The Leeland School District was established formally in April 1911, and a school building was erected three years later, in the northeast quarter of 11-22-1W, in the Rural Municipality of Fisher. It operated until April 1967. The school is still standing as of 2021 and has been used as a granary.
The teachers at Leeland School included: R. Chekaluk (1915-1916), J. E. Schmidt (1916-1917), Michael Kordash (1917-1918), M. J. Chropiak (1918-1919), M. D. Huley (1918-1919), J. J. Hawryluk (1919-1921), J. P. Hawryluk (1919-1920), Jacob J. Lysecki (1920-1921), M. D. Senassen (1920-1921), Thomas Petty (1921-1922), Clarence W. Fines (1921-1922), Walter Alexander Kostiuk (1922-1923), Johon Doroschuk (1923-1924), Margaret McGrath (1924-1925), B. E. Trottier (1924-1925), Mildred Shatsky (1925-1926), Sylvia Coleman (1925-1926), Nichlas Punak (1926-1929), Annie Punak (1926-1929), Jean Holms (1929-1930), Laura Lavalle (1929-1930), Leo J. Lubiniecki (1929-1930), Helen Lubiniecki (1929-1930), Laura Miller Connar (1929-1930), J. H. Hawryliuk (1930-1931), M. G. Wawrykow (1930-1931), William John Prociuk (1931-1932), Gregory Marko (1931-1932), Mary Chimchak (1933-1934), William Chimchak (1933-1937), Adam William Muzychuk (1934-1935), William Hunkewich (1934-1935), Olga (Chorneyko) Chimchak (1935-1937), Margaret Strong (1937-1938), Mary Chreptyk (1938-1940), Annie Wach (1938-1940), Mary Chreptyk (1940-1942), Peter Drabik (1941-1943), Mary Michalchuk (1943-1944), Helen Klowak (1944-1950), Lawrence Suchar (1950-1951), Leon Michalchuk (1950-1952), Francis Tkach (1952-1953), John Oberton (1953-1954), George Lysak (1954-1955), Anne Chudy (1955-1962), Donald White (1962-1964), Eileen Osnach (1964-1965), and Ronald Sumka (1965-1967).
Leeland School (no date) by M. Hall-Jones
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-2, page 138.
Leeland School grounds (circa 1927)
Source: Education Department Report, 1927, Manitoba Legislative Library.
Leeland School teacherage (no date) by M. Hall-Jones
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-2, page 138.
Former Leeland School building (May 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Former Leeland School building (June 2021)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Former Leeland School building (June 2021)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Interior of the former Leeland School building (May 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Leeland School commemorative monument (May 2011)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.88913, W97.49763
denoted by symbol on the map above
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
The Poplarfield and District Millennium Album, 1900-2000 by Ed Ledohowski, 2000.
We thank Rose Kuzina and Nathan Kramer for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 2 December 2024
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