, O. Perch, M. Perkins, J. M. Riddle, G. M. Robertson, M. I. Smith, R. Stoller, E. J. Sullivan, E G. Whyte, V. Williston
E. Abra, J. Aitcheson, J. M. Campbell, T. M. Coulthard, M. Dagg, J. Dixon, E. L. Edwards, A. Frawley, M. Koreska, L. McClure, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyae, S. Papiernick, O. Perch, M. Perkins, G. M. Robertson, M. I. Smith, R. Stoller, E. J. Sullivan, E. G. Whyte, V. Williston
E. Abra, B. Abraham, J. Aitcheson, M. Dagg, A. Frawley, M. Koreska, E. Macdonald, L. McClure, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, O. Perch, S. Papiernick, M. Perkins, G. M. Robertson, M. I. Smith, R. Stoller, E. J. Sullivan, E. G. Whyte, V. Williston
E. Abra, B. Abraham, J. Aitcheson, J. M. Campbell, M. Dagg, A. Frawley, A. Golocoff, M. Koreska, L. McClure, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, S. Papiernick, O. Perch, M. Perkins, M. I. Smith, R. Stoller, E. G. Whyte, V. Williston
Elementary department: E. Abra, J. Aitcheson, T. M. Coulthard, M. Dagg, A. Frawley, A. Golosoff, Olga Lesik, H. Littleword, L. McClure, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, S. Papiernik, M. Perkins, M. I. Smith, R. Stroller, E. G. Whyte, V. Williston, G. Wiltshire. Junior high department: J. M. Campbell, M. Koreska
Elementary department: E. Abra, J. Aitcheson, M. Dagg, A. Frawley, A. Golosoff, H. Littlewood, M. McClure, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, S. Papiernik, M. Perkins, A. M. Rothwell, M. I. Smith, R. Stoller, E. G. Whyte, V. Williston. Junior high department: J. M. Campbell, M. Koreska
Elementary department: E. Abra, N. Dagg, A. Frawley, A. Golosoff, E. Macdonald, L. M. Mason, B. McEachran, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, S. Papernick, M. Perkins, J. B. Ritcheson, Elva Jane Robertson, A. M. Rothwell, R. Stoller, M. I. Smith, E. Whyte, V. Williston. Intermediate department: J. M. Campbell, M. Koreska
Elementary department: E. Abra, M. Dagg, A. Frawley, A. Golosoff, E. Macdonald, B. R. McEachran, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, M. Perkins, S. Papiernik, Elva Jane Robertson, A. M. Rothwell, M. I. Smith, R. Stoller, E. Whyte, V. Williston. Junior high department: J. M. Campbell
E. Abra, A. Frawley, M. Larey, E. Macdonald, B. McEachran, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, S. Papiernik, M. Perkins, A. M. Rothwell, M. I. Smith, R. Stoller, K. Utting, E. Whyte, V. Williston
E. Abra, Eva Calverley, A. Frawley, M. Lurey, E. Macdonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, S. Papiernik, M. Perkins, M. Prygrocki, A. M. Rothwell, A. Segall, M. Smith, V. Williston
M. E. Abra, Eva Calverley, A. Frawley, E. Macdonald, R. McGregor, M. Moyse, S. Papiernick, M. Perkins, M. M. Prygrocki, Elva Jane Robertson, A. M. Rothwell, M. I. Smith, A. Segall, V. Williston
Ethel Bendit, Eva Calverley, J. B. Chambers, A. Frawley, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, M. Perkins, A. M. Rothwell, Elva Jane Robertson, A. Segall, M. I. Smith, V. Williston. Manual training: W. A. McDill
Miss Laura J. Brander, Eva Calverley, J. B. Chambers, A. Frawley, M. E. Little, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, M. Perkins, M. Prygrocki, Elva Jane Robertson, A. M. Rothwell, A. Segal, M. I. Smith, V. Williston
Miss Laura J. Brander, Eva Calverley, J. B. Chambers, M. Prygrocki, M. Little, E. Macdonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, M. Norman, M. Perkins, N. Petrie, A. M. Rothwell, Elva Jane Robertson, A. Segal, M. Smith, V. Williston. Manual training: J. W. Simpson
Miss Laura J. Brander, Eva Calverley, J. B. Chambers, E. McDonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, M. A. Norman, M. Perkins, N. Petrie, Elva Jane Robertson, A. M. Rothwell, M. I. Smith, S. Udin, V. Williston. Industrial arts: J. W. Simpson
Elementary department: Miss Laura J. Brander, E. G. Blakely, Eva Calverley, J. B. Chambers, E. Macdonald, M. McGregor, M. Moyse, M. A. Norman, N. Petrie, A. M. Rothwell, M. I. Smith, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, Elva Jane Robertson, R. D. Wilson
Elementary department: R. Altman, E. Blakely, Miss Laura J. Brander, Eva Calverley, J. Chambers, B. Finch, E. Macdonald, M. Moyse, M. A. Norman, R. O’Neill, M. Petrie, M. Ritchie, Sybil Francis Shack, M. Smith, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, Elva Jane Robertson, R. D. Wilson
Elementary department: R. Altman, Miss Laura J. Brander, Eva Calverley, J. B. Chambers, B. Finch, E. Macdonald, M. Moyse, M. A. Norman, M. Petrie, M. A. Ritchie, A. M. Rothwell, M. I. Smith, A. Sonley, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, Elva Jane Robertson, H. L. Dyke, M. Yeates (exchange). Industrial arts: J. Burnside, P. Humeniuk, J. Kereluk
Elementary department: C. Andrywich, Miss Laura J. Brander, B. Finch, J. Goodridge, E. Innes, H. Kelly, E. Lennox, L. Macdonald, N. Peterson, N. Petrie, M. A. Ritchie, I. Smith, M. Stevens, Ruth Tallin, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, H. L. Dyke, V. Jacquet, K. Kereluk, Neil Murray McIvor, Elva Jane Robertson, M. Yeates
Elementary department: C. Andrywich, Miss Laura J. Brander, B. Finch, Muriel Jean Gass, E. Innes, D. Lamb, E. Lennox, C. M. Martin, M. McIntyre, P. Ozarko, N. Peterson, M. A. Ritchie, M. Smith, M. O. Stephens, A. Zabulniak, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, H. L. Dyke, T. Emerson, V. E. Jacquet, J. Kereluk, Neil Murray McIvor, G. Tully
Elementary department: C. Andrywich, Miss Laura J. Brander, Muriel Jean Gass, E. Innes, M. C. Johnstone, E. Lennox, Charles Vincent “Vince” Madder, C. Martin, M. McIntyre, A. Nedotafka, P. Ozarko, M. Stevens, B. Wright, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, L. Dyke, E. E. Erhart, B. Finch, V. Jaquet, J. Kereluk, Neil Murray McIvor, M. Ritchie, G. Tully
Elementary department: Miss Laura J. Brander, Miss W. Cook, Muriel Jean Gass, Mrs. Haydey, Mrs. E. Innes, Miss E. Lennox, Miss M. E. McIntyre, Miss A. Nedotafka, Miss P. Ozarko, Miss M. Stevens, Miss K. Unruh, Mrs. B. Wright, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, Mrs. L. Dyke, E. Erhart, Mrs. B. Finch, V. Jaquet, Charles Vincent “Vince” Madder, Neil Murray McIvor, Miss M. Ritchie, G. Gully
Elementary department: Miss Laura J. Brander, Miss W. Cook, Muriel Jean Gass, Mrs. C. Haydey, Mrs. E. Innes, Miss E. Lennox, Miss M. McIntyre, Miss A. Nedotofka, Miss M. Stevens, Miss B. Sveinson, Miss K. Unruh, Mrs. B. Wright, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, E. Erhart, Mrs. B. Finch, V. Jaquet, Charles Vincent “Vince” Madder, Neil Murray McIvor, Francis O. Norman, Miss M. Ritchie, G. Tully
Elementary department: Miss Laura J. Brander, Miss W. Cook, Muriel Jean Gass, Mrs. C. Haydey, Mrs. E. Innes, Miss E. Lennox, Miss M. McIntyre, Miss A. Nedotafko, Miss M. Stevens, Miss V. Sveinson, Miss K. Unruh, Mrs. B. Wright, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, E. Erhart, Mrs. B. Finch, V. Jaquet, Charles Vincent “Vince” Madder, Neil Murray McIvor, Francis O. Norman, Miss M. Ritchie, G. Tully
Elementary department: Miss C. M. Bond, Miss W. Cook, Muriel Jean Gass, Mrs. C. Haydey, Miss J. T. Law, Miss E. Lennox, Miss M. McIntyre, Miss A. Nedotafko, Miss M. Stevens, Miss B. Sveinson, Miss K. Unruh, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: J. Burnside, Mrs. B. Finch, V. Jaquet, R. B. Keynes, Charles Vincent “Vince” Madder, Neil Murray McIvor, Francis O. Norman, Miss M. Ritchie, G. Tully, Miss B. Vandersteen
Elementary department: Miss C. Bond, Miss W. Cook, Muriel Jean Gass, Miss J. Hetherington, Miss A. Labossiere, Miss E. Lennox, Miss M. McIntyre, Mrs. B. Moore, Miss A. Nedotafko, Miss M. Stevens, Miss K. Unruh, Helen Zado. Intermediate department: Miss E. A. Broadhurst, Mrs. B. Finch, Charles Vincent “Vince” Madder, Sydney Perlmutter, Arthur Milford Preston, G. Tully, Miss B. Vandersteen, M. S. Vaughan, H. W. Walker
Elementary department: Miss C. Bond, Miss W. Cook, Miss M. J. Craik, Mrs. E. Epp, Muriel Jean Gass, Mrs. J. Gislason, Miss O. Hrycyna, Miss A. Labossiere, Miss E. Lennox, Miss M. McIntyre, Miss A. Nedatafko, Miss H. Peters, H. L. Sutton, Miss K. Unruh. Intermediate department: H. Kreel, Charles Vincent “Vince” Madder, F. Martin, R. Rolston, J. Rosenthal
Elementary department: Miss M. Clarke, Miss M. J. Craik, Miss D. Dolski, Mrs. E. Epp, Mrs. J. Gislason, Miss O. Hrycyna, Miss A. Labossiere, Miss H. M. Leckie, Miss M. E. Lennox, Miss M. E. McIntyre, Charles Vincent “Vince” Madder, H. Sutton, Miss K. Unruh, Mrs. H. Wiebe. Intermediate department: H. Kreel, F. Martin, T. Rolston, J. Rosenthal, J. A. Zuzanski
Elementary department: Miss M. Bunting, Miss J. Craik, Mrs. L. Drysdale, Miss D. Dolski, Mrs. E. Epps, Mrs. J. Gislason, Miss O. Hrycyna, Miss A. L. Labossiere, Mrs. E. G. Leggatt, Miss H. Lecki, Mrs. F. Milne, Mrs. M. Monkman, Miss D. Stanish, P. Tymos, Miss K. Unruh. Intermediate department: H. Kreel, F. Martin, Dennis Nazeravich, T. Rolston, J. A. Zuzanski
Elementary department: Miss M. Bunting, Mrs. J. Craik, Miss J. E. Dickson, Miss D. Dolski, Mrs. E. Epp, Miss R. Gaffray, Miss O. Hrycyna, Mrs. L. Johnson, Miss A. Labossiere, Mrs. G. E. Leggatt, Miss C. Leibold, Mrs. M. A. Monkman, Miss D. Neske, Miss D. Reimer, Miss D. Stanish, Mr. P. Tymos. Intermediate department: Mr. F. Martin, Dennis Nazeravich, Mr. J. A. Zuzanski
Elementary department: Miss M. Bunting, Miss J. Dickson, Miss D. Dolski, Mrs. E. Epps, Miss R. Gaffray, Miss B. Hornbuckle, Miss O. Hrycyna, Mrs. L. Johnston, Mrs. G. Joseph, Miss A. Labossiere, Mrs. E. G. Leggatt, Mrs. M. A. Monkman, Miss D. Neske, Mrs. I. Randle, Miss D. Stanish, P. Tymos, Miss J. Westberg. Intermediate department: J. Lockett, F. D. Martin, Dennis Nazeravich, F. Peters, H. Unruh
Elementary department: Miss V. Bell, Miss M. Bunting, Miss J. Dickson, Mrs. S. Devenish, Mrs. S. Halpapa, Miss D. Howard, Mrs. G. Joseph, Mrs. E. G. Leggatt, R. Lund, Miss H. Pokrant, Miss N. Pankratz, Mrs. I. M. Paradis, Mrs. G. Peterson, Mrs. I. Randie, Miss D. Stanish, Mrs. O. Trosky, Miss J. Zegil. Intermediate department: J. Lockett, F. D. Martin, Dennis Nazeravich, H. Unruh
Elementary department: Mrs. L. Barsalou, Miss V. Bell, J. Bodnaruk, Mrs. S. Devenish, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. G. Joseph, Mrs. G. Leggatt, R. Luch, Mrs. M. McKerchar, Mrs. I. Paradis, Mrs. G. Peterson, Mrs. H. M. Randle, Miss J. Shimonek, Mrs. O. Trosky, Miss H. Unrau, Mrs. D. Warylenko. Intermediate department: A. Dyck, F. Martin, Dennis Nazeravich, H. Unruh
Elementary department: Miss B. Ball, Miss M. V. Bell, L. Braun, Mrs. S. Devenish, Miss M. Higginson, Mrs. G. Joseph, Mrs. G. Leggatt, R. Luch, Mrs. M. McKerchar, Miss M. Milne, Mrs. M. N?, Mrs. I. Paradis, Mrs. G. Peterson, Miss F. Russell, Miss C. Tellier, Miss A. V. Unger, Miss H. Unrau, Mrs. D. Wasylenko. Intermediate department: A. Dyck, Dennis Nazeravich, W. Vandenberg, B. Webster
Miss V. Bell, L. Braun, Mrs. M. Hall, Mrs. B. James, Mrs. F. Jonasson, Mrs. G. Joseph, Miss P. Keillor, Mrs. G. Leggatt, Mrs. A. Lohrenz, R. Luch, Miss M. Mann, Mrs. M. McKerchar, Miss M. Milne, Mrs. G. Peterson, Mrs. M. Spring, Miss C. Tellier, Miss V. Unger, Miss H. Unrau, Miss M. Widlake, Mrs. E. Zetaruk
Miss L. Baron, Miss V. Bell, Miss C. Carstens, Mrs. S. Dancho, Miss M. W. Hamilton, Mrs. F. Jonasson, Miss K. Klassen, Mrs. G. Leggatt, R. Luch, Miss M. Marin, Miss I. Meder, D. Penner, Mrs. G. Peterson, Miss H. Schmidt, Miss C. Sokolski, Mrs. M. Spring, Mrs. I. Tashe, Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. M. Varebo, Miss M. Wiens, Mrs. F. Yanick
Miss L. Baron, Miss V. Bell, Miss C. Carstens, Mrs. S. Dancho, Miss E. M. Greer, Miss M. Hamilton, Mrs. R. Kahana, Miss G. Kasperski, Miss K. Klassen, R. Luch, Miss M. Mann, Miss S. Masterman, Miss M. Meder, D. Penner, Mrs. G. Rowes, Miss C. Sokolski, Mrs. M. Spring, Mrs. I. Tashe, Mrs. N. Vanebo, Miss P. Vassart, Mrs. F. Yanick
Miss L. Baron, Miss V. Bell, Miss C. Carstens, Mrs. S. Dancho, Miss M. Greer, Mrs. R. Kahana, Miss G. Kasperski, Miss K. Klassen, Miss U. Koenig, R. Luch, Miss M. Mann, Miss S. Masterman, Miss I. Meder, Mrs. M. Pauls, D. Penner, Mrs. G. Rowes, Miss D. Scobie, Miss C. Sokolski, Mrs. M. Spring, Mrs. I. Tashe, Miss D. Wilson
Strathcona School (1905)
Source: Winnipeg School Board, Annual Report 1905, Legislative Library of Manitoba.
Strathcona School (no date)
Source: Winnipeg School Division
Postcard view of Strathcona School (no date)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough, 2014-0039
Strathcona School (early 1960s)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.92025, W97.14709
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
W. J. Sisler - A Great Canadian by Harry Shave
Manitoba Pageant, Volume 11, Number 2, Winter 1966Memorable Manitobans: William Isaac “Bill” Enns (1923-2006)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Strathcona School No. 1019 (Municipality of Gilbert Plains)
“Corner stone of new school laid,” Winnipeg Tribune, 12 September 1904, page 2.
“Assignment of Winnipeg teachers,” Manitoba Free Press, 2 September 1905.
“Changes in city schools,” Manitoba Free Press, 31 August 1907.
“Re-opening of schools,” Winnipeg Tribune, 29 August 1908, page 1.
“Teachers named for all schools,” Winnipeg Tribune, 3 September 1910, page 3.
“Assignment of teachers for Winnipeg Schools which open on Sept. 15,” Winnipeg Tribune, 1 September 1911, page 9.
“City schools staff assembling in Sept.,” Winnipeg Tribune, 29 August 1912, page 8.
“Opening of the Winnipeg public schools has been set for Monday next,” Winnipeg Tribune, 14 August 1913, pages 1 and 2.
“Here’s your teacher!” Winnipeg Tribune, 21 August 1914, page 6.
“School Board assigns teachers,” Winnipeg Tribune, 20 August 1915, page 9.
“Reduce staff of teachers at high schools Monday,” Winnipeg Tribune, 18 August 1916, pages 1 & 12.
“Boundaries of schools are named,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 24 August 1917, page 9.
“Complete plans to open schools Tuesday for 30,000 children,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 30 August 1918, page 14.
“Teachers are selected for various grades,” Winnipeg Tribune, 29 August 1919, page 3.
“Winnipeg schools, No. 17—Strathcona,” Manitoba Free Press, 3 November 1922, page 3.
“Strathcona School a pioneer in teaching immigrants” by Claire Tisdale, Winnipeg Free Press, 3 February 1949.
Death registration [Laura Jane Eisenhuth Brander], British Columbia Vital Statistics.
Obituary [Helen Zado], Winnipeg Free Press, 6 October 1961.
Winnipeg School Division: Celebrating One Hundred Fifty Years, 1871-2021 by Winnipeg School Division, 2021.
We thank the Winnipeg School Division for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 5 February 2025
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