Prairie History: Number 6, Fall 2021

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Prairie History #6
Canada and the Call, 1914
by J. E. H. MacDonald (1873-1932)
Canadian War Museum, 19940018-001

This issue has been mailed to subscribers and is available for purchase.


“Colonialism,” Power, and the Hudson’s Bay Company
by Tolly Bradford

Feature Articles

Surveying Indigenous Spaces on the Canadian Prairies: The Case of William Wagner
by Karen Brglez

“Ottawa Might Take a Hand”: John Dafoe’s Correspondence with William Lyon Mackenzie King
by Nathan Dueck

Prairie Pageant

Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald's Design Commissions for First World War Rolls of Honour
by Michael Parke-Taylor

Who are the Prisoners Buried in Wascana Park?
by Kenton de Jong

Manitoba’s Viking Aesthetic: Two Cultural Artifacts in Gimli and the Connection to a Distant Past
by Andrew McGillivray

Cool Things in the Collection: Memories of Roy Brown and His Orchestra
by Eileen Trott

Edwin Clay Blair: Pioneering Prairie Photographer ... and Pornographer
by James Kostuchuk

Book Reviews

Alexander Freund, ed., Being German Canadian: History, Memory, Generations, Studies in Immigration and Culture 17, University of Manitoba Press, 2021
by Linda Dietrick

Donald B. Smith, Seen But Not Seen: Influential Canadians and the First Nations from the 1840s to Today, University of Toronto Press, 2021
by Kerry Abel

R. Cole Harris, A Bounded Land: Reflections on Settler Colonialism in Canada, UBC Press, Vancouver, 2021
by Keith T. Carlson

Benjamin Hoy, A Line of Blood and Dirt: Creating the Canada-United States Border Across Indigenous Lands, Oxford University Press, 2021
by Francis M. Carroll

Andrew John Woolford, Morgan Fontaine, and Theodore Fontaine, Did You See Us? Reunion, Remembrance, and Reclamation at an Urban Indian Residential School, University of Manitoba Press, 2021
by Anne Lindsay

Douglas R. Babcock with Michael Payne, Opponents and Neighbours: Fort George and Buckingham House and the Early Fur Trade on the North Saskatchewan River, 1792-1800, Alberta Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women, with The Friends of the Forts – Fort George and Buckingham House Society, 2020
by Scott P. Stephen

Jim Blanchard, Thinking Big: A History of the Winnipeg Business Community to the Second World War, Great Plains Publications, 2021
by Dale Barbour


Feminist Newsletters and the History of Women’s Labour Activism in Manitoba
by Hannah Guenther-Wexler and Julia Smith

Prairie Gazette

Lieutenant Governor's Awards for Historical Preservation and Promotion 2021
by Gordon Goldsborough

Archi10: A New Way to Showcase Heritage and the Built Environment
by Winnipeg Architecture Foundation

On the Path to Reconciliation
by Sheila Grover

Heritage News from the Republic of Manitobah
by James Kostuchuk

A Capital Idea?
by Bill Waiser

Margaret McWilliams Awards 2020
by Gordon Goldsborough

History City Hall Restored

Parks Canada Introduces National Urban Parks to the Prairies
by Greg Thomas

Page revised: 10 November 2022