Historic Sites of Manitoba: Dufferin Monument (Legislative Building, Winnipeg)

The Earl of Dufferin (1826-1902), Governor-General of Canada from 1872 to 1878, the first Vice-Regal Representative to visit Manitoba. In an address at Winnipeg’s City Hall in 1877, he referred to Manitoba as “the keystone of that mighty arch of sister provinces which spans Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific”. From this phrase has developed the term “Manitoba, the keystone province.” This statue is mounted on the west side of the Legislative Building, facing Osborne Street.

A plaque at the base of the monument was affixed in 1958 by the Historic Sites Advisory Board of Manitoba.

Dufferin Monument

Dufferin Monument (May 2010)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough

Dufferin Monument

Dufferin Monument (October 2021)
Source: George Penner

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.88429, W97.14729
denoted by symbol on the map above

See also:

Lord Dufferin’s Speech in Winnipeg, 1877
Manitoba Pageant, Volume 11, Number 2, Winter 1966

Lord Dufferin by Ross Mitchell
Manitoba Pageant, Volume 11, Number 2, Winter 1966

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Manitoba Legislative Building (450 Broadway, Winnipeg)

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Dufferin Monument (Legislative Building, Winnipeg)

Historic Sites of Manitoba: La Verendrye Monument (Legislative Building, Winnipeg)

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Wolfe Monument (Legislative Building, Winnipeg)

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Selkirk Monument (Legislative Building, Winnipeg)


We thank George Penner for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 20 May 2024

Historic Sites of Manitoba

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